Irradiated Wasteland edition
Irradiated Wasteland edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Blowout soon fellow stalker.
rbmk reactors cannot explode
>you will never scuba dive into a radiation filled death trap with your comrades in order to save all of Europe
Why must life be so meaningless
what happened to hodor?
>Is another Yea Forums goes apeshit because there is a relevant woman in a show
And this is why you'll never going to lose your V-card Yea Forums.
Is it true there is a black doctor in episode 3?
Daily reminder that tripfags were right from the start and anglos need to apologize.
He actually survived in this timeline
It responds to every post though.
we'll let you know in a week
Alive irl.
Dead in the show it seems.
That woman saved humanity by pointing out the water was going to blow up half the country. Why are women so amazing at the nuclear?
ep 3 preview
he's the scientist romantic interest
If only we men were as smart and brave
gonna try to save this thread by posting intersting pictures from the zone
Ignore harder comrade
When's it up on streaming sites? I tried to watch the livestream but it kept stuttering
>watch episode
>its really fucking good
>Mary Sue is a little annoying but I understand why they did it, probably could have made it like three characters instead of one omniscient one but whatever doesn't detract from the story
>kino as fuck ending
>check Yea Forums
>everyone is throwing a god damn tantrum
Do you guys ever just enjoy shit?
Did you check HBO Now?
Why the fuck do redditfags just except this forced SJW shit and think it's ok?
So was it SJW the second episode
because scientists are smart
What do you expect from a board filled with incels and /pol/tards?
There is no truth to the idea that Russians do not like this or are forbidden from discussing it. There have been several Russians posting substantive comments to the contrary, including one who briefly described local media. Nevertheless these threads are targeted by ShareBlue anti-Russian shills who do not want to discuss the show and lie every time they post. Lately they've been sock puppeting and "talking to each other."
Protip: you can check previous threads and scroll up.
Take a joke. This show isn't perfect and that's ok. Don't get your anglo panties in a bunch.
Ignore the virgins.
The legal equality of women and men was established during the Bolshevik revolution in 1917. Lenin saw women as a force of labor, that had previously been untapped and encouraged women to partake in the communist revolution. He stated, “Petty housework crushes, strangles, stultifies and degrades [the woman], chains her to the kitchen and to the nursery, and wastes her labor on barbarously unproductive, petty, nerve-racking, stultifying and crushing drudgery."[28] Women needed to be economically free from men, and this meant that there had to be an allowance of women to enter the work force. The number of women who entered the work force rose from 423,200 in 1923 to 885,000 in 1930.[29]
To achieve this increase of women in the work force, the new communist government issued the First Family Code. This code separated marriage from the church, allowed a couple to choose a surname, gave illegitimate children the same rights as legitimate children, gave rights to maternal entitlements, health and safety protections at work, and provided women with the right to a divorce on extended grounds.[30] In 1920, the Soviet government legalized abortion. In 1922, marital rape was made illegal in the Soviet Union.[31] Labor laws also assisted women. Women were given equal rights in regards to insurance in case of illness, eight-week paid maternity-leave, and a minimum wage standard that was set for both men and women. Both sexes were also afforded paid holiday leave.[32] These measures were put into place to produce a quality labor force from both of the sexes. While the reality was that not all women were granted these rights, they established a pivot from the traditional systems of the Russian imperialist.[32]
Everything besides Watson was so good, that ending was incredible
There's a few in this thread.
please leave
>all these anons whining about smart slav women
>college math professor was an engineer that worked on rockets before she left Russia and would constantly bring up how shitty Americans are at math compared to the motherland school system
nope, gotta complain about shit. because we have nothing better to do
See this guy? This is a shill. His lie can be checked by lurking or viewing previous threads, which complain about unrealistic omniscience. His dodge is that these complaints are somehow secretly mysogyny and only he can see through the lies.
>tfw 90 second work wee- month
huh? huh? what?
it'll die down in a day or two, watching the live reactions makes it clear people love it and now they're just taking the piss to let off steam
enjoyed it, kinda off putting because of the lady scientist being amalgamation of hundreds if not thousands of scientists which will mean she will mary sue the rest of the show but not a deal breaker(at least for me), favorite scenes were the commander volunteering to drive the truck, fomin and that other dickhead getting got, the nurses throwing the fireman unis in the basement, the dog trying to follow his owner during the evacuation, and of course the dive scene at the end
>Shcherbina starts out an asshole bureaucrat
>bants about throwing you out of chopper alive
>makes the plant managers eat a shit sandwich
>gives a kino speech
>still an asshole
Why are you so triggered that you’re screenshotting your own reddit posts?
