

Attached: 1241224142ers.png (640x527, 441K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Wow what a good thread



>jewish name

Don't know their what?

This thread is a discussion about how much white men suck. I'll go first. Fuck white people.

If you incels could write your own articles maybe you could counter their narrative? Instead all you do is cry and scream on a cartoon board...still lacking a real job

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This but unironically

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would you denounce the patriarchy for her?

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Jews are smarter, more competent versions of whites. I agree the difference should be noted.

Seriously, what is it with white people and barqs root beer?

I wonder the same thing with whites and shooting up schools

Barq's is good though

Any sort of sugary corn-syrup filled substance they can figure out how to guzzle down their throat they'll latch onto. Whites lack any sort of self-control when compared to higher IQ races like asians or jews.


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ITT: all white people.

Israel will burn, kike.
Terrorist apartheid states have no place.

>Oy vey goy why are you so anti-semitic

>women are the victims of violent assault by men far more often than the reverse!
>okay but men are more likely to be victims of violent assault
>yeah, by other MEN!
>okay, well blacks are far more likely to be killed by other blacks than by white people
>fuck off nazi scum

Attached: 1514253815269.gif (200x150, 1.39M)

How badly was some Jewish incel seething when he made that image

Oy Vey the antisemitism in this post!

You will be hearing from the ADL soon, Nazi scum


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cry more ahmed

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idk you seem to be the one crying about memes. Maybe learn to handle the bantz chimp

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>ITT white people shitting on other white people for being white
It's all so tiresome

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Incels are exclusively alt/far/whatever right. In fact incel is just a synonym for "alt-right"

70% of the things in that image are based

it's fun to trigger the incels desu

Wtf did endgame do?

Why are whitoids always so inbred?

Even their monarchy's are known for their genetic diseases that result from inbreeding.


Is this an accurate image?

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write your own articles if normal ones trigger you so much goblino

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I agree

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So incel means "hero, demigod and saviour of mankind" now? That's retarded, it just means guys who can't get laid (you)

hawkeye killed people of color like mexican cartels and the yakuza instead of white supremacists

so he's now racist

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No incel means pic related

p sad you have such delusions of grandeur

Attached: incel natsoc.jpg (1200x1600, 312K)

>coping your virginity this bad

Attached: master race virgins.png (1411x1194, 1.1M)


it's clearly an undercover mossad operative

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He is both more redpilled and more handsome than you are. Why are you speaking negatively of him?

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I have questions about this study's methodology, sample size, and relevance.

nobody cares cracka this is a brown board

It's actually crazy how much white women hate their own men.

l m a o

The nose knows

>being upset now instead of at least episode 3
the author is a subhuman

Why do people keep posting this person. Who is she?

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>bring up question about whites
>whites: REEEE JEWS!
lmao what do they always do this? I don't care about jews christ you creatureas are OBSESSED with them for some reason tho

Wow. This bitch needs to get a life.
Who did they get wrong in Avengers? The fag?

Are you calling him a nazi?

Attached: nazinoses3.jpg (465x750, 56K)

It's just the fat ones. Browse #tfmgirls on instagram. All hot white college chicks, all their BFs are chads.

>Stormfags think low hanging fruit tier articles is genocide

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

D&D are actually jewish not white

>getting this butthurt over bantz
kek, white fragility is real

Attached: whinypol.jpg (485x612, 118K)

I'm converting to radical Islam now

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Art is an expression one your inner creativity NOT tied down by liberal faggot rules and laws made by money grubbing Jews

what does being predisposed to higher IQ have to do with anything?

Who is this?

D&D have been butchering every single male character since they outran the books and nobody said anything. Only now that it happened to one of (((their))) yasqueen independent strong women they cry.

get a real job you nigger and stop demanding gibs from more successful jews

some random maybe jewish guy on twitter /pol/ incels tracked down to get triggered by

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I'm calling ICE ahmed

some buzzfeed writer.

too bad you can't answer them because alt-right tards like you never graduated college.

Art is a hobby of mine other than the job I got.
Have sex since its not work for you anyways.

The author is complaining about white men ruining game of thrones, D&D are jewish.

Why do the left hate Bernie?

