Grow the fuck up

>Grow the fuck up
>The planet is literally dying
What did he mean by this

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Other urls found in this thread:

He said fuck. He's just like me.


>What did he mean by this
Grow the fuck up
The planet is literally dying

What did user mean by this?

Bill Nye the “I’m not really a scientist” guy

Who cares if one planet dies there's like a bajillion other ones still alive.

He means stop being a fucking retarded boomer and understand basic science that is taught in the fucking 7th grade you brainlet


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What's the lefties solution to this again? More taxes or some shit?

>Changing my life for people generations from now that i will never know.

I’ll keep using plastic and taking showers

And how's that going to do us any good before we've had a chance to develop interstellar travel, you fagit?

>tells everyone to grow up because the planet is dying
>does a tv special about MY SEX JUNK

The planet is going to be just fine, its humanity thats fucked and thats literally a good thing

We're all literally dying Bill

Do you incels just call everything that offends you "goy" now? I don't get it and don't think it's the appropriate usage of the word as it is.

Banning straws and shitting on the sidewalk

Bill nye only has a bachelors degree, why the fuck should I listen to him. He even admitted to Tucker Carlson he had no idea how much humans were affecting the climate.

He should be telling this to China and India not to us.

Stop using your fat feminist gf as an argument.

It was weird to hear him swear, I replayed it a few times

The earth will be fine, humans though, uh ooooh spaghetti-o

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Isnt it pretty much just India, China, and their fucktarded little African satellite states that are doing thr lion's share of harm? Good luck convincing them with your engineering degree, Bill.

I hope it dies so I can die with it.

Stealing more money from working and middle class people.

Humans don't affect the climate. We do affect the eco-system, something these government thieves don't talk about (because they are fucking it up and profiting from it)

The only solution is to reduce human population to 1 billion in a couple of generations, and thats never happening because MUH human rights

>bugman who calls anything he dislikes "incel"
you guys were made for each other

Wow. Truly revolutionary.

Amazing how he went from lovable tv memory to detestable retard

What has the world ever done for me? Fuck all, that's what.

I get no emotional reaction when I hear about the damage humans do to the environment.

I know it’s bad but I wish I cared.

running away from your problems won't save you user.

Begone Satan

>What did he mean by this
Let my DNC shills "carbon" tax everything in the nation so we can accumulate more wealth and power to enslave you all with and sell out your country.

Extra taxes for CO2 emitting companies to discourage certain energy production, transitioning the public power grid to renewable clean energy, build up our nuclear energy capabilities (The smart ones want this, the dumb ones say "Muh waste!"), getting rid of the subsidies we have on coal and oil production, and giving subsidies to renewable energy companies.

Do you trannies just call everything that offends you "incel" now? I don't get it and don't think it's the appropriate usage of the word as it is.

>Most of the governments of the planet are unable to do anything because YOU didn't believe hard enough.

We're actually going to start harming people for lack of belief in a fucking rain dance. Not for dodging the taxes or breaking soon to be implemented carbon laws, just for not believing.

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Based Doomsday Goji poster

They literally don't have one yet.

He also has le randumb xD humor tho!

Either we do it or the laws of physics do, i rather be it on our terms

>Do you incels just call everything that offends you "goy" now? I don't get it and don't think it's the appropriate usage of the word as it is.

do you not see the irony in your own statement or am i being successfully trolled here, you clever fella

He means be a good goy and mindlessly approve of all government policies advertised as being green because grow the fuck up. Also Sneed.

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Fuck the world



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Go to beijing and say that in the smog
There's better things to deny than the greenhouse effect. Billions of humans doing combustion reactions since industrialisation has made a difference, dumn nigger.

well, the only one there is, more resources to transition into renewables (yes, that means taxes) and energy reduction (that is done with taxes mostly too)

if anybody tells you there's a cheap/easy solution they're lying

most trannies are nazi's m8

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Are any of those renewable sources of energy productive/reliable/cost-efficient enough to replace coal and gas? I'm fine with that. I just don't really think taxing or subsidizing either is a good idea.

Good goy

Their plan was "The Green New Deal" which was so batshit retarded not a single leftist even voted to implement it.

stealing more money from average people and making their electricity bills skyrocket because muh windfarms are a fucking joke

No. Satanists want to reduce the population to a "managable" figure (a number determined by occult voodo numerology) to usher in the Antichrist global rule

>Uses MS paint for an epic maymay
Have sex and try harder next time.

based. earth is reddit as fuck

and fuck living

This, I'm a lefty who loved Bill but that show was so tucking embarrassing wtf


>implying humanity deserves to live after what it's become
You child.

Less nuclear power for some reason.

2 can play this juvenile game.

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>muh nazis
Shut up tranny

Import foreigners into white suburban neighborhoods


The Jews are up to something. There's been a huge push on environmental shit starting with that Little Dicky meme video and people have been saying that "scientists" are giving us twelve years to live

Go swim in a river in India, China or Indonesia.


Probably just more taxes that would go towards shit social programs that never really see a dime because the new taxes are immediately skimmed off the top and put into the pockets of someone in charge of it..


THEM turning the heat up to 11 because the frogs are noticing

>getting rid of the subsidies we have on coal and oil production, and giving subsidies to renewable energy companies.

This post brought to you buy renewable energy companies

>angry incel noises

Imagine being such an alt-right contrarian shit heel that you deny climate change just to trigger people.