>tfw not at home eating my wifes hairy communist vagina
Russians are such moronic animals. It would've been better for humanity if the americans had nuked them all.
you have to go back
If it's not perfect, then it's a 0/10.
the MVD and Militsiya using AKMs and not AK74s was pretty kino
Just watched it, what the flug the first episode ended with the firefighters making the approach to the roof, and then it never showed them again. That's how most of them died and the most important work they did, was their efforts on the roof. And they just didn't show it after showing them ep 1? gay
If they make Ulana die of horrible radiation poisoning at the end they can still save the show.
>this episode user realizes that people don't just talk about the good parts but also the bad parts of a show
Took you long enough
Imagine being such a pleb that you need to watch this series instead of true kino
>i dont care how history is being altered because i agree with how it is being done and i can reap short term praise for it
Dangerous people
>subs say it's ukranian
>it's actually russian
>the text of poem is about russia
oh come on anglosax, do your homework
No one is complaining about women, the problem is one fictitious omniscient woman in a situation where the central problem is compartmentalized information. As can be seen no matter how many times you lie.
>vasily you have only been working for 15 seconds and you are already just standing there with large metal piece you have almost 70 more seconds of work day and you stand there with metal piece instead of graphite cleaning
have sex
That sequence of the three workers in the irradiated water was kino. It was almost like a horror sequence it was so tense.
>ass blasted by facts and based lenin
That's gonna be yikes from me comrade.
But the behind the scenes clip after the episode includes an admission from the actress that her character wasn't even a real person, and represents scientists in general.
Was he the guy who held the door open for the men to look at the reactor - that guy (and the other two) are dead.
Did they really take a helicopter from Moscow to Chernobyl?
Where can torrent?
thank you for your service
did their lights actually stop working
>literally the same sentences as the ones posted here earlier
And the redditors shriek, as they've been found out
check out this Mary Sue lol
Why didn't they have Forlorn Hope-type of units working on the graphite? Composed of the older volunteers and such.
what important work did they do on the roof besides take in 3.6 roentgen?
They are upfront that she didn't exist. She is a mary sue
Praise be to Reactor-Chan
Praise be to The Glow
Praise be to The Elephant Foot, The Wish Granter, Her last gift be for She entered her tomb.
God this show is meme kino
Based Boris.
Stay triggered.
>yfw the lights went out
All of HBOs historical series have composit characters and changes in dialogue to streamline the plot. BoB, Pacific, GK. Are all guilty of this but no one complains.
That's right you tell those men user. Fictional characters are ok! And so are the anglo accents!
kys yourself, comrade
Why is this show so good?
What else does the creative team have on their resumes?
Them not showing the firefighters or the last evacuation bus was a mistake. Those are actual examples of heroism.
>Before the episode, comfy threads
>After the episode, instant trash
What kind of bullshit Hollywood ending was that? Not only did it utilize the BS flashlights going out trope, but it ended on a nonsensical cliffhanger. We obviously know they succeed. Kino episode otherwise.
Legasac was a Chemist - A Atomic Chemist and the First Deputy Director of the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy. The guy forgot more about reactors then most.
scary movie
was it kino?
So there was a character in the Pacific who possessed omniscience? That must've been fun.
you say that like it was a super-long distance
they're just over 400 miles apart
Fuck off HBO shills. No one is saying women in the Soviet Union didn't exist. They are saying this literal fictional character in their historical drama didn't exist. Period.
he credits that lead door with saving his live. He needed 15 skin grafts in the first year and he stopped counting them after that. he is very much alive as well as 2 of the 3 divers, the 4rd one died of a heart attack in 2005.
The Dog scene got me. I would have put my dog in a baby carriage and snuck her out.
Cool, what does that have to do with the lack of female scientists working to solve Chernobyl though?
Did they though, I thought that group only partially succeeded then they had to send in a military dive team to finish the job.
because that shit's heavy, yo
gotta spend that minute wisely, moving as much as possible
Composite characters are inevitable. Magic powers are not acceptable.
>Not only did it utilize the BS flashlights going out trope
Because they did go out
It’s photoshopped retard
They put out fires which if untreated threatened the rest of the complex. You could say it was kind of a big deal.
