Sandor starts laughing like a maniac as he's desperately trying to escape Gregor's grasp

>Sandor starts laughing like a maniac as he's desperately trying to escape Gregor's grasp
>Everyone thinks this is a comedic scene for some reason

The fuck?

Attached: laugh.jpg (707x430, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

They’re brainlets.

poor direction if they're not filming for the lowest common denominator by now

it doesn't redeem him from bitching out during the night king battle when he saw fire. if he had known there was fire behind those bricks he never would have tackled his brother into it

What does that have to do with the OP, black kid?

>whole city is on fire
>but Sandor somehow doesn't know there's fire back there

I have some sad news to report. Some small children, not unlike people who you love, were just immolated, stabbed, hacked into pieces, decapitated, bashed in the brains

Now, onto the comedy stylings of Sandor and Gregor Clegane!

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The moment was bleak humor you idiot. You're not some epicurian critic of the cinematic art because you didn't laugh. You're Autismo.

>reddit space
>defending SJW mental cases
We can see you.

I don't understand what the fuck you're talking about with your McCarthyistic "reddit space" bullshit but you're seriously autistic if you don't get that it was supposed to be absurd, and thus humorous.

The same scene could be done in a Friday The 13th movie and it would be effective identically. You're just that fucking stupid to not understand that the instance was funny while the scene was serious overall.

>the stupid faggot keeps on trying to talk after being informed her thoughts and feelings have been rejected by the community she's pretending to be a part of
It's over, holes.

>reddit spacing
looks like cringe is back on the menu

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>Qyburn: Respect your pr-
>Gregor: YEET *kills Qyburn*

Was Gregor our guy?

You're not making a point whatsoever you're just screaming labels at me. I don't see how you're any better than an SJW you fucking schizo faggot.

I'm still not wrong, faggot. But feel free to keep getting worked into an autistic fit over syntax.

>she's still trying
It's over. You're done, rape victim.

>she starts killing women and children
>they stop cheering
>one dumb bitch with a Dany shirt shrinks away


Attached: BELL HATER.jpg (752x804, 51K)

>keeps losing it
>keeps formatting inappropriately
Is this proof you can't teach women?

they laughing at him saying fucking die

These people play up their actions for the camera. Some faggot started clapping when Grey Worm killed the first Lannister soldier and stopped quickly hen he realized he was going against the hive mind


npcs, they are programmed to react to laughter with laughter.

Says the bitch getting raped over a gap between the post chain and text. But by all means keep this as far away from talking about the show as you can. You're in over your head, pumpkin.

>sandor laugh so we laugh

He keeps doing it.

They're like trained monkeys. They can't look at a a play or a show, much less any sequence of events, and create their own novel reaction to it based upon independent judgement. Rather, they immediately react however they think they will *be expected* to react, first and foremost by others, and ultimately unbeknownst to them, the masters who control the conditioning. They just think they're "supposed" to laugh when anyone else is laughing, so they do it.

It's why any liberal mouthpiece can say "TRUMP SAID" and be greeted by a round of booing. Or why a crowd of dumb Trump supporters fly into a rage at mere mention of "HILLARY" without even hearing what follows.

>she """thinks""" this isn't the sitewide opinon
You have a lot to learn, holes.
Why did you change your IP, rape victim? This thread isn't about the show. Work on that reading comprehension (oh wait, you're a stupid whore so that won't help). It's not like we need another thread about it anyway. You can try talking back again but it's never going to work out for you. Your entire worth is that slimy hole between your legs.

Probably because I've been typing like this for over a decade you fucking faggot. I don't even visit reddit. In fact I guarantee you visit reddit mire than I do.

>i've been doing shit wrong for a decade
>hundreds of people have asked me to stop fucking up but i am a proud 3rd wave feminist snowflake

I hate to break it to you but there's no wring way to post you dipshit. I'm not getting my posts deleted for improper format am I?

Everyone who laughed at that scene instead of just having a somber half-smile is an NPC.

Reminder that posts like this are happening because CringeAnarchy got banned and all the edgy newfags are flooding into Yea Forums. There's going to be a lot more of this.

