>still hasn't been topped as the best ever animated moment
Still hasn't been topped as the best ever animated moment
Other urls found in this thread:
you sure about that?
"the scene" from season 4 or 5 might top that one
underrated season, this and the finale are such kino
Something to do with this one?
Who is this? Barry Allen?
Give me a quick rundown on what's happened in AoT since the first season
no, that's season 3 stuff, it's further ahead,
I got so much satisfaction seeing post-timeskip chad Shinji utterly rape Reiner/Marley for their crimes.
Marley genocide coming soon. The Eldians shall inherit the Earth as its rightful masters.
They probably mean this scene:
post time-skip eren*
damnit I just came from the evangelion thread
Literally the most entry-level garbage out there
Not when your mom exists user.
>Season 2
A talking "Beast" titan that looks like an ape appears
They discover another one of the new Scouts (Ymir) is a titan shifter.
Reiner and Bertolt are revealed to be the Armored and Colossal titans who attacked humanity all those years ago.
Christa is actually the daughter of the King.
>Season 3
Grisha (Eren's father) was a titan shifter
He fought and killed another titan shifter living within the walls and stole her titan power
He gave his shifting ability to Eren
Eren finds some secret titan serum and gets armor powers like the one Annie had
Eren can control regular titans under special circumstances
Manga spoilers ahead
Armin eats Bertolt, becoming the Colossal titan
The beast titan is Zeke, Grisha's first son and Eren's half brother
Humanity within the walls is only a very small population of people. It's a prison island.
Reiner, Bertolt, Annie, Grisha, etc. are all from outside the walls
Humanity within the walls is part of a race of people who almost genocided the world using titans hundreds of years ago. This is their punishment
>status: REMINDED
>he says in a board full of capeshit and GoT threads
>>still hasn't been topped as the best ever animated moment
for me it's a tie between that and Obito: i KNEW IT WAS COMING AND I STILL NEEDED TO HEAR IT. YOU LET RIN DIE.
>blocks your path
Titan would make a great high budget tv show
Reminder that they killed less people than Dany.
fucking kino
Oh don't worry, it will.
45% seething hatred.
45% abhorrence.
9% Zetsu.
1% Madara.
So this... Is Human Power.
Heh, not bad.
and pic related are better by miles even if pic related gets undone the very next episode
Glad I dropped this shit early.
For me personally, it’s pic related even though the movie is admittedly not the greatest i still love it
You're missing out.
Eren goes AWOL, swims his titan over to the country that imprisoned everyone on the island, blends in for months learning about them, and then gives them a taste of their own medicine by stomping the shit out of them in his titan.
Current manga chapter has them coming back to get revenge for what Eren did but him and the monkey titan (he switches sides) are blowing them the fuck out.
>Posting tohsaka while talking shit about capeshit
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, user. AoT and fsn make got look like Shakespeare
squealer did nothing wrong
THIS moment will be the most kino anime episode ever
I don't think so
wow, thats bad.
Hold my sake
The most kino moment will be when Griffith kills guts
more kinos with this feeling?
I feel like they're going to botch the basement reveal episode by not explaining the twist well enough or having a sub-par soundtrack.
wish I could read this thread, but I'm watching the anime and don't wanna get spoiled
That said, this story is a fucking absolute masterpiece that transcends media, this is the best piece of fiction we currently have
How far along is the manga? Would it take awhile to get current?
Polpo committing banana is an Oscar worthy scene
Did you know that all of these threads are made by one Brazilian from Yea Forums?
>forcing attack on titan
Go back to tumblr for fucks sake
>Anime cgi
Kino but I have no idea how they fucked up Reiner’s arm when he shoves Mikasa. She cuts through his right arm into his left hand. Then as is about to kill Bertholdt, Reiner shoves her with a fully intact right arm, suddenly it falls off in the shot in the OP. WTF
God I hope season 3 never gets made
user, are you even trying?
To be fair, AOT uses it as well and it's pretty bad.
lol, good luck trying not to get spoiled. They're actually going to reveal the ending of the manga at the aot exhibit in a couple of months. And It'll be a while until season 4 gets made.
Meruem, an entity 1000x stronger than any man was defeated by a cheap nuclear bomb that humans made to kill other humans.
its like poetry it uhh rhymes
>Yea Forums a better board for discussing anime than Yea Forums
Is this from season 3?