Watch out user, or else tripfag will get EVEN MORE triggered.
would yurop really die if they didn't build the sarcophagus to cover the core?
watching him come to the realization about how fucked they were, then get right on board with mitigation, was the best part of the episode
>there were no female scientists involved in the aftermath of Chernobyl
the rads were so high they fried electronics. thats why they couldnt use robots to clear the roof.
might just be me being a nerd but the fact they used the real SSR flags, alongside calling Belarus "Byelorussia" was pretty cool
Now THATS a comrade.
>they're not fake they're composite abloobloo
>it's not that we have bad writers using SJW inserts, they just didn't have time ok!
Who are you quoting?
They got the highest amount of radiation of course, but they put out the conventional fires within the exploded building itself and they also left ran up the hoses and left them to run when eventually they had to leave, which insodoing drenched the place and prevented further fires from starting. Important because their efforts prevented more of the plant burning down by normal fire, particularly keeping it from spreading to the other reactors. Now true, them flooding parts of the building were a hazard but it was much better than if the plant just kept burning and the fires spread to the other reactors.
So yeah it was kind of bullshit that they didn't show even just a short scene of the firefighters making it to/working on the roof, and their contribution there at the cost of the most fatal exposure.
but why was every one speaking english?
notice how the IRA shill has started calling everyone else shills.
reminder that this is a paid account. It is possibly more than one person. It is on contract for this show.
It will be in every thread and mods and jannies do nothing because mods and jannies are also IRA shills.
Anyone have a transcript/translation of the poem?
Come on, even the helicopters couldn't get near that thing before coming apart.
He's also lying, apart from making Kollontai ambassador to Finland, Soviet men (especially after Stalin) were as sexist as any other and there was definitely a low "glass ceiling." For example, even in the 80s as women led Western countries there were no girls in the infamous Gerontocracy despite women outliving men.
Then why are the other composite characters real people, but not this one?
>reddit comments copying Yea Forums posts word for word with no usernames
>hurrr Yea Forums invaded by plebbitors!!!
yeah all the Russian Dindu shills are out in full force to turn everything into culture wars autism and pick apart random shit to "subvert" the messaging of the show
>scary movie
Wow. Had to double check that for myself. That filmography is rough. Now I'm really surprised how great this is.
lol anglos on suicide watch
The heli crashed because it hit crane lines, the propellers.
that's a terrible flag
Yes yes Seamus, it's all the work of the Boys. Perhaps had ye left potatoes out like a good lad, they would have been propitiated. You can still live a full life without kneecaps.
They succeeded and two are still alive. One died in 2005.
reminder that Russian men kill themselves more than trannies
>anglos insert SJWisms in a historical drama they can't even use the right language or do proper accents on
>it's Russia's fault!
Amazon torrent is out.
The Soviet Republic flags all used horizontal stripe variations of their Union flag. The only cool one was Georgia, which had the color sense to put sky blue against blood red, and which used a Japanese flag style burst-stripe pattern.
I would hug her
if you tell me the time stamp it's at i'll check it out
Is this a current image of Chernobyl or from the show?
fair enough. they definitely didn't get that across (yet).
Notice how this shill exists just turn everything into culture wars autism and toxicity. They do this because they are being paid. They likely truly believe in their purpose, but like the characters in the show, they're being manipulated and abused lol.
desu I like the pattern, but Lukashenka being a pussy decided to re-use the SSR flag like this
I have to ask, are the Russians in the room with you now? Could I speak to one of the "Russians"?
>tfw none of the streaming sites have it yet
>GOT is up literally 20 minutes after the episode airs
fuck this gay earth
it's a flag, not a sweater
get that shit off the left side
>it is fake
>i speculate it is
a real photo of prypiat, but I don't know what year it was taken.
I know two of the three divers lived, but I thought that was Yuvchenko (who died) who was that?
Very beginning of the ep
Top link in this screencap has it. Just checked myself.
i think we use them as scarves and wall decorations
They did go out, radiation will kill equipment.
k, i haven't watched anything of the series yet so that's why i ask. I'll take a look
from feedwater? i dont see how thats possible
lmao the seething c*mposite faggot is a r*dditor to boot
Okay, thank you comrade
By the end when they saw the bubbles in the water they were very close to the core itself. The bubbles were the heat escaping through cracks and that's why their dosimeters were ticking like crazy.