You have to go back

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>nothing is wrong if i'm not getting punished
The muslims are right. Your entire gender needs to be enslaved.
Reddit spacers have been since before whatever the fuck you're talking about happened, outsider apologist.

Imagine being so gay you self-insert fear into the hound when he’s doing the most glorious combat of his life.


They are literally corn fed cattle without actual feelings. Whatever they feel or think is influenced by others around them and the media they consume.

>nothing is wrong if i'm not getting punished
Funny, I've been hearing that argument from your side a whole lot lately. Now it's suddenly bad. You people really have no beliefs and just stand by whatever is convenient at the moment.

there are a million things to make fun of these people about, pick a real one OP you sped

>can't spell
>doesn't know where the comma goes
Yeah, schooling didn't do you any good.
What side, holes? Tell the room what strawman you've dreamed up so we can laugh at you for trying to fit in on a site for males. Notice how you haven't bothered trying to deny you're the lesser sex? I did.

You guys are really panicking after Shapiro absolutely melted down the other day. Finally started to sink in that you're losing, eh?

Well they should have jumped from a skyscraper too


So you're walking it back? You don't want to build the strawman in front of the class? You're just going to make a vague allusion to the idea that I'm a fan of an annoying fast-talking manlet because, obviously, everyone who can tell you're deficient must be a fan of his for some reason? Maybe this is why your gender never got off the ground.

They're performance artists drunk on self importance and narcissism. They exaggerate everything to the fucking extreme. What might be a wry smile, possibly a dark chuckle, at the ludicrous position Sandor finds himself in, becomes full on maniacal laughter.

I fucking HATE reaction channels like these. How anyone can get anything of value from watching them is beyond me.

it wasn't humor you fucking autist, he was laughing out of desperation. The same thing happens to people who are tortured

I mean, I laughed too, 'cause that was hilarious. What's the problem here?

You're the problem.

Yeah and it was funny because literally nothing worked. It was meant to be funny because you're supposed to feel the incredulity Sandor felt. It's right there down to his delivery of "WHY WON'T YOU FUCKING DIE?!"

Do you get on a soap box when people aren't whisper quiet for the scene in Predator where Arnold is urging the Predator to come in and move into the trap? The scene is serious but the moment is funny. You're just a humorless moron.

>It's why any liberal mouthpiece can say "TRUMP SAID" and be greeted by a round of booing.
If you can name even one positive thing that buffoon has done for our country I'd be happy to hear it. It's been two years and he hasn't even gotten started on the wall.

I like the green haired girl because she looks like GUMI.

Shut your trap nigger

how new r u

>GoT threads always draw in massive /pol/tards like this
I wonder why that is? Is it perhaps because only loser virgins watch this show?

It's because it's the main demographic of this site. You being the outsider doesn't make us villains in our own home. If you had any shame you'd stop replying over and over just to have me slap you back down. Because that's what's happening here. You're not smart enough to hold up your end.

If you had any shame you wouldn't watch Game of Thrones but here you are. Lol. Do I say it? Do I say the i-word and watch him shrink back, because he's been found out?

The economy? It's fucking roaring right now. Hate him for plenty of things, policy or otherwise, but right now you guys have a behemoth economy.

>right now you guys have a behemoth economy.
The stock market is literally undergoing a massive crash RIGHT NOW. It's all over the fucking news. Why do you have to lie to make your point?

>no u!
>claims others are racist and then brings up an antisemitic quote
I accept your concession. Glad you realized that no one in your family will ever hold the high ground.

these are the people that actually think the show is good, they're brainless twats, what do you expect

>implying /pol/ likes Benji
His sister's Khazar milkers maybe

you're alright friend

>The Hound dies in a fire alongside his brother, demonstrating that revenge is ultimately futile and unfulfilling.
>Americans start clapping and cheering

Why are Americans like this?

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Opinion discarded. Zoom out you fucking limp-wristed goyboy faggot cuck kike nigger. Post body, zoyboy.
>inb4 you don't
Pic related.

