Let's settle this once and for all

Let's settle this once and for all.

What was Rust shooting at in this scene?

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Marty's lawn

At Marty's lawn, if you catch my drift.


his files

His inner demons.

it was a meditative catharsis regarding the contemplation of his eternal suffering

The yellow KANG

At the pointlessness of Life



The dusty mason

He was creating a crime scene which should have been exposed with better policing

Are you retarded?

I know the joke to not answer, I created it, but seriously it was dodgy as fuck and competant murder police should have known this.

They were the murder police.

African Americans interviewing them. Maybe that was the problem

daddario's flaps

At a flat circle

Was Marty eating cake because he is queer?

the emptiness of survival

I really want a drum magazine. I just don't want to have to reload it every time.

dem keedz


>Hays returns to the jungle
>Predators film he is in a jungle


>murder police
Homicide you dumb nigger

Hivemind. He was shooting at the hivemind, OP!!


>rust... now you can finally say... you're a true detective...

Season 2

>I like to fuck my lawn

never understood this exchange

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I didn't care for season three at all.

nice reddit theory

what are you the english rules police