Part 2
“Grow up; the planet is dying”
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Bill Nye is a paid actor.
If he were speaking as a scientist, he'd be publishing articles in journals under his ME credentials.
Stop crying about every little thing it’s annoying
Who me? I just thought I’d start a new thread since there were a couple of active conversations cut off last by autosage.
got em
Oh, so the planet is alive, but a fetus isn't? The absolute state of (((science))). We're never leaving this galaxy. The Gaia hypothesis is interesting though.
Good. I hope the planet dies. I hate you all.
I got this, bros.
>No it isn't.
Phew that was a close one.
Remember this?
There's more evidence for the existence of God than global warming bullshit.
fuck the planet and fuck materia.
Imagine being so fucking pathetic you have to parade the knowledge of basic facts in order to feel superior to the absolute cattle most of society is.
dude's a rapist and kiddy diddler, don't really give a fuck about anything he says about anything
>liberals are such retarded children they think calling yourself "science guy" means you're a scientist
Hahahahahahaha fucking pathetic
>trump is first in polls right now!
and just like that, bill's worldview shifted to a hipper audience
Isn't Nye a supporter of Monsanto who just gave all those people cancer?
>conservatives are such retarded children that they think anyone actually seriously believes bill nye is a real scientist
Hahahahahahaha fucking pathetic
>post term abortion is extremely necessary for criminal organ trafficking and Satanic human sacrifice
>but the planet is dying
Liberals think he's a scientist and consider him a moral authority, full retard
I'd fuck that kirin
This was the moment that broke his mind in my opinion, he was never the same after this and did that awful SEX JUNK IS SO OHOHOH shit as a result.
The thing is that most of the pollutants are caused by corporations who don't give a fuck. Stop insulting me because my efforts will always be in vain even if I go through all the eco hassle. It's up to the government to fix shit but they're more worried about inane wars in ufuckistan rather than policing their damn citizens. Fuck boomers.
sounds like you're quite the expert on liberals my friend. got any evidence to back up that strawman?
nice try, guy
but actual sauce so I don't have to stare at her face
Castrate all white children
Shareblue b8 thread part 2
I'm just glad there's an end in sight. This has been miserable.
not sure how that answers my questions in any way, sorry
That's not a strawman, you simp
You really dont care at all. You just want to feel good about your nation not contributing. NIMBY tier boomer in denial.
What is it about this dude that makes you people so fucking mad?
ok fren, enjoy posting about television and film :^)
What did he do this time. I lost all interest in him since he turned out to be a hack and I didn't know his show was even renewed until today.
>come on incel, you really think raising taxes 20% and making it illegal to own a gasoline powered car won't save the planet?
>here's why that's wrong
Sooooo, yeah. But what about refuting the actual point he makes about the planet dying?
Can someone tell this self-impirtant sheeny con man that three billion Africans, Chinese, and Indians won't care how many LED lightbulbs you install, cow farts you stifle, or insects you eat?
>stop gibs to israel and various brown people/countries
>acquire nuclear power with money
>brown countries now cannot grow unchecked
>climate change solved
The planet isn't dying, the planet is being killed, and the people killing it have names and addresses
lol save it for china fucko.
No nation contributed though. It's a problem with legislation at this point
There’s nothing for us to do but not chimp out when all the world’s governments start significantly increasing their use of gen III and IV nuclear. New technologies will fix all our problem, no need for drastic regulations.
Oh and the East Asians need to stop throwing trash in the ocean.
I don’t know, what could it possibly be?
those drastic regulations will create incentives for using that new tech, and punishing those who want to collect dosh for running the same old shitholes from the 1900s.
>My vagina has it's own voice
Can we deal with corporate tax rates, outsorcing of jobs, panama papers, world government, united nations first?
There are already sufficient . There is no need for more.
>what about engaging with a literal apocalyptic doomsday cult
let me say you something, the planet is not dying
refute that now
I'm a mechanical engineer btw, which makes me just as qualified as bill
What does he mean by dying? More carbon dioxide is only a good thing for trees. The Earth has seen much higher temperatures and levels of carbon dioxide in the past.
*sufficient incentives. There is no reason to fuck over hundreds of millions of people for some supposed marginally better incentives.
You know you're on the wrong side of the debate when this literal paid shill useful idiot is getting hysterical for you
I'd be smug that I'm going to get to laugh at all of your retarded faces in 30 years when nothing happens but that would be a waste of my time and sanity.
Well if the Earth is really dying (btw it's not, you fucking Mayan calendar-tier cultist), it's easy, we just need to use nuclear energy. But you fuckwits would rather us either build hydroelectric dams that fuck up river and waterway ecosystems and communities, build windmills that chop birds up, or stick a bunch of giant sheets of metal out in the middle of the desert that will make the surrounding desert uninhabitable due to the increased temperature than use clean technology that you're so scared of because "DUDE FUKUSHIMA, DUDE CHERNOBYL, DUDE THREE MILE ISLAND LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
Paving over millions of miles with asphalt, 1 billion cars, polluting rivers until fish go extinct, combined with burning millions of tons of coal and oil for energy combined is killing the planet, not good for trees or anyone.