It's suicide of our species. I know you faggots go the extra yard to be edgy, but you can't surely want all life to end. Not everyone and everything is as pathetic and misguided as you. Die with dignity helping the next wave of people or fuck off and be alone.

that's because nye is a liberal

stop calling me a nazi

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>Oil company CEOs

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>constituency please give me money
>constituency please
>need money
>constituency please you have to give me money
>constituency it is imperative that you give me money immediately
>but constituency the planet is dying

Boy you convinced me! I should walk over a dozen miles to work every day because the Chinese are polluting their country so much!

maybe instead of a jewish conspiracy climate change has been observed by the scientific community? Every country in the world but the US has signed the Climate Accords. I guess Iran is controlled by Jews now?

>projects own fear of mortality onto the planet
>tells others to grow up
Nah, go fuck yourself


Give me a single objective reason humanity is worth saving

This post brought to you by Exxon Mobil.

Yes, they are. Most places are switching to renewables because they're getting cheaper and cheaper. Florida aims to have the largest solar battery array in the world in just a few years.

>Oil company CEOs

No, sorry tranny, I'm not le epic racist that cares about nazis

I feel disgusted that Bill Nye was shown to us throughout elementary and middle school.

B-but Daddy trump wouldn't lie to us, w-would he? He is a god-fearing man who only wants the best for the people in his country

>talks down to people
every time

Yup, more taxes.

Solar is.

So what's your solution? Just stifle the economy?

>3rd world countries sign up to receive free money from white people

Muh Carbon Taxes because Al Gore and Hollywood said so

It's probably the only thing in the universe capable of observation and innovation toward change.

Without us it's just emptiness and space dust. Humanity is the most important thing to have happened to existence, as far as we know. It's very likely that we're all there is and maybe all there ever will be.

You said it, not me.

>um no sweaty white people are cancelled welcome to pissworld
>wait, why don't you care about the future anymore, look how great we've made it!

Extra taxes to *siphon the money that they don't keep for themselves to the 3rd world and increase their population even though they cant sustain themselves now

2pac was the original blackpill

Reminder that China is responsible for 28% and America 15% of global emissions. We must start with these two nations and their companies. We have to empower international instituitions so that they have the tools to confront the powerful

Nuclear energy is the key, but every time there's a meltdown of a reactor it take 20 years before governments even considered RENOVATING old plants. Meaning rectors melting down lead to more reactors melting down because they stop funding the upkeep on them.

Uhhh just because I think the evidence points to a human impact on climate change doesn't mean I think u should stop driving. I drive every day. In the next couple of decades your driverless car will probably be electric. Kys dumb nigger! haha

Climate Change might be happening but there is so much bullshit to the demands to counter it that I'd rather so nothing then give it's cult followers more power. We will gradually adapt to it as time goes on.

Given how little trust 'experts' are due these days, fuck em.

And fuck Nye.

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This is fucking retarded. The amount of environmental damage caused by heavy metals extraction for panels causes just as many problems as any other form of fuel.
Nothing is free in this world. Humans must consume the world around them to survive and grow. The only true way for a 'green' earth is to kill off 90% of us.


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>Source: my ass

>it doesn't count because there weren't THAT many

>Tfw you know the solution to CO2 emissions is nuclear power but leftists are so retarded they keep fearmongering it and pushing for memes like wind

>cries about being persecuted
Every time

Climate Change = Seasons you fucking retard

Stop calling me a nazi I'm just redpilled, plz

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Imagine being so arrogant you think you affect the weather and a 0.5% degree difference that our stolen trillions will apparently stop will save us. Meanwhile companies, governments and third world shitskins absolutely destroy rivers, kill billions of fish unnecessarily, ruin reefs,etc. You know? Shit that ACTUALLY does end life that we need to live ourselves.

Sensible solutions that will probably cost money. There are emerging technologies that are more efficient and produce less or more manageable pollution. We need to get off oil and coal and fast. That's going to cost money and planning to transition the energy field in the direction of nuclear, solar, wind, and other unanticipated methods that come to the fore.

Seething tranny

And that's fine and dandy, I'm totally cool with it replacing gas and coal if it makes sense. But I don't know if you can implement those all throughout the country yet. Florida gets a lot of sun comparatively, and it's hard to retain solar energy in areas that don't get weather like that as frequently.

>The amount of environmental damage caused by heavy metals extraction for panels causes just as many problems as any other form of fuel.
Source, fagit.

>projects out the ass
every time

>everyone who disagrees with me is alt-right
You know you might win more people over to your side if you quit calling everyone who disagrees with you a neo nazi. Also fuck the world.

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Only one seething is you, because you've got no source for your claims.

Source: It came upon me in a dream.
stupid nigger


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Nuclear power creates it own waste products which damage the environment. There is no substitute for decarbonization

>Humans must consume the world around them to survive and grow.
capitalism is a disease

But that's the thing, seasons don't really exist anymore because of climate change...this winter we had like 12 inches of snow followed by 60 degree weather followed by thunderstorms back to subzero temperature all in the same week...shit's so blatently fucked up

uhm, no sweetie

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Imagine being such an NPC you believe in Al Gore's debunked Pyramid Scheme

Hey shareblue

Are you sure? I don't think it's possible to transport that amount of energy yet throughout the world without increasing its cost substantially.

Given the number of stars and the number of galaxies sentient life is probably as common as rocks

back to /lgbt/ faggot

>gets triggered so easily
every time

It's the cleanest form of energy you lying fuck

Yeah I agree with you though. Nuclear may be the best option at the moment.

Sneed guy the feed and seed guy

What does cross dressers have to do with the OP? Why are you sperging out and posting off topic shit? Pretty sure that is a bannable offense.

Bill is right, that's why its time to stop making new models of smartphones every year. Think about how much carbon that wastes.

Most people who don't believe in human-caused global warming just do it to be edgy, and so they can call other people sheep. For others, it's as though they've entered a state of mind in which any motivation for action that comes from traditional authority must be opposed, which is fanatical. Other people are extreme sceptics, and there's some reason to be sceptical of government-supported narratives, but to say that you can't even accept the carefully researched positions of experts is nihilism.

