First, let's take a little of the titanium hwhite

>first, let's take a little of the titanium hwhite...

Attached: bob-ross-blue-river-the-joy-of-p.jpg (480x360, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Titanium white is too op please nerf

Fuck you, faggot. Van Dyke Brown ruins literally all his paintings.

If you watch closely in this scene he applies the titanium white to the canvas after mixing it in his palette, just a small Easter egg for careful observers and fanboys

Based Bob.

This painting is really green. Reminds me of before excessive carbon emissions and extravagant lifestyles started exterminating unique species of life which will never exist again.

How can one man be so wrong

Literally zero green

>paints beautiful scenery
>fucks it up with a cabin
every time

Is there anything more comfy to watch on a Sunday morning after drinking?

blessed bob. he was changing the world, a cute little cloud at a time

What you don't like cozy cabins tucked away between some happy trees in a forest? The fuck is wrong with you

>Not wanting a quaint little cabin in your comfy woodland scene

How many dicks did you suck today?

>that episode after his wife died

Attached: 1542561604250.png (500x747, 315K)

based burnt umber

*brutally rapes you and throws your dead body in a pond*
Heh, green enough for you?

Looks pretty red and brownish black now.

Prussian blue master race here. Other colors need not apply

Did he talk about it on the show?

>I'm waitin on the good times

Attached: 1498185699625.gif (696x478, 1.51M)

Phthalo blue is the superior blue. Neck yourself immediately.

Based Pappy would kick Bob's ass.

Attached: rs-127304-pappy-1800-1386265855[1].jpg (920x1198, 158K)

*blocks your path*

Attached: images (1).jpg (225x225, 8K)

rank them

Attached: 20170920-bob-ross-palette.jpg (800x484, 73K)

I don't know OP, that only works if you follow it up with some of that thalo blue.

A Lizard in Crimson

Flavor wise cad yellow

Bob Ross cinematic universe when?

good band name, clewr

You now remember when Yea Forums used to have Bob Ross stream kino threads

To be fair they're all on Youtube now. It's essential sleepcore.

>that time when a bunch of anons started following instructions while painting on mspaint
why can't we have this much fun now?

Attached: 1483146754540.png (454x346, 179K)

Virgin Crimson vs Chad Yellow

Attached: bob ross.gif (400x311, 3.49M)

Yeah I listen to his videos to sleep constantly, it's so comfy


>poignant scene completely ruined by lo-fi shit.

Attached: ayeka.png (400x400, 137K)

Then use a small amount of agrax earthshade to fill in the crevices and remember two thin coats is better then 1 thick one

>Not Alizarin Crimson
Oh sweetie

Attached: Alizarin-Crimson-th.jpg (300x300, 19K)

what a mad lad

>no burnt umber

>Just beat the devil out of it

Always makes me smile. Yes yes, I have a filthy mind. I know.

The most essential part is coating the canvas in liquid clear BEFORE you start painting.

phthalocyanine all the way
applied with the wiener

This isn't a youtube comment section.

Attached: z_98a16524.jpg (664x955, 240K)

No mistakes.

Attached: Bob Ross Berserk 1470465603340.jpg (580x350, 39K)

Quit killing the wholesome vibe. Not everything has to be nigger tier grunts.

To be fair, Bob Ross' cabins look dilapidated. His scenery is great though.

>tfw will never relive watching the twitch stream with Yea Forums in 2015 again

Attached: image.png (600x326, 255K)

>will never exist again.

Sorry, only allowed to talk about the latest pop culture craze on here now thanks to the jannies, they'll ban any attempt at OC on sight.


Is there anyone who can match the greatness of based Bob Ross?

>we don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents
>let's get crazy
>I like to beat the devil outta that brush
>let's do a little cabinectomy here
>my producer right now is gonna kill me for doin' this
>we don’t really know where this goes, and I’m not sure we really care
>this is gonna be your bravery test
>left handed people have been forced to do right handed things their entire life
>lemme get just a little...just a little van dyke brown in there...
>just go straight in like your going to stab it...barely touch it...barely touch it...
>you have to make those little noises, or it just doesn't work
>we're gonna make some big decisions in our little world...our happy little world
>let it just barely graze...barely graze...easy...
>maybe we need a happy little tree over right here
>talk to the tree...make friends with it...
>there's nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend
>just relax and watch it happen
>you make the decision of how far it goes
>let it wander right on out there...little red, little brown...
>I can't go over 30 minutes, because we have a mean ol' director with no sense of humor
>I'm waitin' on the good times now
>remember, if you believe it, you can do can do it...

Happy painting and God bless, my friend.

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I remember watching Imagination Station in school.

>that was already four years ago

Attached: anhiro 1443675259735.jpg (600x800, 38K)

>the based Steve episodes

I thought this guy was a fever dream for fucking years, never heard anyone talk about him until a few years back.

n-no... it wasn't that far back...