3 More Days

3 More Days

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I gave up on this series after he was the best hitman in this entire universe but couldn't keep people from breaking into his house and killing his dog.

best hitman does not equal best house defender/dog protector. these are entirely different worlds

He was retired and let down his guard, a mistake he clearly never made again.

>house gets blown up

I really hope this doesn't end on more sequelbait.

So fucking hype.

It should have been one movie. Kill yourself reddit nigger.

I hope you and your disgusting cunt of a mother both get cancer.

do you think he survives?

One more week until the board is finally clear of GOT threads

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>John Wick and Godzilla 2 within the next two weeks
Good month lads

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wick 2 was faggot shit

teach me about guns Yea Forums. those little assault rifle looks cute.

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Kill yourself faggot scum

This, there was absolutely no need for more movies. The second one was ok but it felt a lot more like just another generic action movie.

the 2nd one was faggot shit.

Go to bed

stop being a gay cunt

>jw2 demystifies the impossible job he did

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Tomorrow for my country but only watching it on Sunday.

Gonna go watch it alone

i also wanted to see Brightburn but I'll guess I'll watch this kino first

Going on an early Monday morning