With talks of Detective Pikachu being the best video game movie (highly debatable)
Is this actually the best video game movie?
With talks of Detective Pikachu being the best video game movie (highly debatable)
Is this actually the best video game movie?
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A movie getting a video gamr loosley based on it does not turn the movie into a video game
between this and the warriors film
Its based on a book actually
terribly paced movie with philosophy-101 tier dialogues. most overrated shit I’ve seen
the movie came out before the game
so, doesn't count
I know that OP is jesting but for the uninformed Stalker is based on the russian novel "Roadside Picnic". You should absolutely read it, the english translation is freely available on the internet.
Video game movie, or video-gamey movie?
Best videogame movie is imo Mortal Kombat, but I like Silent Hill and the Wreck It Ralph movies as well.
As far as videogame-y movies, these are what I've collected so far. "Best" doesn't really factor into it though; if anything a lot of videogamey movies are fundamentally generic:
That was the link to my videogame-y tag, actually, although that might be relevant to you as well.
For the specific list tho, here:
The book was shit man, "Dude random explainable shit just happens lmao can't describe it in a book"
Was also going to say, that Stalker is an interesting example as far as thinking of movies in terms of videogame-iness. It is definitely important as an influence to game-world-building, and there are some compelling dimensions of game rules to the movie, but it's also way too open and contemplative to be really a game movie. It's kind of the opposite of that mentality and logic, actually, sort of a rebuke to it almost, before the fact.
What a shitty list. How is Existenz not even on there?
Make a coherent argument so I can tell if you read the book or not. Right now I think you are just baiting.
Stalker is a game barely based off the book and movie
If that's the criteria for video game movie Godfather is eligible too
I was thinking more about the aesthetic, not the theme as much. Existenz doesn't look very videogamey to me, it still seems analog and pre-game. I was considering it but wanted to give it another watch first.
I mean, I guess games are getting so cinematic looking that it may meet Existenz halfway, eventually, but there's something about the feeling of current cinematic videogames that doesn't feel like older movies, but newer movies feel like newer videogames.
What else would you recommend, then?
Like to be honest, I think the 90s really, REALLY got the digital wrong, as far as predictions. ExistenZ is at least right in depicting realistic worlds. But most 'cyber' stuff in the 90s envisioned this ridiculous fractally cyberspace that really served little purpose or was really extraneous and impractical to what it was supposed to be.
Too loosely based on the game to be good. Where are the mutants or the artifacts? Just some NPCs walking into the Wish Granter. LAME.
I seriously hope that Sonic ends up being the most mind blowing action kino since the first Die Hard movie.
I don’t give a shit about Sonic or video games because I’m not 12, but it’s been a while since I was pleasantly surprised by a movie.
Honestly, I agree. It has spetacular visuals but that alone doesn't make a movie. Zero structure to its story (can you even say that there is any story?), criminally slow and then there's the cringe-inducing self-insert of Tarkovsky (who was a massive pseud) into the dialogue of the guide.
Sub-terranian? What's that? Something like underground?!
Mortal Kombat: Legacy is better than any of the movies.
Goldeneye obviously.