It's perfect confluence of stereotypical nerdy plebshit, it's the average Yea Forumseddit poster, relatively new to the site, who goes to all the big boards on the site and shits them all up equally with his narrow knowledge and experience with various artistic mediums. He knows mainstream video games, he knows mainstream movies, he knows mainstream cartoons (especially those from the 90s and early 00s), and he knows only the biggest comic book characters. And he feels marginalized by society because of how much of a shut in he is, so he'll have the most shallow /pol/ opinions and tastes. He'll prattle on endlessly about cucks and interracial porn, but he isn't informed or even cares about international political issues and happenings. It's just a slight veneer of memeracism and mememisogyny and the rejection of anything that could be considered "degenerate." He'll beg for the mods to stop /pol/ ideals from actually being fulfilled.
And the cross poster signals all of this to his other cross posters with the word "kino." It's like those hobo chalk signs. You slap it on a thread so other cross posters know it's safe to come out of the woodwork
One of my favorites
Stopped caring about this shit when they introduced the Sasquatch giant
lmao worked, have sex
This manga has no right being so kino.
actual kino comin through
I forgot to wish my mum a happy birthday
That's gonna be a yikes for me
This looks like complete shit. Like, I'm embarrassed that I wasted time watching that garbage. But Dvorak is the literal GOAT
it's actually kino. sounds dumb but it's kino
why can't we get a good Berserk anime, bros?
at least the manga is out bro!
If you watch up to the episode that just released, that'll put you at around the 75th chapters. There's currently 117 chapters out. ~40 chapters isn't bad for catching up
not posting Gon's super saiyan moment. You're taste was almost patrician, user.
it's animated, whatever you watch is a dub you brainlet
Colonel Mustang torching lust would like a word with you
>fujoshit on titan
ummm lmao.
>fucking Griffith politics
>right after Casca wakes up
I'm happy it's back but I'm scared that at this rate either Miura will die, I will die, or the world will end before it's finished.
Wrong, user.
Post the webm edit.
not him but here
Doubt Season 4 will adapt the whole build up well
True kino
Hunterchads remain undefeated
>it's another "imageboard contrarian talks shit" episode
Yawn. Try again sweetie.
bump for off topic
Good lad
I can't believe you made me post this
this is Yea Forums btw
you can take that garbage back to Yea Forums
go back to a with your anime capeshit
Future Trunks finding Adult Teen Gohan(one arm) and going SSJ
>tfw Del Taco is too busy making le monster movies to finally adapt fucking Monster in a live action show
Be quiet hunterbitch
>MAIN VILLAIN OF THE ENTIRE SERIES is now a pussy tall manchild
He was the symbol of the series but after this he was nothing but a joke.
>No one posting the episode that changed the shonen genre for ever
Is it your second anime?
This. I want it all to be based but the way the animation and music are dropping the ball on s3p2 in what is supposed to be the most epic part of the show up until this point is a bad fucking sign. I think the memes about Araki being an EMfaggot and killing the show because he's seen the ending have some truth to them.
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
Most kino anime fight is Risotto vs Doppio.
Sad to see Yea Forums's taste has drastically decreased over the last years
What's happening here? Its been so long I can barely remember the names of those guys.
That's the armored Titan right? I guess Eren is on the right and who is on the back? Kind of looks like the colossal titan guy
for me its the last stand of Akihiro and Mikazuki. show had some kino death scenes.
Was this your first Gundam series?
its not grand or epic but i can't wait for a proper scene of pic related desu
no, Wing was. i dont see why that would matter though.
right, how dare this thread not be about marvel or game of thrones!!?
this is definitely the most stunning animation wise aside from mob psycho
I actually don't mind Marvel threads because they're entertaining with all the onions numale talk.
GoT threads are just cluttering the board though.
It's at its best currently desu
holy shit Yea Forums has awful taste in anime
guess I shouldn't expect anything beyond entry level shonenshit for kids on capeshit: the board
You realize you can bypass the word filter right retard? Just say soi instead.
You faggots need to remember the classics.
t. seasonal waifufag
>if you don't consume the most putrid, entry level trash for teenagers just discovering anime you must watch seasonal fan service
is that all you think there is to anime?
I've barely watched any of it in years at this point, the entire medium only has a couple of noteworthy directors left.
