>the gay agenda in television isn't re-
The gay agenda in television isn't re-
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You're welcome.
ally, sneed is based
Having gay people on TV isn't an agenda. You have mental issues.
Ratburn was always a closet homo. Nothing new, you can tell by the earlier seasons
That's what the gay zog who run the show want you to believe to normalize homosexuality.
I'm surprised there isn't more talk on here about this faggotry. Remember when postcards from buster went to a lesbian household? TV stations refused to air that bullshit and now we have this. Don't miss the next episode where Mr.Fagburn accidentally cuts himself during P.E. and gives the whole class HIV
Talk to any gay advocacy organization and they will tell you that they are trying to normalize homosexuality among children and in the main stream. That's an agenda, pretty much by definition. My question is why do we need so much gay representation when they account for 13% of the population?
mr ratburn was always a fag and I knew that as a kid
Normalizing homosexuality doesn't make kids gay. It just makes them safer. You're literally a boomer. Also one gay character in a 22 season show isn't "too much representation".
How comes gays make up only 13% of the population, but are involved in more than 50% of marriages?
Because until recently there has been no inclusion. If queers make up %13 of the population then they ought yo male up %13 of characters right? So if there alittle extra faggotry going on it's only because that pendulum is swinging the other way now, it'll mellow out eventually.
>not the janitor
Missed opportunity for memes.
>Normalizing homosexuality doesn't make kids gay.
No it just degrades the moral backbone of our civilization. Gays are degenerate scum and a burden on the healthcare system and abuse kids. You're a retard if you let your children near gays. But by all means, keep praising how progressive we are today.
Dear GOD. Inclusion? Do you know how many different types of people and communities there are in the world? They don't have to be in everything. They should be included in things organically, not forced because of muh feelings
>Having gays on TV isn't an agenda
>yes it is
>Well it's not like it's making kids gay
So you're agreeing that it is an agenda at least?
>season 22
This show is still going?
I watched it when I was a kid
thats the kid that strip dance for money in front of grown men and the left say that isnt pedophilia cause its progressive.
>newfag who hasn't seen vimeo.com
Gays are like 5% of the population at best.
having it in a show for kids is
This week we have the adventure of gay marraige, what a gay time we'll have
The janitor watches shemale porn while his cock is in a cage.
Yes it is. Now there's a glamorous documentary about drag kids coming out in the near future
>and Jesus wept
Only homosexual kids want to do this.
You're an idiot if you think kids can be made into homosexuals.
>You're an idiot if you think kids can be made into homosexuals
seedegenerate gays were almost always abused as kids. but go on, tell me more about how to raise kids, you faggot.
Homosexuals make up a decent percentage of human beings everywhere, and yet they are oddly absent from our culture. It wasn't that long ago that LGBT people were utterly excluded from everything because of the "feelings" of sensitive breeders. Thankfully that's changing.
They weren't allowed to be an organic part of culture and now they are. Is it being overdone? I suppose that depends on who you ask.
But really how can you get mad about a queer character when the ratio is still so very unrealistic? Put 100 fellas in a room and at least 10 of them suck dick on the regular but you'd get upset if even just one admitted it. Get real. Homosexuals deserve some fucking recognition. %13 will do for now
>decent percentage
The amount for what constitutes as statistically significant is generally considered to range somewhere from 5-10%.
LGBT are only 3%, so they aren't a "decent percentage" of people.
Even classical films like Spartacus, Ben Hur & Lawrence of Arabia are full of gay stuff, and it's because they were written by gays. There are a lot of gays in the entertainment industry in general.
Most of the television greats as well; The Sopranos, The Wire, Six Feet Under, have significant gay plotlines.
jesus is god and god loves fucking kids, ask mary
learn your bible retard
>>the gay agenda in television isn't re-
You're gay. Your kids are gay, everyone's gay.
Also everyone is trans and needs their dick's cut off/ovaries ripped out.
Thanks for being suckered into supporting that stuff you fucking retards.
What do you think about doing a liberal arts degree, like studying English literature for example?
Would you ever do that?
%3? Hahahahahahahahahahahahah
Yeah right. You don't have to live under a rock to know thats way off. BUT maybe that's just me and maybe I'm delusional. So let's just go with %3.
This show Arthur has over 100 characters, closer to like 150. So really there should be at least 3 fags in the cast but after the shows long ass run they're only giving us 2? That's what I'm talking about when I say that homos have been excluded from the culture.
I don't see why socially conservative people feel entitled to have their ideas represented in all popular media.
when gay stuff is shit: when it's clearly just put in something to show how normal it is
when gay stuff isn't shit: when it's actually being explored or is naturally part of the setting
Because they're used to it. Also: Jesus
6% at best, and most of those are """"bisexual"""" arthoes
>this retard can't even use the percentage sign properly
>giving lessons on anything
Gay people need breeders to create more gay people for them
A friend of mine and I ALWAYS used to joke about how Mr. Ratburn was 100% gay. He's gonna flip when I show this shit to him
imagine not being mad at the normalization of abnormal anti-social behavior
Because literally everyone thinks their ideology should be represented in popular media.
i always knew ratburn was a faggot
5 examples of each please.
How so? Lots of kids have gay parents, or gay siblings, or are gay themselves. It's mainstream.
I'm more upset about trans shit.
all you have to do to turn a kid homo is to rape them
How on earth does it make them safer?
Reminder that the gay agenda is to literally be accepted as equal members of society.
Yeah I don't really use the % that often but that doesn't invalidate my point
yeah but socially conservative people by and large aren't doing anything to get into the entertainment industry and actually make stuff.
they mostly think studying english literature for example is a joke and a waste of money.
Whereas the amount of gay stuff in media is because many gay people pursue creative careers.
So they're not really good at something, don't try to do it, aren't interested in it, don't respect it, and yet they consume it, act like victims over it and think it should be about them?
you've never heard of grooming apparently
kids are scarily impressionable. that's why good parents are protective to an extent.
you pedophile
>he doesnt know gay is characteristic
>There is no gay agenda in the Media Industry!
>OK, there was a gay agenda all along, but that's a GOOD THING!
Every fucking time.
This is the Liberal cycle.
Deny X. Then 10 years later admit X was going on all along but that it was a GOOD thing. Then deny you are doing Y.
On and on and on like this.
>studying english literature for example is a joke
That's not just socially conservative people. There are tons of people who think that liberal arts aren't worth studying because it's hard to find jobs in such fields.
So that kids don't grow up wanting to bash them in the street
I'm gay, and conservative, and am sick of being pandered to for social points. It doesn't make you special to have homos in your media.
I just want normalized shit. Proportional amounts of representation. Like, 1-3% of media having a gay character would make sense. But no, it's like upwards of 50% now.
