Why do girls this good looking become porn whores instead of models/actresses?

Why do girls this good looking become porn whores instead of models/actresses?

Look at how terrible of an actress Emilia Clark and most Hollywood actresses are, wouldn't it be better is hotter girls were doing the bad acting?

Tons of actresses way less hot get roles by sleeping with producers, so why aren't these hot girls sleeping their way into mainstream acting success?

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Other urls found in this thread:


she's a 6 at best, would not bang

Absent father and/or molested

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don't try to rationalize the female thought process
logic has no place in it


this. also foster girls that get diddled by foster daddy

She hasn't done a scene in what feels like years. WTF

Because it's more than just being hot and willing to sleep around, there are a bazillion failed actors and actresses all over the place. You need a fuckton of luck but above all, the right connections.

He didn’t ask for your selfie

Um sorry sweaty but after this last episode, Emilia Clarke has proven her acting chops.

Money, being dumb, childhood abuse, going with the crowd, regular female bullshit, etc

Because women know that the West is dying

You can literally see her lopsided eye in this picture. That alone makes her not a model material and that's without taking things like having the proper measurements and being able to pose and walk the right way into consideration.

Better question is why they don't find themselves a rich husband. I guess that's where that whole "independence" comes in.

says the 2

move to Los Angeles or at least visit for a week. the fucking cashiers at Ralphs are 7-8/10s because beautiful women out here are a dime a dozen.

Because all whites harbor an insatiable desire to be BLACKED

easy money

Hollywood doesn't want super-hot girls, they want moderately attractive and inoffensive looking girls so that ugly cunts in the audience can go "Woah, that's literally me!" Sex bombshells trigger the roasties. So many of the young dumb bimbos who go to Hollywood to be a big star end up fucking black dudes on camera for quick cash.

Many of the mainstream actresses in Hollywood films would likely be doing porn videos right now if they weren't at the right place at the right time sucking the right dick

defect in upbringing.

Cause fucking feels good and takes almost no effort, and assumin she does scenes for the big name studios I'm sure she's making some pretty good money
Legit acting is also a very competitive field

Because they're 50% plastic, 50% makeup

I saw some black dude's pornhub account showing videos he liked and there were tons of ones with white guys fucking girls. I thought, here's a man whose free.

stop putting poossy on a pedestal incels

Being a well paid pornstar is the best career you can possibly have.

They literally think they can transition to mainstream acting if they get famous in porn first.

They soon find out that no studio is gonna take a pornstar seriously

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Stop romanticizing dumb whores

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But if they're willing to suck cock for money, why not suck Hollywood producer cock and become famous without videos of them sucking cock out in the open?

No amount of fame or money is comparable to having a big black punching you bowels, it's literallt heaven.
t. white woman

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>so why aren't these hot girls sleeping their way into mainstream acting success?

They are though, haven’t you been watching the most recent releases and “bright” upcoming actresses

Maybe if her mind was grounded more in the present instead of running around with Others she'd be embracing a high sociliate lifestyle.


accurate. it started with Twilight and Kristen Stewart. (i'm not talking shit on Kristen Stewart, but she's definitely a girl next door pretty.) girls like that got cast so the female audience could use them as an empty vessel to insert themselves. hence the butthurt of Mad Queen

This is the guy posting race bait threads and calling others onions

Typically most of them aren't this good looking. Maybe once every 3 months or so, you will find a 7 or 8 out of 10. Then, once about every 6 to 7 months you may find one who is 9 out of 10.
>t. guy who literally spends 3-4 hours about every day browsing porn

>t. white woman
You'll never pass

Whores gonna whore

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Alice is cute!

Kelly is cute too.

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Who is this Aryan Goddess?

You got an emp account?

in utter awe at the size of this lad
what an absolute unit, someone get him a Norf FC shirt

With actresses like your pic I think they are simply too stupid or already set on a bad path.

When it comes to women like pic related who can passably act it's probably something like the understand the chances of becoming a wealthy hollywood actress are very very slim and that they can merely make a comfortable living doing what they do. Or maybe they even enjoy sex work when it's not with strangers.