Edgemaster, fanatic or nihilist, which are you?

I cant believe this hasnt been posted yet:

youre gonna take scientific advice from this nutjob????


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There's nothing to disagree about. Our current energy means are heating up the planet and leading to drastic changes in environment and more radical localized weather patterns worldwide. It's also decimating the oceans and will very soon lead to desertification in vulnerable, high population areas near the equator.

Rising global temperatures have been measured for the past half-century. The rate of ice melt and global heating has ramped up over the last decade. We are facing a big problem and need a solution. We're past discussing whether it's happening and whether it's our fault and onto the talks about what we should do to counteract and fix it.

So where is it? Fermi paradox, bitch.

he meant the thing that everyone outside of the reactionary cult acknowledges as true

Not an argument. Stop thinking of saving the earth in terms of race, or you're going to fuck over the future white people you pretend to care about.

to start taking things seriously

he should have stuck to objective science.

>waaaaaaaa the weather confuses me waaaaaaaaaaaa ;_;

Fucking embarrassing. The biggest Changes in Climate like the Ice Age happened thousands of years before debunked conspiracy theories of Global Warming. You are an ignorant retard if you think you or anyone else has an impact over the fucking weather.

You retards realize 95% of the pollution comes from the Chinese right?

They don’t give a fuck


Light years away stupid

going to unironically kill the planet to spite bill nye and his faggot fans now

The birthing pains of a new type of civilization is always painful, for both humanity and the planet itself, but its worth it, if we can reach interstellar travel, we will become the gardeners of the galaxy, recovering and preserving our planet, as well seeding life on thousand others.
Besides, even if humans are gone, earth will eventually give birth to a new race capable of creating their own civilization, and they will make the same mistakes we did, knowledge cannot be earned without sacrifice.

Capitalism is the answer.

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>still projecting and butchering right wing memes
every time

Its actually pretty staggering to realize that Google and Apple have contributed more carbon to the atmosphere than any other major companies.

>If you don't buy Oil Industry approved talking points you're GAAAAAY!
If you want to convince somebody, try not to sound like a middle-schooler.

>literally pollutes the air we breathe to survive
>cleaner than solar or wind
I know you hang on every single word that your Daddy Trump tells you but maybe its time to realize that a real estate business guy (who was pretty shit at that too apparently) isnt the best source of information when it comes to renewable energy sources, just saying...

It's just such a shame every single "evidence" based model and predictor has been horribly wrong. Oh nooo, that sucks.

The only source I have read on here in my many years posting here for climate change said "We're all going to die in 100 years" What's the fucking point of trying if we'll never meet the deadline?

You should be gone soon, byebye

You are a goddam idiot.

Or they use common sense and don't fall for obvious manipulation to pay more taxes LMAO

What part of fuck off faggot didn't you understand?

The nazis grew up in Wiemar Germany so they were raised to be crossdressers by the jewish socialists who were running the show. Old habits died hard I guess.

But i wasn't the one who was offended? Fucking projectknhtranny crybabies is all you cuckservatives are...


>climate change real

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Capitalism got us into this mess you retard. The reason why nothing is being done about this, especially in the US, is because oil and coal companies get muh govt subsidy handout and kill off competition from other energy sectors by buying politicians.

Why does this sound like it was written by a woman?

Look at fucking CHINA right the fuck now and tell me that CAPITALISM is the disease

>The planet is literally dying

The planet is going to be just fine, it just going to be more flooded and hot. The only thing that is going to die for righteously sure is humanity.

He used a swear :O

Just report him, he's some faggot kike and he's been spamming those Weimar pictures for weeks, btw the photographer was a kike if you could imagine that

Ur dumb, whats the point of going to other planets? Its literally the same shit as here. The fact is humanity has no set goal besides the biological npc programming

It's propaganda you morons

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>The planet survived 6 mass extinctions
>”Trust me guys its dying”

Remember to support birthrates in poor third world countries whitey

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Cry more libincel

Because its a shareblue troll

>literally pollutes the air we breathe to survive
You're as big of a no-nothing as the fossil fuel industry shills, you know that? You're setting the fight against climate change back.

Ummm sorry sweetie

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Its actually a fact that many of the books the nazis burned were about transgenderism. I guess they saw the writing on the wall after so many Russians got murdered during their own socialist revolution.

If I have to die, the world dies too.

Humans have dominated and altered the planet to a degree far more extreme than any dominant species that has come before.

>uh oh the planet is getting too hot and we're all going to die before we have time to perfect our multicultural diverse transhomo global-capitalist brown immigrant techno-oligarchy society

oh so sad

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You have a faith-based belief system that gives you the delusion of sanitized clarity.

you know we've been subsidizing renewable energy sources for the last fucking 30 years and theyve got dick all to show for it right?

goddamn jews fooled me again.


>all this denial
Burning all the planets oil and coal is having negative impacts on life across the food chain.

thanks for adding nothing

>tfw according to liberals Global Warming will make the oceans rise and drown the coasts

Wtf I love Global Warming now?

who is the retarded person in the picture

>using Heritage Foundation graphs
lol okay kid

china is state capitalism

More than once in the ancient past the bacteria in the oceans have turned the atmosphere toxic. Thats why everybody loved Infinity War but weren't that impressed with End Game, because on some deep level people understand that the purge of 90% of extraneous human life must begin.

