Orville - Breast Implants Edition

What do you look forward to in Season 4? The season 3 finale was alright, but it felt like a mid season episode, and not a proper season finale.

I want to see where this Kaylon shit goes. Will they get wiped out by an alliance with the Krill, or will they change their ways and stop being such robot dicks to everyone?

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i want to see bortus break up with that bore klyden and date a female.

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Oh god so horrible.
THE WORST when no tits girls get these misshapen silicone donuts with miles of bony skin in between.

Klyden is a serious buzzkill. Hes really annoying. I get that Klyden is supposed to be like a gay nagging housewife, but its just obnoxious.

Bortus is a bro though.

>dat gap
i'll take flat chests over fake breasts any day. At least you're not inserting some foreign object permanently into your body. man i hate fake breasts.

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Fake tits are nice when they are large/wide enough to not have that big gap between them.

klyden was great in the smoking episode and one of those last ones where they were dancing to that techno music that was similar to their mating music. aside from that hes a garbage character, i see him a lot like peg bundy and bortus is al

fake tits are best when there was already enough material to work with so they don't look like bolt-ons

it can look horrible when done wrong

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retard, she has the same size tits, they just put makeup on the top to accentuate them in that image. its one of the many ways women fool you

damn, i havent watched wrasslin since 1999, and she used to be such a cutie. time is a cruel bitch

>dat gap
>those skin dents

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I wonder if hers was made worse due to her strength training.

>she has the same size tits
Yes, and they've always been fake.

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>Fake tits are nice

>fake tits are best when used to mend a legit deformity
fixed that for you

>implying they can be done right

fake tits have semicircle shapes on the top from left to right

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I used to know a girl with a massive titgap like that
we used to call her Moses
fun times

the idea that steph mcmahon is supposed to be super fucking hot is the biggest work in the entire business.

she was cute but never sexy like the diva at the time

Anybody else feel like Lamar is too "fake"? Its like they wanted to make their own Geordi Laforge, but made him a normie chad instead of an awkward nerd.

Lamar is a super genius, but also acts like a dudebro and is always giving advice on how to get women? Does he have any flaws apart from just not wanting to put his super intellect to use by being a captain or having some other high ranking position?

>Lamar is a super genius
That's how you know it's all make believe.

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Gay moclans

She will never open your jar of pickles.

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Awww snap I knew her boobs looked weird it's why weight loss when your not even fat is fucked up now she's a anorexic bimbo

fuck that I want her to pickle my jar

Season 3 finale? Is this some kind of meta-joke I don't get? That was only season 2.