I am glad that being gay isn't ONLY the butt of jokes or something to be repulsed by,in media, but shit, it's worse to patronized and pandered to. I'd rather no gay "representation" at all that that shit.
While I'm at it, if you need fictional characters on TV to have the same skin color as you, or want to fuck the same demographic of people as you to "represent you," you're as shallow and two-dimensional as the characters on your screen.
Well, I can't think of any reason why equality is inherently good, so I can't even agree with an agenda like this.
In 20 years lots of people will have trans parents, siblings etc and you wont care then either. Kind of like its a slope you cant get off
>unironically using this as an insult.
It's not an agenda in the sense that you mean it. Which is conspiracy.
they are already are. their agenda is to control society
>it's like upwards of 50% now.
that's complete fucking nonsense
Look at all the tentpole pieces of media now, avengers, dc, game of thrones,
are half of the characters gay???
no you retarded faggot
Cause when a young homo sees someone they can identify with they might not feel so alone and grotesque. The whole "hey maybe I'm okay" aspect of it. Why do you think there was, and still is, a relatively high rate of suicide in the LGBT community?
It's important for people, the youth particularly, to have positive role models that they can identify with to look up to.
Positive role models are community members not celebrities and fictional characters
God forbid
Read it again, retard. 50% of media includes gay characters, not 50% of characters are gay. What are you, a mongoloid?
Media personalities are part of the community now. People don't live in small villages anymore.
If you think everything has to be represented in percentages, then why is there no 50/50 split on gender in media, with 50% of all shows and movies starring female leads, being female centric with clear female POV?
Jesus the brainwashing has done quite a number on you.
I've also been using the words homo, fag, and faggotry so try not to get too butt hurt.
See? I just did it again. I'm hilarious
>patronized and pandered to
What are you even talking about? Specifically which gay characters do you find patronizing and why?
LGB, yes. T suicide rate is high because it's literally a mental illness. That's not me being mean. That's the fucking truth and it's heartbreaking how people with gender dysphoria have been politicized.
100% of society has a gay character
maybe their feeling grotesque is a sign of something. like maybe homosexuality is abnormal and unnatural. and maybe we should listen to that feeling instead of trying to condition people out of it
Yes it is, there wasn't any gay people on television when I was a kid. Apart from a few joke characters
>it's like upwards of 50% now
lmao take your meds, you're hallucinating again
>I just want normalized shit. Proportional amounts of representation. Like, 1-3% of media having a gay character would make sense
Alright so what, is this proportional to say 1-3% of people knowing someone who is gay?
Ouch! My neck! I almost got whiplash by how quickly you moved those goal posts!
>They should be included in things organically
Except you fuckers whine at the very mention of someone being gay in a show and claim you're being brainwashed. Being gay is part of humanity. Stop denying because thinking of people's dicks gets you flustered.
If they were, then there wouldn't be people complaining so much about the gay agenda my dude
We should listen to feelings now eh? So much for the logical conservative
My point is that it's not unique to social conservatives.
You can look at the opposite end of the spectrum and see feminists pushing women in STEM. You never hear feminists wanting more women in liberal arts.
name one right that homosexuals are deprived of, and how and by whom that deprivation is carried out
>gay writers write gay characters
>gay producers hire gay writers
this is what it is
people tell stories about themselves
that's what you're supposed to do
they did it before it was legal as well, you just didn't notice;
>Ben Hur
>Lawrence of Arabia
all written by gay writers with gay stuff.
>Proportional amounts of representation. Like, 1-3% of media having a gay character would make sense
I thought conservatives were against affirmative action quotas? Ever considered that maybe straight people are also interested in seeing gay relationships and characters in media? Maybe gay people are so much in media because there's an actual market for it.
>why do you think there was and still is, a relatively high rate of suicide in the LGBT community?
Because its a community with its fundamental definung features being the shared mental illness and the celebration of it? Because most of those who identify as LGBT became ao after traumatizing events? Not because a TV show character isnt gay you impotent cretin.
Discrimination by sexual orientation is legal in multiple states
I said it would make sense, not that it should be a forced thing or a quota. Did you read the post?
Did anyone watch the video? Ratburns husband gives Arthur a creepy wink...
Any appearance would by criticized as forced by you
no it isn't. and how do people even know someone is homosexual in the first place?
It is far more prevalent amongst social conservatives to not even consider practicing the arts or being creative, and to value a financially stable career more. The fact that it is not unique to them is irrelevant.
>You can look at the opposite end of the spectrum and see feminists pushing women in STEM.
This is a perfect analogy.
Why isn't there more feminism in technology and science ?
>women don't respect tech and science
>they aren't good at it
>they don't do it
>they don't like it
>they have never been very involved or interested in it
>they merely consume it, complain about it and try to control it
just like conservatives and media.
I thought Congress passed a law including sexual orientation under the Civil Rights Act?
Ahh, you clearly didn't read the post then.
Reminder that PBS is garbage and agenda shit now-a-days and YOUR tax dollars are paying for it.
Your tax dollars are paying for:
-Gay Mr. Ratburn's faggot wedding
-Boring as fuck imported British shows like Downton Abbey and Call the Midwife
-Literally autistic muppets on Sesame Street
Okay, I see what you're trying to say now.
>I thought conservatives -
No you didn't. You're lying, as SJWs Always Lie.
Let's be honest, before this when was the last time ANY of you thought or cared about Arthur?
BASED caillou is my nigga bro
This is just the "you're not a real fan" argument with a different shirt on cmon now
No, they're right. Conservatives are against quotas.
Authoritarians support quotas and stuff.
Not saying that's inherently bad, or that authoritarian governments are inherently ebil, but the point stands.
No, they're trying to get the Supreme Court to reinterpret the meaning of "sex" in existing law to bypass Congress.
>I said it would make sense
Yeah, based on nothing but "oh I just feel like that's how much it should be" unless it's "pandering."
When there was a meme based on it.
socially conservative people are generally authoritarian
a true libertarian wouldn't care about any of this
Not what I mean, my point is that people are just seeking out things to be angry about
conservatives are addicted to the feeling of false weakness and victimization they get from hearing gay people exist. It doesn't matter if they watched Arthur before, in a week they'll find a new thing to hate and forget this existed.
no, faggot
>see thing
Oh wow welcome to Human Nature 101
Gay people only make up less than 1% of the population. If we're being realistic, there'd only be 1 gay character per decade on TV.
you mean that feeling you get when you hear white nationalists exist?
I know.
Most "conservatives" now are closer to libertarians than before. Like, plain conservatives don't usually oppose gay marriage anymore, it's mostly only far-right types now.
When I said "conservative," I meant this new conception of conservative, which is essentially just libertarian.
