Kinos for this feel?

Kinos for this feel?

Attached: bald.jpg (1200x800, 196K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Blood Rage

Go watch this mans entire filmography, become inspired and embrace your new buzz cut with a Crank like zeal

Attached: B1AE5511-22EB-4C73-8B96-5525EF7C64DE.jpg (700x250, 14K)

this meme needs to die. shaving your head doesn't make you an instachad.

yes it does

It does if you're /fit/, which you should be regardless of your hair situation.

fast, yoga and a healthy diet

if narrow shouldered with bright eyes, neck yourself, you can't cure it

balding is actually good because it means your high test

is fasting a meme?

it means u can't handle high test
plenty of bodybuilders with full hair

It at least looks better than trying to barely grasp what you're currently losing.

then why do i still have gyno after losing weight

it may not make you an instachad but it shows that you have confidence rather than having some stupid comb over

Man of Steel

Attached: Hairclub for Supermen.jpg (227x271, 17K)

bald guys are hot, anyone who says otherwise is self hating

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not really

name 20

I know this is bait but I hate this meme with all my heart. 99.99% of men who look good bald looked even better with hair and the 0.01% left were made to be bald.

Everyone else falls into the JUST category

Yeah really.

>implying I need kino for life experiences
enjoy your youth while you can, you'll blink, then you'll be old

Yes, but also 0% of men look good with a horse shoe or a far to receeding hairline, and 100% of them should shave if they find themself in that situation

Attached: transplant.jpg (574x345, 100K)

If my widow's peak hasn't changed much between the age of 30 to 33, does that mean I'm safe and won't go full bald? I have to comb my hair backward to hide the thinness above my forehead.

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bruce willis made it work for a bit

The girl from cheers
Kelsey Grammer
Edgar Allen Poe
Jackie Chan

Attached: RcqTKzTo7l2l.jpg (600x400, 49K)

The Office episode 1


Just have weird hair, it forces you to work on your personality, not that you would know

not that you would know

t. coping baldfag
shave it, you coward

that beyond Yea Forums you might need to use /ham/ radio for information.

Lol yes it does. it screams "I'm a pussy who can't accept inevitable change"

I did all of these user
Weird hair, receding hairline, comb over, horse shoe and shaved hair

based on how things are going, this is my hair destiny

Attached: hair.jpg (1100x619, 98K)

How the fuck is it possible to get that much donor hair from a strip taken out of the back of your head?? Dude must have got donor hair from cadavers.

that's exactly what shaving it does though
if you didn't care you'd wear it as is

The days until we find a cure are counted lads, MPB will be 100% reversible within 10 years.

so where are you at tee vee?

Attached: bald chart.jpg (561x223, 19K)

Between 2 and 3.

Just trying to find the courage to shave it for almost a six months now

Attached: thats bullshit.png (375x360, 130K)

im not losing it in that pattern so maybe im safe?

based 2

1 and 2 since i was like 16

1-2 i think i just want to make it to 30 before its fucked and im 27 right now

4 but I'd be at 7 if I haven't been taking propecia

It's been within 10 years for 30 years.

Why bother? You just end up going grey a year or two later anyway. The ride never ends.

Attached: grey.jpg (2400x1600, 217K)

are you in shape? if not, get fit first and then shave
I feel like shaved heads only don't work when you are stocky

Stage 2 and I'm 32, how fucked am I? 4 looks extremely painful.

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I'm at 4, i shaved my head and went to work and various different people thought I had cancer and done chemo. I looked like I was dying.

idk what's wrong with me

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Reminder that the key to the buzzcut is stubble and that’s why it fails for the balding weenie zoomers on Yea Forums, they’re too low test

fast is kino

im at 2. but my crown is fine. I've had this hairline my whole life. I'm 30. dunno what the next 10 years will bring desu.

It really isn’t. Intermittent fasting made me go down from 220 pounds to 180 pounds in six months while still eating the food I like.

damn son that's unfortunate

178cm 75kg 11%BF
Planing to bulk to 77 or 78 kg then cut back to 75

I used to look great, then I got lazy, started to work out again because I need to have at least something going for myself

>various different people thought I had cancer and done chemo

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Nah, im not balding in those patterns either but im definitely balding
Just turned 30 and my hair is universally thinning across my entire head to the point where you can see my scalp under bright bathroom lights if i don't get my hair juuuust right
>emphasis on the JUST

Attached: just witchman.jpg (185x272, 8K)

You're gonna lose front and center first, you poor bastard.


oh no no no

just hold out hope the pattern is on our side

#1 at 26. Seems acceptable, know a lot of people only a year or two older and at like a 3. Gray is coming in on the sides already though.