Nah man we just need to become technocratic ethnopagans brother
The planet ain't dying it's us humans that are dying
Electric cars and nuclear energy are on the way, that takes care of half of those. Just make polluting rivers illegal. Asphalt is not a problem.
>Resultados da pesquisa
Trecho da Web em destaque
There is about 75% of the world is covered with water; and about 20% is land and is unhabitable. Summing-up would give us 95%, with remaining land area for human living for about 5%. We get 0.625% of the total urban area that is being and has been paved for years.
0.625% of covered surface is killing the planet? LOL, shut the fuck up
>mfw people ask how I know we’re killing the planet
The problem is not enough of us humans are dying. This society is dysgenic, that is the real threat we face as a species right now. It's going to cause major pain once it hits critical mass.
Notice all of these meme tier leftist "concerns" are unfounded, female hysteria that distract from the actual core issues the West is facing right now.
I know the planet is dying, but the normies have actually failed to tell me why I should give a fuck. I've got no future and the girl I loved for the past year rejected me to fuck a nigger. Fuck you Nye. Hope the world burns.
We don’t cover that much of the Earth dude. Even in Suburbs and Cities there are Plants, grasses and parks everywhere.
Tell me specifically why you think burning fossil fuels isn’t good for trees. The carbon dioxide enrichment will help trees thrive.
Whores are polluting the water supply with birth control estrogen and kikes are putting fluoride in the water, making you an NPC soiboy
He used to be cool
This isn't reddit, fuckface
Take off your nostalgia glasses dweeb. He was always trying to brainwash people, just watch his earlier shows and you will see the torment in the children's eyes
>planet is dying
Well you got two choices
1. Figure out how to leave the planet via technological advancement
2. Respect my pronouns and let the brown people in
Guess which one liberals took.
Electric Cars and Nuclear energy are not “on the way” Trump’s biggest campaign platform was bringing back coal mining jobs and burning coal for energy.
>asphalt isn’t a problem
Pretty ignorant to think you can pave over millions of miles of ecosystems without side effects. Urban centers become uninhabitable for thousands of decades and radiate heat so badly cities are notoriously hot as a result.
nuclear power is green in terms of carbon emissions but its pretty shitty in terms of cost-effectiveness. Takes billions of dollars and often decades just to build a single plant and there still isn't a good way of disposing with the waste. nobody has a good idea of what to do with spent rods that will remain lethally radioactive for like ~200,000 years except put them in cement somewhere and hope it doesnt eventually leak into the water table.
It's the most cost efficient source. The initial investment is pricey, sure, but it's energy efficiency long term is unmatched.
We can just shuttle the waste into space :^)
>electric cars are not the future
>muh Trump
All that’s left to do is market nuclear to NPC retards. It’s not something that can be stopped by one man.
Give them to the niggers! Then we have billions of dollars to spend on building a plant and a way of disposing of the waste!
Please stop talking about nuclear plants, when it's very clear you know nothing about them beyond what CNN tells you.
You need a lot of roads to carry >1 billion cars. That’s not even including land paved over for an endless list of other reasons. The Earth’s precious biodiversity and unique life forms across those millions of miles are the price we pay. That’s not even mentioning climate effects.
It's a fantasy.
There is a problem of pollution, but not with the US. It's mostly Africa, China, and India fucking things up. It's why the people that complain about climate change don't bring up meaningful solutions, since the best ways to combat pollution would be nuclear power and decreasing trade with Asia (just one of those mega ships that does the transporting of goods from Asia produces about as much pollution as every car on Earth).
Gen IV nuclear power solves all of this
Planet's not dying. Only time Earth will die is when it is swallowed by the enlarged sun when the sun becomes a red giant.
>Urban centers become uninhabitable for thousands of decades and radiate heat so badly cities are notoriously hot as a result.
So you want people to stop existing because cities killed off some unknown species of insects and asphalt is hot?
>muh Trump
that was actual campaign platform buddy...
>electric cars aren’t the future
I didn’t say that. Again, Trumps campaign platform was literally to use coal energy.
And how is that killing the planet? Because lots of bug species you never heard of go extinct and roads are built through large swathes or empty land?
No, when the teacher rolled the TV out to watch Bill we all loved it
>According to my biased and fallacious research team
When he couldn't even match Rogan, he proved he's just a talking head.
nigger you dumb there are literally reactors that reuse most of the waste and produce more energy then the old ones. fuck off neo Republican
Nope, I thought he was gay and wanted to learn actual science
Leftist scum will kill human civilization long before humans kill the planet.
Yeah, pretty much. Is that too much to ask? If we could cut out the bottom 75% of the gene pool then the Planet could recover real quick. No, I just want people to stop living excessive destructive lifestyles and pretending their actions don’t have consequences.
None of that is going to stop nuclear you retard. Your argument is that Trump likes another kind of fuel so the future is cancelled.
Is that the college humor guy?
So you want people to die off and live shittier lives because muh feels? How will the planet recover? Will extinct species reappear?