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that girl was a camwhore straight out of the door and lansky scouted her, there was nothing worth saving

two or three guys did in that scene

> why not just become an actress?
Retard alert

>But if they're willing to suck cock for money, why not suck Hollywood producer cock and become famous without videos of them sucking cock out in the open?
because the line to suck producer cock is a very long line and not everyone makes it to the top.

Even the "men"

Daddy issues. MASSIVE daddy issues.

who is this?

>Mia Melano only did 2 blacked scenes before moving exclusively back to white only scenes

madcheddar lighting and makeup turns 5/10s into 8/10s, stop being fooled, they even made elsa jean look white

Also! A lot of girls who do porn have bodies that are too lewd for regular film or tv. pic related is obviously an exaggerated example but even mildly busty women have a hard time finding roles that aren't HAHA BOOBS BIG BOOBIES HAHA.

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To pic to use when someone on /fit/ tells me to post bod

Even Wifey has gone Black, no onecan resist

Miss Alice, solo camgirl for 7 years with a heart of gold and a cute accent.

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Black is where its at

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I used to beat off to her Tumblr years ago lol

Stop looking at scenes or clips and watch any porn with an actual script, FUCK watch the actual opening of any BLACKED.com porn where the girl is telling you how she's about to fuck this black guy. Half of them can barely read the lines for a fucking voice over.

Emilia Clark is not a good actress but she at least has a high school reading comprehension level. There is a reason these girls doing porn, I promise you.

oh shit is this the girl who met a dude on a ski trip, they really hit it off, then he fucked off and ghosted her once he found out about her past?

that story is absolute nonsense and you should stop spreading it.

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Is this what it is like to be "woke" as they say?

Did he fuck her?

>is a whore
i'm gonna take a wild guess and say yeah

It wasn’t only one video and she didn’t even look like she liked it. Fuck off

she cute

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This is a strangely insightful thread.

there's a 99% chance you've had sex with more people than alice

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>people actually pay to watch whores look bored in their underwear

but not me, I pirate all her content.

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To be fair, all of her stuff has been solo stuff except for that one with the guy that could't fuck for shit.

is she missing a few chromosomes?

HIGHLY inprobable

What this incel said It's weird because staying at home and surfing the internet all the time warps your view of the world.
I too used to wonder why all these stunningly beautiful girls did porn, and then I went outside. Your hotness meter goes for too long uncalibrated.
Real life is chock full of 7/10s to 9/10s.
I can't go outside without seeing a hot chick, and it's never the same one.
And they usually look miles better than girls doing porn.

Don't tell them that on twitter, that upsets them greatly.

Feels good man.

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Its like 10 videos, she cant get enough

you HAVE had sex at least once haven't you?

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imagine whiteknighting a camewhore lmao

of course, but that doesn't mean she hasn't

they can have that landwhale she isn't even White

I have a 150 video pack of hers but I can't be bothered to sift through all the solo garbage for B/G stuff

why do nigs always do weird shit with their lips and teeth when they're trying to be cool?

basé et rougepilulé

>hot as fuck
>throw career away in second film
lmao the state of women

A lot of Girls who are cute in their hometown move to the coast to be models/actresses without a solid plan or realistic expectations and wind up getting groomed off the streets and in the clubs by men who's profession is 'trick dumb young pussy into becoming whores'. They feed these girls egos and promise them careers in the biz and get them messed up on drugs and fucking around before pulling away the freebies and offering them "easy" cash by doing porn.
If you watch docs on porn stars it's always the same story. If parents were smarter and taught their daughters not to worship celebrities all these dumbfuck flyover girls wouldn't be rushing to the big city to suck dick.

lmao user you do know about her leaked sextape right? do I have to link it so everyone can point and laugh at you?