Curb your enthusiasm

As soon as i got to 3, i shaved immediately and never looked back.

3 but no baldness on crown

That's a female hairloss pattern. How strange.

I buzz mine and sometimes shave it. It sucks having to upkeep it so often to keep it looking right, but I still look pretty good cause I have good skull shape and nice facial hair

Wouldn't mind getting bald. I just buzzcut anyway.

>caring about hair
it doesn't really matter as long as it looks neat and well kept. nobody honestly really cares

>Fully transitioned into 2 in the last year
>Genetic trajectory points to 4

If my dad is anything to go off of, I'm going to spend my late 20s/early 30s with a hairline like . Also I'm ugly on top of it lmao

Is it better to have a receding hairline or start balding at the back?

Im in the infancy of this except not nearly as bad
time to change your hairstyle dude.
Also what is your age/how long did this take to develop

Attached: screamin gwojak.png (400x416, 41K)

Chad as fuck.

5 but I still grow it long.

The Sopranos
Curb Your Enthusiasm

Believe me lad, ive got my fingers crossed for us both.
My hairs always been super thin and my crown looks fine, as long as it doesn't start receeding maybe ill be ok

Attached: sad pep.jpg (209x153, 6K)

>tfw 2
>tfw 23

ok ben franklin

I bet you do. I beeeeet yoooouuu doooooo.

3 on the crown. 1 in front

post your fucking scalps faggots

about a year and a half ago, 23

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I know that feel my brother. my plan is to cut it short and only grow it out a little bit. The best I can do is to hope I look like Michael McElhatton when I'm in my mid 30s.

if you're balding at your crown, you're mega fucked
if you're getting a receding hairline, you're fine

I'm in that zone... 28. I have some mild thinning at the temple. Hair is still pretty thick otherwise

post pics

>year and a half
Cool, ive got at least a year and a half to find a girl and trick her into marrying me before I need to shave my head
Ouch. Sorry user :(

started losing it around 26 and shaved it all at 30
honestly never gave a shit
but being fully shaven is fucking amazing because you dont have to pay those jew barbers and make awful small talk ever again

Nah, female pattern starts from dead center and works out to connect to the front

Thats type A baldness, its more common among asians then whites

Attached: balding chart 2.jpg (560x351, 52K)

cut it short, it won't look as bad

Pretty based
Tell me you rock a mustache, smoke and wear floral shirts

3 line, 2 back. it started young, I was in denial for like 8-9 years and had my hair super long, would always wear bandanas to cover my massive fivehead. Eventually i went and cut it off just getting a normal haircut and it looks 10x better. you can barely see my receding spots and my crown is way better cuz hair isnt pulled down by all the weight.

Who else /type m/ here?

oh and im 29, 30 in october

>turn 30
>Start seeing scalp through hair without hairline changing
Is it over lads?

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>had my hair super long
>normal haircut and it looks 10x better
woah who would have thought

I'm like a 1.5 and 27.
Hoping it making it, not had much loss since I noticed it last year.

3 without the bald spot

youre not balding at all stfu

Beginning of the end.

they don't just do strips. they actually take individual nodes from the donor area (the area of hair that never sees hairloss even in old age). if they do it correctly, the donor area won't look spotty at all.

>tfw balding
>tfw baby faced and can't grow a beard
>tfw when short and stocky regardless of weight

There is no god.

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Can you see it all the time or only when you pull your hair back?


>age 29
>notice it early
>went on finesteride immediately
>completely unjusted now
Thank you science

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You're not even balding it's just the hair being all retarded and the camera directly facing it so you can see the scalp

>inb4 hairlet cope

whats the donor area? the ass?

>fell for the buzzcut meme
>look like I'm auditioning for the role of Prison Rapist #3

Attached: bald.jpg (477x640, 77K)

when i pull it back, slick it back, or when its wet.

grow something retard

Got a chin going for you user. Count your blessings.

yeah you do look like that but still pretty good looking dude. you got nothing to complain about. looking tough is good

those face scars make you look like a hollywood villain

Temple recession is noticeable. You look like the type to suffer mild thinning and then slow crown loss starting in your late 50s onward.