But what point are you trying to make? This isn't about Arthur.
like the feeling you get when you hear people who disagree with you exist?
sort of, except many people are actually hurt by nationalists, where the only thing nationalists are a victim of is being called a nazi.
Well technically it's about Mr. Ratburn, so I guess you're right
Hey man, that one guy had a milkshake thrown on him TWICE
This is what happens when the nfew outshadow the many, it makes things look larger when in fact its not even worthy of a social footnote. The whole "Im coming out as X" facade is just a fad because apparently EVERYONE who hates being white want their own civil rights movement, even though most are doing it because its "in style".
and having their country taken from them, and being censored by hostile media, and having their lives ruined by online mobs, and being fined or jailed by certain countries
>fictional characters
Im gonna have to disagree with you there. We've created Epic Heros and God's to serve as roll models since the dawn of man. To each their own though. Some people look up to wayne greski and some people look up to superman. I guess teddy roosevelt would be more realistic but not as cool as superman
lol, if humans are naturally predisposed to beat up gay people when they aren't propagandized to maybe the problem isn't normal people.
Adding to this: Why do you think there was such a push to actually assume that babies could be born gay/trans/etc? Because they want to put up the lie that they are rejected for their fundamental existence as if it's their race.
lol I love how all I have to do is ask "are nazis really victims?" and suddenly like magic the rational just facts guy starts talking like a nazi. It's incredible how transparent you are, that you think anyone should respect the ideology of fascism which is basically a suicidal death cult.
You are aware that the United States is a nation of immigrants, right? Not only that, immigrants who are living on land that was already taken from people who were living there.
White nationalists by definition are advocating for, at the least, the removal of all nonwhites. This is by definition advocating for some form of violence, which is already pretty messed up before we even get into attacks carried out by white nationalists.
we're like 3 to 5% at most with trannies clocking in at 0.3%
Having anywher and even on children shows is you damage controling queer.
>You are aware that the United States is a nation of immigrants, right?
No, the United States is mostly a nation of non-immigrants. Only far into the past was the United States a nation of immigrants.
And those non-immigrants are descendants of who?
nice pivot into victimhood olympics
Nazis and nationalists are not the same thing. Prior to WW2, pretty much everyone was nationalist except Marxist.
Unless you meant white nationalism specifically. White nationalism is technically not the same thing as Nazism, but there is significant overlap, and most WNs are Nazis and vice versa, so they are usually used interchangably.
you know calling everyone you don't like a "nazi" just lets everyone know your opinion is worthless, right
>You are aware that the United States is a nation of immigrants, right?
not an argument
Not him, but are you on crack? None of what that post said has anything to do with yours. Take a break bro stop talking shit. Instead of asking for clarification you jumped to conclusions faster than an overprotective mother.
>And those non-immigrants are descendants of who?
Some are descendants of colonists, others descendants of immigrants.
But they themselves are overwhelmingly not immigrants, so to say the country IS a nation of immigrants, rather than WAS, is just stupid propaganda from the retard party.
something you want to talk about cletus?
You are literally posting in a thread about how the gay agenda is attacking the straight white men. The victimhood began with the OP
The gay agenda in 1960s France was real...
>Yes it is, there wasn't any gay people on television when I was a kid.
you're like 15 so of course there were
>some people look up to superman
only those aged below 8
imagine being an adult looking up to fictional characters lmao
keep working for your father's love user, you're almost there
Gods and heros are real life events made into myth over time. And to superman, sure we do create some role models, based on value. Superman isnt looked up to cause hes white, but because of what he believes.
it isn't a pivot. Conservatives who freak out about a gay Arthur character are the ones playing oppression olympics. I'm simply telling them they're wrong, they are not the real victims of cultural oppression or censorship no matter how hard they try.
Ask any educated person, who's more oppressed: a middle class straight white man or a black gay guy. It's no secret who wins. Conservatives are just mad someone else is getting sympathy and not them.
There were also people living here before us, not just trees my dude. The argument is that complaining about people not from America moving into America is actually fundamentally unamerican.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but my interpretation is that the children, grandchildren, etc should be against immigration even though their family would have never come to America without immigration?
Reminder that people who dislike love between men are Semitic slave moralists. Real traditionalists recognise the foundations of Western civilisation.
children should not be exposed to homosexuality or homosexual propaganda. stay mad reprobate fudgepacker
that picture of woods looks a little empty...are you sure there wasn't anyone living in america before the settlers....maybe some sort of native...American? hmmmm
It's a furry show and it's being on 22 years. THE FURRY AGENDA is real
The nation was formed by invasive immigration. Its infrastructure was built by immigrants throughout the history of the country. Your Statue of Liberty that you're so proud of as a national monument has in writing a speech about welcoming immigrants in. Your entire culture is built on immigrants bringing in new stuff and mixing it up. Same with cuisine. But sure. It's not immigrant country because muh fee-fees don't like that word.
All settlers are immigrants but not all immigrants are settlers. One clearly has a stronger claim to an area.
>Lots of kids have gay parents, or gay siblings, or are gay themselves
God, I hate Californians
>There were also people living here before us
so? what does that prove?
>The argument is that complaining about people not from America moving into America is actually fundamentally unamerican
leftists don't get to call others "unamerican"
>Mr. Ratburn gets gay married
>dissenters say that it's stupid to be mad about Mr. Ratburn's gay wedding
>"haha libtard stay mad"
every time
Don't get butthurt even more than you already are just because someone points out that homos are procreating by raping small kids.
Reminder that 80% of all pedophiles are homosexuals.
But heterosexual propaganda is fine?
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but my interpretation is that the children, grandchildren, etc should be against immigration even though their family would have never come to America without immigration?
People can decide whether the country needs more immigration based on the country's current situation. We can also decide to change tax policy even if tax policy was once different.
We are deciding it for our country that we live in now. We are deciding it for our situation. We owe nothing to anyone.
>the worst character is a faggot
checks out
or what? Show me any solid evidence it will turn them gay. You don't even care about gay people you just want something to be mad about, like I said. You're the one pivoting, not me.
>Ask any educated person, who's more oppressed: a middle class straight white man or a black gay guy
do you think a middle class white man would have gotten away with what jussie smollet did? including the fake anthrax letter?
lmao get a clue
hilarious that you're the one telling others 'they are wrong'
Reminder that even in greek and roman culture homosexuality was depraved and looked down upon. There were a slew of insults for a man who insisted on only taking male lovers.
>imagining thinking representation is a bad thing
If the agenda is 'some people are gay' is that really an agenda?
>The nation was formed by invasive immigration. Its infrastructure was built by immigrants throughout the history of the country. Your Statue of Liberty that you're so proud of as a national monument has in writing a speech about welcoming immigrants in. Your entire culture is built on immigrants bringing in new stuff and mixing it up. Same with cuisine. But sure. It's not immigrant country because muh fee-fees don't like that word.