>no daddy
>molested by mom's pedo bf
>becomes hypersexual
>masturbates a LOT
>starts molesting boys in school
>gains school slut rep
>bullied by other girls
>has no friends, but one fat chick
>fat chick gets sick of her shit too
>girl gets clerk job at burger king
>works with meth heads and niggers
>screws meth head but dumps him because he can't keep up with her intense sex drive
>she starts fucking niggers left to right
>meth head or nigger gets her into stripping
>porn scout offers her money for porn shoot
>she does porn
>she knows she can do this for a living and make more money along with stripping
End of story

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whats it like having your entire cock inside a girls mouth? all the way to the base?

You do realize that unless you have massive connections like Cara Delevingne becoming a successful model is pretty much impossible? You need to be super lucky, ruthlessly motivated (willing to devote every second of your day to brand building, social media, networking, exercise etc) or aesthetically gifted on a world class level.
Extremely hot women who are willing to bang some producer for a role are a dime a dozen in LA. As talentless as you believe Emilia Clarke is, I guarantee you she is 100x the actress that any porn star could ever hope to be. Case in point, look at all of Sasha Grey's non pornographic films. I've seen her in three things thus far (Girlfriend Experience, Would You Rather, Entourage) and all of her lines were infinitely flatter and more forced than everyone else's, including the D list literally who bit characters. Acting is like pro sports in the sense that you could be watching a movie and think "wow, that guy sucks" but what you don't see are the 100,000 other actors who weren't even good enough to make it to that level. Go to any open casting call and there will be 100 Mia Melanos who wouldn't be able to emote at a professional level if their lives depended on it.

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Thanks for sharing

she lost her virginity to that guy and she hasn't been in a relationship with anyone else. that basically makes her immaculate by modern standards.

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>her hairlines worse than mine
wtf I thought women didnt do this

We all know this guy lurks among us

>Mia Melano
>Miam El Ano

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Mia Melano

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>he actually believes the lies a camgirl tell him
oh sweet summer child

>Real life is chock full of 7/10s to 9/10s.
>I can't go outside without seeing a hot chick
you dont live in ohio

>do I have to link it
Im gonna say yes.

>watch Girls Do Porn
>think these girls are too hot for porn
>ignore thought and thankful they have daddy issues

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Having a sex tape out there makes you an automatic whore for life, end of story. This is the standard that was set by the general public after Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Pam Anderson etc.

as what white or a woman?
is he an ashkenazi tranny?



Idk dude some people just want to be worshiped

What are women in Ohio like?

good looking women are everywhere and a lot of them have shitty lives

What is the most interesting thing that she has done?

just hire an agent to do all that stuff

GDP has been fucking trash lately. A lot of the girls aren't even that good looking, many have implants, and the sex is formulaic and boring.

Is gdp porn actually real?

Something tells me it's fake or they're escorts.

I don't get it. Is she putting hopes and dreams in her mouth?

Extremely easy money. Wtf do you thing?

I mean, this whiteknight probably contemplated suicide for at least a month after this leaked, then he had the delusion that this was the only guy she ever fucked just so he could go on living.
Mentally ill lad.

>Why do girls this good looking become porn whores instead of models/actresses?
Be an a-class pornstar, or a c-class actor? Gee user it's a hard choice. Imagine being literally dumber than a woman.

why indeed

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It feels both good and based.

I have fact-checked her statements. She doesn't tell lies.

Everyone has sex tapes these days, it's a normie thing.

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>I have fact-checked her statements. She doesn't tell lies.

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user, how hard is it to get through the day knowing she thinks you're a loser and only uses you for money, meanwhile sucking off chads for free

is this his final form?

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don't worry he's "fact-checked" her statements

>oh sweet summer child

jealous boys?

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I think some are escorts and some are girls who have decided that its a good platform to start their career in porn

Isn't that the Pond frontman?
Hot af anyways would let him use me as a cumrag no homo

kek well I’ve never fucked on live stream, she definitely wins that one

They are in big trouble, they can't keep doing the same castings.

fuck me it's like the scene in Super bad when Seth tries in skinny jeans except those look like JNCO double-barrells

that’s also not true at all.. you’re a fucking loser

It's called smiling

>he thinks chads are real

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Was that the business about coercing girls or some shit?

some of them are legit, a girl who won miss teen Colorado like 5 years ago went to my college and she did a POV shoot for them.. she left college because everyone found out and jerked it to her video.