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sup nigger

Attached: dab on em.png (382x360, 342K)

/pol/ hates jews.
See any connection there you progressive faggot?

>America exists
>Some faggot in America pretends to be a third worlder asking why his own people are like this?

It reminded them of Iron Man vs Thanos in Endgame.

Women will never understand Game of Thrones.

They have simple brain logic that gets easily confused by things that aren't capeshit tier

>woman good
>poc good
>white man bad
>revenge good
>Trump bad

This is unironically how they think

What’s this from


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Keeps china from fucking us

Keeps MS13 from cutting your mom's head off

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>Le Cuckington Bear

>le reaction vidya

Some people laughed when i saw Endgame after thor killed thanos and said "i went for the head"

>Keeps china from fucking us

You're saying this today of all days? You realize China literal just tanked the US stock market via Twitter in direct response to Trump's tweets right?

They aren't there to watch or think about the show they are there to react to it. Get a clue.

Burlington Bear Bar

>Blowjobs in the bathroom stalls

Attached: MFW roasties BTFO.jpg (704x818, 106K)

I was laughing as well. The whole "Cleganebowl" was so terrible and so over-the-top I couldn't help myself.

>500 points on the Dow, the most useless indicator is tanking us

You realize how dumb you sound? that drop is such a small hit

We are fighting a war that is going to last decades, not days

China will 100% win it. Enjoy paying your tariffa. You realize you're paying then not China right? Y...You realize that yeah? Trump is "beating" China by taxing Americans more lmfao truly the land of the free


You're showing how fucking dumb you are. I feel bad for you.

Look, you obsessed retards need to realize that these are not people. They are social robots. They know they are being filmed. They are each attempting to gain the most social favor by reacting the hardest. They aren't even watching the show. All their brainpower is being used up by thinking about what they SHOULD be feeling and then expressing that the hardest and most convincingly among the group.

Yes, they are faggots, but you almost surpass them by obsessing over it so fucking much

keep up the good fight user

Redditspacing isn't real. Go look at old Yea Forums posts you newfaggot redditor.

>They aren't even watching the show. All their brainpower is being used up by thinking about what they SHOULD be feeling and then expressing that the hardest and most convincingly among the group.

holy shit are you just repeating what you heard

>he doesn't realize that a tariff is a tax on your own citizens

Oh boy. You really do have Trumps microcock in your ear don't you

why anyone watches it is perplexing

look at their hyper-exaggerated facial expressions which they use to ensure the conveyance of the proper emotions at the proper time that has been ordained by their aggressively fanatic social circles, lest they be ostracized
look at their hair and clothing
this is america

Are you so dumb that all you know is the definition?

The point of a tariff is to make domestic manufacturing and supplying more appealing, and in the long run, more profitable via economy of scaling.

>we'll just our own factories hehe China btfo

kill yourself hole

We out manufacture china 3:1 currently.

Believe it or not.

I don't care about that old boomer and his Jewish children.

I just know China is arrogant and retarded, and their oligarchs are pumping funds into Bitcoin as a last resort. They rely on Americans too much, they grew soft.


>one person laugh because the character is laughing
>the person next to them chuckles because of them
>the next person follows for the fuck of it all
>next person doesn't want to seem like an idiot and gets peer pressured into laughing
>drunk assholes laughs because people are laughing and they don't really know what the shit is going on
>Comedian tells them to stop laughing, it's not funny
There you go. It only takes one idiot who doesn't get it.

Simmer down, incel.

Why are Americans so obsessed with this word?


The point of tariffs is to discretely tax citizens to fund more welfare and win votes

China are decades ahead of USA in economic warfare. They have armies of chink analysts. America has a fat retard with a Twitter account

They were laughing because the line 2 seconds before was "FUCKING DIE", which was comedy-charged.
By the time he was laughing hysterically as he died, the audience in the bar was still laughing.
Out of all the wrong things in that episode, you pick one of the most retarded ones.
Literally kys.

And yet the only reason any of you even saw this video is because you watch this terrible, terrible show.

What does that say about you?