Does rogain work? I'm thinning slightly in one spot, but it's not bad enough for me to risk spending 50 dollars on bullshit.

A 2 but it's very thin all over. Pretty much exactly like Evans in kinopiercer. I spent the last 2 years with a buzzcut, honestly it was pretty fucking great. No need to style my hair like a faggot, showers are fast, and I can cut it myself. Growing it out now so I can spend the last few years of my 20s with hair, but I'll have no problem buzzing it all off once the crown starts to go.

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I would still love to suck your cock

In eternity... nothing can grow

Attached: true_detective_matthew_mcconaughey.jpg (928x523, 50K)

Lighting is shit in the photo but I guess that's normal
Some hair loss will happen eventually nobody keeps their 15yo hair density forever

I ain't touching that shit.

the hair on the back and sides of you skull don't normally see hairloss. just think of any geezer with a bald top -- they still have hair on the sides and back.

and yes, they can also take donor hair from the chest, and anywhere else.

The main thing about getting balding arches is you have to keep it short. You can't let it grow very long or it looks justed

>already 30


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>completey shaved haad because bald
>full beard because I look better with it
>big scar cut above my left eyebrow

Fuck my life, everyone says I look like a hitman, prision rapist or movie villain

>Capable of growing a full head of hair at 36
>Still shave it off once at a week at No.1

And I don't give a single fuck. People obsessed with their hair are nearly always gay.

>and yes, they can also take donor hair from the chest, and anywhere else.

you probably look like that ugly freak badguy with the raincoat and axe from last action hero you sick cunt

you'll pull mad pussy and instant respect because people will assume you'll do a fatality on them. make it work and it'll work good

You look dangerous. That gets girls wet as long as you're not a giant pussy.

>Capable of growing a full head of hair at 36
>I don't give a single fuck.
No shit

> I ain’t touchin that shit
Why? Because some hypochondriacs told you it melts your dick and brain? It’s FDA approved and people have been taking it in massively stronger dosages to treat other diseases for years.

going gray is chad as fuck and way better than balding

Please respond.

I failed the last step then

You know your own hairline better than anyone. If you notice a change, people will tell you "oh no it looks fine" right up until the moment its undeniable. There will come a time when you'll have creepy single hairs up to a centimeter away from the main forest. Use what little time you have left wisely.

Finasteride and Minoxidil is literally all it takes, so stop complaining. There are actual remedies for MPB now.

Just speak less and look like you don't care about anything.

>dude just take dangerous experimental hormones literally for the rest of your life lmao

It's over

Hang in there brother
t. 29

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How bad is it lads

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You're constantly being doused with dangerous and experimental drugs anyway.
What's one more?

Here is it in bright lights when you can see scalp when it's slicked back
Should I go on drugs? Can't that shit make you impotent?

yeah fuck that i'd rather be bald than loose my dick.

Attached: I AM REALITY.jpg (480x360, 7K)

honestly not bad at all, thick mustache too could be alot worse

Please cite a study that shows how dangerous they are.
>inb4 he exits the thread and never replies

Whoops forgot pic

Attached: IMG_20190513_224455001_HDR.jpg (1080x1440, 392K)

shave that shit right now.

your dick won't be of much use once your bald anyway

d-do you slick it back? like a sopranos look?

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it makes you look groomed and clean, and women like that you shower-every third day autist

Try meth and then move on to heroin

>they can also take donor hair from the chest, and anywhere else
i dont quite understand why you would do that since that hair doesnt keep growing. i have never shaved my chest and these hairs are perpetually inch long. how does hair from the body function at all on your head? it wouldnt grow thick and long, right?

Not bad at all
Actually its like the best way to bald, i know dudes who are nearing 40 with the more advanced stage of that still rocking it

>dangerous experimental hormones
Men have been taking it for almost 30 years to treat enlarged prostate at literally 5x the dosage you’d take for hair treatment. Stop reading conspiracy forums and trust actual doctors.

its only a matter of time until the problem is solved desu. right now it almost is. its just a matter of money and having enough donor area.

they can also pretty much clone your hairs, hairs that won't die, and transplant them to your dome.

i think we're like 15 years away from it never being an issue again.

yea they can donate from pubes if thats what you're getting at. also facial hair can be transplanted to spots on the scalp. might be kinda weird.