We grew rapidly due to immigration. But we no longer have massive amounts of need for immigration. We actually had a long wage stagnation that could have been largely impacted by immigration. It's basic supply and demand. Conditions change. Immigration was necessary. Now it clearly is not.
Let's be rational, not merely state stupid things like "we once did this therefore we must always".
>who is opressed
>who wins
A perfect example of a leftshit mindset.
Yes... it ensures the survival of our species you moron
>strawmanning this hard
yes, because heterosexuality is the norm. i know that enrages you, and that you hate biology, but there's nothing you can do about it
Read the thread
Gays are way more likely to molest children. It does not make them safer at all.
>but what about gay children
Gay children? What?
There are a slew of insults that exist for people who go to church, or stay at home to rear their children. There are also insults for those on the left and the right side of the political spectrum. Dishonest reporbate who was never read Plato.
>The nation was formed by invasive immigration
The Nation was established through colonisation.
There was no country to immigrate to as the Anglo settlers weren't integrated into the native american tribes.
Its all just propaganda.
Sooo in the same sense normalizing right wing politics won't make anyone a nazi?
>or what?
or we'll punish you for trying to corrupt our children and society
This post is the worst part of this.
There's been plenty of people who have mannerisms like that who are perfectly straight. Same with a bit more feminine guys, guys who like fashion, and all kinds of interests and mannerisms.
But we're being taught by television that they're actually gay. They just don't know it yet. And when one of then turns out to be gay everybody's all "See I told you!". And every time we look at someone a bit different we go "he's probably gay".
In reality they're usually not, but we're being taught to imagine a lot of personalities as gay, and many of them will be turned gay by this stereotyping.
>fundamentally unamerican
You hate America and everything it represents so what the fuck are you playing at?
>the slippery slope isn't re
>muh oppression olympics
Unironically kill yourself for harboring and help sustaining such a weak inhumane mindset in our current year.
If it's the norm, why do you need propaganda? Shouldn't it happen normally?
>still being Hungarian
Don't worry, day of the rope is soon, lad.
Yes cause reading plato is the extent of understanding cultures in antiquity... you dont know what youre talking about its okay
What makes you the person who gets to decide who is able to call others "unamerican"?
You know what, that's a fair point, even if I disagree on whether or not it aligns with the American Ideal.
So what happens to the nonwhite Americans?
Pretending that degeneracy is good is propaganda.
How did gays claw their way from being universally despised to universally beloved, while straight men can't even keep control of their own culture? Why do suicidal trannies act more assertively than any "high test" /pol/tard?
Droves of fags in the 70s came out to their work and families as people that liked getting buttfucked, while you racists are literally too scared to mention your "natural", "objectively correct" political views at the dinner table.
Maybe you aren't fit to rule Western civilisation anymore?
replies to fag deleted his post for some reason
Who is fit to rule Western civilization?
>You know what, that's a fair point, even if I disagree on whether or not it aligns with the American Ideal.
>So what happens to the nonwhite Americans?
I never said anything about nonwhite Americans. I guess I'm not following the rest of the conversation.
>representing the filth of society is good thing
Is the American Dream not coming to America with nothing and successfully creating a new life in a new land?
If that's not the most American thing there is, please tell me what is American.
>has in writing a speech about welcoming immigrants in
don't mind me just butting in
I'm just here to point out that this was added later and was written by one of the forerunners of zionism
>Droves of fags in the 70s came out to their work and families as people that liked getting buttfucked
and droves of them ended up dying of aids, which they happily spread and turned into an epidemic. very respectable
fuck dannyfags
fuck capeshit
fuck jannies
and Fuck globo tranny homos
>do you think a middle class white man would have gotten away with what jussie smollet did?
do you think what smollet did is representative of the experience of most gay black men in America? Living as a rich celebrity under 30 with a decent acting career? Again, shocking how little substance there is to these arguments, it's like you've never actually talked to another human and only hear these things bounced back and fourth between idiots on pol
conservatives are the ones claiming a gay tv character oppresses them, though. I didn't start it.
>they are not the real victims, I'm the real victim
why do libshits always strawman this argument? saying there's a gay agenda to propagandize children is not the same as claiming white men are victims. you chose the latter argument because it was easier to mock.
>Ask any educated person, who's more oppressed
ask any indoctrinated person to regurgitate the doctrine.
>posting fake news
I thought we were on opposite sides of the white nationalism or not argument, I think I might have lost the conversation thread too.
>reddit spacing
Yeah your opinion belongs in the trash.
No one was claiming that it "oppressed" them, they just said they didn't like it.
Well at least it isn't yet another lesbian couple.
>Immigration was necessary. Now it clearly is not.
Your farmers literally cannot find domestic labor to harvest their crops even when they go full maga and offer insanely good benefits and pay for manual labor. Seasonal migration workers is something the country increasingly needs because fatass burgers can't be arsed to pick up fruit in the fields.
because we need to counter your propaganda, idiot. i know your expectation is for people to just sit and approve of you, but that's not how it works
>strip dance
That's not what happened.
>from being universally despised to universally beloved
this only happens in tv shows and social media
reality is much harsher
>do you think what smollet did is representative of the experience of most gay black men in America?
Victimization complex, lying about being oppressed, getting bored and faking a hate crime. Yes. That's what they're all about.
You wouldn't put bitter wild berries in a fruit salad, would you?
>What makes you the person who gets to decide who is able to call others "unamerican"?
what makes YOU that person, idiot? you're the one who said it. are you that lacking in self awareness?
So if going to school and getting an education is indoctrination, then how is anyone supposed to learn anything?
I kinda talkes about it already. Its a fad user. You know those Highschool movies where the underdog MC cant b3 as cool as the chads to get the stacy? Yeah well think of it like, The popular chads and stacys are the Civil Rights movement, AIM, etc and how it is praised and looked upon as a success today, take the retarded beta MC as the LGBTQ degenerates, and take the moment in the film when the mc is successfully popular but loses some of what makes himself unique as the goal of the LGBTQ Community. Sorry for the shit written analogy i tried keeping this somewhat TV related.
>degenerate gays were almost always abused as kids
Leftists are not American, leftists are not any place, they are just foreign dismatling agents. History of 20th century serves as evidence to such.
They sure do.
>Your farmers literally cannot find domestic labor to harvest their crops even when they go full maga and offer insanely good benefits and pay for manual labor. Seasonal migration workers is something the country increasingly needs because fatass burgers can't be arsed to pick up fruit in the fields.
No they just don't want to pay good wages.
[wage stagnation intensifies]
these people obviously
difference between introducing a gay character and making mister ratburn gay after 20 years for some reason
would a white straight male have gotten away with what smollet did?
keep in mind not only he was given a free pass by justice but also by all media
answer the question: would he have gotten away with it?