>Believe it or not.
I choose not, since you elected not to provide a shred of proof.

I haven't seen the video

Just the screencaps posted here

something to do with ADD, adderall and most millenials being on it as kids.


Says a man using r/greentext arrows

it's common knowledge taught in every econ 101 course ever.

How fucking retarded are you

shut the fuck up hole

If China were doing well, they wouldn't be screeching at the US for implementing tariffs on par with their own.

What do you mean? Hyper is a greek prefix meaning over but used to convey a sense that the thing is more than just a little bit "over" or extra. Hyperbole. Hyperactive. Hyperthyroid. Hyperthermia.

Over-exaggerated and hyper-exaggerated are different things. It's emphatic. Sorry you're a brainlet.

>cut taxes
>replace with tariffs
>run up record defecits
>can't handle 2% interest rates
>can't build a fucking wall
>street shitting epidemic
>property market crashing AGAIN
>tweets tank the stock market

Whoa so this is "winning"?

they HAVE to go back

go back reddit nigger

>Arya and The Hound show up to kill people and most likely die in the attempt

These people are beyond fucking cancer. Holy shit.

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>Sorry you're a brainlet.
Wouldn't that be you since your vocabularity is limited to words that begins with hyper.

Lowest minority unemployment in US history. Roaring economy. Prison reform. Just 3 I can name off the top of my head and I'm not even American.

What I love about this video the most is the build up to the massacre.
>Dany starts to burn the ships
>Euron has to jump ship
>Dany blasts through gold company
>GC captain running in fear, gets speared
>The bells ring
A fucking riot
>Pans to Dany while dissonant bells keep ringing
Uneasiness ensues
>Roastie Roasts
Absolute shock
>Mfw it happens
Pure satisfaction

Tranny said the i-word!!!!

Attached: 1557295330015.jpg (500x500, 68K)

Why are all these people who are "not American" so particularly defensive of Crump. Hm, I wonder what large country to the north benefits from propping up Crump.

>based on one shitty video acted for views
Go outside pls

ok user, good troll

y-you just don't get it user, he's owning the libs

by guys

I'm Scottish brainlet. And being a Trump fan makes me a minority in my country I assure you.


go back there you enormous faggot


>le china stronk
its a paper tiger. wait till the next coup succeeds and it all goes warring states again.

you killed me

Attached: 2018%2F05%2F01%2F3b%2F07fec71d0f4c473284fb7bddd68b710b.7e28f.png%2F1200x630.png (1200x630, 1.05M)

>posting the liberal card jew
get the fuck out

Implying my country of brainwashed Socialists is worthy of praise.

On one hand I'm surprised that they decided to make Dany the villain when she's such a popular character and the majority of this show's audience would obviously want to see her win. On the other hand I'm relieved that the character who committed so many villainous acts throughout the show is correctly being presented as the villain in the end.

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>what 10 years of reddit does to the brain

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who the fuck is crump. if you're calling obama obungo or something it kinda works because he's a nigger or hillary shillary because she paid all those fedoras to shill her shit online but what the fuck does crump even make fun of? you faggots are so unimaginative i swear to fucking god. call him trumpberg or trumpstein or something, then there's an actual punchline to your joke

>"B-but socialism doesn't work!"
>Scotland is a socialist country and is great
>anti-socialists go silent

>scotland's great
confirmed for never having lived in scotland

t. Crumptard

>They have armies of chink analysts.
who all cheated their way through school. go to bed child, school comes early upon the morrow!

Oh yeah because Americans don't cheat their way through school. [Lori Laughlin cries in distance]

they're still not as high as chinese tariffs on american made goods. some things have 100% or higher tariff there.

Full of Socialists. Does not mean it is a socialist country. Also it is full of homeless and heroin addicts.

the night is dark and full of terrors, you smell of piss and fear, turn to the one true god lord of light

rich people do, but poor people work because they dont have the bribe money to cheat.

>poor people work
>poor people just want handouts
Make up your mind.