Ty comrade
cast him
This has to be propaganda. I highly doubt the Soviet Union was that evil. The show implies that if not for the disaster getting picked up by foreign media, they wouldn’t have evacuated
>I highly doubt the Soviet Union was that evil.
read a history book, nigger
>where are you going?
Foreign relations are a funny thing.
Was getting caught part of your plan?
>I have to ask, are the Russians in the room with you now?
nope. Funny how ESL shills like to ask that. Literally accusing everyone else of being Delusional.
This is partially why the shills are so out against this show. It highlights the conditioned psychosis that runs their existence. The reflexive need to whatabout away from self-critical thought.
>Could I speak to one of the "Russians"?
Yeah the Tripfag is one. You can look at their 4plebs for an example of how IRA shills operate. Everything is about identity politiks and reactionary culture wars bullshit. That's the function of the IRA. They're just hired cunts.
sure but those dosimeters are from moscow, they're probably faulty, and that bubbling is just a rupture in the feedline
Actually yes and no, the area was used to release steam if there was too much steam, it didnt need to be close, but it was a bent pipe right to the core, and the heat was causing it to bubble.
what was evil about the soviets this episode it seems like they had a huge concern for everyone
True. But they did delay the evacuation for as long as possible, and it was a bit of a dick move to keep them in to not let information get out at first. Either way you're right, it wasn't necessarily like that and evacuation was decided upon once they knew the health risks were too severe.
It's only mildy contaminated. I've seen worse. user should get to the infirmary.
See, this is the Georgian SSR flag, it's almost actually cool looking.
Read a history book user.
kek i dled and watched it and have been shitposting for 20 minutes what fucking site are you using
wtf is he doing in pripyat chillin like a normal civvy
"Education" is people imagining that Nazism killed more than Communism.
>this whole time Monolith weren't protecting the Wish Granter, they were protecting her.
>creates show "historical drama" infused with inaccuracies and SJW sociopolitical commentary
>screams about muh russia at any criticism
>complains about identity politics and reactionary culture wars
Bravo anglo
They didn't evacuate till they learned that the outside world had figured out that something happened. They knew they could not keep a evacuation of 50,000+ people secret.
legit question or luwin joke
He's actually a British spy, and based on a real person.
BRDM's are cute.
>pirateniggers wait 3 hrs
>I highly doubt the Soviet Union was that evil.
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post
TO BE HONEST. Women in Russia are true keepers of traditions.
What men in Russia do? Sit in park and drink vodka and die early.
So it is left to Russian women to keep their land upright.
the NYT said the woman was a prominent character, this wasn't a surprise to anyone.
I don't see why you won't prove you're a shill.
Can confirm. I'm Russian actually. There were other values than now.
Thread Theme.
its well documented the evac didn't happen until 36 hours later after legasov and a bunch of scientists assigned to a commission actually proved the whole thing was a fucking catastrophe. they finally evaced the city, but initially only for three days...
People here are complaining about the composite character but how DOES one introduce 100 or so characters in a 5-episode miniseries without having it be a jumbled mess.
Try searching "watch Chernobyl online" on google and tell me I shouldn't be using Yandex
>Mary Sue
It's Marie Sue. Jesus Christ you guys can't even pick low hanging fruit.
i saw him get on the bus
>Garth-Vader is the composite 50/50 shitposter
what was the scary evacuation siren (lit. and fig.) saying?
eat shit, nigger
Whats this guys name again?
>how DOES one introduce 100 or so characters in a 5-episode miniseries
split-screen duh
Answer the question.
No rubles for Putin
Are there really people who haven't filtered the tripfag yet?
Get better writers lol
So you calling everyone sexist isn't culture war bullshit. I see. You telling lies about actual self-identifying Russian posters in previous threads which can be checked in the archive isn't trolling. Okay. You pretending that Russia doesn't want people to know about something that has a Wiki page and a tourism industry is not lying. Sure.
I have to ask, is the user spreading retarded pro-Soviet Union disinfo actually the tripfag, or a separate person?
>posts this old hag for the 100th time
you've been exposed, fag.
head on back to r*ddit with the other roasties.
>5 years
“Attention, Attention”
Without making it an annoying know-it-all whiny woman?
you can't
people are just being buttmad to be buttmad
he lived there part of committee who runs chernobyl
you're delusional
Are you retarded? Woman generally are traditional but that's because they're surrounded by masculine men, this is the same case as with the middle east and Africa.. Look what happens to women when they're surrounded by feminine men such as in the west. Japan and South Korea are also filled with feminine men which is why 1/4 Jap girls have done porn and South Korea has the lowest birthrate in the world.