>Attack on Titan
>Hero Academia
>Hunter x Hunter
>One Punch Man
absolutely disgusting thread
marvel and gotdrones dont understand that this isnt reddit
you are angry, you need some more love and peace
*blocks ur path*
Most kino anime ever made.
explain to me why aot is bad without a bunch of retarded buzzwords
explain to me why transformers 3 is bad without retarded buzzwords
isayama doesnt know what hes doing. plot points go nowhere, new abilities are created at a whim and forgotten about, he listens to shippers, and is constantly aping game of thrones ebin twists (he even draws got characters in the manga as side characters)
it gets old really fast. the middle arc is dogshit. manlet beats the beast titan 3 times only for isayama to asspull a suicide win for the beast titan that cripples manlet and somehow resurrects the beast titan.
also everyone jobs constantly and no one has a point to the story past the return to shingenshina arc
The music is absolutely god tier you mong
Just wait until Gyro vs Ringo Roadagain gets animated. Hopefully by 2025.
you have shit taste, fucking pleb. probably like berserk and feel sorry for guts like all normies
>he listens to shippers
That's how I know you've never read it, because there's next to zero romance whatsoever in SNK, not to mention there's a realistic possibility that Eren could have impregnated a character that the nips hate.
Get some taste faggot
The greatest satisfaction of all time will be when Eren fucking dies for hating Mikasa
I remember when this was a Yea Forums banner.
>Yea Forumstards think they have good taste
lmao have sex
>screw you guys im going home
I hope a season 3 gets made
>people actually pay for this
go back to the general fujo
"roger that."
What the hell
is aot still enjoyable even if you know a lot of spoilers?
>shingeKI NO kyojin threads on literally every board
yeah, i'm thinking it's surpassed kino
>anime niggers
I bet none of you fucking plebs even know what this is. Other things you should know about
>James and the Giant Peach
How none of you niggers have mentioned Spirited Away yet either is a fucking travesty
Of course
Ah yes I forgot how great the soundtrack was during the Eren and Reiner's rematch. dipshit nigger.
>durrr it wasn't le epic battle music I expected
>ignoring the latest episode with some of the best Sawano work yet
>aot was mecha all along
Get that weeb shit out of my face.
Manga was better overall but the anime had the superior final battle between Vash and Knives.
>blocks your path
This episode isn't out yet though is it? Which one is this exactly?
This was one of the few things that was never spoiled for me and I never made it this far in the manga.
Eren is one of my favourite characters in fiction and an example of actually doing the 'character goes from Mary Sue to a madman' arc right, as opposed to GoT Dany flipping the retard switch.
Eren goes from being a naive child thinking small time to a hardened killer who thinks big picture. It's actual character evolution.
>>durrr it wasn't le epic battle music I expected
great argument, faggot. really subverted the point there.
friendly reminder to the fujos that historias baby is the farmers and eren nor levi care about women so EM EH LH are all dead and exist only in your addled brains
What happens here?
hope s2 will have at least one scene comparable to this
hunterxhunter fucking sucks as a whole but this entire arc is genuinely worth all the bullshit before and after.
hits even harder that the fucking VA for netero died :(
>What happens here?
Eren is having a conversation with Reiner. Reiner is one of the titans who attacked Wall Maria and led to Eren's mother being killed. Eren and Reiner have battled twice now with Eren winning decisively both times and Reiner being saved at the last minute but asspulls and sacrifices from allies. They have a cordial conversation and Eren tells Reiner he understands him and may even feel the same way as him. He shakes his hand then transforms and kills the head of state of Marlene, the country that's been attacking Eren's people. He then wipes out most of the Marlene high military command and beats Reiner's ass again before being overpowered by their military and forced to retreat.
BA is cute and canon
>Zoomers unironically think Attack of Titan is good
Eren gives Reiner a reminder
Grim reminder?
Go back to watching some lunatic jerk off into his own hand at the site of an unconscious female you fucking brainlet.
>likes AoT
>calls others brainlets
I really hope the title drop scene has music that's grandiose the way the music from Eren's first transformation and not airy like the happy-sounding vocal track that plays when you see the recap of Carla holding young Eren and talking about how cute he is.
Maybe this - youtube.com
HxH and AoT are good, others are trash
t. read all of them
Which ep is this?
i don't even remember that scene. In fact i forgot the finale of the second season and didn't bother to watch the third one.
How does anyone like this boring entry level garbage? It's like poor man's Berserk x Evangelion, yet despite coming out decades after either managed to fall into the exact same tropes and issues while having poorly developed characters and the worlds most boring MC ever conceived.
