Your favorite movie sucks!

Your favorite movie sucks!

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Wouldn't be the first time someone said "Stalker (1979) is garbage" to my face.

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someone said that to your face? to your face? that takes nerve, fellow film enthusiast.

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Well he’s fat so...

I'm pretty much the only bloke in my social circle who watches these kinds of film. Even the local film students here are more interested in MCU and the likes. And the only "art film" theatre in town is 50% documentaries.

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Avatarmanning is against the rules.

He's doing the Rolfe face

how would they even know what Stalker is, you know? maybe they were referring to the vidya game?

have you seen it in full frame 16x9 aspect ratio? of course you have. it's amazing.

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>film students
>only into MCU
im not a film fag myself, but this triggers me

Suck my dick.

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I miss Silvermania. I get he hated the fanbase and he (and Jarrett) wanted it to be Mega64 but I always enjoyed the videos

I've made attempts to show people some Ingmar Bergman, Andrei Tarkovsky, Akira Kurosawa, etc. with mixed results.

>have you seen it in full frame 16x9 aspect ratio? of course you have. it's amazing.
I have both the DVD from Kino (before Blu-ray caught on), and the new Blu-ray from Criterion -- which I also saw premiered in theatres.

Wow, you sound so misunderstood, man
*hits blunt*

yeah a dude sucks dick in it so makes sense

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How does crusty not have crippling health problems as a result of of his weight?
I can barely get out of bed and i'm half his size

That movie you hate is actually excellent!

I took a film class in college, and one student did a presentation on the Russo Brother's for our directors assignment.

hes fueled by his passion for life

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Was the presentation any good?

Yes, mainly because of her passion for the it. Enthusiasm can really sell anything. Plus she was well researched.

Their work on Arrested Development sound genuinely amazing.

if they're young, they'll continue to reject your attempts to enlighten their cinematic horizons. keep trying, though.

Stalker: there are moments that continue to hypnotize me...but after repeated viewings, i feel like it's a reminder of not so much what the film actual represents what a movie could be with some tweaks.
that's sounds vague and wishy-washy, but it's true. for me, anyway.

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How is she so famous? Nanette sucked.

Silverman calls Subway a "diet".
James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

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Board James is James Rolfes series
When will James pay Bootsy for the Board James DVDs? Why does James get off the hook for screwing Bootsy?

mike didnt get paid either because james needed the money. mike never complained. bootsy is a greedy faggot.

Did Bootsy say that Mike paid him? I forget what the email said

When will Gape return?

silverman did a q&a on discord with Bob. and people in the chat were silent; still angry about being a pedophile

>Your favorite movie is a racist, problematic sausage fest.

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Shut up fatty before I fuck your neck folds

He's never said this.
His wife, on the other hand...
there's also the indiana jones and three stooges videos

your sjw lingo cant hide your empire of racism, james

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He said The Three Stooges were racist, Temple of Doom was Problematic, and the Universal Horror movies were sausage fests.

That's different. He only wants to see some cute girls in his horror movies.

fuck off faggot. have sex.

stupid Yea Forumsermin.
James has no concept of kawaii anime monster girls. he does not care for making a monster girl waifu. Even if he knew Franken Fran existed, he would still make said comment. He doesnt even fap to anime girls like you do.

was a pure attempt as appearing as feminist because his wife told him so. he thought by indicating a need for wanting a diversity quota, it would please his wife's hunger for being an sjw.

Don't you have a twitter you should be posting on?

bootsy didnt get paid for his acting, writing, music, or dvd sales but said that wasnt the problem - mike was the problem. stop trying to rewrite history, screenslob. we all read what he wrote

>mike didnt get paid either
>somehow thats his fault
fuck off bootsyfag. you subhumans are pathetic.

heard from a direct source that you smell like BO and vinegar, ya fuckin puke stained drunk

>He said The Three Stooges were racist
>and the Universal Horror movies were sausage fests.
He's not wrong about those. They were de rigueur for the time.

apply some logical reasoning.
In theory, James and Ryan control who gets payed at cinemassacre LLC. Yet, Bootsy is not mad at James and Ryan. In fact, bootsy never references Ryan, even when talked about it more in the 2019 update.
He still holds a grudge against mike.
How could Bootsy hold a grudge against Mike, but not Ryan, if Ryan is in charge of the pay?
It can be assumed, Mike had a bigger role in who got payed for what. And coincidentally, Mike is buddy buddy with Ryan.

Either way, Mike is based, and i dont care if he cut some pay from bootsy. Its doggy dog world

>apply some logical reasoning.
I am. The problem is you're not.

get on my level, brainlet

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>Its doggy dog world
You're a literal retard.

After you miss.

Kieran always gets called out in these threads lol. It's like youre trying to hide behind a lamp post. We can all see your fat dirty ass

>Fat guy #1: "I just have one quick points to make about the movi-"
>Fat guy #2: "I also have one quick thing to say about mov-"
>30 minutes later...
>No one has made a complete sentence without being interrupted
This james and mike was so predictable, its not even funny

hmm, a new transformers game. let me guess....
Mike is the introducing it to james. check
James references the avgn transformer games (the only transformer games he bothered playing). check
theres going to be a joke where james somehow praises the 80s cartoon movie and shits on michael bay. check

>James: yep mhm ahhh yup

>only james in the thumbnail
>legitimately looks retarded

i doubt slob browses Yea Forums anymore. I think that q&a was a one time thing. Though he came back briefly on the night of the cinemassacre livestream.
But i think slob feels bad about tarnishing the cinemassacre image to james. Ryan probably would have a talking to him if he kept giving away secrets on Yea Forums

also, he has a livestream to vent his anger to now

reality check: its Mikes channel, so he can do whtever he wants. add whoever, subtract whoever. minus James

>i doubt slob browses Yea Forums anymore
good one

fuck off you edgy faggot. fuckin loser

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he wrote that Mike paid him i believe.

They're doing a bit better now that they have the three of them, but it is something they still need to work on. I'm still pissed at how they fucked up the SW Holiday Special, but the Roadhouse episode showed that they've improved at least a little.

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>its Mikes channel, so he can do whtever he wants
ok so we got both mike matei and slob zombie in here now. silverlardia is in here somewhere i just know it. hey justin, working on a written apology for when jurrutt releases the video of you talking about blacks?

rental reviews is still god awful. My proof is the fact that i cant remember any interaction between kieran and james and justin and james. The only people who have chemistry is James and Tony. They have some weird bond. Maybe its because theyre both movie guys who like horror movies?

Honestly, this vid is more entertaining than a lot of the james and mike solo reviews

April does smile incels!!

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If each episode was just James and Tony with Kieran making appearances to do a quick bit at the beginning and end that would be much better. There is no reason to have largefat in any episode. He doesn't contribute and just interrupts everyone.

based april facebook stalker