Character smokes weed

>character smokes weed
>feels completely fine the next day

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? What are you smoking lmao

I think you're smoking too much at a time. Or just lying out your ass

Unless you're, like, continually puffing, a high shouldn't last more than an hour or two, and then you're fine

>character drinks
>it puts him in a good mood
>doesn't go from violent to sad multiple times in a night

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Have you never smoked weed? The effects of smoking last a couple of hours, then you're fine again. What kind of stepped on shit have you been smoking?

OP has clearly never smoked weed before. He’s probably 15.

>Character smokes weed
>Is happy and jolly
>Doesn't look like a retard on the outside nor does he feel subhuman on the inside

based lightweight zoomer

There is no weed hangover, which is just one of the many reasons it is superior to alcohol.

enjoy your psychosis
it's forever


change weed to oil cartridges

>zoomer doesnt know the difference between alcohol and weed

Weed is the biggest meme of all my life
Didn't see colors and shit
Didn't "feel" the music more than usual (Echoes was good tho)
Absolutely no "inspiration" whatsoever, not a single idea appeared for my kinos
Now I believe this shit fucks your mind, otherwise jews would not force this shit in everything

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Only people with shit hydratation feel bad after being drunk

Take shrooms, or salvia if you're feeling bold

Like most people?



you’re killing your high by thinking of jews all the time

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sounds like you smoked some really bad indica. i hate indica generally but it can sometimes be okay. i prefer smoking sativa and then having the energy and creativity to work on my music

I bet they sell that shit a couple of blocks down, but why bother?
I bet is not any better and there are a lot of concerts this year, I rather spend my money in something I know I will enjoy

>not smoking so much you spend the next day dissociated

can't get a weed hangover if you're always high

You can just grow your own shrooms with a spore kit/go forraging if you're in the right area. I was joking about salvia it's serious shit you shouldn't goof around with, you WILL see shit

i have like 5 or 6 different types of weed right now lol

where do people smoke weed outside? it's legal in my state but I'm paranoid someone will call the cops on me for smoking near their home/business

>quit weed because I bought into the shit that it made you lazy
>became even more lazy because I only liked doing shit while high
>lost my one dealer
>now have nothing to look forward to every afternoon/ night
>depressed and miserable 24/7 just wishing I was stoned


Gotta replace it with something, weed was just filling an empty void in your life

Mine went away after I quit

Man I can't wait till it is legal in Texas so I can really know what I'm getting. Some nights it's just perfect and making music is super easy and fun, and other nights it just feels like the high is draining.

i've tried everything and nothing works as well

making music comes close to level of enjoyment but even that I'd much rather be doing while stoned. nothing compares to the level of pure escapism that weed gave me. the times I've been high have literally been the only moments I've felt genuine happiness since like 2006

>dreammarket dead

how does a turbo autist like me get his weed now?

the woods breh

just get drunk
or get a new dealer

alcohol does nothing for me but make me sleepy and more depressed.
and I'm too autistic to find a new dealer

>character smoked weed over 5 times in his life
>didn't become a homosexual
>didn't go on a killing/raping spree
I can only suspend my disbelief so far Mr. fancy Hollywood director

>enjoy your psychosis
>it's forever
Been smoking daily for over 10 years now, when should I expect the problems to begin?

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Weed is so superior to alcohol it’s not even funny, how can people actually become addicted to such a shitty substance?

I'm in Austin, shouldn't be too much longer. 5 years tops.

>character eats 1g of edibles on no tolerance or experience

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>smoke for the first time
>smoke wayyyy to much with that first huff
>cough constantly for almost a minute
>get fucking HIGH AF
>but a bad high
>a really fucking bad high
>look at the people around me as if I haven't seen them in thousands of years
>friend thinks I'm going to kill him
>he starts freaking out too
>calls another dude
>dude comes
>gets high too

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I smoked shatter for the first time last night (one hit) and one hit off of bowl--haven't smoked in two years. How long will I test positive for saliva? Urinalysis? Any advice on getting this shit out of my system

this. I legitimately don't get what people get out of alcohol. it makes everything 10x worse. and it makes your concentration worse so you can't even immerse yourself in anything like with weed

any minute now user, in fact, how do you know you aren't in a psychotic state right now? you're posting on Yea Forums that's pretty fucked up of you

Only a few days. 3 days or less

thanks. I figured it wouldn't be too long

>how do you know you aren't in a psychotic state right now?
The cops aren't here

for some reason when I'm stoned I understand social cues and body language etc 10x better. when I'm sober I am completely oblivious to these things. makes me wonder if i'm genuinely autistic. weed basically saved my social life in high school. I went from insufferable autist to chill guy that people liked hanging out with

alcohol is cheap, it sells everywhere and I feel great when I'm drunk. marijuana is hard to find and it's expensive
I can't play my guitar properly either drunk or high

well, if you've done any midge posting this week I assure you they're on the way

>then you're fine
lol imagine being so mentally unstable you cant even sense the lingering effect

Smoke in your car you stupid asshole

>hard to find and it's expensive
makes me sad that cannabis still isn't legal everywhere

this guy gets it, payed attention to the experience of having a different mind state and learned from it

>Character Smokes Weed
>Hes not a Neet who uses the governments welfare to help supports his lifestyle while coughing like a retard inside his parents house

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The boredom goes away after a few months. I vote hang in there and see what happens. In the meantime, keep diddling with music...if it feels even sort of good now while you’re dopamine is so low, it’s gonna feel real good when you stabilize.


I think I smoked myself retarded when I was a teenager

I smoke on my back deck, since the nosey sheeny next door is moving out I plan on doing it there more often
now I just have to kill the fucking mosquitos...

>characters drinks copious amount of beer
>not hungover the next thing

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