I hate how Alice is so popular, when forest_nymph shits all over its not even funny.

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>good looking women are everywhere and a lot of them have shitty lives

also being good looking doesn't last and some of them want to make money off it when they still can. The amount of money paid for a woman to have sex on camera usually goes down as she gets older.


You're thinking of Kendra Sunderland

Dudes really think women don't like sex. If you'd ever had it, you'd know that they fucking live for it. They would literally rather get pounded by tens of dicks than learn lines op

>They say the three owners of the website Girls Do Porn set up an elaborate scheme using fake names, reference girls paid to lie and promises that the videos would be sold to private collectors in Australia and New Zealand, according to the lawsuit.

you obviously live in your own delusional world

>that cleavage
This dude could make a killing on Twitch

this and the darker the better since it stimulates our melanin receptors

I live in San Diego and didn't even know they were here lol. That article totally explains the nosedive in quality though.

Low IQ

she has no tits or ass, if you black out the face and crotch, she is no different from a boy, your a pedo if you think she is hot

only if you like cottage cheese

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Which episodes have the girls that filed the suit?

This but unironically

God i want a girlfriend like her

If you think that's cottage cheese, then yes I like cottage cheese and I'll eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon snack, post- workout, dessert, and midnight cheat snack.

ha I knew a girl in one of these videos

>btw I'm a girl
Literally kys you stupid smelly nigger, they literally get paid twice as much to fuck chimps

her vids are shit, she doesnt do anything

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She wanted it though. She didn't even have to do it.

The fuck I know. I'm not addicted to pron.

that is a wonderful ass, no idea what you're complaining about

They have to be compensated because once you go black your career goes down hill

whatever floats your boat senpai. alice's butt does it for me.

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>generic non-ass that hurts your pelvis when you hit it from the back

what a strange build

>low-effort bait for more alice butt pics

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Yeah, because despite feel good Hollywood shit, fucking a nigger is always shameful and half the pornstars don't even do it WITH that big a pay raise

Doing Blacked porn lowers their overall value. Why do they even do it?

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do men really have no standard?

honestly if she put in any effort in her Manyvids she would rake in the dough. Give me a dildo ride, JOI, or even just a shower scene for fuck sakes.

Does she do feet stuff?

It may look decent, but your shit's gonna hurt after banging into bones over and over

She would be a good Hela.

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ive matched her on tinder twice. she lives in portland when shes not "vacationing". it takes every ounce of willpower to not buy hpv from her.

because they're stupid and their agents are scumbags

the only advantage of doing professional porn over DIY porn is you get your paycheck upfront. after that it's all disadvantages.

no, she doesn't do anything except cosplay and playing with her boobs

What the heck is that

I want to do that to Daddario, she has nice eyeballs


She's like 25 right? I wonder how much longer she can even do camwhoring? You can tell just from her voice she's a complete airhead so i doubt she has any back up plans.

Brehs I keep seeing Alice around town but I'm too nervous to initiate conversation.
How do I let her know I recognize her without being cryngy?

All about being degraded, which the vast majority of women are in to. In my experience, anyway.

>Why do girls this good looking become porn whores instead of models/actresses?
yeah if they are willing to suck cock why dont they become a secretary or something


*Walks up to her*
*360 walks away*

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Unless she is a kissless virgin as well, and handholdless and hugless for over three years, I really doubt it.

Also, her tiddies are godlike. She is one of the few camwhores I can recognize only with a bodyshot without face.

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post new alice nudes? hairy down there recently?

Ask her for a handshake but use a fake hand

blacked kino is back on the menu

thank me later boys

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because shes ugly

Tell her you are one of her top tippers.

Then why do they make it so difficult to get?

