Wow this episode is pure shit

Wow this episode is pure shit.

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You're watching a show for redditors and gays.

>understand even with the lead shielding it won’t be enough
>then I’ll do it myself
Reminder women will NEVER understand this.

You're in shock

Where the FUCK is the goddamn torrent

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Get this man to the infirmary

Yup she made a phone call nice observation champ

Men are expendable, virgin. If a chernobyl ever happened today I would hope our government be sensible and overlook poltards view of "equality" for a second and realize that women are the bearers of the future and as such shouldn't be sent into such dangerous, but neccassary, operations. I thank the men that do it, but please, keep us out of your messes kthx.

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50,000 people used to live here
Now it's tranny town.

Tripfags are subhuman.

Christ, It hasn't even finished yet. There's 20 minutes left.

Poorfags need to die.

Open bob and vagene

>*woman does literally anything*

Let's see in 1 episode she has:
1. Warned Belarussian government of Chernobyl meltdown just from a reading she got
2. Started giving out iodine pills to people like Johnny Appleseed
3. And is now on her way to Ukraine to save the Ukranian people

Thank you anglos for this accurate retelling of Chernobyl! I'm so glad I get to focus on this fictional female character instead of the actual plant accident!

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Oh, sorry. I'm a cable cutter and can't into timezones

>Can't into timezones

I don't think you need to. It's airing live on Sky Atlantic right now in the UK and it's currently 02:44.

Id like to see a version of this but with niggers as liquidators. Im not comfortable with the lack of diversity.

Wait an hour or so



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He does it for free

Yikes you are toxic.

Let's unpack this. Basically, you need to have sex.

Wow she's so smart

She just showed those boys how stupid they are! Thank god for her for telling them how dangerous it truly was!

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I hate women too bro, just not like you. Stop being a whiny cunt edgelord.

>All this samefagging

This episode is shit because there's nothing left to tell. It blew its load in the first ep and now all you have is fictional wank.

Yeah cause nothing happened environmentally, or politically after the explosion. Right

She's not real and she's a blatant SJW insert.

Take a good look at this picture. This is your Chernobyl now.


Not really, no. In fact, it was great for Ukraine. The only reason that shit heap has any tourism is because of Chernobyl.


Nigger you are gayer than aids

Is there any interracial sex in this show? I mean of course there should not be realistically, but I assume there is.


I liked how it ended, fuck this show is great at giving me nuclear nightmares


Why though? You may as well watch it on fucking Youtube.

based makarov
he was behind of everything the whole time

Reminder only torrent with a VPN. You will be safer streaming it from a site. They should be up in a little bit.

Who hurt you?

Maybe, just maybe, you need to go back to POL\

Fuck off, Russia.

Reminder to just stream it off a stream site. There's no reason to torrent yet since the quality is all WEBRIP

>Episode plot: With untold millions at risk after the Chernobyl explosion, nuclear physicist Ulana Khomyuk makes a desperate attempt to reach Valery Legasov, a leading Soviet nuclear physicist, and warn him about the threat of second explosion that could devastate the continent.

lmao dumb corporate shill

fun tip: try pic related in google and compare

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Ok have fun with your ISP letter. I'm just trying to help.

cytu_be/r go to movie night if you missed it its playing now

Fucking lol

I hope you dont like light, beneath a broken nuclear reactor slowly melting its way to you.

They have to hamfist this shit in there, otherwise they'll get #metooed

>ISP letter

Nigga I pay £7 a month for the entertainment pack on NOW TV. I don't have to torrent fuck all. I watch that shit live on Sky Atlantic through my fibre broadband.

>be Ukrainian Nuclear plant worker
>home asleep qt eastern euro wife
>ah fuck what was that
>stumble out of bed and look out the window
>the entire plant is up in smoke
>fuck me
>bosses and bureaucrats spend days trying to figure out the obvious
>apparently they already crashed a helicopter trying to fix this mess
>few days pass
>get a call from comrade bureaucrat
>this should be good
>go into a conference room
>science man stumbles through his speech saying something about 400 rubles and a promotion
>bureaucrat stands up and basically says were looking for guy to go on a suicide mission
>says millions of people will die
>think of my qt wife and our baby on the way
>stand up and say fuck it
>standing outside the plant
they give us wet suits and a few flashlights
>goofy looking solider helps me put on my suit and gives me a halfhearted thumbs up
>I mentally flick him off
>Me and my comrades walk into the plant
>It's pitch black and there's water up to our thighs
>fuck me
>we stumble through the maze of pipes looking for the gate
>can barely see through the fucking we suit
>the crackle from the dosimeter intensifies
>our shitty soviet flashlights slowly burn out
>all I can hear is the crackle of the dosimeter and a few muffled whimpers from my comrades

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[clicking intensifies]

who is this SupaHot faggot and why is he so mad?

It’s literally rape if you don’t revise history to include based wahmen

Anyone got a streaming site link?

pls no strelok

so I shouldn't watch this show, Yea Forums?

I'm enjoying it so far. I don't hate women though

Does Emma Watson show her snatch or no?

That's because the show is pure shit. They blew their wad in the first episode.

Also, Doom Patrol is full of trannies.

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