That’s not reddit spacing you moron. You are correct though that laughter was not appropriate in that scene.

chinks get in american schools through bribery. UNC Chapel Hill had a big scandal about it. half the chinese students were cheating. literally copying term papers word for word, except changing the name on the cover.

you should know yang.
民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行
法輪功 FALUN DAFA 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗
胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨
獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 肅清 活摘器官
黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩

NPCs think primitively
they associate laughter with something being funny

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This is r*ddit spacing.

This right here.

When I make sure to space out each retarded sentence.

Do you understand now?

A space between paragraphs is not r*ddit spacing, and never has been.

Please use this information to call out the phenomenon when you actually witness it.

Thank you.


he obviously means everyone in the fucking video you numb-nuts motherfucker

Implying R'hllor does not already have my unwavering allegiance.

If he's like me he probably does not give a fuck and just calls people reddit spacers when he disagrees with them and wants to derail the thread. As you can see, it worked beautifully.

I meant Elizabeth Warren but close enough.

Neither scenes are funny, if you'd adequately processed the film leading up to these points you wouldn't think either were funny. Brainlet.

You realize that shot means shot of alcohol and not camera shot right you idiot.

>ten thousand yen
>literally just $100

What kind of idiot thinks this is a good deal?


i hope they dont shoot you netizen

>watching reaction videos

I’m sorry, I had assumed everyone was operating in good faith. This is Yea Forums, after all.

probably the kind that thinks they can use money after they die

>people are more interested in the reaction video than the actual show

Too meta for me.

they laughed at the "Fucking die" line that was obviously funny

>being new
>being an actual redditor who thinks repeating buzzwords will make him fit in


Attached: reddit spacing.png (1010x1272, 143K)

Wow so that annoying thing people do on /qa/ where they refuse to quote people is actually how Yea Forums used to be? That would have been annoying as fuck to deal with.

Green hair girl instagram, user?

>laughter is literally a mechanism to cope with fear
>people fear that Sandor won't make it, because the Mountains looks fucking unstoppable at this point
>guy doesn't even flinch during all of those dagger stabs
>Sandor laughs hysterically because of how surreal and unfair the situation is
>people laugh with him to ease the tension

You people are fucking autistic.


Triggered, fuckface?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>americans are paying money to be brainwashed
the absolute state of your country

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While Sandor kind of forgot about the fire

shut the fuck up hole

Even if he didn't know about the fire he knew that the only thing beyond that wall was a cliff so he obviously knew that he was going to die no matter what.

What's more impressive is that he was strong enough to push Gregor through a wall.

burgers don't count as manufactured goods.

>im surprised they made dany the villian

they didn't do shit you brainlet, this has been GRRM's intended arc for dany since day 1. He probably chuckled to himself a lot over the years seeing people idolise her.

Do not hit enter twice after a sentence. Press it once.

Are you sure he didn't sneedle to himself?

Nice reddit advice there.
You must be the biggest oldfag of them all, a real OG Yea Forums nigger.
We are so glad you are here to give us valuable advice how to NOT look like redditors.
Thank you Yea Forums pro.

And that's how you actually reddit space.

>>people laugh with him to ease the tension

'Why won't you fucking die' was funny, manic 'everything's fucked' laughter wasn't, really.

Did he clap again later when the mom and daughter got burned to a crisp?

>mfw Americans clap as they die
Why do they do this?

Why are people still trying to seem like intellectuals when they watch this show? I laughed because it was funny. I know you guys are faggots but come on. What the fuck made you this fragile?

Because we know we'll never get another chance to clap.

A girl laughed at me once and it turned me into a Crump reject.

Eh? Couldn't you clap in heaven?

What are you even talking about here? This is objectively false. That's why me and my roommates laughed at it. I know I'm right, so I know you're wrong.

>That's why me and my roommates laughed at it.
and then everyone clapped

Gluttony is a deadly sin, so most of us are fucked.