Effects of human activity are real but the extent to which they stand to permanently harm our global ecosystem is unequivocally overstated. It's an excuse to raise taxes and sell LED bulbs and electric cars so you can think you're fighting the boogeyman of environmental ruin, a lot like "space economy" ( not a real thing ).
Grow up, marry the 35 year old single mother and raise her transgender non-binary child, Jamal. It's science, stupid.
>75% needs to go
You are like little edgelord teenager
Watch this
just marathonned this webm and now i have a migraine and i'm gonna fucking die bros
That’s your straw-man version, maybe.
I’m just saying, killing quadrillions of bug species and ruining their ecosystems starves everything above them on the food chain too. It’s hardly the biggest issue but it’s a legitimate problem which doesn’t hurt to be aware of.
My dad unironically married a 35 year old single mother when he was 28 and then made me. I was doomed from the start.
yes but in the past there were no g-d's chosen people to make a profit from fearmongering
It’s exactly what you’re saying. Trump said to use coal, so nuclear isn’t the future anymore. You’re asinine.
Its sad this children's star sold his soul to government propaganda and grown adults still follow his every word like a cult.
Does he still argue with religious fanatics as if hes making a difference?
the coal thing was lip service for the Appalachian vote
I'm not aware there is such a thing as a working nuclear plants that produce no radioactive waste (or any that don't entail enormous up-front costs and decades-long time scale to build for that matter)
>no were to put them
Accept we do know were to put them and thats in the middles of old desert bunkers that are in areas with stable tectonics meaning theres no chance of any leakage so no chance of any water getting infected.
what in the goddamn?
The earth will be around a lot longer than us
If ever there was proof state-backed brainwashing through education
This guy was a fucking plant lol. These people hang on his every word dutifully like the children they'll always be.
You can argue the planet is going through a 6th mass extinction, but this is natural. It will eventually correct itself
Living shittier lives and dying isn’t the ideal solution, but it’s inevitable if we refuse to acknowledge the destructive reality of modern life.
>muh bugs
You're like one of those hippies who whines about humans are evil and viruses and killing the planet. In between railing big ass lines of coke.
Of course its natural.
What we're concerned about it is the food chain collapsing and us going with it
user btfo
Is Bill Nye not actually a scientist? I thought he was an engineer or something. They are basically scientists
At least I know how to argue without hurling constant insults and strawman fallacy. The president is supporting burning more coal for energy that is killing the environment. Period.
Baffles me how climate change fanatics think they are putting the Earth first. If you listen to their argument they actually sound like a Bond villain. They literally want to stop time and control the weather. The freak the fuck out about rising and falling sea levels as though the map as they know it has always looked the way it is. In terms of the Earth's lifespan, it's looked the way it does for the blink of an eye. It was always going to change. They freak the fuck out when climate change affects certain species. "Oh no the polar bears are going to die out!" Why shouldn't they? Who says polar bears are here to stay from now until eternity? Us? Mortals? Ridiculous load of shit. Greenhouse effect or otherwise, the climate was always going to change, sea levels were always going to fall/rise, species were always going to go extinct, and there is not a damn thing anyone can fucking do about it.
It’s the entire food chain, though. Pretending not to care about killing the bottom of the food chain because you’re the top of the food chain will only leave you with a lonely death.
He doesn't have to "support it" or subsidize it. He's opposing the direct economic warfare Democratic states and government have imposed on coal-producing states like West Virginia.
Did you know California doesn't even let Appalachia export coal from their ports? There is a literal ban on it. That's one American state actively fucking over the livelihood of others. Coal sucks but that sucks worse.
>I hate muslims
>b-but I love being OPEC's bitch
The universe is literally dying. Everything is dying. Every single person reading the electrons and protons that make these words are dying. The words themselves are dying.
Who cares. By the time and serious problems arise you will have ceased existing for 2000 years.
The sad thing is everything charming an silly about the television show is gone and he comes off as a cranky condescending old coot. I can't believe people still hang on to him like this.
Even black science man has talked about right-wing things quite often, and often tip-toes around subjects that will obviously get him into deep literal shit.
You’re not even making an argument. You’ve only listed one premise - that Trump likes coal. That isn’t an argument. Here’s a hint: you need at least one more premise and a conclusion.
>who cares
Reminder that these are the same type of people who criticize liberals for not thinking about family and children
Good so long as you die with it
Rent free
I legitimately don't give a shit about the planet, but look at the rest of the world. They are already adopting clean energy initiatives and excelling at it. Even fucking China is doing it. America is yet again behind the curve. How much longer do people legitimately think America can stay a superpower? I give it two decades.
The reactor can't explode. It's impossible.
Do climate change fags ever realize there is nothing you can do about it outside of genocide?
Actually, libtard, the planet is not a living organism, so it can't die if it was never alive in the first place!
Surely it’s more efficient to export Appalachian coal from the east coast anyway.
>big ball of rock
I don't think you understand how this works, though if you want to think about it that way the core is slowly cooling and will eventually lose all heat. The earth hasn't had ice caps for almost the entirety of its history, us speeding up that transition from ice caps to no ice caps is going to disrupt ecosystems but the earth will be fine. on top of the negatives like things getting hotter and all of florida and LA sinking (really though that's an improvement imo), it will turn previously frozen wastelands in northern russia and canada into liveable, workable farmland. realistically the only major problem with with increasing atmospheric CO2 at unnatural rates is that it lowers the pH of ocean waters slowly, and very temperamental creatures like corals have trouble dealing with it, killing them and speeding erosion.
