Do you think the most important aspect of a film is the script? That it takes precedence over cinematography, direction, music?
Do you think the most important aspect of a film is the script? That it takes precedence over cinematography, direction...
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Sometimes, depends on the film.
Why not both?
What do you think is more important: your hands, your eyes, your ears, your feet, your tongue, or you dick?
What a stupid fucking question.
what's this idea that you have to compromise quality? even if you don't have the highest quality equipment, you can still stick to the basics and make a good film
hewwo mauler
keep up the good work :3
Who is the virgin in the pic? Isnt this that alt-right guy?
Yes script is the base or foundation in general because it comes first. The other things can be most important too making or breaking a film.
things I don't like
>party scenes
things I do like
>characters explaining their actions
>characters doing things I would do
>politics I agree with
Will HBomb ever ever recover?
Watch any of Malick’s films from the 2000s and you’ll get why all the best cinematography in the world can’t save an incoherent script.
MauLer's "objective critique" argument would be fine if it was consistent but its just an obvious tool for him to proclaim that the movies he enjoys are factually good while the movies he dislikes are factually bad. I mean, this is a guy who said the best movie of 2018 was Infinity War
No. He will chop the cock off soon, screenshot this
do women and effeminate men have nothing better to do but rank movies on bullshit sites?
you need more laid back podcasts friend
if i won the lotto id fund your mortgage on patreon
yes script is really important but dont forget intangibles
media is an orchestra
Does that mean an Edgar Wright movie is just good (not great) because the scripts in his films are usually solid but because the writing takes precedence over everything else in a film, you just have to disregard everything else like his style or cinematography
he has nothing to do with the alt-right
stay obsessed
Yeah I’d agree with that. Truly great films strike the right balance of all the different elements.
If you judge movies by how well they tell a story, then no.
I hate how much he sucks himself off over “objective critique lelel” while he reviews fucking CAPESHIT. Dude, IMAGINE thinking fucking Infinity War is a “good story.” I bet you one thousand dollars he has never read literary fiction in his entire life. Fuck this guy. I hate HBomberguy more, but fuck MauLer. Seriously
And here I was, going to use Malick as a reason why script doesn't matter if you've got beautiful cinematography. Although comparing Malickino with plot/character-driven movies is pointless. They are not substitute goods.
considering there hasnt been a good movie released in the past 10 years I can see why something like infinity war could be considered a years best movie
He always acknowledges the faults in the things he likes and the good elements of the things he doesn't.
According to objective critique, does this mean Mass Effect 2 is objectively bad despite a lot of people loving the game? It has great character moments and the presentation is cinematic but the plot fails logically and it throws away the rules of the world the first game set up
Yeah but he’s boring and pedantic so I don’t like him. I think he has autism. Imagine if he tried to watch Mulholland Drive.
>None of the characters are explicitly explaining to the audience their motivations therefore movie bad!!!!
>Thing doesn’t follow real world logic therefore movie bad!!!!
>Movie have no epic cgi punch-punch therefore movie bad!!
t. tranny
Really depends on what is the objective of the movie.If it's a script based movie yes, if the focus is something else than no.
Nope. I hate how he’s involved with that faggot Rags. Wasn’t Rags part of Kraut and Teas gay ops? Or I am remembering it wrong? Idk
>all films are lynchian nightmares
>throwing out conventions is good all the time even if it serves no purpose
>bad storytelling is really just good storytelling that you haven’t analyzed enough
Really fires
>I think he has autism.
he 100 percent does
Didn’t say that. I just said that watching a film through an autistic lens makes for unwatchable content. I don’t need to watch twelve hour long videos to tell me I don’t like TFA. I already know I don’t like TFA.
Should movies be explicit all the time, (I.e., for retards?)
JoJo is objectively bad because Araki forgot
Not really. It just depends on the film and what the director is trying to do.
B-but... muh capeshit :(
I thinkkk this is the inspiration for his avatar.
He literally would never say anything close to those things nor has said anything like those things.
You're right, he'll just recap the movie while insulting or complementing every little detail ("Tony called that guy squidward, fucking hilarious!") like an unironic Cinema Sins video
He's done worse, making six hour long series on one fucking film he didn't like because he's a closeted, autistic nazi comes to mind.
Nah. I hate his content to death but he’s not a nazi. Either that or you’re just baiting. Besides, I thought that the Nazis gassed all retards
Based. Did you enjoy your vasectomy, user? How many times have you seen Endgame? It’s so EPIC right?
He's not some cinemasins dipshit, he just asks for basic internal consistency.
sup redditnigger
>harry faggots need a boogeyman so badly
this is pathetic
How does he review movies when he just summarizes them point by point?
He also makes twelve-hour long podcasts fending off every last person who even remotely criticized him. I haven’t watched most of his stuff but he acts like a pseud, a faggot, and an autistic manchild all at the same time.
Mauler likes capeshit so his opinions are already invalid
Sounds like /ourguy/
I don't get why critical thesis's on movies for children are so popular.
He also talks about games and (most recently) GoT:
but, user, capeshit is all there is left
Because liberal arts faggots want to sound deep, yet they are too smooth-brained to read a book much less understand anything beyond the same capeshit formula over and over, so they only talk about literal children’s movies
Depends on the movie. If MauLer actually analysed high brow dramas I'd understand why he'd get so nitpicky about the quality of the script but instead he applies that analysis to dumb fantasy action movies about starships and super heroes. And that just feels like he's reaching for a low hanging fruit.
I wish he went back to games.
most people who "analyze" are only able to analyze shlock for being shlock because its easy and brainless to do. analyzing something for its merit takes effort and people would rather not
My shill-o-meter is off the charts
I only ever see retards hating on MauLer.
But yes, dumbass, the dude's paying me to talking about him on a site that doesn't like him because his videos are too long for their attention spans to handle.
Fine, potion seller. I’ll take my business elsewhere. I’ll take my business elsewhere and I’ll never come back. You’re a scoundrel ;-;
He was almost crying about the GOT siege. I mean....cmon its GOT! Lower your expectations and grow up. HIs youtube channel is doing well and I hope he is wise with $$ he is making. Wish him the best but not my cup of tea.
I don't necessarily have a problem with Mauler but I find his fans to be autistic, they're so pretentious like how they describe his videos as "academia" or how they call out criticism of Mauler as a "persecution". Its so toxic that most discussions of his videos on Reddit get locked because it becomes a shitshow. Maulerfags also tend to swarm other videos from Youtubers who got called out on the EFAP podcast and they tend to shill about how great Mauler is and how wrong the guy who made video is.
You have to look at things in context. They don't make good movies anymore, so IW is good by that metric.
>That it takes precedence over cinematography, direction, music?
Wait what
The script is written BEFORE all of those are even beginning to be formulated, or at least it should be. What kind of moronic question is this? You should have a solid foundation, the script, and then build the others into it. What, are they going to spend so much on the script they can't afford a good camera? Oh no! We wanted good direction, but the script was too good, the director can't look up from it and tell the actors to emote! The sick dialog is too hot for our music, we're going to have to compromise! Quick, have a character do a random thing that pushes the plot along and say a bunch of moronic babble that makes no sense! Thank goodness, now we can have good music!