What people complained about was a magically all-knowing saviour, not a composite.
A montage set to the Friends theme song as they look up and at the camera while office antics occur around them.
hes a member of the local soviet, while he is party hes so low level it doesnt really matter
fuck off, where were you in the Ep 1 threads, it's obvious you only came here to bitch about women. have sex
>his smile, his 6th year: gone
Easy, you have her be the appointed delegate from research institutions and replace her scenes at the lab with her interfacing with a bunch of her peers instead of just rolling her eyes at her cis whyte male grad student
How will the show handle Sweden asking about the radiation?
Did you miss the scene where she criticised a man for rising to power from a lowly factory job?
You can get the best writers in the world, but the fact remains if you want to introduce 100 individual characters to a show that already has 10 main ones, the show needs to last for a LEAST 20 episodes.
what causes someone to fervently defend made up feminist propaganda?
especially a male?
it's quite sickening.
just a woman. No woman character in this show will not be propped up by the culture wars shills to agitate the virgins. You're being a whiny woman right now cuck.
>where were you in the Ep 1 threads
Is this a joke? I was literally complaining about the SJW scenes in Ep 1 for a whole week and I had to listen to anglos reeeeee at me left and right in denial. Only today have most of them seen that I was right. Go check the archives.
Just have dialogue about information coming in from a few research institutes or whatever about their findings and conclusions, including the water tanks and whatever else this character is going to pull out of her ass. It wouldn't be hard at all, you don't even need to give the other researchers screen time.
That said, the Mary Sue hasn't pissed me off yet. Time will tell if she becomes shit or not.
I would have been perfectly fine if it was that she was the spokeswomen for other scientists, show her tlaking to the guy and figuring out.
She came off as a Mary Sue, which was unfortuate, as Gary and Mary sues are insufferable.
The hilarious part of all this is the core cooled itself down, the woman, who is representing 100's of scientists was wrong about everything.
just listened to the accompanying podcast
apparently they did film a scene about the radiation being detected at the Swedish power plant, but it was cut for time
Oh really? Then tell me why I don't have a problem with the other women in the show? Oh wait, you can't.
Get back to plebbit.
Based and truthpilled.
You don't need to introduce 100 individual characters. In fact, you could've already done the whole story without introducing a new character for those scientists. We already had plenty of scientist characters that could be utilized for it. There's no excuse.
>knows about the water tanks before she even fucking arrives
unironically how, she would have no way of knowing if they were full or not
What was evil was a system of fear that prevented people from taking responsibility in a timely fashion, from the man on the ground to the highest bureaus of government. People willingly turned their brain off in order to survive.
The shoe-factory guy running a province, the night shift retard running a bad experiment and denying that the core could blow, the power plant committee doubting the radiation readings... the whole country was like a broken truck coasting down a hill in neutral gear.
is this LOST 2.0 or some whatever garbage to not think too much about and just watch
>because the shills know nothing about board culture and are working off a "report" about Yea Forums being "anarchic" and "puerile"
People can see that you're lying and calling me stupid doesn't stop that from being possible.
Yeah, that confused me too.
I LOVE Core-Chan!
enjoy your cancer thread, tripcucks
>5 years
>this series with FxSound Enhancer
Not at all. It's just Chernobyl is a cool thing but of course anglos are dropping the ball. Oh well, never send an anglo to do a slav's job.
So your solution is to just not bring them up at all?
That’s dumb.
Really I forgot his name, Russian names all sound the same to me. But I remember now. Dyatlov
I need like a picture with all the characters faces and their names underneath or my senile old brain can't keep up
guessed pipes ruptured after educationally guessing something opened the core up
Guessing pipes all are dumping water due to explosion
Studied diagram of reactor plant and saw that everything leads to the tanks
>but how DOES one introduce 100 or so characters in a 5-episode miniseries
show her in a fucking building with more than one person discussing what the fuck is happening. show her with other scientists (they can be women and men in any amount) in a room in a concerted effort figuring out what the fuck was going on, concluding that they need to drain the coolant reservoirs underground, and then show her volunteering to drive to a fucking disaster zone to risk her fucking life to tell people what she and her community of discovered. its not that fucking hard you tremendous fucking brainlet.