Acknowledged. Now what? Will you be the first to start living inna woods?
depends on where you're shipping it to, tardo
Anyone who doesn't care about climate change literally have not had sex nor do they have children.
My premise is that the carbon emissions are destructive and unsustainable. What we need to be looking for is a solution but you keep resorting to insults because you feel powerless. This just drags the level of discourse backwards.
>nuclear science and global ecology are the EXACT same thing
Tell me why the fuck you réddit dumbfucks make extraneous allusions go unrelated topics and think that constitutes a refutation?
That is not a fucking argument, you dumbfuck.
>drive a prius for 20 years to save the earth
>meanwhile the earth adds 3 billion more people who don't give a shit about climate change
The actual redpill is depopulation or ecofascism. These are just con artists trying to siphon tax dollars for programs they know are useless in comparison to overpopulation.
>siphon tax dollars
versus all the money we pump into oil and coal...?
You do know that, no matter what, the tax dollars go somewhere right? Does anyone remember the Iraq war by any chance?
Are you fucking retarded? Many think that the biggest contributor to climate change is having kids in the West. Why would you have kids if you care about climate change?
Ah, ever since watching Into The Wilderness with Dick Proenneke living in the wilderness has been a dream of mine. However, I think you’ll find you can’t legally move into the woods, build a cabin, and start hunting/fishing for your meat very easily.
I doubt it. The Panama Canal exists, is transporting goods over seas is always more efficient than across an entire continent.
People acting like its a huge tax issue never actually pay attention to all the state and federal subsidies provided to random powerful corporations
I implore anyone to google about Foxconn and Wisconsin and the deal they got from the state. It absolutely towers over anything ever given to a clean energy company.
US aid to Israel is like 0.01% of US GDP won’t make much difference
You're right. The reactor couldn't have exploded. That's crazy talk.
Technically yes though the aspect of science he is preaching he is unqualified for. Its like asking a geologist to do a medical experiment just because he is technically a scientist.
>throw all money into green energy
>still 3 billion more niggers on the planet dwarfing any reduction in carbon you might have achieved
Why are you fucking brainlets avoiding reality?
The planet's not dying.
Yeah nah, you're not gonna make it here among the wolves, kid.
>300 billion dollars is a small amount goy
Planet has been through much fucking worse than us. We're killing ourselves, not the planet. But I think the major issue why I don't really give a shit is because the global warming campaign is just another liberal lunacy that at its core is about killing off white nations and replacing them with billions of mutts. From a pragmatic pov we are meant to sacrifice our way of life, increasing taxes and choosing less efficient but more eco-friendly alternatives leading to economic stagnation and decline for what? To save billions of niggers, Asians and mutts who will be affected the most as moderate climate first world white countries are relatively safe. This combined with the fact that China and India alone are responsible for like 50% of world's pollution and no one bets an eye while taxing me higher for the tenth time this year because of muh eco-friendly lifestyle is just hypocrisy that pisses me off.
>Kill all pajeets, chinks, niggers and shitskins
>90% of pollution is gone
>Many think that the biggest contributor to climate change is having kids in the West.
that unless the ones making kids are third world imports
You can in Argentina. Well, no excuse now, better get packing.
No, still counts if they live in the west
>grows GDP by $1 trillion in a single year
I think it’ll be fine.
The planet ( Earth ) is not dying.
The west’s birth rates are all below replacement. Whoever thinks that is an idiot.
>people think the US can stop climate change when the chinks are producing double our pollution
>LA will be gone
Honestly that will just benefit the environment even more along with the nation since their will be less people making Cali a shithole meaning less wasted funds. Its a win win no matter which side you take on the issue.
We live in America. The land flowing with milk and honey which God promised our fathers to give to us, as a possession. We have to take care of this land and do everything we can to let it continue to prosper. If other nations fail, than that is in them. But we will provide a good example of long term sustainable success and glorify God’s gift.
2006 happened and the planet isn't underwater. It's literally the libtard version of the rapture. It's a way to seize power from normal folk and subjugate people.
>if I link a Wikipedia article that means I'm right
The planet is not dying.
Yet China is adopting electric cars and largescale green programs faster than the US
who all happen to be jewish
>planet is dying, we're all dead in 12 years
Doubtful, since that requires pretty much cataclysmic levels of disaster
I unironically know people like this. Might kill myself
>being this delusional
Compelling argument.
There was no insult in that post but there’s one in this one: you’re laughably unsure of your own opinions. That’s STILL not an argument, but I’ll reply: Trump liking coal doesn’t mean the tens of thousands of people researching alternative industry worldwide are just going to stop.
How did they even get the 12 year number and why should I believe them when they've been wrong so many times before?