JC staff blew their budget on the elder centipede cgi. hopefully there is a season 3 with a different studio because as it stands right now no one likes 2
because it massively improved (Eren included) and eventually avoided those tropes you speak of, though it has nothing to do with Evangelion, some Berserk elements might apply
>was defeated by a cheap nuclear bomb that humans made to kill other humans.
when I see anime fans complain about how their god entity villain dies from explosions akin to the power of a nuclear bomb like it makes them weak, it really makes me realise how braindead most animefags are, that they can't grasp how utterly terrifying the power of even a "weak" nuclear weapon is.
>These are literally the retards who make anime threads on Yea Forums
The scene where Welfin reveals Komugi to Meruem was better.
How did the Virgin Berthold momentarily best the Chad Mikasa in melee combat?
that cover always gets me a giggle
because snk is all about jobbing when its convenient to the plot
and shitting on ackermutts
I bet this is unironically your 3x3, you pathetic limp-wristed contrarian wannabe "am i fitting in yet" incel
the on where erwin dies, bert dies, and armin gets the colossal titan
Where I can find that? The newest one was the one before that I thought.
The latest subbed one was s3e15 which was when Bert revealed himself. Where can you view the one you're referring to? Is that not subbed yet?
I went back to s2 because I forgot most of it and good god does this shit drag
is the whole show still like this? should I go back to s1 and hope I'll be entertained?
Holy fuck forget it you people are fucking worthless. Go back to your endless GoT threads. I'll wait a week.
It drags to set up the characters and the plot. If you're going to continue to watch Season 3, skip Part 1 completely and read the manga summary because it's political upheaval boredom.
No, the pacing is shit throughout the entire series, manga and show.
>Where can you view the one you're referring to? Is that not subbed yet?
It probably hasn't been released yet at all. It happens later this season.
>It was a Griffith chapter
How long had it been since the last, 8 months?
Its from a trailer retard
>Go back to your endless GoT threads.
AoT is the GoT of anime faggot
I haven't touched season 3 at all, I just went back to a part of 2 and figured I'd watch through the rest of it since my memory was hazy
I'm still hazy on the latter half of season 1 too I think but I don't know if I want to go back that far, I just wanted to see some flesh mecha fights
>episode that changed the shonen genre for ever
This is a meme right?
have they gotten to the fucking basement in s3 yet
Stop bringing your nipshit cartoon here. There are other boards for this. Also Akira is trash
>worlds most boring MC
wrongest post ITT
>Miyazaki normalfag garbage
Kill yourself
t. AO faggot
Imagine unironically liking the gay ragetard eren
needs to stop fucking crying every battle
only fujos like ereh
>the entire SC
>islandniggers as a whole
>HxH sucks as a whole
Nice opinion faggot. Maybe the Phantom Troupe arc—hell, any time Kurupika is on-screen. But the Heaven's Gate tourney arc was a training-tourney double whammy. And everything with Killua's gay brother and tranny brother is spooky kino.
You're right about the Chimera Ants though; it has the "mankind faces a higher lifeform" story done great, and wonderfully prefaces the Dark World that we'll never see animated, because boats kill manga.
Eren would have been a great ragetard if he was the only Shifter. SNK/AoT went to shit when it abandoned its calling as a low-key Ultraman.
t. Kamen Rider Kuuga
>Liking the some of the best anime is bad because "lol popular"
you people are really something
Wtf you mean when Guts kills Griffith you retard
>some of the best anime
Yes, yes, we get it. You are contrarian.
>scenes men will never understand
Don't look far.
The best animated moment in history is the scene in 'Royal Space Force: Wings of Honneamise' where the rocket finally lifts off.
Anything else is #2 or lower.
Retards never learn
the 1997 one was perfect. the golden age arc works excellently on its own.
The show would have been better if he stayed dead
Lol Attack on Scoobs Ass is a SHIT anime
Yea Forums doesn't have very good taste, but at least it doesn't blow hot cream loads over moe blob bullshit like Yea Forums
Why do anime secondaries think their opinion on a series matters?
is that sabuga
>A N I M A T E D
What is the 1st anime I should watch
He's literally a hero
fucking love kemonozume.
BPD the show
>no mention of goku turning ss3 or ultra instinct first time
you people don't know kino
Unironically one of the most kino moments in anime.