Because you have no argument to my point and this was the best thing you could come up with
>he fucking believes information about renewable energy sources from a businessman who has no knowledge in the field whatsoever yet he makes fun of others for listening to actual scientists
Yep, you are a sub-100 IQ sheep just following your redneck family values

What's funny about this is scientists try to explain it away by saying "CO2 blocks the sun so it actually gets cooler before it gets warmer"

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Without capitalism you'd also still be tilling some field in an agrarian society without advanced medicine or technology- you can't have your cake and eat it too.
There's a direct correlation between GDP per capita, IQ, and environmental efficientcy performance (just look at the charts I posted before).
And I don't think the government should be subsidizing energy either way but are solar and wind productive or cost-efficient enough yet to replace gas/coal?

Being in an ice age has a negative effect

Source on that graph?

How do we fix it then without taxes

>climate change went up >2*C after we started burning too much coal/oil
Really makes me think.

You have no idea what you are talking about. You know that 21% oxygen air you breathe and use for literally everything? It wasnt always in the atmosphere

You're full of shit. Let me guess, the Ice Age was caused by burning "fossil fuels" too? Public educated indoctrinated NPCs are fucking retarded and are incapable of using Common Sense.

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proofs it's all fake?

>He's for more taxes

>mfw you wish Climate Change was real so billions of 3rd worlders would die

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>a planet with 4 billion niggers soon on it dying
And that's a good thing.




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Honestly we're doing life on this planet a favor by killing it. Living is suffering.

And so none of those other species drove themselves into extinction, nor did they have the opportunity to rescue themselves.

The whole basis of humans is that we can alter our surroundings for better or worse. Your point that other species went extinct is irrelevant since we're the ones destroying natural life rather than being destroyed by natural forces outside our control.

And your mom likes to suck dick

Imagine being this fucking paranoid and scared over diversity, what a sad fucking existence...
>inb4 shareblue, tranny, or any other meaningless buzzword you use against people who hurt your poor wittle feelings

The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for mankind. The only thing that was done with the surplus that it generated was to see the human bacteria covering the earth multiply out of control, like dumping sugar on an anthill. Thats why the powers that be will soon purge 90% of the human population in accordance with the Georgia Guidestones.

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>dude stop using sources that don't support my opinion

No amount of REEEEing about jews and people finding you gross won't change scientific consensus m8

you forget the part where most climate change denialists don't care about being wrong, they are just children or neets who have no social skills or anything to live for. So they don't care if society collapses, to them reality is like a comic book they get to watch all the cool explosions and floods from the safety of mom's basement.

The left can't meme


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Capitalism and feudalism are kindred cousins.

Instead of sharecropping and land barons we have CEOs and hourly employees. There's still pyramid inequality, especially on a global scale.

Remove the subsidies we're already giving to oil and coal companies, and transition the public power grid. Now watch fossil fuel shills reeee at this suggestion that isn't taking any money away from ordinary people.

t. Edgy fag who wouldn't dare say this on his Facebook or twitter
>having social media

lol it was a joke dont be so mad

Remember guys, WE don't actually have to do shit, it's a choice.
Our kids, however, are fucked. They'll either need to clean up the planet or die, imagine being that cucked for time, lmao.

So why doesn't he do something about it with his millions of dollars?

>Thats why the powers that be will soon purge 90% of the human population
if they don't start by genociding niggers, beans, muzzies, poos, and chinks, then i name them retarded

>pussy hat wearing libtards with the same predictable ism/ist response calling anyone else an NPC

That's rich, this is like libtards trying to steal snowflake or triggered

I'm actually for renewable energy if it's sustainable and cost-efficient. The way you write just sounds snarkishly feminine

only boomers use facebook or twitter

Shut the fuck up retard
*pushes you to the ground and starts assraping you*

They'll go for the people who can oppose them first

The irony is that their president sucks kike dick constantly...ill never understand how people can have such strong confirmation bias as the conservatives here on Yea Forums do

Yeah! There's no reason to fear diversity! It totally makes a better quality of life!

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They're actually doing the opposite. They're pumping resources into places like africa to get them hooked


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>scientific evidence is formed by mob opinion
>we live in a democracy! REEEEEE
>It was hillary's turn!

you're retarded

>Magnus Hirschfeld (14 May 1868 – 14 May 1935) was a German physician and sexologist educated primarily in Germany; he based his practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg. An outspoken advocate for sexual minorities, Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee. Historian Dustin Goltz characterized this group as having carried out "the first advocacy for homosexual and transgender rights".[1] "Hirschfeld's radical ideas changed the way Germans thought about sexuality."[2]

>Hirschfeld was born in Kolberg (now Kołobrzeg, Poland), in an Ashkenazi Jewish family, the son of a highly regarded physician and Senior Medical Officer Hermann Hirschfeld. In 1887–1888, he studied philosophy and philology in Breslau, then from 1888 to 1892 medicine in Strasbourg, Munich, Heidelberg, and Berlin. In 1892, he earned his doctoral degree.

>Under the more liberal atmosphere of the newly founded Weimar Republic, Hirschfeld purchased a villa not far from the Reichstag building in Berlin for his new Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute of Sexual Research)

>The Institute housed Hirschfeld's immense archives and library on sexuality and provided educational services and medical consultations; the clinical staff included psychiatrists Felix Abraham and Arthur Kronfeld, gynecologist Ludwig Levy-Lenz, dermatologist and endocrinologist Bernhard Schapiro, and dermatologist Friedrich Wertheim.[44] The Institute also housed the Museum of Sex, an educational resource for the public, which is reported to have been visited by school classes. Hirschfeld himself lived at the Institution on the second floor with his lover, Karl Giese, together with his sister Recha Tobias.[45] Giese and Hirschfeld were a well known couple in the gay scene in Berlin, and as the latter liked to cross-dress, Hirschfeld was popularly known as "Tante Magnesia".[46]

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Imagine shilling for your own demise

Fuck off back to retarded normalfag

All this has happened before. All this will happen again. So it goes.