Not how things work.
t. know abuse victims
>How did gays claw their way from being universally despised to universally beloved,
When they decided to re-brand themselves as Gay instead of Sodomites.
If that were true, you'd be getting the most representation
Based /pol/ bait
99% of gays were raped and turned gay
>many people are actually hurt by nationalists
Imagine being this delusional.
Not glad they did this, but it's technically not a retcon if his sexuality was undisclosed before.
>No they just don't want to pay good wages.
There's been plenty of reporting in the past couple of years where farmers offer way above minimum wage and also give you healthcare, yet nobody is interested or willing to do it for more than couple of days.
so what you're saying is that conservatives have no objective moral reason why this is bad, like say a black person might believe slavery was bad?
You are just upset for the sake of being upset, in the end it doesn't really matter? No one else should care about conservative opinion on this, because you can't prove it has any real negative effect on anyone? Glad we got that figured out than.
no. true
There's no evidence that image ever actually existed in real life.
No one claimed anyone oppressed anyone but you. Hily shit I could have a sperm cell take an IQ test and even without its ability to think it'd be smarter than you.
go back.
It's false.
What? How on Earth did you derive that from what I said?
Your logic goes "If they aren't claiming to be oppressed their opinion doesn't matter."
You think anything not rooted in oppression cannot be bad?
I'm the one arguing that the American Dream of immigrants being able to come to America and create a life for themselves should be preserved.
I'm asking what gives the guy who's arguing against that the right to decide what is and isn't unamerican?
>foreign dismantling agents
You are aware that the Russians successfully influenced the 2016 elections in favor of Republicans, right?
It's in the Mueller report.
>while you racists are literally too scared to mention your "natural", "objectively correct" political views at the dinner table
For the same reason eastern Europeans didn't when the leftists were institutionally oppressing them, enslaving them and aiming their guns at them, their families and loved ones.
What's the big deal?
The gays just want to expose themselves to your children. What's the harm in that?
I dont get how men are gay. women are objectively prettier
>Getting dick in your ass of the same sex for the soul purpose pleasing your degenerate desires.
>Acts go against basic animal bodily functions such as reproducing, shitting and generally abused history
>b-but you're the mental one
Citation needed
Old news. The Loud House did it three years ago. They're even interracial and thin/fat.
no it isn't
so you think every gay black person in america fakes a hate crime? That's pretty impressive, do you have any statistics to back that up? Do you want to guess what the percent of fake hate crimes is?
>would a white straight male have gotten away with what smollet did?
white people get away with literal rape and murder and all sorts of other crimes all the time. Look at cheney and bush
Was the Charlottesville attack a false flag then?
no but it devalues it. because most people don’t listen to the points that retarded people are making.
And they have a lesbian teen couple.
There are also Americans laws and rules and you will come only when American people invite and let you in. Oh I am sorry, I forgot that those are only white supremacist systems to be dismantled.
I have a brain. You might as well ask for a citation for murder being illegal.
Yea Forums - Television and Film
>so you think every gay black person in america fakes a hate crime?
>That's pretty impressive, do you have any statistics to back that up?
Yes. Reddit.com/r/gayblackhoaxes
>Do you want to guess what the percent of fake hate crimes is?
100%. Hate crimes don't happen.
have you ever observed a male dog, by chance?
>I'm asking what gives the guy who's arguing against that the right to decide what is and isn't unamerican?
the only person who used the word "unamerican" is you, you deranged imbecile
>You are aware that the Russians successfully influenced the 2016 elections in favor of Republicans, right?
oh it's a russia obsessive. opinion discarded
>Gays are degenerate scum
Stop going to /pol/ and grow up.
>Hate crimes don't happen
Wow good response, you totally have a brain.
and go read the threads on Yea Forums nothing but dykes, gays and women post in them.
One incident.
Oy vey, it's anuddah shoah.
stop having promiscuous sex and spreading infections. grow up
so if it isn't oppression, what specifically is wrong with having a gay tv character and who is it hurting? If it isn't hurting anyone, why is it wrong? If it's a victimless event like jaywalking, don't conservatives have better things to do than whine about it?
Oppression is just hurting a large group over time in a systematized way. It can apply to almost anyone. I'm not a very liberal person but this seems to be the exact situation conservatives are implying here, but now you don't want to admit it because you know I'm right, it makes you look just as dumb as all the people you make fun of.
>gays literally cteated the term Bug Chasing, making it common practice
>Not degeneratea
Open your eyes, you fool
They literally don't, though.
If they did, you freaks wouldn't have to keep faking them.
>white people get away with literal rape and murder and all sorts of other crimes all the time. Look at cheney and bush
lmao what are you even babbling about?
hilarious how you got yourself into this mess and now can't even answer a simple question that completely destroys your fictional world view
again, answer this very simple question so we can find out if black gays are more oppresed than white straight middle class males:
would a white straight male have gotten away with what smollet did?
user, not believing in Russia won't make them go away.
>what specifically is wrong with having a gay tv character and who is it hurting?
1) it's disgusting
2) it hurts society by trying to normalize degeneracy and trying to trick people into joining in on it
Ahahaha, love when 'Bake the cake' homos suddenly start to sperg out about Smollett. What's up commie, suddenly we are being individualistic when it comes to Jussie? How come? All black gay men are oppressed, aren't they?
By this logic everything excluding penetration is mentally ill.
No, 90% of those threads are fat guys wanting to fuck the daughters, just like on Yea Forums.
No it won’t. They’re just going to keep forcing in more “oppressed” classes. Soon there will be more trannies, pedos, dogfuckers, etc.
>what specifically is wrong with having a gay tv character
children should not be exposed to deviant sexuality. you are a degenerate
I know probably over a dozen gay or bisexual people, and I'm bisexual myself. If gays and bisexuals were almost always abused, then almost all of these people would supposedly have been abused. Since that's not the case, the facts must be either that the gay and bisexual people I know are a tiny minority (very unlikely), or that the theory is false.
LOL fucking what?
You can look it up yourself. Are you suggesting the insidious alt-right "Photoshopped" it? The same way they "Photoshopped" that footage of Mike Brown beating up that Asian clerk?
believing in it won't make trump go away
Is this supposed to be relevant?
Cheney and Bush should have been prosecuted for war crimes.
I was referring to the 13% figure, I know that the fag culture is extremely degenerate.
the left can't meme
>then there wouldn't be people complaining so much about the gay agenda
People AREN'T complaining about eh gay agenda, faggot.
Where in modern society are you allowed to complain about gays without punitive financial measures taken against you?
Yea Forums and other similar websites? MAYBE on YouTube (for now)? Everywhere else, including real-life, it gets you banned, blacklisted, deplatformed and probably ruins your career.
