>best couple wins
What shows do this?
Best couple wins
Gotta start forcing cuck shit early for kids lol
I want to make love to Marco
>modern cartoon ending
>it's not gay
They turned his previous GF lesbian
you get racemixing instead, it is way worse
the office with dwight
>More anti-white racemixing propaganda
Why is Disney continuing to push this?
Panda Trueno!!!
>tfw "DeviantArt Scott Pilgrim OC" constitutes an acceptable TV cartoon art style
leftist cuckoldry
Go on..
Have sex instead of being bitter
it's the cal arts style
based but unnecessary post
redpilled but devoid of substance
What was the last good era of animation with soul here?
Fapped to this comic so many times
fuck off dataminer
Imagine watching and enjoying shows made for children
It only took two seasons of hack writing to delay this shit until the end to the detriment of the show.
Also go to Yea Forums faggot, there's already two fucking threads.
Is this that show where they have the Sneed feed store?
ahaha yeah haha that would be embarrassing ha
>white genocide agenda isn’t real
>Capeshit central
God I wish that were me
It's not genocide, it's suicide incel.
Wh*toids aren't having kids or are race mixing.
But let's not kid ourselves and say that you would be get anywhere close to a woman in the first place.
which one
maids are a shit tier fetish
guys i think ahadman might be a fag
Disgusting. Why doesn’t Marco wax and bleach his asshole?
Jannies are literally jerking off to Shadshit pffffhahahhahahahahaha
species mix, dirty mewmens.
I stopped watching this show after the 2nd season, but when the final episode is aired I'm going to pretend I saw the whole series and shit on all the threads on Yea Forums that talk about it.
Why are liberals constantly forcing race-mixing propaganda down people’s throats?
It's so cute to see how you people laugh about how triggered SJWs get about everything, when you are actually the most easily triggered, sensitive kids on the planet.
It's not propaganda.
White and spic couples have a thing in for ages in California/Texas dumb flyover
fucking kek
is the j*nny actually jacking off to shadman garbage kek
>cuck means interracial
Mental illness and Kike brainwashing
>t. brainwashed leftypol cuck
Maybe, but Star seems to be exceptionally Scott Pilgrim-y.
Kill yourself hole
Reeeeeee he should end with Jackie instead.
Kill yourself faggot scum
>heterosexuality is gay
watching cartoons for little girls is gay
She should’ve helped him through his slump in 4th stage by encouraging him on the phone. Was retarded how they abandoned her after 3rd. She’s a thot though
>spanish guy irish girl
>literally the exact same race
what did anons mean by this?
then why respond to that one guy specifically and not the whole thread?
kill yourself faggot scum
>irish girl
good point
on second thought spaniard (white) and irish (non white) really is race mixing. wtf I hate disney now
>this thread
>no Baki and Bakette
Bakas, the lot of you.