Diversity totally has no drawbacks and is just sick awesome like surfing a totally radical wave dude.

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yeah what a funny coincidence an organization funded by oil barons says climate change is fake. I'm sure there's no other motive for that at all they set up the whole thing just so you can call someone else dumb on the internet. You're so special and important user!

Burning excessive amounts of coal and oil are destroying the air, land, and sea. They’re raising temperatures too dramatically and endangering life as we know it.

The actual solution to global warming is to develop artificial wombs and then genocide every single woman

Common sense, shareblue

>The right is so scientifically illiterate they think "science" is a source, rather than a specific scientific publication

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go save the world, champ

The irony is liberals voted for a literal thieving kike and an honorary kike with a cunt

>teaching kids sex ed is evil
what level of boomer is this?

>the jews made me gay
wtf! I didn't know you fags had no agency!

>And how's that going to do us any good before we've had a chance to develop interstellar travel, you fagit?
(((Why))) haven't we developed interstellar travel?

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>blaming the jews for being a fag

You dumb

>muh feel feels

So humans have done more than the cambrian extinction situation, the younger dryas impact, and the cretaceous extinction event? I'm not arguing for or against the subject at hand, but...

Jews are vastly over-represented in the sciences due to higher IQ whereas incels have never contributed anything besides child porn and school shootings. So seeing you creatures lecturing others about scientific achievement is p funny.

That heierarchy is the only reason shit gets done at the rate at which it does in conjunction with a free economy. Not everyone can be an innovator, super successful, or that competitive. Not everyone wants to be. The majority of billionaires are self-made, and the top 1% of earners is a very volatile income bracket the fluctuates each decade. Capitalism is the one form of social governance where you can take a sheep out the herd and make him king for a day.

>wahh taxation is theft, unless it's trump taxing us and taking our money and giving it to the rich, then its fine

we all know the left wuvs da science. UH oh, whoopsie!!!!!!!

Lol butthurt

reminder it's not the jews fault you're gay, it's because God hates you.

what does that even mean? You're so lazy you can't even maintain an argument for more than 5 minutes, but somehow are still superior to me? sad that even the conservative shills don't believe their own propaganda any more.

>we need to slow down
>africa is about to start a population and consumption boom like the world has never seen

Mate we are rightly fucked unless we severely limit reproduction

Were talking about the planet, not humans.

In the case of Europe, there was more ethnic diversity when it was made up of the many traditional nations. The "diversity" it's experiencing now is actually slated to homogenize the place.

Only poor people are going to be affected by climate change (90% of them non whites).
Wealthy countries will send their elites to space, and when the planet is finally doomed will probably send colony ships to colonize whatever planets we've discovered at that point.

The dregs of human society will die off, living only the strong and capable to procreate.

A new dawn for humanity starts.

What exactly is the problem?

No its not, you're fucking retarded. Having an entire continent covered in ice is not normal. Fuck coastal faggots and fuck penguins, I hope the schizophrenic end of the world conspiracy theories liberal retards won't shut the fuck up about actually happens.

>haha I fuckin' love oil execs
>liberal cucks don't want to go extinct lol
>it's like my favorite rage against the machine says, humans aren't worth saving

Attached: trump cuck.jpg (940x627, 66K)

My nice clean white neighbourhood enjoys its relative peace. I go for a walk I see people working on their houses with wheelbarrows and re-shingling their roofs etc.

Attached: Table 43 - 2015 - Hispanic.png (1740x1088, 257K)

I'd rather not hand China money for shitty solar panels

>live in a broom closet and eat bugs, plebians
>I don't want to sacrifice my lavish lifestyle
>It's cool though because I buy carbon offset credits
t. every affluent celebrity and politician that bangs on about climate change. Ever thought about why so many of the rich silicon valley billionaires have bought private islands as bug out locations? Seems like an odd choice for a group of people convinced the sea levels are going to rise and fuck up their plans within all of our lifetimes, doesn't it?

You aren't good at trying to spin things around shareblue

And yet you want to block out any dissent from people who think the solution isn't taxing everyone to death or adapting to nuclear energy instead.
Also doesn't help that you guys think garbage like that treaty the other year was the only way to solve manmade climate change even though it did nothing to curb China's extreme emissions and forced the US to pay the vast majority of it.

>waaaaaa take my money Hernie Panders to buy a lake front house waaaaaa ;_;

youre going to die from global warming and im going to laugh u mad

The real reason you guys put your fingers if your ears about the climate going to shit is you can't blame the Jews for it. Face it, if the heads of these companies had names like Goldstein and Wasserman instead of Marshall and Bartlett, you'd be all over this.

>be magatard
>want all white nation
>want more white babies and a future for whites
>also want that future to be totally fucked because MUH TAXES

>not understanding hyperbole

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Sounds lame as fuck and if you think white people can't be just as dirty, you obviously never been to the south...

>not everyone can be competitive

then why force them into a structure that demands they compete just to be able to eat or have shelter?


He is right but it's capitalism's fault. Kill all CEOs and force a change on first world people (especially Americans) who destroy with their consumption.

The American military is the world's worst polluter.


Rent fucking Free

lmao jealous poor normie

>desertification in vulnerable, high population areas near the equator

Attached: oh-no-that-sucks.jpg (653x477, 102K)

If Whites are going extinct anyway, why should we care if global warming destroys the planet after we're gone?

Trying to inject race into this is fucking pathetic shareblue

Its China's fault America shouldn't care Drumpf is right

Not having my kids walk past negros slinging crack to children and transsexual prostitutes littering the side work injecting heroin is actually pretty nice.