Pro gay is not ok.
Tell that to the FBI statistics.
You have an actual mental illness.
Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Psyops by jews work to flood social media with jew agenda propaganda. They range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Yea Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA
>How acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.
disgusting to who? To conservatives and their own personal beliefs about what their doughy children should watch on tv. So its oppression against you then, isn't it? thought so.
Fine then, last three were a shooting at a (((synagogue))), arson at a mosque, and another shooting at a synagogue. There was also the dude who mailed pipe bombs to Dems.
Granted there are a few attacks enacted by liberals in here (the baseball stadium shooting being the most prominent), but my point stands.
>You really think people would do something like that? Going out on the internet and telling lies?
You've never looked at any FBI statistics in your life.
It was self defense.
>having the wrong facial expression is a hate crime.
reminder jussie smollet got away with sending terroristic threats and faking a hate crime to incite racial hatred
not only did justice give him a free pass
but also all media and normies
but somehow black gays are very oppressed
>would a white straight male receive the same treatment by justice and media if he had faked a hate crime to incite racial hatred against blacks and had sent terroristic threats?
the question Yea Forums couldn't answer
I'm not really a conservative. Conservatives think in an individualistic manner. I admit that social conservatism is largely incompatible with this kind of individualistic conservatism. That's why most conservatives have become increasingly liberal on social issues. Meanwhile, their economic views remain firmly right-wing. As a result, the overton window has shifted to the left socially, but it either remains the same or shifts to the right economically.
The "it's not hurting anyone" argument only really works on someone who thinks with an individualist mindset. Most conservatives do have such a mindset, which is why their views on the issue have changed.
As for me, my political views are not individualist, I am concerned with society as a whole. As such, so-called victimless crimes are still a problem because they harm society as a whole.
what is worse, costing the city of Chicago several hundred thousand and wasting their time on a fake hate crime, or starting a war for profit that has killed hundreds of thousands of people and cost America a trillion, fucking trillion, dollars.
You are an absolute knuckle-dragging retard to see these events, and think "oh, me no like black man!" instead of the fucking war criminals. Literally eat a shotgun
False flags
The 2020 election will at the latest, and I can't wait to browse /pol/ for the salt when it happens.
I'm no expert, but it's not "self-defense" if the guy driving the car will always win the battle against the pedestrian.
>this is what leftists actually believe
>in Mueller report
No it isn't. You can read it but I am sure that reading is white social construct.
Love how leftists screech about Russia while they run around chanting Soviet slogans about social justice.
>Everywhere else, including real-life, it gets you banned, blacklisted, deplatformed and probably ruins your career
Not really but okay. Publicly comparing homosexuality to bestiality or incest will make you look like a moron, and people will probably start distancing themselves from you for obvious reasons. There are a lot of conservative public figures though.
We must be reading different threads then, given the OP explicitly uses the words "gay agenda"
>Thinking he won't get re-elected
Dems have no strong competition.
yea it is gay people aren't born they're made
yeah, people have never been pulled out of cars and attacked
And the guy who shoots faster and has better aim is going to win too. Doesn't mean he's always the aggressor. Just because you win doesn't mean it's not self defense. Hint: don't attack people in vehicles unless you want to get hit.
can't believe he had to molest arthur for 20 years before proposing
Yes I have.
Yeah you probably don't want to bring up that mosque arson one given the track record those cases have.
Why would you link a page that completely disproves your point anyway? Oh right, the mental illness.
Obama doubled what bush was being criticised fir and got praised for it
I miss these
/pol/ is going to be unusable for 3 months before the election. Just like the midterms, there's going to be a million the_donald boomer threads and babbling about the red wave, and once trump loses they will all forget they ever predicted a republican win.
>what is wrong
It is actively trying to teach children about something completely unnatural, i.e. Degeneracy. I dont want kids who dont know jack shit about themselves let alone sexuality be indoctrinated into a "community" with ties to pedophilia, STDs/Is, and celebration of mental illnesses
Disgusting to people with common sense to see why choping off your dick and cutting open a wound to pretend to be the oppisite sex via crossdressing. Disgusting to people who sees whats wrong when an adolescent is taken to Pride parades where middle aged men expose themselves in thr name of "love". Disgustung to people who know indoctrinating a child to a crossdressing fetish is wrong. Disgusting to people whi didnt want to associate themselves with people known to have a large pedophilia problem. So you know, most of Western Society :)
Only homosexuals want to do this to children. But goy news, we have a solution. Some chains and a truck.
It's gonna get a lot worse for you in about 10 years, I promise that.
>beep boop beep
>bush bad
>orange man bad
>boop beep
>Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred "in sweeping and systematic fashion" and "violated U.S. criminal law".
If fucking Biden gets the nomination, you might be right, but I don't expect him to.
I was actually thinking that Weld might beat Trump in the primaries, since he's more palatable to more moderate conservatives.
Most gays are perfectly normal people and most of them don't even have anal sex.
Can't wait till Arthur has the pro pedo episode
You retards pretty much handed him relection when he said he was going to send all the illegals to sanctuary cities and virtually every democrat in the country chimped out.
>It's gonna get a lot worse for you in about 10 years, I promise that.
Two characters are gay in a 150+ cast and civilization is coming to an end. A female characters does something positive and masculinity is under attack. A black guy doesn't steal something, it's Satanic Leberal Jew propaganda.
I love Yea Forums.
kill yourself faggot scum
>The 2020 election will at the latest, and I can't wait to browse /pol/ for the salt when it happens
I remember these same posts months before trump won
some people never learn
I don't think you read it my dude, it's literally in the first volume that Russia did successfully influence the election even if Mueller couldn't prove that it was at Trump's behest.
It’s a joke and a waste of money if you’re not in the inner circle in Hollywood already. You need the right connections to suck the right dick to get in. There are tons of liberals who get those degrees and end up on the streets, and a lot of conservatives have wised up to that. It also doesn’t help that you will be blackballed and cutoff from the industry if you seem to have the wrong connections or affiliations. People like Chris Pratt mostly keep quite about their politics, but now people like Ellen Page are attacking him because someone at his church said something mean about gay people. Luckily, the man has enough star power and he’s essential in The LEGO Movie franchise and the MCU that he’s okay for now. If they decide to blacklist him after this, then he’s made more than enough money to retire for the rest of his life and have enough to give to his kids.
Uh-oh, we have a tough guy here!
If you had, you wouldn't have this delusional fantasy about hate crimes in the US.
Yes because you know most gays and what they do in the bedroom. Stop beijg retarded.
This child shit goes beyond nazis. Normies will be screaming for fag blood by 2030, unless you start calming down real soon.
Don't worry, they'll grow out of it eventually.
The statistics say that hate crime exists.
