Where is he getting all these new halfwit SJW jannies from?
Where is he getting all these new halfwit SJW jannies from?
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Discord trannies unironically
Don't blame the guy, he probably has trouble reading applications with those eyes
They actually post seething comments in threads before they ban now too sometimes.
He's jealous Yea Forums became more successful than gookchan so he's trying to ruin this place
I have noticed this too
If they keep this up people will migrate before the decade is up
This is 4channel
he can't speak Engrish, blame one of the senior modcucks for approving all these recent jannies (who are somehow even worse than the old ones)
discord trannies
Last time that happened we ended up with 8gag. Just spam more sneed
Who is he and why should I care?
Yea Forums used to have a strong xenophobic culture
this place is unrecognizable from what it looked like 7 years ago
>Yea Forums used to have a strong xenophobic culture
yeah, you could tell from all the japanese memes
Bloody hate libtards i do lol
I mean we hated newfags and niggers
>he can't speak Engrish
um, sweetie?
Who else would want to waste their time as a janny except some piece of trash leftist desperate to control everybody.
and women, can't forget them. except for the little ones of course
This, leftists always try to control and censor, it's in their nature. They know they wouldn't win the culture war otherwise.
This isn't a thread about GoT though.
dont cry for them, theyre already dead
>If they keep this up people will migrate before the decade is up
>implying this would be a bad thing
I long for this board to be as slow as it was ten years ago.
>dumb apple phoneposter, probably redditor too, calling anyone newfag
lmao this place is absolutely fucked
Imagine someone with absolutely no life, job, or kids who actually cares about policing internet thoughts. You're pretty much left with the handicapped and discord trannies.
I don't care. Get all of the /pol/fags and shitheads out of here. This place used to be a lot more silly and irreverent and now it's just overly hateful and mean spirited.
t. tranny janny
lol have sex.
anyone else banned for 'replying to pedo garbage' have no idea what thread they were actually banned for?
seething about your /pol/ tread getting deleted?
Considering how astroturfed this channel is by Disney employees it's a miracle anything interesting gets posted at all. Once GoT dies we're going to be back to 50 Marvel threads polluting the catalog at any given time.
im starting to think these "discord trannies" are just some delusion living rent free in your malformed head
Hes oblivious as fuck when it comes to moderation on site, he only cares about money.
what happened? is there a new sale of the site going on?
>spam more sneed
reddit nigger
He had to step in when the Yea Forums mods got assblasted and kept deleting neogaf threads when the site collapsed.
Is Yea Forums getting a new mod finally? The last mod was a complete fucktard who deserves to have his skin peeled off slowly
It gives you the post number you were banned for, you could always look it up in the archives. I got banned once for replying to a "Thanks for picking me up from school, Daddy!" thread because a newfag asked who the girl was and I told him.
He waits outside the capeshit cosplay club and offers them free candy.
it didn't though
i figured it was janny code for excessive shitposting
Kill yourself newfag
Been here since 2006 fag. I actually remember what things were like before phoneposting numales like yourself.
I've gotten weird bans recently too, there wasnt even a reason listed besides a "." And there wasnt a link to my supposed rule breaking post, I just out of nowhere get banned for 3 days.
why are gen z so dishonest? you're all despicable human garbage.
because you're a phoneposting faggot that got rangebanned for somebody else's post
swaglord is in cahoots with the discord trannies
>8 Chan is owned by a pig farmer in the Philippines.
Only SJW retards would want to be Jannies.
So naturally that's what we get.
I was on my laptop browsing and posting while doing work
>implying you have a job
read the site rules
I'll read them, right after I nail 'em to your ass!
This. You'd have to be an actual idiot to do this shit FOR FREE.
im starting to think youre a discord tranny
Being a janny just seems like a boring existence, you don't even get the cool privileges of being a mod/admin on a website and spend hours of your life just cleaning up shitposting to get made fun of on a daily basis.
The worst part is that they aren't even good at their jobs and never actually enforce the rules properly.
I got banned once for asking if anyone knew of any fencing / rapier movies because the retarded hotpockets faggotfuck thought rapier meant rape.