>the great lakes will dry up
>haha just kidding you cucks you actually believed me and ruined your livelihood? LOL
Do you intend on presenting one? You filled out three captchas just to talk in vague terms about nuclear science. You seem confused. Classic Dunning Krueger.
Why are they destructive?
The planet will always be dying until it dies. Human made global warming is a moneymaking scam made up by Al Gore and the Democrat party. What happened to all the "carbon credits" progressives were buying to feel better about their wasteful lifestyles? What happened to that scam?
If those other nations wreck the planet you still feel it you fucking idiot.
No it's not, Bill. Go back to corn school and they'll teach you to shuck your cobs clean.
Part of AOC's plan. Incidentally, that would be 2030 (figure cited in 2018), which is when she'd be able to run for president.
Ok, so what’s your point? Don’t give a fuck about climate change because someone else is gonna fix it with radioactive uranium? I’ll take being unsure about complex issues. Sure beats your lazy ignorant stance.
this reminds me of that one article about some gay radical jihadist (which of course means in lives in London were only such a thing could exist).
because they do state capitalism. They just invest in shit to raise the GDP, while the west is a lolbertarian nightmare where they sell you your own air so you can enrich an international rootless clique of faggots, while using "muh public debt" to cut any welfare possible (importing millions of third world migrants is part of that, as it lowers wages and they are used as blackmail. "If you want welfare, we'll give it to foreign hordes too").
Sometimes big issues that you can’t solve alone can be daunting, and frustrating. But that’s no reason to give up and start insulting people who are on your side.
>my mfw face when some sōy slurping little faggot asks if I recycle
No. Wowza, global warming whuts dat. Please tell me ALL ABOUT climate change as soon as possible and don't shut the fuck up about it until the entire planet is dead.
Joshua posted on /pol/ in 2010-2014, he changed all the ben garrison drawings to make him out to be a nazi, he was completely fucked up in the head...probably posts all the pro leftist anti white shit on Yea Forums right now
Pretty much. If manmade climate change is being driven by fossil fuel use, then it will end once those fuels are replaced, which will be done by nuclear and to a lesser extent wind and solar.
>lazy ignorant
Kek, so insecure. You sound like you just want to feel good about yourself for recycling.
You can only achieve your goal through massive amounts of murder. Sitting there being delusional about it is retarded.
Sounds like you're stupid as fuck and put sharpies up your asshole and huff gas until you pass out.
how long will it take until fossil fuels are replaced? If we rely on profit (capitalism) as the guide for international energy policy, it will be too late. By the time new energy tech can stand on their own in the free market, the damage from climate change will be extreme.
>it will be too late
According to whom? According to you?
Please user, tell me all about your ecological research findings that led you to believe we're facing environmental ruin within the foreseeable future. I'm simply desperate to hear how it's totally for real this time and we won't make it to 2015.
France literally already did it. 80% of their power is nuclear. All that’s left is to convince NPCs that Chernobyl isn’t going to happen again.
>By the time new energy tech can stand on their own in the free market, the damage from climate change will be extreme.
Unsubstantiated and almost certainly wrong.
Yasss, yassss, the planet is dying. But before that happens, you boys should all get your peckers chopped off and replaced with gaping front holes that never heal. Then you can all die as real girls.
you sound like the people that'd claim humans couldn't impact the climate because that was God's domain
I don't understand. You can't just google climate change, you need me to spoonfeed you articles? Why? We both know this stuff is widely available, you have already made the choice to ignore it.
>you have made the choice to ignore it
You sound so faithful in the academic faculties of Common Dreams.
Or, you know, the scientific community as a whole. Better to listen to big oil and lobbyists, though. That's where the real science is at.
then google climate change and find a better article. Again, why is it my job to do the work for you? Are you saying you've literally never read an argument against carbon pollution/oil before? How old are you?
>scientific community
>big oil
>muh science
It's like reading off a script for you fucking idiots LOL.
AH BLOO BLOO, no fuck you.
what specifically in the article do you find to be untrue? We both know you responded so fast there's no way you actually read it. Why are you so retarded
how long until Jazz thread kino is back on the menu
>activated almonds
>crystal healing
>I have to own an electric car or the world will LITERALLY end!
Another myth in the bucket of millennial retardisms
I didn't click the link, you fucking idiot. Why don't you post another one?
why would I when you aren't going to read what I link? you must be huffing more glue than usual tonight
No, post another link. I'm serious.
Shut the fuck up benway, this isn't your thread. Get back to me when the baboons start licking peoples assholes in a cafe in morocco.
How much are they paying for you to pretend you're this stupid? Please tell me it's a lot.
Climate change science is exceptionally dogmatic and ignores the scientific method in favor of advancing agendas.
That said, I'll humor you and pretend it's 100% accurate.
Now user, please fork over $10,000 so that the planet maybe/possibly/probably not will be .8 C colder 50 years from now.
No, we're not gonna do anything about India or China's insanely growing climate footprint that will swallow up any offset you make hundredfold
No, we won't do anything about 20 good Maersk barges that put out more CO2 than all the cars in the world combined
No, we won't do anything about our aircraft carriers that take 1 gallon of fuel to move 6 inches and don't do anything of note whatsoever.