No, I just washed my face and pulled my wet hands through my hair. Normally I don't care because no gf. Will bang some hookers in Budapest this summer so I got that going for me

his pineal gland? calcified. his hairline? devastated. his prostate? shrunken to the size of a bb. this man is finished. its over. tag em and bag em

>bald men can't be ho-

Attached: skinner.jpg (480x363, 18K)

3 but without the bald spot in the back

Whatever helps you cope, my dude. If you don’t have the courage to try and better yourself, you’re never gonna make it with or without hair.

well if you think it will help ill give it a shot

Attached: pepe thumbs up.jpg (1000x800, 61K)

What ever happened to hair cloning? That was supposed to solve everything and it was supposed to be available like 5 years ago when I first heard of it like 5 years before that.

women have liked me all my life my brother and starting to go bald hasn't stopped it

buzz head and if you dont like the way that looks start saving for a hair transplant

solving hair loss is the new age money pit
either that or actually treatments get squashed out in favor of continuing pricey transplants and medication

They’d like you more with a lush head of hair

Work for me ()

who cares what women like

>his pineal gland? calcified
I used to read this black supremacist blog that was probably satire called "Underprivileged Journalism" and they would talk about how white people all have calcified pineal glands whereas black people don't and that black people are capable of giving white people melanoma with telekinesis. They would post celebratory articles about every white person they could find who died an accidental death. It was pretty funny in a twisted way, but it's gone now.

it's time.

Such a bullshit American capitalist thing. Can't I just fly to Spain or something and get unregulated hair cloning transplants done for less than the cost of the plane ticket to fly there?

Grow out your mustache, with some facial hair you could easily pull off that shaved head

yeah but theres like a 25% chance they will steal an organ or two while youre under and the doctor will be stoned, drunk, and unlicensed.
Still worth it imo

So has anyone here froze their hair loss with Propecia? Side effects?

Hair tattoos

You'll keep some of your hair but your dick will melt off.

Chad Embrace

skinner is so based

the kino of all kinos

bonus points: he got more bald as the series went on

Attached: 5df6bca74d90f8f2578dd9bc01f6da89.jpg (736x414, 24K)

A receding hairline is more noticeable, especially if you are tall.

I guess it depends if you want women to completely avoid you because they see it right away (receding hairline) or if you want them to talk to you and then they see your baldspot and suddenly they end any conversation you are having with them quickly.

Some look good, some look shit. It comes down to how much taste the the person has, just like wigs. But if you fuck up a wig design, you can try again, tattoos are permanent.
And then there is the problem with ageing, tattoos turn blue and smudge with age, hair tats haven't been around long enough to see how it lasts.

Stop watching movies and TV marketed for roasties (which is damn near all of them now). They are the ones acutely aware that the looks they live by are fucking gone by 30 or so, yet the jew will market utilitarianistic lifestyles all the same alongside ads for age-dying makeup.
The point is, a hairlet man can still succeed in life. If anything, you're a bit luckier to have it all happen fast than let it sneak up on you over the course of years. You can still play the chad from the scalp down.

The official percentage of guys that can never get hard on Propecia is 2%, but that is the number provided by Merck, the company that makes it, so obvious the percentage is higher.

If you are planning on taking it, go into hair loss forums and read the posts of guys taking it. Its the only way you are going to see if it is worth it or not.

this user knows his kino well

To fill in thinning? Seems like a bad idea to me for an obvious reason: any overhead lighting is going to reflect off your tattooed skin, giving away that its a tattoo.

Type M is clearly the most aesthetic way to bald. The Jude Law classic. I've got some weird diffuse thinning thing going on, my hair isn't receding at all the top of my head is just universally thinning to baldness.

2 at age 29, am I safe guys??

I fapped a lot less the first few weeks. Erections were fine. I’d describe it as not feeling hungry as often. After a while I felt normal again. This could be bullshit, but I feel like I can last longer now. When you’re really horny it’s hard to hold back sometimes. It helps in that way.

My hair is great btw. Just make sure you start it early. Like stage 2 or 3 at the latest or you’re probably wasting your time and money.

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based skinner bros

>Every three days
Whoa there speedy, let's not get ahead of ourselves there.

you're likely fucked

This. Become fit, sport a bit of stubble, and you're golden.

shaving it off means you care. true ascension is not giving a shit.

It's a form of CICO, which is what it ultimately comes down to.


he harvested a Turk's asscrack

Tom Noonan, great movie

I'm somewhere between 1 and 2 at almost 26. Honestly, we're in the clear I'd say. As long as you maintain most through your 30's you're okay, afterwards it's understandable.