That's what I was thinking as I watched this, it felt extremely forced, contemporary and immersion breaking.
Also, will your employer pay me if I post using tripcode? Hail Putin!
the soviet union was alright, look at the amount of people educated, everyone who is employed
some retard made a mistake, and immediately after they retrofitted the RBMK reactors
fuck, that's the creepiest part of the trailer
No, my solution is to use one of the preexisting REAL LIFE characters as the composite for those other 100 scientists.
>Everyone complaining about the woman but no one complaining about the cliched opening suicide.
By using real people, just like they did with the other composite characters, instead of having to fanfic a mary sue into a histoical series.
Fuck, /u/Garth-Vader, do you just plan on posting this shit every thread while pretending it hasn't already been explained to you multiple times ever since the nyt review came out?
We literally know how it ends already, you tell me.
brainlet alert
Stellan Skarsgård character tells Harris character that Sweden detected the radiation at their plants, and that the US spy sats had taken photos and with the fire and smoke they know it had to be due to this plant, and that the wind is blowing to europe, and that in Frankfurt they are not allowing kids outside to play, and it implied that between the cat out of the bag and what other countries are doing, it time to evacuate.
Then they overlay the news reports on the accident with bus after bus arriving to do a full evacuation.
The pro-soviet guy and the heroic anti-Russian guy talking about the IRA are the same person and got confused a few threads back. They "replied" to people using the wrong "identity." Pro-Russian guy says X. Heroic anti-Russian then says God I hate it when they say X. Meanwhile nobody else was saying X or not-X.
Just came here to say I enjoy this show overall and I don’t give a shit about some female scientist character.
great ep. everyone complaining is a shitposting larping faggot.
based and basedpilled
Valery Legasov committed suicide IRL though.
>using helicopters
holy fuck science man build a catapult, talk about using a smartphone to open a beer
Excellent non sequiturs, comrade.
she won't fuck you.
Damnnit someone get this man a time machine so he can save our generation's sperm counts.
thats you making that post rn
>just don't notice the subpar elements in media lmao
A mistake, as with the firefighters. They could've a had a diplomat try to deny it at first and then have the Swedes pull out data. The diplomat says "I have to make a phone call." But he never comes back. That would be a more effective scene.
Oh whoops. Still seems like its been done before.
Ell oh ell
Just waiting for a nigger to be squeezed into this shit show and I'm officially dropping it.
based and pinkpilled
Fukashima is hardly the accident compared to what happened at Chernobyl. Fukashima was a much smaller contamination
There are rumours they are introducing a black scientist character. I am not sure if this is real or just a troll. Heard it in previous thread.
>implying I want some Soviet slag
>The lights failing as the Geiger counter gets louder
Looks like kino's back on the menu boys
Dyatlov's name is the same as the unrelated Pass at the Mountain of Death.
wanna play STALKER after this
feels so old tho
according to some anons here, there's a black doctor in ep3.
rip mr professor
For someone who not watched it you are quite sure such a thing would be more effective.
It worked very well, the episode was already overlong.
A lot of cancers exist thanks to chernobyl
get one of the many flavours of mememod, go to /sg/
For any non-russian speaking faggots interested in the poem read in russian in the beginning of the episode.
Probably a troll. No way Jew York Times would pass up writing about that.
Of course they are.
Can't wait to hear how he's a composite character as well.
actually based
>reeeeeing about perfect kino episode 1
Not as many as people think though.
Gotta be a troll. The only blacks in Soyuz at this time were African terrorists and military officers. Neither would be allowed anywhere near an embarassing nuclear emergency.
in the next episode a man in full african tribal dress volunteers for a suicide mission and everyone claps for 5 minutes then he does the black power salute
based as FUCK
Good outweighs bad, user.
good ep
So old yet still 100 times better than most games out now.
That was admitted at the end of the episode though
Did a based bong shag your mum? Brits really reside in your head rent free
reminder that pripyat was evacuated a day before forsmark detected the radiation.
hero of this thread.
As someone who worked on reactors, the explanation of how the reactor worked was not bad. I seen much worse ways to explain technology.
I wonder why they didn't bother to provide subtitles, despite the fact the opening scene features like 4 stanzas of the poem.
This episode felt pretty rushed. Last episode it felt like there was plenty of time to dwell on things. I wanted to see stuff about evacuating the operators out of the reactor, planning the evacuation of Pripyat and the creation of the zone, keeping the other reactors open, and the arrival of the commission from Moscow. The first episode was so fucking good.