What’s is bangs root beer taste like? Never seen it

Rent free

>65 IQ mexican /pol/cel
>actual artist
your tracings of naruto characters don't count, goblino

it tastes worse than A&W but better than Mug

Attached: Int2.jpg (640x1235, 259K)

Jews are manlets with genetic diseases

Why would you call them ahmed?

go fucking kill yourself you retarded commie piece of shit.

because she's a misandrist

you seem pretty made at someone with free will you must be a Jew.

u mad bro?

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You're the one who spams the same 4 or 5 comics you made thread after thread because you're asshurt about le happy merchant meme tho?
I guess it was a Jew who came up with the idea of psychological projection, after all ;)

>getting butthurt by memes that you think your memes are going to make other people as butthurt as you are.

kek, thin skinned newfag

He's mad accurate in his diagnosis of your character

>2 retard hack writers
>aka all white men
>how dare they paint all women and poc with the same brush!

Muh white men. Can you complain louder as I fuck you thanks in advance.

He does look like a based skinhesd

Barq's is better than A&W.
Stewart's is better than both

>Barq's is better than A&W


obsessed incel who can't handle bantz

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>That comic


Why don't white guys right of center just publish our own shitty web-blogs and screencap them for Yea Forums threads?



They have real jobs

How bad is your memory if you think remembering somebody's posting style from one thread to another is "obsession"? You just kinda stand out, like the cunny poster and the paranoid Putin boomer.

have sex

Tick tock, "URINalists".

Your layoff time is coming. ;)

u first incel

rent free

I'm a professional masturbator, waiting for my check desu.

get married first

Can you see it? How the chosen tribe uses "equality" as a weapon?

STEM truly is the master race

Billions upon billions invested into various crumbling media outlets isn't really "rent free"

a) anyone who 'self-describes' as alt-right is a retarded homo, and likely one of those t_d milo proud boy types.
b) while self-selecting sample studies aren't particularly rigorous, if the sample size is greater than, say, 30, and assuming the age of virginity loss is normally distributed, your results are going to be pretty accurate. Needless to say you don't need a study to tell you that the alt-right is filled with virgins with rage.
c) the article is attempting to paint far-right opinion as a pathology caused by social isolation and stunted relationships.

In summary, have sex.

>Point out physical and logistical impossibilities of Holocaust™
>Cries in Hebrew
>Brings up (((fragility))) anyway

I thought you Jews were smart? Jewish "arguments"/"logic"/semantics doesn't work as well on here as it does irl because on here there's a record of what you say and you can't just deny it later.
Anyway, gas yourself.

Who cares about what some American has to say about white people?
They are not white, their opinion has no value.

what are you even trying to say? I don't speak angry incel noises. I just saw your ineffectual crying over a joke.

Who hurt you?

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>blah blah muh j00z


sad, sad incel

>phone filename
Wait, are you posting from both your computer and your phone at the same time?

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I mean jews do rule the world and apparently only fat virgins on a cartoon board are onto them that seems p smart to me.

archiving is the ultimate sign of butthurt. Not even that guy.

>mexican cartels
Why do those tranys think we give a shit about the cartel?

Who hurt you?

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t. is that guy

Yeah I agree with all three points that's kinda why I think the study's bogus if it exists. If you're willing to openly call yourself "alt-right" and you attend Columbia, there is definitely some autism there.
The better one would be to ask questions like "do you think whites are criticized excessively" to determine far-rightness. Its like basing a study of the far-left on open Marxists and Chapo fans. Have you met Marxists? The ones under 70 are all neckbeards with lateral lips, but to take them and paint the whole far-left that way would be silly.

Why so mad?
Did someone hurt you?

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>posting a pic 3 times
not even unusual. You seem angry he called you bad words

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/pol/ did, clearly. Apparently these "incels" really get under his skin

t. hook-nosed "nazi" who can't handle the memes

Oh no, that's one of the least posted ones.

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>those salty quotations
Why do incels get so mad when you name them?

all me btw. Cry more. Maybe try to report to jannies =D

Look at this, 114 results in a few months.
Yikes, oof, and all forms of millennial lingo that mean "wow that's so bad haha".