She got recruited by Greg Lansky who tells the girls that his porn studio is something exclusive. She has a contract that only allows her to do scenes for him.



what was it?

Anna Kendrick's nudes

A dismembered body.

Just say Hi and say you're a big fan. She's not going to be friendly if she knows you know her from porn, she'll just say "Hi" and "thank you".

>This shit is still up.


wtf janny why is this shit up but sneed gets a 3 day ban

She had sex with less than five people and is a pornstar? Wowee

Usually too old for most producers when they're legal for porn

>Why do girls this good looking become porn whores instead of models/actresses?
they sucked the wrong dicks

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If we can have stupid threads about youtube celebrities why can we not have this?


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Fuck that gay pedo


she doesn't fuck people on cam, except that one time with her bf during her first week as a camgirl. dude took 30 minutes to get hard so they never tried again.

i aint clicking that shit nigga


They are dumb and have absolutely 0 foresight. Someone waved $5,000 in their face. That was literally it.

its fine
it just links to the bad guy thread he was leaving up since he's a gay pedo

I know how to nuke this thread

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They get paid double user, they're sucking dick for money as is so the nigger shit isn't so bad. Also most pornstars are cracked tf out on stimulants and regret and kill themselves later

A headless and limbless body being kept "alive" with a machine, for god knows what crazy reason.

You can still see deleted stuff on the archive, user. Just install 4chanX.


Don't a lot of women get into porn because it is a quick buck?

The biggest problem is that a lot of the big-time shitty actresses just got into actual acting before they ever sucked a producer off for a serious role. Pornstars, by the time they might want to do serious televisio /film roles, already have thousands of pictures and dozens of porn videos readily available online. They have become a pariah.

And another thing, big time pornstars maoe a lot of money for what they do. The top 20 don't need to be worrying about doing actual films because they're making as much or more than most C-list actors.

>get fucked
>make money
What's the issue here?

unironically would be better than one of those meme sexdolls


Can you show me a 9/10?

she's so pretty. i really want to marry her and have kids with her

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Mia Melano really does have like perfect tier body tho

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Still looks better than you. You fat shaming piece of shit

oh wow that's my letter

Hahahaha. Quality post, love to see a genuine sense of humor on this shithole of a site that i can't stop coming to


Being a coalburner makes her 0/10 on my book.

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Her scene is actually 10/10. Amazing body.

Making it in Hollywood actually requires hard work.
>But they just suck dick for roles!
Maybe. Maybe not. Even if we assume that this is common practice in the industry, you still have to do the work. And what's more difficult. What's more time consuming? What requires more effort?

who is that

you're gonna get your kidneys stolen senpai

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>agree to do porn
>regret it when people you know find out
women are dumb

Winter Spice/Winter Jade


Like chubby obese or like amerifat obese?

>look up real rape porn
>it's all muslims and indians

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Here's her Twitch

wtf i thought she was mexican. so she not from texas and have senpai in mexico?

Not the same person

It is probably hard to go to hollywood and find a producer to fuck/suck.

>Holm said his research found all of the videos uploaded to PornHub have “over one-billion views."

There's not a single video on pornhub with over a billion views

fake and gay

why can't you read

why is this thread still up?

Morbidly. If not that then they’re single mother opioid addicts who hit the wall hard.

The midwest has it rough because of fatties, the south has it rough because of all the black women. Say what you want about the west coast, but the women there are actually better.

>quick buck
$50 for one scene. $100 if they take creampie.

>Not pretending to play video games to make your living

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Probably dumb as shit. I mean significantly dumber than the average woman. A buddy showed me Lexi Belle’s Snapchat and the broad sounded like a caricature of a ditsy whore. What’s funny about a lot of them (including Mia) is that she could be set for life just marrying a rich guy. But she needs to be a “model” like a lot of them do.

>seething because your waifu literal who smelly cam slut isn't as popular as some other cam slut
holy cringe

because making it as an actress is all about connections. you also need to get really lucky

>Lexi Belle

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Because the janitor likes it
notice how since this thread has been made shit hasn't been deleted outside of it?

