>watching the trailers before Detective Pikachu
>see some generic movie about a family and their dog
>see the qt daughter
>her boyfriend is asian
hahahahah why are they pushing this so hard? This literally never happens in real life
Watching the trailers before Detective Pikachu
I'm pretty used to it desu senpai. Even girls off tinder are saying it's weird.
I'm 6'5 and yoked tho with a huge dick
Post your cock then.
they're trying to push other couples now that their blacked shit failed
Korean guys seem to get plenty of white chicks
t. University of Waterloo alum
Shes british so it's ok
The first movie made shit tons of movie in China, so, they casted a Korean pop dude to appeal further to the dog eaters of east asia.
um lmao.
>mfw all the white girls who are into asian guys tend to be extremely promiscuous women who cheat or are straight up serial cheaters
I live in Seattle where this kind of interracial dating is not uncommon and I've never met a white girl who's into asian guys who wasn't a piece of shit.
>he's never been to or seen a BTS concert
it's like 90% chicks lol
Smart girls date smart guys.
A smart girl wouldn't exclude a smart asian guy.
Yeah. It's just really fucking awkward and fake.
Don't know what the fuck that even is.
True. Most white women are only attracted to black guys with monster dicks. White and asian boys just can't compete.
>he's this optimistic
Good, leaves more Asian boys for white boys.
>Can't use google
>Soiboy picture
We get it, you don't like minorities.
inb4 niggerposter
I see mixed race couples like this all the time. Some of them even have kids.
Maybe if you stepped foot outside of your basement and were an interesting person you would meet them but that's expecting too much from the incels who post here.
Same goes for this guy.
An old school friend of mine is a model (size 0 human coat hanger rather than instathot tiddy bikini model sadly, but still) and she has an American-born Chinese BF.
I think some girls are just scared of big cocks desu. They have to date some guy or their trad parents will hassle them, so Asian men are the least threatening.
are the people triggered by am/wf more likely white or jewish
Considering white men are busy shagging Asian Stacies, probably Jews.
asians are some funny ass looking fucks
Asian "males" are so femenine that only lesbians are interested on them.
What does a picture of a hideously ugly guy have to do with this? For comparison? I don't get it.
How often do you see same race couples?
You clearly don't know shit about the type of individuals who engage in interracial relationships just like a typical retard who can't read people and are simply content to eat popular propaganda instead of thinking for yourself. I find it hilarious how it's always the ones who tell others to go outside who know the least about people and the world.
Is that asian kid from 13 reasons why?