Attached: 1542056266697.png (849x885, 182K)

>incel is just a synonym for "alt-right"
>a group of mexicans, blacks, Jews and disillusioned white leftists being led by a Jew who's married to a Communist who act as the vanguard for white supremacy in the west and model themselves on the national socialists and that's why they openly promote (((civic nationalism))), which is basically just (((Communism)))

Apart from that I have to imagine it's really the left side who are incels, you know considering they irreparably mutilate their genitalia to the point where it's literally impossible for them to have sex. Although I suppose that's not involuntary because they wanted it done. But on the other hand the mentally ill aren't allowed to make serious life altering decisions on their own for similar reasons that children aren't allowed (unless it's about chopping their dicks off, then they can go nuts).
Be honest, are you brain dead ironically or unironically?

Sex obsessed culture criticizes and demonizes anyone who doesn't have sex. Imagine that.

It is sadsack shit if it's something you made to "own" some boogeyman, though.
You think the Moeposter isn't a bit off?

I don't care about you archiving a shitposter btw. I just thought 3 times wasn't a big deal.

You need to come off as less passive aggressive/upset over memes tho

>jews cast whites in their movies
>also its the jews that called out the jews for casting whites in their movies

take your meds

130 with this one, now that's sad.

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>I can't get a real job because of DA J00Z
no. Stop being a nigger parasite

He is right about this one dude being a bitter, though

Does anyone care? Shitposters gonna shitpost. Getting this upset over it only encourages them.

Archiving =/= searching in the archives.

jews are also the people who made the movies those jews are bitching at


gonna post even more now

>journalism/blogging is a "real job"



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better than fapping to anime and crying about jews on a cartoon board all day, desu

>this thread
Millennial activism is embarassing.
Remember when people used to kill each other and burn continents to the ground over this?
I miss that.

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Kill all white men

You are objecticely incorrect

what's wrong with avengers?

Do I need to look up the ethnicity of Ms. Leishman?

Hey i'm just showing someone who is very dedicated to internet fights.
I wonder if he also fights over consoles in Yea Forums

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D&d are also Jews


no shit it's a shitposter, get over it and move on. There's a million people on Yea Forums like this. Look up the guy who spams the GRRM Tolkien quote.

Do I need to look up the ethnicity of Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Junior?

They upset that Clint was going after mexicans and japanese people.

Probably not it's safe to say she's at a disposition for higher IQ and lower change of opioid addiction.

What do you expect from a generation of manchildren?
I really hope WWIII catches them when they are still young enough to care about dying, but too old to fight and run away from it.

Attached: millennials.jpg (1200x1060, 119K)

It doesn't even make sense.

One movie and one tv show prove that all white men don't know their own characters?

What are you incels offended about now? It's all so tiresome. Get some thick skin.


I'm just making a testament to his dedication to the culture war, the most epic battles of the 21st century.
The Cold War has nothing on this.

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>lower change of opioid addiction.
Is this true? I know numerous opioid addicted Jews, but I happen to live in a very Jewish area

>opioid addiction.
You seem to be talking about amerimutts.
Americans are not white.

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Why can't we just solve the world's problems and lock all these straight white cis males in camps and never let them out alive?

She's upset Cap alternate universe time-raped Peggy.


The Left is obsessed with sex, gender, and race.

this shuts /pol/tards up about got for some reason

See, this I actually agree with.
Fuck kikes, too

WW3 will just be a series of long-term civil wars that keeps the world nice and stagnant so globalists can rule.

Fuck that, 6 months of conventional warfare and then launch the nukes.

For what it's worth, I think the study was anonymous, and not exclusive to Columbia students.
In my opinion, a lot of ideologues can't back their fringe opinions with coherent arguments, and feel an emotional belonging to that group rather than a reasoned one. That is, they let the group choose their opinions rather than their opinions choose the group. How many Marxists on reddit do you think have read Kapital, or Natsocs on /pol/ read Evola?
For men and women the standards are different: if you have lots of sex as a woman, you are a whore, but if you DON'T have sex as a man, you are a loser. Sex is no doubt a natural and large part of the human condition, but at the same time there is definitely something deeply perverse and hypocritical in a society hell-bent on promoting equality between the two sexes.

Incel genocide is coming and you can't stop it

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-13 peon flux on Twitter meltdown may forever… .png (874x784, 727K)


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>this one American tranny seething itt

The amerimutt genocide is what's coming.
Everyone in the world will benefit from the destruction of your third world nation.