The only good thing about billion of niggers is that they'll be land locked on the same continent as Israel. It will be only a matter of time until they invade and destroy like they did South Africa.

Any economic literature would tell you that products, goods, services, technology, IQ, and efficiency improves with more economic freedom. GDP per capita is a direct indicator of a standard of living and value of the dollar, and there's never been a successful socialist country to prove otherwise. They simply don't produce results. They won't move us forward.

But you are giving your money to trump to help his businesses stay afloat and to pay for his wall that no one wants, isn't that a little hypocritical of you?
>inb4 "I want the wall because he brainwashed me into wanting it with his fear propaganda"

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>What's the source of your evidence?
>Uhhhh science!
>That's not a real source
>Haha, got you you dumb liberal!

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1v1 me on xbox live fagget

Aww, I taught you a new word in the last thread, huh? :)

I don't deny the existence of nigger tier whites. But the people above 100 IQ should not mingle with the 90 IQ people.

What's lame as fuck to you is clean and orderly to me. I hate walking through my nice neighbourhood where kids play and people walk their dogs and no one is concerned about theft or crime.


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Import millions of third-worlders to help us consume our resources even faster

Neither have you

>fuck wypipo

It could happen with abortion and THOTS

Fund your local thots today

Yes, everywhere there are non-whites living, you can be sure that they are full of crackheads and prostitutes, you definitely are not exaggerating at all

What's the rightist solution to this again?

why would somebody make a smuggie where the strawman they're arguing against is correct

Hey mate, just discussing the origins of modern transgenderism, not my fault they're all jewish, its all coincidence right. Nothing wrong with being jewish or transgender right?


>trump taxing us and taking our money and giving it to the rich,
Literally the opposite of reality, moron.

>muh economic freedom
go away ancap fag

Black crime is over represented everywhere. Forced diversity sucks. Stop ruining our countries.

Attached: Black Crime over representation everywhere.png (960x846, 46K)

>no one wants the wall
Imagine being this fucking ignorant and retarded, kill yourself.

I wasn't aware anyone actually gave a shit one way or another. Aren't most discord nazis actual unironic trannies or Jews IRL?

>B-but if you do things to limit emissions, you'll hurt ordinary people's ability to make money!

>Just 100 companies responsible for 71% of global emissions, study says

It can if you infantilize the population and encourage homosexuality and economic conditions where breeding is possible but much less likely

I'm not. Go live in the woods. Or find another country. But I can guarantee all the most comfortable ones are going to be those with more of a free market.

Which part and where's your evidence against what I said?

It seems to me that most nazi's were trans, and nazi's were mainly anti-semitic to my knowledge. So you blaming Jews for your status as a tranny seems strange to me

Global warming isn't real
The Holocaust didn't happen
Sandy Hook didn't happen
Gender = sex and there are only 2 of them
Fuck niggers

>no one wants
I want it.

>science isn't a source

Seems to me most nazi's were the trannies and Jews who ran the homophobic USSR were the ones who killed them.

Focusing on space travel, you limp-wristed kale male.

Mass genocide and eugenics

Hahahaha go away turning propaganda usa, you and your army of kikes will never convince me that trump isn't giving money to the rich...

Failing that you could just release some kind of engineered virus like Zika, or even a kind of programmable bacteria

Nothing. It is liberal arrogance to think we have any control over the Climate.

Have sex

>muh economic freedom
>he types on his computer

There is no solution, its a natural cour

I am also upset about the people who are destroying the planet. Don’t give up, don’t give in to anger and self destruction. We will stand together and fight back against the millionaire Oil and Coal companies destroying God’s Earth for their short term profits. We will return to better days, when wild life flourished and the planet was pristine. It’s never to late to make the world a better place.

?Ur dumb, whats the point of going to other planets?
For the same reason man crossed the oceans in dangerous journeys centuries ago, to see new things, meet new lifeforms, discover new worlds, see galatic wonders that only exist in one solar system and engrave their names into eternity.
If we dont kill each other in a third world war before the end of the century, genetic engineering will reach a point where mankind will finnaly remove this "biological npc programming", and our choices will be truly our own for the first time since mankind was created, and many will make the choice to spread to the stars rather than stay in a overpopulated solar system.

By 2050 these old bones will need the extra warmth.

By land in the Northern Canadian territories, boys. That shit is going to appreciate like a motherfucker.

A study is a source. Just saying "Because science!" Is what you accuse the left of doing.

jeeze man why are you projecting onto me? And everyone knows the nazis were a bunch of bigots who hated homosexuals and transgenders, they did that whole holocaust thing with them.

because conservative people saying "you're pro-censorship!!!" do it to imply some sense of moral superiority, when in fact they support all sorts of censorship so what they're really saying is that the worst liberals are exactly the same as them.

Like i said, the kikes got their hooks in you with the foreign invaders propangda...the wall is just a money sink that won't change shit, wake up


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Shouldn't we ban all immigration to west to keep the carbon emitting population low?



Life isn't Star Wars, you dweebish drooler. We will not be on other planets with humans.

climate change is artificial


China invented climate change

>saying nuclear energy is the best solution is hate speech
The absolute state of leftists jesus christ

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nice rebuttal. so all the blacks and mexicans can stay, right?

How does stopping immigration stop 100 companies run by a handful of rich people from killing the world?

The biggest Changes in Climate happened thousands of years before debunked conspiracies of Global Warming. Stop being a retarded NPC simpleton and ask yourself if any of it makes sense.

Deep down you know I'm right, user.


It's more that you'd reduce the value of the dollar within America because the cost of energy would go up since renewable energy isn't productive or cost-efficient enough yet on its own. This would disportionately effect the lower class since they're less risk adverse to such changes.

