Was this entire episode just a massive red pill being shoved down the threats of millennials who watch this crap?
>White Northerners hold back once the surrender is given, acting like honorable civlised people >Grey Worm kills innocent whites because some other white wronged him in the past >Dark skinned third worlders show no honor and mass murder white civilians >Breaker of Chains SJW Kween Kaleesi becomes fucking Stalin and purges civilians >Completely destroys the society build over many generations in order to get total governmental control, showing the true end goal of the progressive left
No wonder Redditors/SJWs are so upset by this episode.
>White Northerners hold back once the surrender is given, acting like honorable civilised people They were the group predominantly shown murdering and raping you dumb nigger
>Grey Worm kills innocent whites because some other white wronged him in the past Greyworm moved on from Missandei you dumb nigger. Did you miss the part where he threw her collar into the fire? He's prepared to slaughter and crucify civilians as long as his queen orders him to. Because he's a mindbroken slave. There's nothing personal about it. He's doing his fucking job.