Kino about man overcoming the grief of losing loved ones by completing impossibly difficult feats

>kino about man overcoming the grief of losing loved ones by completing impossibly difficult feats
>he rallies his family, the country, and the world behind him
>Yea Forums complains it's unamerican
did you guys just not watch the film? it was fantastic. it was patriotic, paternalistic, and traditional.

Attached: first_man_ver6.jpg (509x755, 86K)

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>watching the remake over the original
no thanks

If you like it you like it, fuck tv

But the flag.

What the fuck are you talking about you dumb regard this film isn’t a remake

>inb4 haha u are the retard bcuz u made typo!!!!

the right stuff is different from first man

the soundtrack was the true kino

I don’t watch commie shit like this comrade

just because they added some stuff in to pad the run time doesn't mean it's not a remake

what film do you think it's remaking?

it fell prey to social media faggotry. its quintessentially based, redpilled, and american.

Attached: hitlerys targaryen.png (1439x1080, 1.07M)

it's fine, it's not very good as a movie but is a wonderful dose of non-SJW bullshit in our current era. the recent Apollo 11 movie that released with lots of unseen footage (all authentic) was a vastly better apollo movie, but first man wasn't bad. it would've been better if they stuck to the actual events instead of adding that junk with the daughter.

they left out the flag, fuck them
the documentary was better in theaters

i dont watch unamerican garbage
fuck this movie, fuck basedan cuckling, fuck niggers and fuck jews

Apollo 11 (1969)

Unironically the best film of 2019 - I saw it twice in IMAX

I think most Americans would have trouble understanding it because it has a white father is actually masculine and stoic rather than a gay clown or imitation black tough guy.

The flag was in it dozens of times, including on the moon. They didn't show it getting planted because you've seen that 1000 times before and what they showed instead was the emotional climax of the film - him letting go of the memory of his dead daughter by burying a memento of her on the moon.

The flag criticism was retard conservatism at work, which is somehow worse than all of the liberal complaints that the film featured white men improving the world

the narrative of first man is more important than the historical events
everyone already knows the events of apollo 11

The movie literally has a montage of a woman, a jew, some black guy, and a bunch of latino activists complaining about the space program that's immediately followed by a bunch of square-jawed white men talking about going to the moon to ensure the greatness of our civilization. Watch the movie instead of reading the Brietbart article

Yea Forums is full of literal boomers who get their news from Breitbart.

The wife, though...


Ah, you’re a retarded moon landing denying boomer. Checks out

>because you've seen that 1000 times before
Literally not an argument. We've seen astronauts before, so why not just avoid making the movie at all?

she didn't want her husband to die you unironic virgin freak
a concerned woman in love is not a femininst

You're a fucking retard lmao

he's baiting you, nobody actually cares whether first man showed the flag or not
everyone pictures the US flag when they picture the moon landing

It was a great film brought down by a poorly written romance.

I thought Spacewalker was better

Attached: 71rEUYrTTHL._SY445_[1].jpg (315x445, 27K)

>astronauts refused to swear on the bible that they went to the moon
>NASA lost the technology and can't do it anymore
>j-just accept we landed there! USA USA USA USA USA USA!

>denying the moon landing
unironically retarded
worst conspiracy theory alongside roswell


>its patriotic and traditional

maybe you missed it op but they played "whitey on the moon" during the movie

that removes it from any sort of category of respectability

>y-y-ou are just retarded!
like clockwork, keep being scared of the truth

also, it showed armstrong's resolve to expand humanity's horizons and overcome his grief
so many had sacrificed so much up to that point it was impossible for him to turn back

>>NASA lost the technology and can't do it anymore
You didn't hear the news?