There are some men who happen to be attractive despite being bald, Jason Statham is one of those men.

But the overwhelming majority of bald men are uglier because of their lack of hair

based user. don't let any faggot talk you out of it.

hybrid between 3 and 4, closer to 3.2
also, zero balding on the crown. it's full as shit there

Well fuck, user. I'm wet right now

i'm exactly where you're at
hair beyond 4 inches back of my hairline is full and lush as fuck
hair from hairline back 4 inches is thin as fuck (can see scalp shine under direct light), and the hair itself is frizzy and uncontrollable

I have the same hairline but I'm a girl.

Shaved head and van dyke anyone?

>tfw started balding at 19
most of you faggots have it lucky. i've been destined for wizardry for nearly a decade.

Attached: 1530828894615.png (318x317, 47K)

i'm balding like this too
is it all the xenoestrogen?

Don't they charge like $5 a node? Dude must have spent like 20k for this. The area can also still go bald which is why they put you on fin unless you want to go bald again. This is why you should just hop on fin as soon as you can anyways

kek, sounds pretty based if you ask me

Based balding bros

Attached: George.jpg (555x555, 35K)

back if you're jewish
they made those hats for a reason

I'm balding but at least I have a strong jaw and I am very tall . Could be worse but it fucking sucks desu senpaitachi


I was at a 1 but then I hopped on fin. 4 months on and I would say I'm at like a 0.5 right now because my temples are coming back. I know a 1 isn't balding but give me the hairline I had at 16, dammit

sounds like were in the same boat
except my hair was already super thin and oily to begin with to the point where if I don't shower you can see scalp on the sides too

suicide pact when?

Attached: JUST.png (688x578, 32K)

I was about 13 or 14 when it was noticeable, get on my level.

I had a friend who started balding at 16. By 21 you couldn't even see his hairline if he was looking straight at you.

he was 30 when seinfeld started if you dont look like that by 30 you are all good

When my hair gets this bad I'm going full Costanza cosplay. Gonna get similar glasses, wear 90s clothes and be generally neurotic.

godspeed user

>he was 30 when seinfeld started

Attached: doubt.jpg (268x160, 5K)

anybody know which episode this picture comes from? I recently watched the entire series and don't recall this shot.

>i think we're like 15 years away from it never being an issue again.
wow how fortunate just in time for me to be a decrepit old fuck when it won't matter anymore

may god rest his soul

S3E9 7:21 min in

He was born in 1959 and Seinfeld started in 1989

I knew two of these types in college
One was a tiny jew manlet who was already at like a 4 the first day of freshmen year

the other was a tiki head looking mutt who started at like a 2 but was full on 6 by the end of senior year (although he didn't graduate)

Baldness is terminal. Every bald man eventually dies

I went to school with a guy that was going bald at 17.

holy christ, how fucking early did george start balding? like 12 years old? i thought he was like 40

Attached: george.jpg (720x405, 61K)

tonys progressive loss of hair signifies the state of his soul, that was THE moment i knew no show could rival it

he says it started around 17

Pic related + minoxidil + nizoral shampoo 1-2 week, then forget about it. You're doing everything you can to stop and if lucky, regrow.

Attached: finasteride-1mg-28-tablets_2_new.jpg (1130x740, 73K)

>Yea Forums-Hair care and bald coping

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damn what a based doctor

>tfw started balding in HS, fairly weak jaw, below average height

got the rope sitting next to my bed waiting for the day I finally work up the courage

I was trying nioxin but it just made my scalp itch and pimple so I stopped. I don’t remember any noticeable differences

The Mummy


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>he was 30 when seinfeld started
There's a new and unwelcome feel. Jerry Seinfeld was 35 when it started, so I wonder which was the intented baseline for them both. Please say Jerry. Also, Homer was supposed to be 34 in season 2 of The Simpsons before he was later changed to be several years older, it just goes to show how out of whack society is with age.

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>nizoral shampoo
thanks for the shampoo rec been looking for a good one and that one is pretty cheap and has great rating i might do minoxidil if it starts to really get bad not want to do finasteride yet

>been on niz and fin for 6 months now
>still shedding a lot
>not sure if its working
>dick still working

Attached: 1553549260407.jpg (900x702, 282K)

This, just take the pills goy. There's nothing you want more than hair.

losing tons of hair in the shower
its over

just wear a hat. i've been wearing a hat every day for the past 5 years.

can you give me some tipping advice?

look up minoxodil and give it a try if you want, unlike finastride which fucks with your hormones, minoxodil is topical and you just drop a few drops on the area and rub it in, it helps to protect the hair from DHT could even restore some

my head is too big for a hat

same except past a certain age a hat stops being a normal piece of clothing and starts being something people are immediately suspicious you are using to hide balding, speaking from experience

What about DHT blocking shampoos?