Kek I forgot about this. That’s another reason the Hannah Hayes shit shouldn’t bother anyone is that they’re all as equally retarded.

Hannah Hayes still manages to be worse than the average borderline-retarded whore because she is literally retarded.

>read that some porn actress have a degree.
>it's some artist degree


>tfw too intellectual for filming pornography

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models and actresses were high class whores until of recent with the metoo meme shit
didn't change much just pushed it further underground

Fun fact:
Mia Melano(girl in OP) was born May 2 2000

I get the obvious answer is daddy issues/drugs but are there really hundreds if not thousands of chicks a week entering porn with these problems?

in LA and Florida(or whereever the new porns are made) those "beautiful" girls are a diamond dozen

literally the hottest thot in your flyover
shithole makes their way to a big city to get big dick


born May 2 2000

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One I've been into is Autumn Falls, looks like she was born august 2000

So sad about her pussy.

Her pussy is a 6/10 to me.

Need to fugg a 21st century qt

>a diamond dozen


There are smart people that do porn though. IIRC, Remy Lacroix has a BS in biology or some shit.

Go to google.
Even riley reid has a better pussy.

>Remy Lacroix has a BS in biology or some shit
wife material desu

did you guys know that the average life span of porn stars is 37 years. I was very relieved when i learnt this since i thought they went unpunished but now i know better.

She is not even a nurse, she is only paramedic.

I doubt she has enough brain to study nursing.

these women are 6's at best and an 8 with additional makeup very few of em are actually really hot. most of them don't really have a lot of talent (yes worse than emilia and her ilk) aside from maybe winning the genetic lottery, of course, there are exceptions to the rule but a vast majority of them don't have any real talent

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most people don't like to see generic blondes mate

What do they do after porn? Just get a 9-5?

Good, let them all become pornstars. I couldn't give less fuck if hollywood runs out of bodacious beautiful women. somewhere out there, there's a timeline where Christina Hendricks is a hardcore pornstar, fuck this shit.

You don't even need a BS in Biology to make fucking back with nursing. Though, a BS isn't something to thumb your nose at depending on where you get a degree from. My university required freaking calc III for a generic BS.

this is what average wh*Te American looks likes. no doubt you're getting genocided lol

and the children too?


paffu paffu
I knew it was Asian stuff even by the thumbnail.

lucky guy

>tfw you almost suffer a career ending anal injury

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i think remy has a bachelors degree in biology
god thank she didn't use it though

On her father's facebook there's a post where he mentions coming back from a model casting with her. He literally threw his own daughter to the wolves, thought his daughter was going to become a model and she ended up sucking ex-con dicks in LA. So naive it hurts.

>On her father's facebook there's a post where he mentions coming back from a model casting with her.
that reminds me of Mia Malkova sucking dick in front of her mom

all women are whores

As a black man, this image gives me hope

For me is better when pornstars do JAV than BLACKED.

If only Melano had done JAV instead of BLACKED I would have been grateful.

Flaring ape response to social engagement.

That's a classic, god people are so degenerate

>that reminds me of Mia Malkova sucking dick in front of her mom

No one is buying it, jew.

Girls love sex, just not with you, incels. Now go have sex, but not with girls.

I mean if you know who mia is you should be aware of that, I hardly watch porn and have seen it

most of these women actually look like shit, use the right lens and makeup and you can make most mediocre looking people look quite good on camera

bing search is your friend


Lack of intelligence. Lack of contacts.

Disregarding big names that get paid more and studios like Blacked that pay many times over the industry standard. Escort work pretty much always pays better than porn as far as sex work goes. Of course some do both for even more money and to market themselves so they can ramp up their prices as escorts even more.

Literally brain damaged.

Most casting directors are women. They won't cast a breathtaking nordic beauty because they're threatened by them.
They can't say this outright though so they talk about casting someone "interesting" or "diverse".

This is why we don't have a modern Grace Kelly. When one slips through the cracks (January Jones) they never make it to superstardom.