No, Al Gore and Thomas Friedman won't lower their 100x normal person carbon footprint. No, Leo DiCaprio won't stop flying 50,000 miles a year in his private jet to lecture you on how you should trade in your Jeep for a bike, goyim.
What, you won't give me that $10000? Oy vey don't you care about le science and le future of our children you antisemite?
Congratulations dumbfuck, the entire planet just exploded itself and died all because you were a prideful ass and wouldn't post another fucking link. How does it feel, dipshit? All that money spent on LED bulbs and being an annoying dipshit at the grocery checkout pulling crimped up reusable bags out of your asshole for nothing.
as much of a fedora Carlin can be, he makes a good point
>literal tinfoil hat debating climate science
>'yeah im smart'
>actually incredibly dumb
classic /pol/
This post is not an argument.
>Part 2
This guy was literally paid to promote anal sex as "evolution".
It is part of "evolution" wherein you are being selected out of the genepool due to his propaganda.
kek how old are you this is like something I would hear my dad listening to on talk radio 9 years ago. I'm shocked anyone still pretends conservatives have any real authority, you could be blaming Dracula or Lex Luthor at this point.
Any argument you make is secondary to the fact regulation is stopped by rich people and energy companies. Your opinion does not matter, you can call it whatever you want, you're essentially providing background noise while someone else makes money off protecting the oil industry. I don't know why you pretend this is some noble crusade
Why would a James Bond villain give a fuck about polar bears
the hypocrisy of some people is not an argument against the science either
go ahead and look yourself; think of a part of climate change you find dubious or incorrect and dig deep into the science
Why isn't the scientific community pushing through for a ban on barges or asshole celebs flying everywhere on private jets? Why aren't they organizing a boycott of India and China? Why isn't frivolous air travel regulated.
If a guy is shooing you away from the water fountain by telling you there's a critical amount of mercury in the water supply while he's been drinking from it for an hour, he's full of shit and you're being played.
Conflict of nostalgia from when they were kids to the current form that he has taken.
>dig deep into the science
Do you mean ""dig deep" like progressives refer to it, or do you mean actually research it?
>Electric Cars and Nuclear energy are not “on the way” Trump’s biggest campaign platform was bringing back coal mining jobs and burning coal for energy.
>>asphalt isn’t a problem
>Pretty ignorant to think you can pave over millions of miles of ecosystems without side effects. Urban centers become uninhabitable for thousands of decades and radiate heat so badly cities are notoriously hot as a result.
yeah i had a feeling youd mention him at some point
"biggest campaign platform"
christ go breath into a paper bag you fucking idiit
>Wojak image
>Retarded post
Yep, everything seems normal.
I unironically don't care
The reptile shuffle
wojakposters really just can't but make themselves look more retarded than whatever they're making fun of.
The oil/energy industry is behind most "climate change campaigns" you retarded NPC. Large conglomerates know how to shape and manipulate public hysteria to their benefit better than anybody. And just to blow your mind, most anti-smoking campaigns are funded by tobacco companies as well.
And I noticed you never volunteered to give up any of your shekeru for a better cleaner world. Nor do you think your librul idols that put out comical amounts of emissions and have literally burned down all the forests of Indonesia in pursuit of combatting climate change should put their money where their mouths are. That's because while you're a brainwashed grayon chugging libshit busy virtue signaling about how enlightened he is, at your core you're still a greedy SOB driven by self interest. But that's ok.
> (You)
that was pretty fast senpai, heres another (you)
now go drown in a fucking ocean, thanks
Leftists are stupid retards, I hate politics and the more shit you people type/say, the more I hate you.
>ideological coping
The planet is not dying. What a stupid fucking conjecture to even have to address in the stage of public discourse.
The cartoon he had on his show was pretty fucking bad really. Pretty degenerate. Perverted. That mixed with the show about fags he did, yeah he is a perverted degenerate.
Have you explained to your dad why New York isn't underwater despite Al Gore and every lib unironically seriously swearing that it would be by 2020?
Does your dad regret not beating some critical thinking into you back when you had a chance to not grow up a mindless idiot?
Even Bond villains have interests outside of world domineering.
The planet is not fucking dying dude.
People have been saying that shit since the 1960's. Western society has been getting greener and greener. If the world isn't improving despite that, then it ain't mankind's fault.
Plus you can believe all this fucking shit.
It's all hyped bullshit.
Remember An Inconvenient Truth?
Gore hyped the shit out of that, tons of """""""""scientists""""""""" agreed with him, tons of celebrities "joined" him, and everyone freaked the fuck out.
Here we are 13 years later. And nothing has changed.
He said we the ice caps would be completely fucked by 2020. They're fine.
He said Venice, Italy would be drowning by now. It's fine.
He said Earth would be 5 degrees hotter by now. It's not.
Bill Nye is a fucking engineer major would put on a kids show.
Only Big Think edgy atheist science is KOOL """""""""""""""""""""scientists""""""""""""""""""""" agree with him.
Remember this is the guy who in the 90's said gender is determined by your chromosomes, but then in our faggot culture of this decade said Gender is on a spectrum.