>the guardian

desu if liberals truly believed climate change was going to kill us all they would do anything to stop it but all they do is complain on twitter

whoa there hymie heebowitz

>The Soviet government of the Russian Soviet Republic (RSFSR) decriminalised homosexuality in December 1917, following the October Revolution and the discarding of the Legal Code of Tzarist Russia.[20]

>Through the abolishment of the Tsarist legal code in 1917, the Russian Communist Party effectively legalised homosexuality. The initial Russian Soviet criminal code contained no criminalisation of homosexuality as the subject was omitted.[21]

Looks like Trotsky was a little fagela

Now, that's based, but even if we mass genocide poos and chinks whites will just repopulate the lands. It doesn't solve the problem in the long run.

>k-kikes are the ones that want the wall;_;
Literal retard

>Attacking the source, and not the arguments

Its not hate speech, just incredibly someone in this thread literally said it was the cleanest form of energy..the kike propaganda has really fucked with people's thinking

We'd all benefit, capitalism isn't a zero sum game. Also, didn't every bracket get a cut?

There should be studies on how chemtrails are affecting the climate

>this is what democrats literally believe

Less people to sell shit too, because less consumers less industrial production emissions etc.

Got anymore Reddit memes you'd like to share?

People aren't as racist as you want them to be shareblue, trying to conflate climate change alarmist criticism with racism just demonstrates how underhanded you are.

It literally is though you fucking dolt.

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what is worse for the lower class, a devalued dollar or living with extreme weather, flooding, refugees, food shortages and increased violence? Really makes me think

Kikes are the ones trying to weaken america...the wall is a dumb fucking waste of money that will weaken all the people who have to pay for it. They use propaganda to get the stupid ones to not only agree to the wall but demand it. How is it not a kike tool?

They'll kill off Whites and East Asians first, because we're the only groups capable of posing a threat to them. Then they'll lord over their mulatto slave underclass as it is written in the Talmud. 4800 goyim slaves for every jew. They'll probably get bored of their slave race at some point and eradicate them in favor of robots.

No more slave labor

There have been. NASA admits plane emissions have darkened the planet
Dismissing things as reddit doesn't work, shareblue.

Do you really believe there is no air pollution with nuclear energy? You really sit here and can tell me you truly believe that?

>kikes want America to have secure borders
Literal retard

>the science is settled

It feels hopeless, I know. None of us alone can fix these problems alone. But don’t deny reality and lash out at me. We can stop the excessive coal and oil burning from super heating the planet and killing the earths myriad species. Things will revert back to normal, in time.

>Played a scientist on a kids TV show in the 90s
>Was mildly popular back in the day
>Actually a mechanical engineer
>Knows nothing about weather, weather patterns, or weather science.
>Is a fedora wearing atheist that makes fun of christianity, like Thunderfoot and The amazing atheist
>But believes in global warming, the cool progressive religion of the 2000s
>Promotes straight up degeneracy on his TV show
>Is really into "Butt Stuff" and has a bunch of LGBTQP perverts guest star on his show

How could one man fall so far?

You could reduce half of that by curbing down on illegal immigration and not implementing socialism.

Steam isn't air pollution

That's the only "man made" climate change I believe in. Releasing aersoled metals like aluminum into the air cannot be good for th environment.

>incels have never contributed anything

Attached: 220px-Tesla3.jpg (220x280, 16K)

prove it

Nuclear reactors don't produce CO2 emissions you fucking brainlet

>these are the same people calling me dumb for not thinking the planet is going to end in 12 years

prove it

Did burning coal and oil turn the Sahara into a Desert? Use your brain you fucking idiot, you're being manipulated by rich kikes.

>the wall will secure the border even though a marginal percentage of immigration might be stopped
Our lawmakers with a conservative majority literally voted against it yet the kikes still pushed it through..don't be a sheep

The upper class taxing the lower class into oblivion, justifying it through fear mongering

Well seeing as though the economy is actually much more fragile than the environment, and an increasing GDP per capita has strong correlations with technological advancement, technological affordability, and IQ levels - I'd say the value of the dollar is pretty important seeing as though it's what's going be what allows us to make the change to renewable energy. Plus he poor don't get poorer.

>make a post like this without having any credentials on anything he's attempting to refute

boy that's the pot calling the kettle a nigger

If the science isn't settled, give a reputable meta-analysis of the available studies that comes to a different conclusion. You keep claiming the science isn't really as strong in favor of the man-made climate change theory as it's made out. Well, prove it.

Passenger Jets can’t land with a full load of fuel. When passenger jets have to land early, they dump thousands of gallons of poisonous Jet Fuel into the oceans before landing.

>making it so spics can't walk across the border is a bad thing
Literal retard who might also be a kike

>What exactly is the problem?
Jews/liberals letting the billions of climate refugees flood our nations once Africa/South America/India start becoming inhospitable.

>implying refugees are a bad thing

Attached: yikes.jpg (1024x1024, 300K)

What air pollution are you even referring to, you faggot? What chemicals? Because it doesn't produce CO2.

why are you so scared of taxes? You mean because conservatives keep trying to tax the poor while giving billionaires tax breaks, right? I agree, that's a problem.

Fr? Damn

Neither one of us will be, but humanity will reach other planets eventually, because thankfully, the people working in the space industry have more passion and intelligence than the average shitposting neet.
Such a shame I will be long dead when that time comes, I will not be able to enjoy seeing insufferable cynical assholes like you being proven wrong.

Interglacial periods occuring every 100,000 years is “settled” although there is no absolute consensus on why. Look up Milankovitch cycles if you want to read a scholarly source on the topic.