Both of these are run by Jews what the fuck?

Dear Internet King,
Please ban women and minorities from using the Internet.
Thanks, user

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Reminder it’s ONE guy throwing a tantrum about “Nazis”. Who hurt you?


now it makes sense.

>incel genocide
This guy's threatening to suck ALL the incels' dicks so they won't be virgins, this is BASED

why are incels so mad when named?

*shuffles deck*

Imagine the O U T R A G E if this was a blanket negative statement about a minority group.

>*12 Years a Slave* and *Us* Prove Black Men Don't Know Their Own Characters

Not black writers. Not some black men. But (all) black men.

It would be literally career-ending to even hint at something like that, nevertheless to ourright state it.

But that same statement changed to make a blanket condemnation of white men passes by without so much as a comment.

Attached: a cat is not fine too.jpg (420x510, 56K)

nobody cares abotu your imaginary boogeyman troll mate. Learn to take banter

Why do kikes commit so much incest?

Why are you mad when named a tranny, commie Jew?

Attached: child politeness.jpg (836x960, 56K)

Incest is a white stereotype mainly.

Singapore here we associate incest with whites. Jews are associated with things like being rich/smart/whatever.

Jews are the most inbred people on the planet.

most trannys were nazi's tho haven't you seen the pics?

You millennial creatures are incapable of banter.
You are autistic, permanently asshurt "people" who unironically think you are going to save the world through internet shitposts.

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cool?? Not very obsessed with them like you are. You seem to try and excuse your own inbred status by complaining about jews which is strange.

yet every thread on this board is about incels crying about being the victim of normies....

Jews are dog shit and you're a sad faggot redditor.
This post is banter and if you respond you're seething.

Singapore is more inbred than any white nation.

Attached: Global-prevalence-of-consanguinity-as-cited-by-Bittles-AH-Black-ML-ref-6-reproduced.png (850x607, 147K)

Just stating a fact against your stereotypes

Yes, because, like you, they are millennials, part of a generation of entitled manchildren who think the way to succeed at anything in life is whining on the internet.

This is why the only possible response to millennial whining is censorship.
You are a generation that doesn't deserve to speak.

Attached: civility.jpg (718x832, 83K)

stereotypes are based in truth. So whites are mostly inbred and Jews are largely smart. It's how I see things here.

Barqs is an odd inclusion. Also, no WWE?

if you lost your virginity you'd be less angsty about jews, fyi. Try it before you bash it.

I dunno, but since last sunday, im really fond of GOT, and to be honest, I've never seen a single episode.

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You mean your fap collection?

What does American trash have to do with white people?

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Seething confirmed
Have sex

Is she saying that being a wild, violent savage is a black thing?

I looked at the author's name. I have the Ultra Instinct

>No child porn
>No shonen anime
>No cousin fucking/incest
>No biting your fingernails/pulling your hair
>No calling the police for no reason
>No suicide
>No getting molested
>No sitting alone at lunch
>No Denny's
>No collecting toys past the age of 8

Lots of stuff missing from the list

ultra incel*

Why do you apply Amerimutt stereotypes to all white people?
There's no white people in America.

Attached: 1548478187080.webm (640x362, 2.42M)

His post ended in 69 because he has sex.
Your post ended in 26 cause that's the age you'll lose your virginity.
You literally can not refute this.

I wish I had that webm on hand of two fat black bitches throwing trash out of a trash can and a white kid keeps picking up the trash.

Yes, education too. Literally seen them claim education is racist.


Attached: Maesters Did Summerhall.png (500x564, 25K)

Attached: sleep.jpg (1125x1476, 109K)

What the fuck is Denny's.

nah. I've been to UK and Norway recently and it was all fat whites sipping giant mugs of coke and looking like glazed zombies on their phones

after all these years I finally realize white just means Amerisharts

Niggers blast music til 4am.
Here's why this is whitey's fault

When will the clickbait end?

why can't you just have sex?

t. filthy amerimutt projecting his third world nation.

Attached: 1545603082164.jpg (710x811, 104K)

>Most white countries have obesity rate of like 15-20%
>supposed to be okay because US is like 30-40%


a restaurant chain that is big on breakfast but does other things and usually open 24hrs

Seething black... how fucking retarded can you be

Why are whites so fragile? Cry victim over the littlest thing.