At least it means more time for the liquidators later.
It is a rule of writing that given a choice between actually showing something or having characters, no matter how compelling, simply recap it ("exposition"), you always try to show it.
>mobile nigger replying to himself
but at some point, wouldn't a 'chernobyl' have to happen for people to take nuclear safety seriously
obviously it was bad, but people never take things seriously until they have a real life example
Based Anglo way of thinking
thread for screenshots and webms and discussion about the new episode. People that want to whine about girls should make an /infirmary/ thread to do that.
Reminder that the people pushing culture wars shit are literally Russian shills
Episode 1 wasn't perfect either. It had two SJW scenes as well. However Episode 1 was definitely better than Episode 2 because of the sheer HAPPENING factor of it.
Soviets are fucking subhumans. Look at that city they used to feed nuclear weapons and how they dumped the entire output of waste into their backyard and as a result the shitty containment broke and now there is a 400 mile or so stretch of contaminated land. The only upside is that it's fucking blyatland so its' in the middle of fucking nowhere.
Now fucking remember these retards have nukes and a giant army. Fuck the russians so much.
the credit soundtrack reminds me of The Terror's soundtrack
The difference between Chernobyl and Fukishima is that the USSR already knew about the issue that happened in Chernobyl years before it actually happened, but decided to not do anything as to no cause alarm and due to budget restrictions. While Fukushima only happened after an earthquake and a tsunami hit the power plants, and still didn't amount to half the damage Chernobyl caused.
so did those 3 guys just die then or what
>SJW scenes
you're overreacting
the lady who told off the old doctor, isn't about feminism, it's about senile old doctors
i don't know what the second would be in episode one
It has. Only it wasn't the radiation.
Reminder that all of your VVER core designs that help your country get electricity were designed by those Soviet subhumans.
This is seriously a wonderfully executed show. My God.
Also what the fuck were they using to hose down the truck with?
And the chopper that crashed? Did the engine stall or did the crew instantly fry?
>Nurse saying things = SJW
Fucking tripfags I swear
No, but yurope would have if the lava had vaporized the tanks and exploded the other reactors.
People in the 50s had no concept of nuclear danger. When they did nuke testing in Nevada, people in Las Vegas would have flash viewing parties.
Massive overstatement there but ok
No, the head doctor of a hospital would not be ignorant of iodine as a radiation protection, sorry. And the second scene involves a father scoffing at the fireman's wife's warnings about going near the fire with his son at 2am. Again, no father would do that with their child at night in a stroller.
I didn't argue otherwise, but should the bad not be mentioned or discussed then?
On a thread that focus on a single line of dialogue for a week?
literally just wikipedia. the evac started after legasov and his team of scientists arrived and concluded what happened was a catastrophe. pripyat was evacuated on the morning of 27 april, forsmark detected the radiation the following day.
>When they did nuke testing in Nevada, people in Las Vegas would have flash viewing parties.
Russia has some of cleanest water and a huge percentage of the world's lumber and arable land reserves
Episode 2 was kino. I didn’t mind the female character at all but I can understand why people would.
>that ending
Nightmare fuel
Texas has a bigger GDP than Russia.
I'm not a mutt.
Hint: my country kicked your ass in ww2.
It was not evacuated. The evacuation did not end till the 29th, (took two days) and sweden knew within about 12 hours after the start of the evacuation.
shut the fuck up you whiny bitch
Italy has bigger GDP than Russia
Does your country use nuclear energy? Then you have VVER core designs. Don't even care where you're from.
As other anons have pointed out, they had shot a scene with the swedes detecting the radiation, but it was cut since the episode was already ten minutes over time.
>did the engine stall
Propellers hit a crane cable nearby. Crew all died on impact.
No blacks on the IMDB but i would would put it past them
Whiny would mean getting upset by someone criticizing a show (with legitimate complaints mind you). Let's not even forget this whole show is in English and has anglo accents.
Oh boy here we go again.
>In the event of a "roof fire" there would have been no need for iodine. The nurse was grossly overreacting for the situation they thought they were in.
>The mother was overreacting for the same reason. Also if your father wouldn't take you to see some big ass building get torched in the middle of the night he was an even bigger faggot than you are.
Respond to me for once you Slavic nigger.