>young men wearing Lannister army uniform get burned alive
>no one sees anything wrong with this
>civilians get burned alive
>suddenly people care
reminder that the army isn't actually related to the Lannisters, they're literally just people trying to feed themselves or their families.
None of them know the exact nature of the political blows between the Lannisters and the Starks or of Daenerys triumphs.
All they know is a horde of rapist tribesmen and brainwashed foreign soldiers are coming for their homeland being lead by a dragon queen.
In what reality is it not tragic these men have been burned alive or hacked to pieces even after surrendering?

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have sex

>In what reality is it not tragic these men have been burned alive or hacked to pieces even after surrendering?
the globohomo one


>My normal human reaction: A raised eyebrow.


That's all you need to know.

The show realizes this and that's why they have sad or ominous music playing every time Dany murders innocent soldiers.

because it IS funny, you autist. have sex, seriously.

Because Americans are fucking stupid, have never experienced a proper war on their own soil and thus have no real concept of what it feels like to be downtrodden or the humiliation of admitting defeat.

Emotionally stunted, they are.

Well if fucking retarded nutcases are telling the truth we're going to experience one soon.

Technically correct.

If you fuck *everyone* in the ass, you'll be fucking all the liberals too.

Scorched earth motherfucker.

At least until they inevitably win, start cleaning up, reform the US and the Trumpets are forced to realize that they just 4 years on a meme.

Is the concept of having friends seriously so incredibly foreign to you that you find it impossible to believe that anyone else has friends?

Did a *majority* though?

Totally anecdotal, but out of the dozen people I've talked GoT with last week, literally no one wanted to see her win.

Paragraphs, how do they work?

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WHERES THE YAAASSS QUEEN SLAY NOW? Just cause they show the deaths of the innocents even though there'd have been innocent deaths in the other incidents?

I don't think they'll ever "realize" it. They'll just get worse and worse until they find some even crazier guy than Trump, possibly Kanye or that George Papadopoulus guy.

>"Men decide where power resides"
>Guy points middle finger at screen
Wtf is wrong with these people?

Attached: Oh nonono.jpg (1751x1071, 681K)

He's right, you know.

God, I'm tired of this already just set me free, and the tards in Burlington deserve to be ridicule.

He's taking men as the gender not "mankind". Oh and he's trying to show how WOKE he is because he knows he's on camera

Nah it was directly implied women are dumb cunts and actual men need to put them in place and he was completely right

why the fuck would anyone want to go to a bar to watch this or any other show? how the fuck do you even hear whats going on when fucking retards are yelling and making stupid noises the entire time?

He's just thirsty for pussy. At some point in life if his wokeness is not going to net him any pussy, he will rape someone in his malefeminist rage as he will believe he has accumulated enough goodboy points for access to a pussy.

>S O Y
That and years of living as an unthinking, uncritical, unloved soulless NPC husk with no past, present, or future except for what corporations ordain for them.

Attached: cersei's just a girl and she's scared.jpg (882x493, 44K)

>that revenge is ultimately futile and unfulfilling.
Disagree. Revenge is great

Imagine the smell of the self righteous smugness, I bet it smells like hambeast farts.

Are you retarded? Sandor knew he was going to die from the fall. It didn't matter at that point.

Women and numales are sub-humans

He has always been superhumanly strong (cutting armored soldiers in half, casually lifting them up by the throat with one hand etc.) and he was probably swimming in adrenaline. The wall was crumbling at that point too.

You have autism.

Its called poetic justice you brainlet faggot. Sandor pushed him into the fire.

I bet you didnt get cersei's death either

Did you guys not notice that wannabe Tormund was with an attentionwhore girl who kept mugging for the camera? He was clearly showing off for her. Hope she brapped in his mouth.

>demonstrating that revenge is ultimately futile and unfulfilling.
Only a Eurocuck would think this

literal NPCs

Update: he has been cucked

Attached: cucked.jpg (1828x1070, 666K)

>Americans are stupid because they don't know what it feels like to lose a war
Feel terrible for you faggot, be sure to yell extra loud for help again when Round 3 kicks off

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>"CUT CUT CUT! Um... Jimmy? I noticed you didn't look very disappointed when the line "men decide where power resides" was uttered. The script calls for a little more emphasis on the disagreement we have with the scene. If you could perhaps gesticulate a little more? Maybe a vulgar hand gesture or two to really sell it? Thanks. Alright, roll it back, people. Take 2 aaaaand action!"

i would rather have /pol/ here than reddit niggers tbqh.

