Why does the GOT fanbase hate the best episode in the series?

Why does the GOT fanbase hate the best episode in the series?

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They apparently can't comprehend character development.

dumb thots can't stand the notion that their mascot has flaws

How did Dany get so hot in one episode?

BBecauuse daenerys fans cant let go of their teenage fantasies. Funny how they were all accusing everyone of being russian spies and what not, and now fast foward a single day and they are threatening youtubers who liked the episode (wich was de facto a great episode) annd brigading ther channnels.
SJW's are a fucking circus, ridiculous infantile people.

>muh essjaydubyas
Imagine being so consumed by shitty identity politics on the internet and what some twitter whores are saying that you overlook bad writing and showrunning.

There's a lot of bad writing in GoT. But this isn't the best example. There was plenty of signs that this is where she was headed.

The people that hate it are the people that can't name a single house in the show. They're just bandwagoning the popularity because muh feminism.

Because the entire season is rushed and sloppy. We "deserve" better but that's Hollywood for ya.

I'm sure there are plenty of morons who think this episode is some kind of attack on femininity but there's an equal, if not greater, number of morons who think female characters are attacks on masculinity. So I guess the answer to your question is: People are fucking stupid and it's just a tv show

neither can the show writers

They ruined the night king and they ruined stannis among many others. However they gave Jaime and Cersai a good ending in each others arms, and they gave a good arc for the crazy dragon whore. Episode 5 was fucking kino.

There is plenty of bad writing,, none of it was in this episode. People have been warninng daenerys fans for YEARS, it wasa made abundantly clear that she was a monster, both in the show and the books.

>Burning a city of people alive

You sound like one of those YOLO faggots who makes shitty life decisions and then leans on "People make mistakes!" and wants people to pat them on the back when they finally wiseup and stop acting like a scumbag.

THIS, my boner hasn’t even deflated

I liked it.

she's literally perfect

Killing every inhabitant of a besieged city that failed to surrender has always been standard practice for conquerors.

>Why does the GOT fanbase hate the best episode in the series?
D&D bait and switched SJWs and made them look exactly like the mindless NPCs they are... in hilarious fashion.

The epitome of a woman...
>can't lead without male advisors telling her what to do
>gets rejected for sex, goes crazy
>make freeing king's landing all about her
>overly emotional
>virtue signals to others but inside a heartless cunt
>low IQ and controlled by feelings

Best episode since season 1. Maybe ever.

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They have the soft hearts of women

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The people of King's Landing low-key deserve it anyhow. I was re-watching the early seasons recently and it reminded me of how shitty the citizenry of that city is.

Hated Danny for 8 seasons, thought she was bland and boring.

Then finally, she found Khorne. Now she's my favourite character.


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Daenarys snap was poorly executed and forced.
I say this even though i thoroughly enjoyed the episode.


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There's no doubt that the razing of Kings Landing was justified

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What happened to the sand sneaks?

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Over time the show picked up a lot of brainlets who were keen on the snails pace of the later seasons. These people also loved the idea of Dany as the perfect ruler.

Both of these things were incompatible with the episode.

>There's a lot of bad writing in GoT. But this isn't the best example. There was plenty of signs that this is where she was headed.
Yeah people were constantly mentioning the possibility on this board and other forums and it was an entirely accepted and logical outcome.

based and insane leftist pilled

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Youre attracted to crazy eyes. You might want to fix that for your own sake.

The actress doesnt have crazy eyes but thats what she changed about dany from one episode to the next

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They did surrender though. Usually conquerors will spare a city if it surrenders when the defenders see its hopeless. Unless youre a kahn then everyone is put to the sword

because what Dany did makes no sense. at least not with the development her madness has received

>They did surrender though.

Need to do that before the attackers attempt a breach.

liked when she went batshit triggered

hated everything else, all action, no nothing

Kino episode, but there should have been way more buildup to Dany turning crazy.

I never found her all that hot prior to this episode, there's something fundamentally wrong with me

Neither can D+D

No don't get me wrong, it's garbage, but now it's hilarious garbage.

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