That means you made a no no post that upset the janitor and mod
I got one for a thread that derailed into pedo garbage after my post. I'm honestly amazed at their incompetence
they managed to destroy the board culture, make reddit, tumblr and discord trannies welcome.
I honestly fucking love the site culture of constantly shitting on jannies and mods. Everywhere else on the internet, being a moderator is a position of power and might that you should treat with respect anf aspire to be.
Fucking gay shit. No one wants to do that shit for free.
>anyone still using tumblr post lewd purge
i got banned for criticizing the tarkin cgi in r1, i also got banbed for posting a seinfeld quote in a seinfeld thread.
A shithole being destroyed doesn’t mean the cancer doesn’t spread elsewhere.
He is just moot's facade to be out of scrunity while he sells data and fills up the site with trannies.
There is no way this bankrupted fuck could buy anything.
What year did you start browsing?
because the board culture since 2014 has been reddit, tumblr, underage spic and discord tranny approved
This and they're seething.
usually if you reply to those little girl threads you get 3 day bans. They'll even permaban you for making pedo jokes
Journalists who didn't learn to code.
>underage spic
This. m00t sold the board to Google and he's still trapped here with us. You can sense his seething cope behind a lot of the fagposting here.
I once got banned for insulting anime, no joke
you sound like one of them
are you a nigger? or do you just play one on the internet?
Was banned for this shit too. Fuck current Yea Forums/nel
They only do that when they need to damage control for letting the thread stay up. From what I've read lots of people are getting perm bans for shit you usually get 3 days for before.
Seems like they're trying to get the site back to old/old old traffic
if they wanted that they'd go for got and capeshit threads since those people are more likely to be too retarded to evade bans
why are you here or feels threads last 20 posts, aids kike cock sucker threads are left up all day and have posts criticizing them deleted.
>mods delete off topic threads
>keep BBC threads up for hours
It's actually the opposite, it's easily more of a racist shithole than it's ever been
Gotta love how they make stickies to enforce the retarded spoilers rule only for trash like Marvel and Star Wars while being totally cool with Game of Thrones breaking the spam rules.
yup. there was a lot of shit talk still but it was rarely as petty and low quality as it now.
No wonder it feels like Yea Forums has taken over the site
Why do people complain about /pol/ when it's Yea Forums that gets to post whatever they want here?
Yea Forums jannies are easily the worst on the site
They will ban TV shows they deem cringey or whatever and cause them to spill out into Yea Forums
if all the /pol/tard redditors left maybe this board would be tolerable again so godspeed jannies! everytime i see someone post nigger or kike i'll report it.
>Why do people complain about /pol/
90s born queers and newfags just parrot what they see others say with no understanding
reported :)
based same here
>people thought that changing the site to 4channel was not going to change a thing
he literally said he wanted to bring in more advertisers so he wanted to clean up the site
Nigger and kike used to be generic insults.
I got permabanned for replying to one of those "how tite is this tummy A, B, C" threads. Honestly the jannies can go fuck themselves.
The only difference I noted was a spike in shitposting for about a week. As for ads
>not having ublock origins
C. too tite
Used to be there was not a thread in the catalog devoid of the word nigger
I miss those days...
Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
Time to evacuate this thread
doesn't matter whether you're using adblock or not
gookmoot's intentions is to have a cleaner more friendlier Yea Forums, and the mods are definitely more aggressive with bans, ip range bans, file upload bans, not being able to make threads, etc...
Non-meme answer? Mostly from reddit and tumblr ever since the whole Yea Forums vs Tumblr War thing happened and the Gawker owner’s niece almost an hero’d. The Fappening and Gamergate just made it worse and Hiro frankly doesn’t give a shit about what the nu-mods do as long as they maintain site traffic and doesn’t get the site into trouble from the feds like what happened with the whole Tarrant thing on 8ch.
Mods are driven by e-peen not by any attachment to this site, that especially goes for retards like swaglord.
It still mostly is outside of retards like you. Go back to /pol/ or whatever shit board you came from.
Faggots are always trying to interject their degeneracy on us, which is why I'm a supporter of "Fag bash Fridays".
Its easy to work around all that shit tourist
nothing wrong with sexy 11 yr olds user
>he's trying to ruin this place
Too late.
>fake "threads" that are nothing more than paid advertising
Pure cancer.