>implying rapefugees are a good thing

Fuck off back to redshit

Why are you so eager to pay carbon taxes?

>conservatives keep trying to tax the poor
lmao what

Attached: 1554503087380.jpg (373x372, 30K)

Reminder this user probably got a tax cut last year but is still too retarded to admit it.

It's steam
0/10 leftypol try again

Excessively taxing the rich actually produces less tax revenue, and its usually paid for by the middle/lower classes when you do so.

>The upper class taxing the lower class into oblivion
You could just implement a progressive carbon tax that has brackets for the more CO2 you produce. That way, you target the wealthy industrialists responsible for most of the pollution, rather than people with cars.

You know it as well as I do. The way humans are living is not natural. It’s not healthy for hundreds of millions of people to drive massive combustion engines every day. These lifestyles are not sustainable and no amount of denial and shooting the messenger will change that.

Your retardation is flaring up

>want all white nation
>want more white babies and a future for whites
>future will be fucked
>global warming
>Europe/North America becomes tropical/mediterranean kino climate
>non-White nations become deserts
>shitskins die off and Whites get to live in Hawaii-esque tropical weather
It's literally perfect.

>Why are you so eager to pay carbon taxes?
did you miss the part where the planet is on fire? seems like a small sacrifice for a lot of potential gain.

>dude just stifle the economy and make energy cost more for everyone

>Volcanoes pump out more greenhouse gasses in 1 day here on this planet than all of humanity has pumped into the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial revolution.
>Global warming is a money making scam, made up by a guy that lied and told people he invented the internet and made a documentary that predicted the world was basically going to end in 2012.

We breath out carbon dioxide.
Carbon Dioxide is what plants breath in
Plants exhale oxygen
What we need to survive.
Fucking with the delicate balance of CO2 in our atmosphere will cause our planet to go into a warming phase- an out of control greenhouse effect.
Perfect if you are trying to change the atmosphere of the planet, terraforming it for a cold blooded species.
The lizard Jews.

California isn't the planet m8

China makes the most greenhouse gases but it's also a world leader in green tech. It also has a population larger than all of Europe and is still in the process of development, unlike the USA which still produces more than double the greenhouse gas emissions per capita. Also a lot of their emissions come from producing things which are then sold to the west.

Honestly though, none of these are good excuses. You can't destroy the environment and then say "Sorry, we had to because we had too many people and needed to raise their standard of living." Not convincing. Ignoring China in this respect or making excuses for them endlessly isn't going to lead to a viable solution. Still it's worth at least noting that, while the problem is clearly larger there than in the west, the west is still a big part of it.

>he types on his iPhone

>You could just
The goal is to repress the underclass

>the more CO2 you produce
Good luck implementing that in a way that doesn't end up fucking over the working class folks operating the machinery. Don't you socialists believe they're the ones doing all the producing anyway?

>>Volcanoes pump out more greenhouse gasses in 1 day here on this planet than all of humanity has pumped into the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial revolution
No they don't

>Taxing the lower class? That's bad!
>Taxing the upper class? That's bad!
Your side can't even get your story straight about why carbon taxes are a bad thing, or who it targets and why. Why shouldn't everyone else keep pushing for them, while you guys whine in contradictory terms about by saving a little money in the short term is more important than not throwing the planet into turmoil?

>climate change denial is totally legitimate and smart
>posts this garbage
libtards really got owned with this one

We all know having a billion people drive cars and trucks around every day isn’t sustainable. We feel, that things were better 500 years ago. In our instincts we remember before industrialization started poisoning the world, paving over natural habitats, polluting rivers, and extinguishing the Earth’d myriad species. We will stop enabling extravagant and wasteful lifestyles and return to a healthier more natural way of life. Or we will pay the price.

Attached: B9D759F7-CB0B-4345-856B-A4AFD097C759.png (1100x1400, 2.03M)

Not an argument

you think cali is the only place on earth affected by climate change? If this is your best argument you should really just leave the thread and go back to r/libertarian

A solar panel on your own roof is literally the most democratic and individualistic form of energy production. You think you're less repressed sucking on Big Oil's tit? Relying on billionaires to power your life?

That fossil fuels are the only thing keeping us from reverting to another Ice Age. We came dangerously close in the 16-1700s with the little ice age, but luckily we industrialized right afterwards. Remember George Washington crossing the Delaware River as it was choked with ice?

Fuck off back to r.eddit you leftist faggot

>Don't you socialists believe they're the ones doing all the producing anyway?
>Therefore, if you cut into the capitalist aristocracy's profits, you're hurting the workers.
You need to brush up on your socialist theory.

Taxing the upper class is bad because you reduce innovation, create less tax revenue needed for solutions, and reduce the value of the dollar by inhibiting economic growth - the very dollar which can make renewable resources more affordable.

"Stifle the economy" is a code word for cut into the elite's profits.

You may not have even lived long enough to make this post 500 years ago.

go ahead just open that new tab sweatie. You won't be missed.

Take an econ course please

The elites drive the economy.

I thought universities were a den of evil leftist trannies?

>create less tax revenue needed for solutions
Solutions like what? The only solution you've put forward is "You can't tax rich people, that's a no no!" Seems to me it's ordinary people coming up with all the solutions, and rich people telling them it's no good, because that will cast them money.

Only if you're some liberal arts retard

Good Goys.

>it's another "lefties get blown out by basic economics" thread
It truly is their kryptonite isn't it?

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And in 500 years it will be too late for thousands of species of unique life forms across the planet to ever return.

Oh no! Nuclear energy is polluting the sky with... water vapor!

no they don't you cockmunching faggot, independent small businesses are what made america. I know this is probably a falseflag, but you're actually braindead

K keep me posted