I assume people who wear hats religiously are insecure as fuck about their balding. Apparently, I'm not wrong.

for what its worth anons I have been on finasteride for 5+ years and have noticed zero side effects, and it works just as described

I hope it all works out for you bald bros

2.5 at 30 years old. Not too bad,

it wont

I wear a hat to cover my scalp psoriasis

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how long before you noticed a real difference? I've been on fin for 6 months and I'm not sure if my hair is getting worse or maintaining. I still shed a shitton of hair but it doesn't look much different than it did 6 months ago.

lmao at your insecurities

imagine being a white male AND balding


>shaving your head
>not choosing the chad embrace

Attached: 1541408585240.jpg (1140x1140, 94K)

Everyone becoming bald so you might as well try to change the narrative so bald is good.

2/3rds of men go bald at least a little by 50, and everyone does by 80, so youll be joining us one day too user!

Attached: dab death.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

Sucks if true, homie.

It's not really meant to make it better. If it does get better you're just lucky, but its primary purpose is to keep what you currently have, which is what it has done for me.

anythings better then being a nigger
unfortunately im both bald and black and my life is literally hell

Attached: dog kiss.jpg (625x623, 78K)

lol good luck with that, even julius caesar was embarrassed about his balding, literally one of the most ambitious and famous alpha men in history. being bald will never not be a huge detriment.

Shedding means it works. Old hairs being pushed out for new.

>put man on the moon

>still have to deal with male pattern baldness

Fucking how. What the fuck are all of the scientists doing?

I can't logically not be insecure about it since being bald is factually disgusting. There is not one woman on earth who fantasizes about having a bald lover.

this thread made me man up and order finasteride

i hope we all make it

>tfw take a pic thinking it wouldnt be too bad
>its fucking terrible
>delete pic

Im blonde too, it looks terrible because even with the hair I got you can see through it easily.

Attached: hamster.jpg (800x450, 39K)

Curb your Enthusiasm deals heavily with baldness.

Kek these shouldn't have made me laugh as hard as they did, thanks lads.

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thats definitely not true just based on how disgusting some fetishes are
there are women who legit go after the type of dudes on my 600 pound life, im sure some are into bald heads

begging for money

finally ordered that finesteride stuff

its gonna all be ok user
its not gonna be ok

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give it another decade or two, you'll be able to get a full head of hair back at the cost of an arm and a leg, if there's ever a definitive cure for baldness only hollywood mental cases and business moguls will have access to it

lol bro you are cracking me up

women are attracted to power and status not your hairline retard lmao


i'm sure escorts won't care

>just have different bone structure bro

Go to the doctor, you might have hyperthyroidism or something.

>work in a hair restoration clinic
>offer friends cheap af deals to do laser treatments even home based ones that cost like a few hundred bucks
>bring up minoxidil and other easy proven treatments
>they act like I'm insulting them or write it off as "gay" to stop thier hair loss

I tried

Well it was a bit hyperbolic, I'm sure there are some freaks out there that like it for whatever disturbed reason but the point is that there are way, way, way more bald men that there are women that like or will even tolerate it.


Thats bullshit, I've met plenty of women who prefered bald men

Im 35 and a solid 2. I'm gonna make it, niggers.

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things that never happened

nigger your hair looks thick as fuck

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best of luck bro
although to be honest it looks like you could have rocked a recessed mane bretty well. You have a nice hair texture
I have thin oiley Italian hair, so im gonna try the nizoral and minoxidril first, gotta wait for my health insurance to kick in through work so they have to pay for my finistride
(hair pictured here)

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Biology sucks, it's a bunch of legacy spaghetti code and you can't change anything without a major butterfly effect going on. The biggest hurdle for the most plausible cure for aging by fucking with telomeres is an incredibly high risk of cancer.


nah it was just bad lighting
its easier to see the thinning when its slicked back and under bright lights here

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we are VERY close to a pill like cure. I work in the industry

>solve my back hair problem and my thinning hairline in one stroke

More like hyperfaggotism lol.

