What happened to Bro culture movies?
What happened to Bro culture movies?
Twitter happened.
You think anything like that would be allowed today?
Bro culture died 15 years ago. On the positive side I think SJW culture is on the way out.
Fun is forbidden now
peaked with superbad
Films about "bro culture" were just raunchy sexual humor for braindead teenagers. Jews have moved on to more explicit forms of pornography.
I mean I fucking hope it is, but what makes you say that?
Movies have to be made for international markets now, teen comedies are pretty niche in their humor and don't dub well, same with romantic comedies.
tldr It's the fucking Chinks fault.
Have sex.
>SJW is on the way out
What makes you say that? I still see blue check marks complaining about anything drumpf does
yeah that was the plot of American Pie, the titular pie got laid too.
Though they still exist I've seen them start to lose more then they gain. Take the whole 100 genders fad, even trannies have backed off that one. Safe spaces are dead, soiboys have stopped using that dumbass grin, hell soi is in a lot less food because more people avoid it, and above all else social media is less popular with ethots not libs keeping it alive.
Sex comedies aren't a thing anymore because of easy access teens have to internet porn.
What's on its way in?
Next cycle is edgy tryhards raised on PewdiePie. Then their kids will be PC faggots, and the cycle begins anew. Each time a little more degeneracy becomes accepted until the whole thing collapses.
They are still around. Just less noticed. Alot are on Netflick.
you know what the better question is, what the fuck happened to Oz? he was in 1 and 2, one of the main group of friends, but he is a no show in 3, for the wedding. fucking stiffler, the guy they hated who was only friends with oz was in 3. oz didnt even get a mention like "its a shame oz couldnt make it" they just acted like he never existed
Because modern lefties think women should act like men and men should act like women
Product of the time. Teen sex comedies were a better fit for the late 90s/early 00s when pop punk and skate culture was big. Not sure if it would feel the same nowadays with EDM culture and whatever else zoomers do.
Well, Thank you ethots!
too toxic for this world
Don't go on Twitter, problem solved
Nah, the peak was Old School, Anchorman, and Eurotrip. The Superbad kids were too nerdy to be considered Bros.
Interesting. Please explain the next cycle again because I am stupid.
PC Fag = You know computer shit.
yes, exactly. experts predict gen z will speak completely in binary
Raise your children religiously but with healthy amount of skepticism towards any form of authority (including their own religion). This is the best and only way to impede the degeneracy of the West.
How is pewdiepie a try hard?
Yeah...no. Unfortunately, no.
This. Twitter is the containment zone for those nutbars.
Feminism ruins everything. Studios are too afraid to piss off SJWs. A historical film (in which there were no blacks present IRL) can't even go without have any blacks in it without backlash.
these movies were always trash im glad they're gone
I'll be glad when you're gone too user
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Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back was my favorite at the time
He was an ESPN anchor/reality TV star. He's back for the reunion movie where it's explained.