This guy wants you to think he's a real scientist, while at the same time he has some ugly bitch sing "Muh Sex Junk" while rubbing her pussy talking about Butt Stuff.
This faggot wants you to take him seriously as he puts on a cartoon about Vanilla Ice cream being a close minded """"""homophone""""" that then snaps and has a big gay ice cream orgy.
If you take Bill Nye seriously, then you probably take Steve from Blues Clues seriously.
What? You just said some retarded shit like every other wojakposter.
What year will we be underwater? Give me an exact year.
I don't know, why would we donate billions and billions just to lower the earth's temperature 1 degree celsius in 200 years
>235+ replies from supposed "smart" people
>no one mentions the biggest climate change factor being animal agriculture
you're going to be eating that soy boy, and you're going to fucking like it!
WaterWorld wasn't that good, come on
>What? You just said some retarded shit like every other wojakposter.
I think you'll want to take a deep dig of the science first. Look into the science for yourself. The scientific community.
lol real big brain on you champ. How much volunteer work in Indonesia should I do before corporations in America that create 70% of pollution can be regulated? another pathetic argument that was stale 5 years ago.
More proof the rich hold your leash, they do whatever they want and you follow behind them making up excuses and threats with all the mental agility of a late-stage alzheimer's patient. Good dog.
The only thing I care about is when Bill Nye got shut down by Nick Di Paolo
>the Bill Nye the "Bachelor's Degree in Engineering" Guy keeps telling you that cutting off your genitals is healthy
How do India and China get away with it bros?
Ant people don't have feelings
come on, man
managing an Atoll or a ship of the church of eternal growth only looked SLIGHTLY fun
>people will claim Bill Nye is a scientist and Jim Rowe isn't a dirty job in the same breath
Oy vey, don't you know that America is the source of everything wrong in the world?
About a week. You could learn firsthand about how America's renewables craze pushed by le scientists led to most of their rainforests getting razed to make room for palm trees since palm oil suddenly became a major source of renewable fuel. Releasing more CO2 into the atmosphere than decades of chugging along on ebil fossil fuels. Or just read about it here.
Also don't forget to give me $100 to cover the carbon credits for flying there you fucking retard
>talks about pollution when retarded CO2 regulation schemes divert resources from and get in the way of regulating actual pollution
You're literally an abo tier brainlet, congrats
Post term abortion is not a womens' right, it's a human right. There I said it. The planet is dying and will continue to die if you don't pay more taxes and buy an electric car. Migrants are actually good. Rape is not as bad as you think. Ever had a delicious korma gyro with lecithin onions panang sauce?
White male hegemony is immoral, unnatural, and unequivocally evil. Borders WILL be eradicated within our lifetimes.
If you disagree with me, it's ok, you are on the wrong side of history.
We aren't trees.
>Unironically attempting to debate someone that's attacking what he believes instead of the argument being posted
Why waste your time? He's just going to continue attacking a strawman he's built up in his head.
based post, saved.
Why do climate change activists never talk about overpopulation?
Using a tiny bit of plastic each week is evil, driving non electric cars is evil, but sub Saharan 60iq niggers shitting out 9 kids is just fine.
Really makes you think
the government trying to force bugs and lettuce wraps down people's throats is what will incite WWIII calling it here
Wow um could you maybe cool it with the anti-semitism?
>literally fucking crying because no-cultists won't buy your bullshit
This is me dropping a fat stinky load of cum into your asshole, faggot
Would you really vote for a one-child plan, or would you shit the bed and start screaming about how it's the work of satan?
Fucking based
considering everyone on this board will not have children and will die before most of these scenarios take effect who honestly cares?
Na, just minimum is thresholds in order to breed
Everyone else gets sterilised
>it was like that when i got here, blame that guy and lets not do anything about it or even try.
>planet's fucked anyway, who cares dude? lmao!
im sorry you were tricked
Minimum IQ* thresholds
Oh, so the plant's not fucked? I thought New York City was supposed to be underwater by 2020? What happened to that one? The whole planet's saved now? What great news, incredible.
you were tricked into licking corporate big energy boots, because someone said the t-word
>corporations in America that create 70% of pollution
Then go live in the woods?
>everyone that doesn't buy my bullshit is a bootlicker
>tfw nu-male
Let me tell you, good feel. Having lots of friends (most of them girls), eating healthy food (vegan), making girls laugh (with their permission), having people that are interested in what I write about on Twitter (activism, music, traveling, photograph), having a great taste in fashion (I don't even spend lots of money in it), helping the world to be freed from capitalism slavery (and patriarchy), partying in the right measure (chilling with friends, playing some retro gaming), getting sexted from time to time (accidentally, and then re-sending the pics to the right person), being a pure, clean soul...
Of course, one can't experiment those without leaving the basement lol
they wont force it down people's throats, they'll just tax the fuck out of it so only the richest people can afford it
300% reusable non-GMO gluten free all electric locally sourced LED high five, brother!
Go live in the woods?
Dunning Krueger alert
he actually, and this is not some kind of /pol/ joke, said that white people shouldn't have kids, and if they do, they should be pay taxes for that (while minorities pay nothing)
can't fucking believe people listen to that guy.