>"people aren't being hurt by white nationalists"
>link page listing multiple attacks where white nationalists hurt and/or killed people, thus demonstrating that white nationalists hurt people
>"your link disproved your point"
Can you explain this? I'm genuinely confused
People were outraged by Trump's threat to dump people sanctuary cities because he was literally talking about dumping them without notice on the streets at the dead of night and that would have immediately created a humongous humanitarian crisis because the cities wouldn't have the resources prepared to handle such a huge influx of people out of the blue. And that doesn't even take account the inhuman handling of people as pure chattel that you ship around the country as a purely vindictive political vendetta.
I can't wait for the episode where Mr. Ratburn takes the class on field trip to Ram Ranch.
Can someone define the nebulous gay agenda because people keep morphing it to fit their arguments and not look retarded
Not really. Although I suppose a lot of black people do hate black people.
Enjoy your train ride
Homophobia, like racism, is the mark of low intelligence.
If you're upset about one itty bitty same sex marriage in a show with a bunch of other married couples then you might be just a tad bit misguided.
Gay people are mental issues.
He's right.
t. fag
There are virtually no white nationalists in your list. Or are we going to pretend the Tsarnayev brothers and the lefty loon that shot up the congressional baseball game are white nationalists now?
Fascism needs an enemy, it's best if the enemy is nebulous so it can apply to anything. It's like that by design.
>but what about bush and cheney?
every time
I'm unironically looking forward to it.
>Russia did successfully influence the election
How the fuck is that supposed to work when every media organisation on the planet was shilling for hillary and every us ally contributed to her campaign?
that's morally right. scientist should work their butts off to get rid of gay genes if they don't want faggots getting cleansed.
Yeah, all the "spreading this pestilence to our homes" quotes were about the humanitarian crisis.
Why are other cities expected to deal with this huge influx of people? You're the ones who invited them.
Leftism really is a mental illness.
Who was the "enemy" in fascist Italy then?
normalisation and celebration of deviant sexuality; lessening or elimination of distinction between public and private behaviour; increased sexualisation of society and culture; destruction of monogamy; destruction of the family unit
Good luck getting that past the ethics board.
>west gets more and more degenerate
You wont see any gay propaganda aimed at children in muslim countries.
back to leftypol, subhuman
I hate spoonfeeding
A lot of their media is probably state owned
which is one of the reasons why the islamic world will eventually conquer the west
From claiming there are tons of white nationalists out there killing people to pretending that black people aren't responsible for the vast majority of the crime in the country in a post and a half.
Good job.
Dont you want everything to be FREE?
good luck getting past the rope
Black people DO hate black people though you mongoloidic shrew. Explain thrle gun violence, explain their complete societal stagnancy, explain why so many are in prison despite their "no snitching" rulez explain their father abandonment, and lastly explain why they still persist to call themselves a "community" when they are at the same time dismantling it from the inside-out by their own doing in the name of 'Black culture'.
I never said that.
don't need to. maybe release the chemicals in the rain or something. a real hero would do it.
I know right? It's pretty crazy, but it happened.
Would it be easier or better to shoot up an AIPAC meeting? That's like the same thing as a synagogue
Keep dreaming, Ahmed
Wow. You're up to two!
As far as my research is telling me, Mussolini was fighting for reclaiming/protecting Italy from outsiders, although I could be wrong.
We have structures and policies in place when distributing and housing people. There are procedures you follow so that there isn't overcrowding and lack of resources when you do it in a timely and well prepared manner. If you want to place the people in sanctuary cities, it should be done through that way. Not by just driving them in and then releasing them at the street and saying "not my problem anymore."
You're trying to defend the President wanting to dump people, all of whom he himself repeatedly claims to be vicious criminals, to the city streets as a purely political retribution because it would "BTFO the libs" and you can't even smell the hypocrisy and inhuman nature of that action.
>the inhuman handling of people as pure chattel that you ship around the country as a purely vindictive political vendetta.
as if that's not exactly what the left does when resettling refugees in red states or moving section 8 blacks from chicago to the mountain west
>I want the media to represent my side because I like to take it up the ass!
Why are gays so selfish?
I dont understand what the problem is when 95% of media and 70% of the nations can do it openly. What's the issue with russia maybe doing it?
In my opinion, the answer goes that, early on, it was the Marxists. That was during his rise to power, when he insinuated that Italy would fall to Marxism without fascism.
After his rise to power, however, it quickly became apparent that Marxism no longer posed a threat. After he had established his power base, he really no longer had a need to have a common enemy for the people.
The Nazis on the other hand demonized the Jews until the regime fell.
They never got the attention they needed from their Fathers so they want it from society
But you invited them. You call everyone who doesn't think they should be here nazis.
It's a bit hypocritical to start crying that the feds are going to give them a ride. Do you think they should have to walk the whole way?
I definitely gave at least four explicitly: two synagogue shootings, arson at a mosque, and the charlottesville attack. The rest are covered in the wikipedia page. The problem is that you keep moving the goalposts for how many are enough to justify saying that White Nationalism actually leads to violent attacks and dead Americans.
they're going to come for you faggot, it's only a matter of time.
Are you for real? Jesus Christ, dude.
Homosexuality is a fetish. Homos are the predecessors to furries, they let their sexual fetish define themselves and their lifestyle revolves around it. Now that homos are mainstream we're seeing worse fetishes like trannies pushing for their own disgusting lifestyles to be accepted.
It's a problem then too, an American election should be decided by only Americans. The question for the investigation was whether or not Trump directed Russia to interfere, since that would constitute a crime.
For the record, I am not a fan of Hillary either, but I voted for her because from my perspective, she was the lesser evil, as the two-party system will always lead to two evils.
Open your eyes you little faggot
Outside of the Nazis, the "common enemy" of most fascist or other right-wing regimes was the Marxists.
There is an exception, though. Austria had a fascist regime before the annexation by Hitler.
Their regime's big enemy was the Nazis themselves. The Austrians were initially strongly opposed to annexation early in the 30s. The Austrofascists asserted Austria as the "superior German nation." They focused primarily on Austria's unique Catholic identity compared to Germany.
Ultimately, their first fascist dictator, Engelbert Dollfuss, was assassinated by the Nazis, and his successor was unable to prevent annexation.
>muh Charlottesville
Literally the only one you people run for everytime.
Remember when leftist registered democrat walked into gaybar and shot 50 faggots?
Remember when a homosexual with GoPro shot a female reporter during live stream?
Remember when Black block antifa shot six cops and had to be drone striked?
Thank you, Italy during WWII really is not my strong suit.
It's not "giving them a ride" when you just wanted to dump them on random street corners and never were interested in making sure the cities are informed and prepared in advance to take them in. You're being dishonest on purpose. You were going to ship people around like cattle purely to do a political hit job, instead of transferring people to get housed.