Biology is easy to hack, just kill off what you don't want for a couple of hundred years.

Why would you try to sell snakeoil to your friends?

Oh, hai Brendan!

i was taking hot pressured showers for years and i guess that is pretty bad didnt know but i havn't the past couple of times and so far ive noticed less hair loss

get fucked hairlet

They're just trying to make you feel better, the same way women always say they want a kind and loving man that treats them like a lady but actually bend over for tall masculine alphas.

I remember when I went to go get my script for finasteride, the doctor was a woman. She was explaining to me how it was very dangerous for women to ingest finasteride and I needed to be sure that my girlfriend never took any. I told her I didn't have a girlfriend, and I was pretty struck by how her face immediately became full of pity as she said "well women don't really care about hair haha". I know she was being nice but it hurt.

Obsessing about baldness is definitely an American thing
The civilised world doesn’t give a shit as long as you’re both being pathetic and living in denial, like a comb over or something hideous
Shave it and move on with your life

i was also brushing my hair right as soon as i got out of the shower which i guess is also bad so now i just shake it a bunch and let it hair dry

don't forget hair loss bros, it could always be worse
you could be a chinlet, which you can't fix, hide, or come to terms with

or a dicklet, or a manlet

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>I told her I didn't have a girlfriend
Should've lied.

I'm 3.5 out of 4


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losing a bit of hairline can still look fine, yours isn't bad at all, it's when it starts to thin a lot that it looks like puke whatever you do

Just start wearing one of those stick on wigs that's what I did

better then 4/4, amirite?

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Rate me Yea Forums. Getting a second hair transplant so that I can escape inceldom. Soon brothers.

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I offered to do it FREE if they would appear on camera for a before after testimonial. The shit actually works and it's miles above what you think it is. Transplants are seamless. You cannot tell it's fake and they also have these things called a dermal lens that's like a toupe but custom fitted to your scalp and weaves into your existing hair. My job was to do before and after videos and I would have no idea how bad the hairloss was until they took it off. And every single guy looks immediately younger and better looking with hair. baldness is ugly, you're not going to bruce willis or statham it. you're going to look like an old grandpa, or you can invest a tiny bit too stop it. There are a myriad of treatments. If you're an old guy with kids and who gives a fuck but if you're a single guy keep your fucking hair bros, it's not hard if you start taking care of it early. Pic related is one of our clients who just got divorced. Imagine what women would prefer to date?

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Nope. I'm not even bald and it wasn't a date. I'm talking about shaved hair tho, not the Costanza tier bald head.

ironic that the guy in the pic made a song called The Beautiful People

>t. Silver spoon
Civilised countries don’t cut off the tips of babies penises user, nor do they allow basic medical expenses to bankrupt 100,000+ families per year.
America is a second world country at best.

i'm 6'4" unironically so most people can't see unless i'm sitting down or bending over

you've got one of those perfectly round heads that fits the thinning look
t. lumpy as fuck head


Growing my hair one last time boys.

that's pretty fucking radical
how much does it cost?
and is it more the less hair you have?

pfft nigga you don't even need hair
just get /fit/ and you will have sopping wet thots throwing themselves at you forever

t. 5'11.9 archduke of manlets

You go bald because your toxic masculinity is literally strangling your hair follicles. On fin, your hairs will get thicc and push out the weak thin ones. Shedding is good.

The first SpongeBob SquarePants movie

i'd rather die a virgin than give money to your kind

>Tfw not a single male in my family had any signs of balding
Guess that's one good thing in being born in a third world shithole.

It's about 1500 dollars and it's applied in one day. We take measurements and then make a custom lens for your scalp and order European donor hair and carefully color it if we need to so it blends. We also get it a little long so after we put it on we can cut it to whatever style you want. Then you just have to come in for touchups every once in a while or cut the real hair when it starts growing out but you can swim and shower with it on.

yeah, its CIVILIZED you yurocuck fag

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>think my hair is thinner where my headphones rest
but I'm sure it's just my imagination, right?

Both are acceptable spellings of the word, much like “Grey” and “Gray”.

To add to this, civilised is the original spelling of the word, civilized is a more recent spelling invented by Americans who are confused when a words spelling doesn’t match phonetically.
You can thank American “Education” for that.
Seeing as Civilised is the original way of spelling the word, I’ll stick with that.
TLDR, fuck you

Headphones like hats can make your hair look worse off than if you just styled it. It doesn’t cause or contribute to MPB.