The whole, actual anime itself is just mediocre due to pretty bad phasing issues, but the seriousness with which it took itself and its characters produced some great moments, like squealer truthfully asserting his humanity only to be faced with mocking laughter, in-between large amounts of 'meh'.
I can't wait for this youtube.com
ss3 transformation was certified kino but anything related to super is god awful, peak dragon ball was the original series tenkaichi fights
Really makes me appreciate the writing and the presentation. Because Boros is mirror to Saitama from the first episode there, where he dreams to have a good fight. Compete with the heartbeat moment. Great stuff.
SNEED tops it
yeah, from the moment saitama jump back from the moon it's basically the exact same fight, except boros gets to actually live saitama's dream
thanks for the spoilers faggot. I hope you drown in nigger shit
are they gonna cover Marley and the warriors backstory?
Nice to know the anons calling the series shit are actual low IQ shonen shitters. It all completely makes sense now
ACTUAL kino coming through.
I came here to say the same thing. Also watch this! Hopefully this music will actually be at this scene.
Reiner is best boy
>Eren goes AWOL, swims his titan over to the country that imprisoned everyone on the island, blends in for months learning about them, and then gives them a taste of their own medicine by stomping the shit out of them in his titan.
Such retarded bullshit.
Cool part of the early part of the series was humanity fighting back against the titans as underdogs, while solving the mystery of wtf is going on.
But turns out, it's just literally the most boring answer imaginable; so boring, in fact, that it retroactively makes every cool moment prior to it SHIT by making it no longer humans vs. titans but just humans vs humans.
If you like this show you're a fucking retard.
is this the most fucked up thing ever done to an anime character?
>I don't understand it so I'm calling everyone who likes it a reratd
The irony
>poor man's Berserk x Evangelion
Berserk hasn't been good since Lost Children and no matter how Miura ends it (if he doesn't die first), there's no way his own version of Devilman will remain one of the greats. Golden Age truly was the golden age, but Berserk as it is right now is vastly overrated. Evangelion was an overrated schlock to begin with
Just because SnK is popular doesn't make it bad
thats not akira you idiot
imagine. being so stupid that it's possible for you to reasonably assume that other people would be stupid enough not to understand this show, implying that it's within the realm of possibility for yourself. and then outing yourself, in public, not only feeling no shame about it but taking pride in it. imagine how fucking embarrassing that would be.
we don't have to
I love watching people like you seething so bad and write whole paragraphs that I'm not even going to read. It entertains me.
>AOT fags laughing stock of Yea Forums forced into their cancerous general now keep spamming fucking cringe threads on Yea Forums as if anyone here will actually care about your casual unironic faggot show
The genre shift as the cast matures is probably one of the best things the series has executed though. It nails down the point how war and propaganda affects children and morphs them as they grow up, and how both sides are victims in their own way. You grow accustomed to the horrors, and start approaching life from a more refined point of view. Just like how the early chapters and titan encounters were borderline horror shows at times, it would eventually lose the shock value. While it was all too much for Reiner in the end, it all affected Eren very differently. Which is why Reiner doesn't really understand Eren, as was seen in the latest chapter
>as if anyone here will actually care about your casual unironic faggot show
The number of people who posted in this thread prove you wrong and that means a lot from a board that is actually only interested in talking about GOT these days.
>AOT fags are also GOT fags
That was asspull garbage
I have seen enough anime, tv shows and movies to know that shingeki no kyojin stands on the top
Just likes Eren says, you are a slave
general that is always on the first page
Imagine not thinking Black Swordsman and Millenium Falcon were both superior to Golden Age. Oh wait, you just demonstrated you don't think.
hiro killing that family
hiro killing 2channers
Am I a brainlet for not really liking the whole "surprise there's another country with their own titans" thing?
Anyone have a pic of JoeysWorldTour Titan?
Nothing will ever top the satisfaction of the buildup to Goku turning Super Saiyan and Frieza having his worst fears come true, hell the series could have ended with the Frieza saga.
K I N O.