Planet is recovering, almost died of CO2 strangulation.
Plants are recovering all over the world.
Everyone's replying to it so I will, too.
You fucking retard. You gas huffing piece of shit.
your bot is fucking up
did you have fun typing that?
i just want a tax on pollution and subsidies for cleanliness
>china and india pump out criminally huge amounts of pollution constantly
Nice deflecting your hypocrisy
libtards had to disavow sex junk becuase it exposed their ideas for how immature and silly they really are
>i just want a tax on pollution and subsidies for cleanliness
Not particularly necessary for anyone not from a shithole, in which case you already fucked up. How about not posting and keeping your impotent rage to yourself next time, dumbfuck?
If you live in a house with a roof you should basically blow your fucking brains out ASAP, you're an accomplice to globe microwave electric boogaloo.
Lol who are these fags kidding? At worst we'll just kill ourselves then in a few million more years the Earths biosphere might spit out another intelligent life form. Or it gets whacked by a comet and it's game over. Halting humanities progress over maybes is a sure fire way to fuck us up though.
They disavowed the song? I don’t remember that. I only remember everyone mutually agreeing that Bill Nye’s status as Childhood Hero died with that episode.
America is a shithole, wake up and read a newspaper
the same tired argument
>you hate pollution but you drive a car!
I never said stop living in houses or live in a hole in the ground. theres really big people with lots of money making a lot more money by not conforming to 1st world eco standards, and they should be penalized until they improve. set a fucking example
>I suck cocks, everyone sucks cocks WAKE UP SHEEPLE
Enjoy being redpilled on climate change just by reading a few blog posts
The earth has been gradually warming ever since the last ice age, it has been doing so for hundreds of years, there is no conclusive evidence that humans have attributed to a state of global warming.
However, knowing this, we still should be doing better as a species to advance.
We can do this by:
>investing in nuclear power
>furthering the technology of energy based vehicles
>halving your intake of ((((meat))))
>sterilize the third world and punish them heavily for the pollution they cause in our oceans
>fight to stop extinction of multiple species
>set a fucking example
Good little cuck, overcompensate for the perpetrators with negligible actions of symbolism that let you sleep at night.
No, I'm not going to. Take this faggy bullshit and shove it up your fucking ass.
We already know who will rule earth when we're gone
> i just want a tax on pollution
Does China pay these taxes too or just us? Should we hamper our competitiveness if the net result on CO2 emissions is absolutely negligible? Will this tax be a barrier to entry for smaller businesses and let megacorporations that have the resources to handle it or skirt it shape the landscape of business and public opinion? Does the tax get passed onto the consumer while getting laundered by govt agencies into diversity initiatives and other bullshit? What does this tax do that isn't covered by very substantial penalties for pollution we already have in place?
Amazing how this oil company is soooo for renewable energy. Can't be any alterior motive there.
Nope, nothing weird here either.
> and subsidies for cleanliness
Like subsidies for biofuels that led to entire rainforests being raised and releasing orders of magnitude more CO2 than would have been otherwise? Or for bogus solar panel companies whose manufacturing processes absolutely rape the environment? Maybe for wind turbines that murder tons of birds and need diesel to run? Also you'll have better luck shoving one up your ass than putting them within 20 miles of any liberal politician/celebrity/activist's mansion.
I don't give a fuck what any of you sōy slurping hellspawns have to say about anything we should be "making an example" of (?), weakling little bitch
but the oceans ecosystems are the ones that are going to collapse first
and then everything else will follow as the dominoes continue to fall
attempting infinite growth with finite resources isn't progress
Spoiler alert - here's what's going to happen
>wypipo will be bred out of existence or down to small enclaves of a few million in russia/eastern europe
>world population will reach 10 billion, over half of it being niggers and muzzies
>overpopulation coupled with nonwhite races caring as much about pollution as I do about avoiding bacon on Ramadan will trigger mass extinction
>lacking the innovation and technical know how on how to deal with it most niggers and muzzies will starve. Third world asians will starve while asians in Japan, Korea, parts of China and Singapore will have ~
Why does he care, he is old and has no children.
Okay fuck this. Someone link/post a breakdown of overall pollution by country.
So does he advocate carbon recapture or is he just regurgitating the same ineffectual political talking points?
>Takes billions of dollars and often decades just to build a single plant
You're either retarded or a filthy fucking liar, we can dispose of the waste just fine and store it in bumfuck nowwhere.
Bill Nye is just a paid shill, pay no attention to him
um uh um i dont have all the research on that
For one thing he screeches about global warming but equates nuclear power with healing crystals in terms of practical worth. In other words, Bill acts like he has all the answers but is just a misinformed retard. Pop sci incarnate.
>So does he advocate carbon recapture
Carbon capture is a fucking pipe dream invested by the fossil fuel industry as an excuse for them to keep doing what they're doing.
The solution is already available, stop pumping carbon into the atmosphere.
Seventh post best post
Also nice dubs
If climate change is as real and as threatening as the majority of scientists believe, and if there were a somewhat simple solution to combat it, I am 100% convinced conservatives would be against it