Attached: 1455574962954.jpg (250x203, 16K)

>if (characterLaughter == true)


if im correct, is the tax not on imported goods, are you not buying american?

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>those cackles
They're laughing at nothing. It's like a Bazinga episode.

the Dany going crazy broke their brain, they've been processing it during the whole episode after the scene, so they've been watching with 20% attention ability basically, and laughter = comedy.

Are we the baddies?

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I hate it when dipshits can't read a fucking scene.
When I saw Logan in theatres the scene where he's just venting everything he's bottled up hitting his truck actually got laughs from about half of the audience. The context was clearly not "hehehe look at the hairy man angry lol". People are why I drink.

Aahaha i'm from pol fren and i was always shilling Lannister

Go back there. Nobody wants you here.

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>all those men with stern, manly looks
It's true what they say about men. They are manly.

the crazy laugh is not for expressing humour or amusement, it's more like a desperate, erroneous reaction
watching it the scene really seemed off

The scene was meant to parallel what was happening with Arya at the same time. A lot of people are missing it in their blind hate for Arya.

how exactly was it parallel to Arya?

more like a homosexual apu poster. kill yourself aids kike lover.

>Everyone thinks

Deracinated, africanized, amerimutt goyim cattle don't think.

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/pol/tards have been trying to take "fren" over the last couple weeks just like they try and corrupt anything that is remotely wholesome for political gain.

kill yourself aids kike lover


I never watch GoT but those little clips were appaling. They really gave a big budget to a bunch of hacks. That scene where it's alternating between the fight and Arya being trampled by the crowd. What kind of editing is that? I see far superior editing skills from youtubers. There was no need to alternate between these too. The combat should have been halted when the guy fell down the stairs. Show alittle bit of Arya escaping and then go back to the big guys fighting. These guys are complete frauds, no wonder Lucasfilm hired them


What the fuck are these people even drinking?

Red Bull

NPCs. All these people are basically running on the same software. Just like the faggots arguing in this thread.

I can't believe you people are still using this cringeworthy meme. Didn't you get the memo? Everyone's moved on to calling everyone they hate a "clown world." That's the new term for people you disagree with.

Because the people who just repeat predetermined phrases like "NPC" and "clownworld" over and over, those are such free and independent thinkers. They are not doing what their masters command. No, it couldn't be.

>only loser virgins watch the popular show of the decade

>dragon fire can't explode stone buildings
I was very put off by the fact that literally no attempt was made to explain how a flying flamethrower was able to burn down a stone castle.

Funny that you ignored the sentence that immediately followed that one, fucking automation.

People who spot redditors and newfags everywhere are the actual redditors and newfags themselves.

back you go nigger.

you retard realize that subsidies are paid from tax dollars, people only pay for tariffs by having to choose more expensive option you inbred imbecile. I wonder if you're a left wing, because you qualify on economics

danny has always been the villain and a shit POV character to read. SHe honestly needs to die in Meeren so we can finish the story

it was the stupid rpg fight on top of a burning tower i wanted. Pretty schlockino my hombre.

Anyone else rooting for dany now? she most likely dies next episode anyway.

>GoT soap opera has scrubbed everyone so clean they get emotionally involved with a fictional world

>rooting for a hole
kill yourself

Take it easy user.

she's /ourgirl/ now

America is nothing but a jew country that basically lucked the fuck out.
You pat yourselves on the back how strong and mighty your military is while the truth is you have only really fought pajeets with ak-47s in the Middle east. If Chinese and Russians roll out on your own land you will be stunned beyond belief and I fucking pray that I get to witness Burgerland piss its pants as it realizes what war means.

Where the fuckin link you jobbers

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Watching behind the scenes, I think the directors original plan was to have an uninterrupted Arya stumbling through chaosh scene. And an uninterrupted fight scene.