So, some american thing?

You serious?

Blacks chimpout over a single word.

2 hollywood jews... they're the worst part of white people

originally yes
> It operates over 1,600 restaurants in the United States (including Puerto Rico and Guam), Canada, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, The Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Japan, Honduras, New Zealand, Qatar, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, Curaçao, and the United Kingdom.

>Most white countries have obesity rate of like 15-20%
What, you expected Africa to have fat people or something?

>US is like 30-40%
No, not "like 30-40%", it's 40%, don't try to make it seem lower, mutt.
You are the fatasses of the world.
And look at that, you are also the cucks.

Attached: 1538882674135.png (599x437, 68K)

Notice how these screaming feminists always co-opt a franchise dominated by Straight White Males because they can't build their own successful ones. It's pathetic that these feminists whine all the time to get what they want, relying on the very people they hate or believes oppresses them.

This. Bitching about absolutely nothing is cultural appropriation, leave that to niggers and Jews who have a meltdown every time some teenager draws a spinning letter x

>and that's a good thing

Attached: 1440900287926.jpg (255x243, 12K)

what kind of schizophrenia do you need to even make sense of what this is supposed to mean

How many trannies are in this thread? Show of hands.

I bet you've punched someone in the mouth for calling you a stinky nigger

Confirmed Hapa lol

most gays are nazi's tho

Attached: gaydolf3.png (630x521, 58K)

Not everyone is American.
This is why mutts should stop applying stereotypes from a nation brainwashed to have absolutely nothing beyond consuming media to the rest of the world.

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Blacks are clapping back at whiteys who ask them to turn down their rap music at 4am.

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>passive aggressive deflection

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seething homosexual

He was competing with Hillary so the media told them he was sexist.

>getting this mad over the historical fact that hitler was gay

Bigoted racist.

Why can't you incels get a job and make your own articles instead of demanding less jews do so?

Have sex.

Attached: hydration.png (500x747, 182K)

I assumed you were just being a faggot and pretending not to comprehend something obvious but I am genuinely perplexed about that image
Wtf is this shit?

>Rachel Leishman
It's all so tiresome.

>maesters are the true enemy
Are you retarded? Maesters are just autistic intellectuals. The true Jews are the Iron Bank (which, conveniently, the show has seemingly forgotten about).

gay sex doesn't count fag

That's a strong compliment.

>unironically watching GoT

Attached: 1539308566977.jpg (770x578, 19K)

Every fucking time.

They should be annoyed over how D&D obviously carries a cultural agenda outside of feminist politics. Seriously, they have a real grudge towards religion, to the point that they went of their way to secularize many of the religious ones in GoT. Sansa, Davos, Danny, even Jon give up or lose their faith in the Old and New Gods in a Medieval setting where religion is considered important. It just ruins the authenticity when you have characters with blatantly 21st century views in a setting a takes place in the past where they would be killed for it.

The slavers also

whites think the reasons they're virgins is LITERALLY because of a jewish conspiracy


lmao imagine being this pathetic

Blogging is not a "job", Rachel

maybe neither are jews and you're just obsessed with them?

seething. Your hand is waiting.

better job than fapping to kiddie porn and watching anime


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Hitler's nickname is WWI was "woman hater". Wouldn't surprise me if he had closer relations/attachments to men then women. Your point?



Link me a source to "white genocide" that isn't essentially "I can't have sex and it's everyone elses fault"

sounds based to me. The weak should fear the strong.

Reminds me of those silly Jews in 1937 Germany who thought there was some kind of a conspiracy against them. I read the newspapers and Wikipedia in 1937, not a single mention of genocide.

that's nice. They're not stopping you from having sex tho.

It is objectively true that Jews are attempting to bring about the conditions to end the white race. If you think it's possible to deny this you are clinically insane.

a single wikipedia article with the fucking reddit spacing to boot. Kill yourself please

actual cringe

wtf I never knew that being a virgin is one step away from genocide.

Fucking jews. If it wasn't for them I would be swimming in pussy

>2% of the population
>48% of all billionaires

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Your entire argument relies on insisting that Americans are white.