The ones who do are generally Jewish. So the only place left for classic beauty is porn, sadly, or preferably back in the real world not being a whore.

>tfw ywn be as based as the facial abuse camera man
I want to fucking kill myself.

Is non-white men fucking white fe(male)s less degenerate than non-white men fucking white women since there's zero chance of miscegenation?

Attached: 1557463453637.jpg (1920x1080, 181K)

Here found it.

Attached: 1557092202736.png (2393x1256, 2.27M)

someone put him in the freezer

>interracial future of America

Oh yeah. Porn star escorts can charge for like $1000 an hour with some loser that's going to bust in 1 minute.

Why not? Regular women love to be fucking used. I'm a normal dude and love domming.

they have ~70 iq and are usually very short 140/160 cm (mild dwarfism). Also hollywood is inside business you need to pay for certain highschools and even universities fee so they would allow you into inner circle of hollywood. also being jewish also helps a ton.

Being an actress or model requires significantly more work AND connections. Porn you just have to look decent and be ready to get fucked. Considerably easier.

elbows too pointy.
wood nut bang

They need to adopt the strategy of blacked and pay above the standard to get some bigger chicks, though then that kinda defeats their purpose but still would be enjoyable. Guess they need the right (((funding)))

>literally driving your own daughter out to LA for the sole purpose of getting BLACKED
From essentially owning the world to this shit right here

Attached: 1550167771373.gif (311x240, 1.28M)

rabbit fucking reviews lol that shit had all the links

>yfw a porn star has a fuck a fan contest and falls in love with the virgin who wins it

Attached: 1548530899127.gif (348x286, 3.82M)

I...I've actually done a fanfuck.

>bump limit
new thread when?

p..prove it.

is this you?

I do need an answer as to why Hollywood barely has any busty actresses hit the mainstream. I'm inclined to believe "they're too hot for ugly women to be comfortable with them", but seems too outdated for current social standards.

Or maybe it's because all the busty girls in LA get groomed into porn and the flat chested girls learn to act cause they won't be able to afford rent without it

I dunno... It's from like the most popular pornhub girl from Seattle. I matched with her on tinder.

GOD I fucking hate blacked and venus. pretentious bland fucks. I'd rather go watch fucking brazzers production. without them, we wouldn't have gotten Mia melano but ffs.

they look like they fuck black men

and since I'm admitting things, I've also fucked random pornstarts I've matched with on tinder.

>pic related in Honolulu last December

Attached: Cz0k0gMUsAAHgVt.jpg (909x1200, 146K)


Hey Arnold:
>Rhonda needs money and has to work as a street walker to help her family out


>Rhonda and her boytoy force Phoebe into a threesome


Resident Evil:


Teen Titans:


Scooby Doo:

www.archiveofourown.org/works/9908669 (Same story but futa)

Sonic the Sissyhog:




Mortal Kombat:
www.archiveofourown.org/works/9800783 (Futanari)


King of the Hill:

None of my stories feature niggers

Eh yeah, was more for the notch on the belt. Thick Asians in Hawaii are so much better.

>posting when the thread is dead
you missed your chance, autistic faggot
once again, you prove why you're the worst regular in these types of threads

Based black dude not giving a shit about race in his porn

Even screenshotted her profile

Attached: unnamed.png (750x1334, 1.02M)


But yeah, i bet she fucks like 10 guys in 3 days, and i'm here virgin as always.

I'm in a hoe phase so I don't really mind it, I did wrap it up for sure though.

I call bullshit.

Woman really live on easy mode.


Getting laid isn't that hard. I've got an ugly face but I lift a lot of weight.

Does he consider himself big in this? Lift more you dumb slob.

You know damn well women think he's jacked.

>Getting laid isn't that hard.
Yes for a man, but not for a woman.

For us(virgins), it is very difficult to try to talk to a girl for months so that in the end nothing will turn out.

I'd jump off a high-rise if my body turns into that thing

Beautiful gunt bro, you heard of ethan ralph by any chance?