I mean, obviously people are going to go for the one that was the most widely publicized and talked about.
Yeah let's ignore all the recent hate crimes done to Jewish houses of worship.
>why do you care about our future generations when you’re not even a kid anymore, bro?
I’ll extend an olive branch and give you a selfish reason since that’s all you can seem to understand. When these kids grow up, they’ll be able to vote, and I’ll still be alive when that starts. That has the ability to fuck up my town, my city, my state, my country, my world, and any level in that system of government policy can come around to fuck me in the ass one day, literally or figuratively. I give a shit about what today’s kids watch during their formative years.
in 2015, many red state governors said they didn't want to accept syrian refugees. obama said "fuck you. you can't stop me from sending them." then he promulgated the affirmatively furthering fair housing regulation to redistribute section 8 blacks to red states to rub rural whites' noses in diversity.
You know what, that's a fair perspective to have. My question then becomes, how is knowing that gay people exist going to fuck up your town, city, and world?
>bro you’re just looking for things to be angry about :>)
Literally every news outlet: “10 reasons you should pay a gajilion dollars in taxes per month and why it should all go to trans programs, also your kids should be dressed in drag lol”
Yeah man, I go looking for this kind of stuff. Not likes it’s plastered in my face and shoved down my throat. Oh wait.
>about white men
>not the children
Holy fuck you retard you really are taking identitarianism up the ass aren't you?
no, let's celebrate it
Is your argument that just because Obama did a bad thing, Trump should be able to as well? Shouldn't Trump strive to be better than Obama?
Who gives a fuck what you think cock sucker. Everything i said was out in the open but russia maybe doing the same thing is a fucking hanging offense. Fucking kill yourself.
You mean like that feeling you get when a white man has money?
Apparently four. Well, three after they find out they burned their own mosque.
It's amazing there are any brown people left with this epidemic of white violence spreading across the country.
lets ignore the jewish falseflags as well
No even better, lets ignore how black arr killing eachother left and right due to their obviously canabalistic "culture" and blame it on the government/racism! Now lets help the gays and trannies talk to preschoolers about crossdressing and gender dysphoria! Honk!
They're already on random street corners. I guess it's okay when it's not in your neighborhood.
Nah, Drumpf should just strive to be a bad ebil cheeto.
Can you give me an example of a major news outlet like pushing this sort of narrative? Genuinely curious
Gay people love violent arabs flooding their countries.
no, my argument is that what's good for the goose is good for the gander. when the left has power, it moves specific racial and ethnic minorities around for purely partisan vindictive reasons. given that the left supports that practice, it has no moral high ground to oppose the right doing it.
>What we did to the Native Americans before anyone alive today was horrible! Let’s lay down and let others do the same to us.
If you didn't care you wouldn't reply.
Obama was never going to just dump them on the streets and go "FUCK REPUBLICANS!" That's the difference. Obama wanted to resettle people through normal channels and it makes sense to resettle people all around the country so the burden isn't placed all in one place, and states and cities were going to be involved in the process of handling it locally, like they're supposed to. Trump instead wanted to just throw people into the streets as revenge and not do any prep. If you don't see the difference you're a partisan hack.
And the housing thing was because it was found that certain regions were not distributing homes equally to all people, despite decades old rules some areas were still disproportionally white in a way that could not be explained by means other than it was systematically discriminating people and denying them housing.
yeah my mistake in thinking you wanted an honest conversation you pathetuc fucking weasel
Russians really do have a good idea. Banning homosexual propaganda aimed at children.
What's this dump them on the streets nonsense? You invited them. You specifically told them you'd shield them from federal immigration laws. If you weren't prepared for them to show up, why did you make the offer?
What is your threshold for “educated person.” If my friend disagrees with you and has an engineering degree, is he not an “educated person?” Let me guess, you’d value the opinion more from someone who agrees with you and has a degree in gender studies. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that you don’t care about the education aspect of this at all!
I hope you see the irony in the ad hominem. I'm trying to understand your ideas and interact with them, so it helps when you know my perspective. Quid pro quo and all that
Oh dang, I guess mainstream media was doing that.
Your ooliticians literally called urban areas Sanctuary Cities for the illegals wtf are you talking abiut "dumping on the streets"
Haha yeah, I wish the white man never came to invent modern civilization and that this area was still full of savages and wonderful nature tribes man. I’m tired of modern wonders and whatnot.
>lefties get mad because the want o be the most oppressed victim on the playground
That's true, and the left is definitely not above shitty partisan pettiness, but I want to know why it's okay for the right to do it.
Like I think a big part of why politicians like AOC are so popular with young people is that the perception is that they trying to reshape the democratic party into something better than what Hillary represented.
Are you seriously this retarded that you don't understand you have to coordinate these things? The reporting was clear that they were just going to drive them in and then just release them on the streets and leave.
What is there to understand
>everyone does it = no problem
>russia maybe does it= impeach reeee
you're just a baiting faggot
No such thing, because heterosexuality is normal, and most importantly, healthy for society, which is why ALL societies came to the decision that homosexuality is not normal. Its not an orientation, its a fetish, and its time to treat it yourself, and now you fucking faggots are showing in your FETISH INTO A CHILDREN SHOW, via taxpayer money, many who will not agree with.
You have quite the ego faggot? Starting to regret ever defending homosexuals. I think most people would see it differently when they all the negative associations of homosexuality, and the fact that you get off to the idea of about pushing propaganda to children.
Nah, the left is above partisan pettiness.
AOC isn't popular with anyone outside of your echo chamber. She won with 10,000 votes cast in a gerrymandered district. And she's already facing four campaign finance and ethics complaints.
You did coordinate it. You invited them to your cities and states then lost your shit when it looked like you might have to put up or shut up.
Broke: Heterosexual propaganda doesn't exist
Woke: Heterosexual propaganda does exist, and that's a good thing
>getting this seething about the reality that fags exist
Facts dont care about your feelings edgelord
Straight couples in tv show happen naturally because they’re the norm. They’re not compensating for something by having a character with no sexual history coming out as straight after 22 years like they’re doing with this Arthur character who is gay now apparently.
The USA was founded as a white nationalist country, and the USA was racially homogenous until the 1960s.
THe only reason you are allowed to live, as Yea Forums shows, is that so many Europeans have been brainwashed to not believe in real European conservatism, they bought that Libertarian folly of individual rights that allowed degeneracy to flourish. Brainwashed as children to believe racism is the ultimate sin.
The problem is that if a foreign country interferes with an election at the direction of a candidate, it constitutes a crime. There were questions about whether or not Trump committed that crime, so there was an investigation and it was found that it couldn't be proven that he instructed Russia to interfere.