>being this dramatic about girls finding you this gross
yeah, this is why nobody takes whites seriously anymore. You're just that awkward whiny sperg who sits alone at lunch that everyone jokes will shoot something up one day.

your inability to get laid isn't a jewish conspiracy. It's because you're fat and socially awkward

Have some self-responsibility.

Imagine my shock

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-13 at 10.56.38 PM.png (1158x684, 871K)

How is this supposed to be bad? Do you want affirmative action or something?

jew stereotypes are greedy subverting nationwreckers.

Nobody takes you amerimutts seriously in general, not just whites.
The death of the traitorous nation of the United States of Israel will be the salvation of the planet.

Attached: America.jpg (1920x1080, 93K)

It's funny seeing the the total 180 in the autistic guy's posts before and after the other guy started posting the archive screencaps.

constantly whining about the US/Israel/whatever is pretty ineffectual. I honestly don't see much difference in some fat angry virgin in Germany vs. the US anymore. At least nobody here in singapore does. You're all just the subjects of mockery.

>haha I'll show u trollz

>give me sources to my argument that you may or may not even believe in

"white genocide" crying is a bigger thing in Europe than US probably. Hell even that incel in NZ shot up a mosque because he was an angry virgin.

My condolences, you have it hard enough, you can vent all you want in here.

so no source then...

You should take your pills and go to bed.

See he's still posting but clearly shaken to the core, before he was doing an epic battle against the incel threat but now he's "just trolling lole"

Most identity politics come from you filthy amerimutts.
Hell, if America didn't exist identity politics wouldn't be a thing.
America is cultural poison and the west won't be safe until America has been nuked into glass.

are you really that retarded?

If trying to stop me, personally, from getting laid was all they were doing then I'd say they were failures, but your version of the story is unfortunately a strawman argument as retarded as you are.

identity politics seem all the rage in Europe right now. Don't you all vote for weirdos like golden dawn and putin and etc because you're mad that muslims are fucking your women?

Can't wait for them to lay off their journalists again

Attached: images.jpeg-2.jpg (556x551, 42K)

It's always Asians with the inferiority complex.


Why is it always angry fat virgins yelling about this stuff? It surely isn't a coincidence.

It's literally a fake image where they changed the headline. It's not even a real vice article. Watch, they won't link to it because it's not real.
In real life, leftist guys do not do as well with women as right wing men.

Nobody takes nonwhites seriously because they don't do anything serious. All they do is complain about how awesome whites are at everything.

Attached: footie balls.jpg (499x564, 41K)

>Getting this angry over a meme

Surely it isn't a coincidence that there are a lot of angry fat virgin feminists either.

>golden dawn
What the fuck is that even?

Not only is he there by force, but Russia is also our enemy.

>you're mad that muslims are fucking your women?
They are not fucking them, they are bombing them, and not just the women.

And there's a difference between wanting tight immigration control (which we wouldn't need if it wasn't for you Amerimutts fucking up the middle east because you can't help yourselves but be the private army of Israel) and being a stupid, diabetic millennial manchild with no job who unironically thinks the key to saving the world is discussing how many black people there are in superhero movies, you know, what modern American politics are about.

Attached: American millennials.jpg (2048x1364, 376K)

all whites do is complain, take drugs, eat, and say the jews made them virgins. I don't see what's so awesome there.

That depends, are you an angry fat virgin? If not than maybe your hypothesis that only angry fat virgins yell at stuff isn't entirely true.

your butthurt over Israel makes me think you're a muslim desu. Why are you shilling for whites?

Because while others were out partying, they studied crime statistics. It's called dedication, hard work, and the development of what one may call "wisdom", something you will simply never understand.

why are the only deleted posts ITT the ones referencing (((them)))

Serious question. Every deleted post in this thread mentions (((you know who))) but the other racist stuff is okay? So weird

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ah yes they were out carefully studying instead of socializing. It totally wasn't just being lonely on a Friday night and hearing fellow losers on a cartoon saying it isn't your fault.

>Instead all you do is cry and scream on a cartoon board
You get banned, or even worse, you get doxxed and harassed IRL, anywhere else. Just as an example, here is a CMV that I made on reddit. Take a guess how long it was up before the mods "shut it down". We come here because it is one the few places where free speech is tolerated. There are plenty of places you can go and express your politically correct opinions, so the fact that you are here, in our lands, complaining about us, tells me all I need to know about your ethnicity.