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whatever you think zoom zoom

You lost to impoverished rice farmers

usa lost the vietnam war to its own civilians
they were about to win and then they decided to give up because the boomer hippies were crying too hard

Imagine thinking that the most anticipated duel for the whole series was supposed to be a comedy scene. Gtfo newfag

>huurr duurrr LABELS

>You're in over your head, pumpkin.
What are you 9 years old? Is this some sort of ironic comeback, you dumb cunt?

>Being this daft

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>she starts flying with drogon
>pretty sure i hear a "yaaaas slay"
>they all think shes going for cersei
>suddenly she starts attacking civilians

You have no idea where you are right now do you?

reminder that reddit spacing complainers are from reddit

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Cool single image from 15 years ago you actual nigger.


Maybe they should have stuck to tilling the field instead

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Well it's pretty obvious you failed at grammar

It's mimetism, that's how NPCs are being programmed

no empathy in these empty human shells so they dont understand the characters, they only copy the surface like psychopats

yes, before your whore mother spread her filthy legs wide and cursed the world with her retarded spawn
good times

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The way I see it, he was laughing at the absurd unfairness of delivering multiple fatal wounds to his brother and have him not even flinch. Also maybe he was realizing that Gregor was already basically dead and suffering as this undead abomination and that his apparent lifelong goal of revenge was pointless since the Gregor he hated so much died after fighting Oberyn.

They didn't even laugh at the Hound laughing.
They broke into laughter at his exasperated "Oh, for fucks sake!" moments before, after he stabbed him a dozen time, moments earlier - to no result.

The lowest common denominator is zero.

Where is this watching party located? Is there video?

Reminder that each burlington bar hate thread is a thinly veiled "I have no friends" ressentiment thread

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It was funny-
imagine wanting to kill someone your whole life just to find out that theyre unkillable.

I have friends. We just don't get together to watch shows. It's cool if they want to go to a bar and watch GoT together but reaction videos are cringey and contrived.

we've been at war for 222 out of the 239 years that we've been around.

Zero can't be a denominator you fucking cretin.

>The people of the United States celebrate the assassination of Osama bin Laden (colourised)
Americans are literally too brainlet to get that revenge is futile. There are people IN THIS VERY THREAD that think Arya killing Dany would make thematic sense because muh assassin.

Some of the people you are talking to on this board were born after this post.
Protip: they usually don't say much as they are pretty nervous so they just stick to really short posts and simply say things like BASED[/spoiler and sneed]

Don't try to understand just think of them as toddlers.

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Theyre literally like trained seals

>man on screen is laughing i must laugh now too!

Its unbelievable

What if someone filmed your reactions? You'd look just as bad

You should update your politi so anecdote, Hillary hasnt been relevant in two years

>look how stupid these people are with their sheep reactions
You're retarded if you think that's what's going on. They literally make money doing this. Anyone on a channel like this would be stupid for showing normal, subdued reactions when you can expect money to rain down on you for a little performance.

You have low IQ

Yes it does. He tackled Gregor into the fires of hell below, showing that he cared more about revenge than his fear of fire.

It's a sad world when reaction actors get paid for this shit

It is, but taking their act at face value is short sighted. If you can take advantage of the state of social media and earn more than most wagies by putting on a little clown show it's the smart thing to do.

>surrender bell tolls >everyone cheering
jesus christ people, is everyone forgetting how much shit the Lannisters have done to the Starks and the amount of shit that Dany has gone through? that mental breakdown and slaughter induced by the bells was pretty kino though.

Nobody here likes jews.

They’re normies. They also laughed when Sandor screamed “FUCKING DIE”, because the Hound swearing triggers something in their peabrains. It was actually kinda sad because he was screaming in desperation for something he wanted to happen his whole life, and to finally put an end to the man that ruined him.

The NPCs thought they should laugh because Sandor did. Like a laugh track effect

Have sex

Shapiro lost credibility with pushgate since he was a never trumper and his popularity has only declined ever since

Stay mad frothy liberal


You fundamentally misunderstand the use of the clownworls meme. Calling people NPCs and clownposting are different things