All the good doctors in the USSR died with Stalin, and the doctor was unaware of the radiation damaging when first asked about it. Also there were plenty of women staring in awe and fucking around near the fire. Just because one says a thing doesn’t make it SJW.
My mother used to go and see them. She said it was one of the most beautiful things she's ever seen. She went multiple times, driving all they way out from San Francisco. She said after the flash, the wind and rumble would hit you and then a few minutes later, in totally clear weather she said she recalls feeling a faint, warm mist like sensation fall upon her face. That was the fallout.
the main point of the radiation getting detected was that the soviet union would have to admit to the world chernobyl blew up, or else forsmark would report them to the iaea. they no longer had control of information.
>Let's not even forget this whole show is in English and has anglo accents.
Zero good Slavic actors, as you've admitted before.
The head doctor assumed she was talking about iodine for disinfectant instead of radiation protection.
And no father would take their kid who is still in a stroller out at 2 am to go see a nuclear power plant fire you are being warned not to go see.
>Anyone have a transcript/translation of the poem?
it's here right at the start
No clue and I don't care. You acting like russia is some great gift to technology is laughable though knowing how russians are known to copying everything from superior nations and making their shitty "adaptations". No doubt your VV-shit-whatever is the same.
>The head doctor assumed she was talking about iodine for disinfectant instead of radiation protection.
Exactly, which would have been far more important for anybody brought in with burns from the "roof fire."
>And no father would take their kid who is still in a stroller out at 2 am to go see a nuclear power plant fire you are being warned not to go see.
Imagine being as boring as you are.
How butthurt are you about the fact that half the progress made in the last century was developed by Slavs?
Even the moon landing had Slavic contributions at it's core design with gravity assist.
Meanwhile germans have done nothing in the last 100 year other than destroy Europe.
What have they done?
There there.
No, because there are better disinfectants to use than iodine. Again, the context of the situation very clearly indicated radiation danger. What the scene implied was that no one even knew about the dangers of radiation, which is absolutely not true, especially not a head doctor of a hospital.
Strive for better quality, folks. Don't accept lowest common denominator stuff. You don't want to end up one of them!
I'm sorry, man. At least you can type faster with 3 arms
She's shocked I came out with no birth defects (except for this Yea Forums autism).
I'm also astonished she's had no health effects from it.
>And no father would take their kid who is still in a stroller out at 2 am to go see a nuclear power plant fire you are being warned not to go see.
You expect too much from people. You put too much faith in a majority of the population being literal NPC's. People being hurriedly rushed out of new york not minutes after 9/11 were laughing and taking pictures. Humans are cruel and voyeuristic creatures when they are ignorant, which you obviously are.
Germany was and even after losing 2 world wars still is a 1st rate nation. Don't even bother trying to draw comparisons to a 2nd world country like Russia that steals all their technology from superior nations to a nation that has invented and contributed massively to heavy industry, precision engineering, metalworking, auto-industry and radar technology to name a few. Now fuck off with your wikipedia quotes.
The context of the situation only works in the mind of a person who is fully ok with thinking everyone is stupid except for them. That's called hubris and being dumb. The show is hoping you stay like that so it can pass off these cheap SJW scenes to you.
Problem is, she ruins every scene she's in even when it's only occasionally. Everything else is fantastic.
The mist is condensation from the compression of air after the explosion. Conventional chemical weapons of a high enough yield or in humid enough air can produce the same effect. The mist wouldn't *necessarily* contaminated with radioactive material, but I wouldn't feel comfortable bathing in it regardless.
>No, because there are better disinfectants to use than iodine.
And? Would you not bother keeping track of your supplies if they weren't all tip top of the line?
>Again, the context of the situation very clearly indicated radiation danger.
The context also includes the public belief in the invincibility of RBMK reactors. Why would the doctor be concerned over an invincible nuclear plant?
>What the scene implied was that no one even knew about the dangers of radiation, which is absolutely not true, especially not a head doctor of a hospital.
The dangers of radiation are irrelevant here if they all thought there was no chance of radiation fucking everyone due to, again, the belief in the invincibility of the reactors.
You're making the same mistake your tiny Slavic brain was making yesterday. The knowledge you have =! the knowledge the characters have.
>Strive for better quality, folks
Agreed, fortunately HBO had the good sense to cast high quality Anglo actors :)
>Wah wah there are some Syrians in my country
6.5% of Russia's population is muslim, user.