Attached: cmvgoyim.png (1668x1108, 180K)

They also clearly still work you into a shoot despite all that.

>more white fragility and jew-obsessing

I'm not a muslim, it's a fact that Israel is complete and utter cancer.
At least muslims are easy to deal with, you just kill them, but Israel has the backing of the amerimutt military.
I would rather you get nuked now instead of waiting for spics to take over and replace what few american whites are left and collapse the country, but if I have to wait to see your rotten nation die, so be it.

Must be a coincidence

>"This angry"
Not every reply is "anger", autist.

because everyone is sick of you incels screaming about jews 24/7

>linking your own "very important" redit passive aggressive butthurt rant
yikes no wonder women are repulsed by you

I'm Mexican but thanks

If you criticize Israel and the other person immediately calls you a Muslim, guess what: you're dealing with a heeb

Probably because that butthurt autist is reporting them.

All whites do is everything. Literally everything good ever done in history was done by whites. Space travel, internet, computers, electricity, cars, vaccines, medicine, pasteurization, etc. All whites. What is everyone else doing besides begging for more free handouts? Whites gave the world everything they have. Without whites there would be nothing.

cry more ahmed

Attached: nakbaaa.jpg (444x304, 53K)

fuck off Chaim

>/pol/ autist isn't even white but some sort of latino mutt
I believe it!

If you criticize Incels and the other person immediately starts yelling about Israel, guess what: you're dealing with an Incel

Tell us more about your individual experience

cringe redditors =/= everyone, Shlemi

? Where am I angry? I just pointed out two facts - that the image is fake, and that right wing people have more sex and children than left wing ones everywhere on the planet. Its left wing men who are incels. No anger.

>criticize Israel
>the amerimutt desperately jumps at their defense
Go ahead and insist you are white now, proud warrior of Israel.

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I wish this site had an ID filter so I could block you're obsessive BS.

My wife loves me, though I do admit that I repulse her sometimes. Are you capable of expressing a thought that doesn't involve sexual organs, or are you completely beholden to your baser instincts?

>muh redddittt inferiority complex

Attached: redditt.jpg (1531x887, 332K)

stop losing wars ahmed

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Terrible deflection. Incels are based and angel-like, Israel is cringe and disgusting.

Of course it's a redditor.
Why don't you go back to your safe space.

So you're also a redditor too? Makes sense.

your waifu pillow doesn't count man

If the theme of this year's outrage is "Let's pretend we've always hated the content that we once praised as progressive because hypocrisy", then I'm ready to see where the rabbit hole leads. Can't wait for Star Wars to be next. What else is there for them to shoot down?

>implying redditors arent lonely neckbeard virgins as well

Attached: gta6leakedgameplay.jpg (701x695, 99K)

>French, American, and English inventors were Nazis because I hate white people
Just get your Black Klan hood and start burning crosses.

Why do Americans defend the nation that's subverting them?
Why do Americans defend people who want to see them dead?
Why do Americans think you have to choose between muslims and Israel, as if you can't just want to see them both dead?
Why are Americans slaves from the day they are born?

Attached: amerimutt.jpg (999x666, 563K)

Woah, what's this?

Attached: 1531360980325.png (1350x3570, 1.37M)

Remember when burgerclaps literally FORCED companies to obey Israel?

Attached: 1556268600667.jpg (900x1200, 206K)

Redditors are either virgin neckbeards, or far more disgusting non-virgin neckbeards who have weird, fetishistic furry tier sex with fat, smelly women.

Only virgin neckbeard can capable for projecting like this.

My wife got our pillows from Boll & Branch. I told the bitch she was insane for buying $200 pillows with my money, but they are worth it.

Israel is simply what if muslims were resourceful.

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Thanks Rachel Leishman.
I hope to see you at temple this weekend!

>Jews encouraged degeneracy
>Jews turned sex into a recreational activity
>whites have higher standards then to enter a relationship with no future for the fleeting joys of casual sex
I don't see the craziness here

Wow this thread really went off the rails.

Of course.

Attached: 1538982449442.jpg (1863x221, 84K)

It was never on any rails, look at the OP post

>d.b. weiss
>david benioff

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I hate niggers