Wtf is this
Holy shit that's kino as fuck, I can't wait to see this animated.
hahaha what a beautiful shop
dude, it wasn't kino, it was like when your hero overcomes the odds and powers up. That's just something to get pumped up about, but if you actually think it's kino you're a feel fag who doesn't know shit
Berserk didn’t deserve this
Yes. The only reason people might like Berserk, FLCL, Evangelion and LOGH is to fit in. Surely user.
have they explained the connection between mikasa and levi in the anime yet
>English dub
Kinda agree with you there. After RtS only Eren out of the core protagonist roster has done anything noteworthy
>Colossal Armin
1 dead, 2 to go
Marley Arc was kino don’t get me wrong, but the current arc has been meandering a bit and there are now so many different groups fueding with one another it’s ridiculous, and this ethno-nationalist civil war is taking away valuable time from important things like titan lore and the island invasion that need to be resolved. Either the final arc goes on for many more volumes, or the ending is going to be rushed as hell. I can see HxH or GoT having an enormous cast and political intrigue plot but it’s not working so well in SnK
And the war hammer titan is 100% a bullshit powerup, I was hoping to see some Tybur secret memories bullshit but no Willy and maid-chan died so Eren could spam spikes
How old are you?
>Mainstream movies/Live action TV shows are so shit now that the mainstream slowly gravitated to Anime for entertainment
I mean i'm 28 and Anime for sure was not as popular in the early 2000s as it is now. What the fuck went wrong?
>and Anime for sure was not as popular in the early 2000s as it is now
DBZ, Gundam, Saillor Moon, Pokemon, Yugioh, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and Tenchi Muyo were the hottest shit in the early 2000's over here.
Yes they were popular, but out besides those that's about it.
why is the first season of aot so much better than the second?
fucking nothing happens in the second at all and it feels like a lot less effort went into it production wise too
haven't started the third season yet, does it get better or worse
Thought it was when the Beast turned into that ugly faggot prince before I clicked. Hope I'm not the only one.
>all this reddit anime
fuck off
>Posts the most basic bitch anime of all time.
Get some taste. We all grew up watching DBZ, but each fight lasting four or five episodes is straight bullshit and you know it
DBZ transcends kino if you actually look deeper than the surface you normie.
>utterly rape Reiner/Marley for their crimes.
Typical Erenfag. You didn't understand this scene at all and didn't even bother to read Eren's words.
>Dragon Ball
You're supposed to stop watching when the Cell Saga ends.
Mid-tier moment desu, here's a better one
>stop watching when the Cell Saga ends
You retard
The falling scene in Spirited away is the great moment in film history animated or otherwise
Not a brainlet for disliking things, but you are a brainlet if you think the "man vs titans, human are prey" aspect of the show was supposed to last more than 12 episodes, its cute for a short story but it would get boring FAST, just like a zombie series, fighting mindless beasts can only be entertaining for so long. Hell the ONLY reason we have a plot in the first place is two unnatural titans acting intelligently an differently.
I wouldnt blame anyone for not liking the way the show went, but you MUST had at least some expectation of where it WOULD go (titan village, titans are evolving, secret experiment island, etc...), or you are a brainlet.
saitama even respects him enough to lie and say it was a hard fought battle, even though boros sees through it. saitama saw a lot of himself in boros
Mikasa is...
We're going to have to agree to disagree then. I've always like the characters and their designs, but the fights have always taken way too long for me.
I thought Reiner and Bert would belong to some tribe of titanworshipping backwater hillbillies before I got further in the series. Not have an entire civilization behind them.
People watch AoT unironically?
>boku no cuck
Kill yourself.
Based normalfags
You had at least an expectation that it would go somewhere so i would say that its enough to get you out of brainlet status, but it feels like a really weak reasoning, specially when we see early on that shifters STILL get preyed upon when Eren gets attacked by other titans, and going with
Which is what a religion based motivation basically is, makes them really boring antagonists. Was that all you had before the Marley reveal or you had at least a bit more worked out in your theory?
dororo is fucking good
The fuck you're on about, that shit was mediocre at best.
>the armpits in this scene are what the author of One Piece fapped to
Can somebody tell me what shows these are?
Reiner calling himself a "Warrior" over being a "Soldier" made me think of a nomadic tribal group that saw the Walls as weakness, hence tearing them down and exposing the people within to the Titans. I probably put too much stock into the wording with my initial plot hypothesis. As for Eren, we always knew something was up with his dad, so I just assumed turning into a Titan was something this hypothetical tribe could do, and that's where they were from, and that being why they tried to kidnap Eren in the first place.
Serial Experiments Lain (don't watch it)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes (best anime ever)
Texhnolyze (don't watch it)
FLCL (don't watch it)
Berserk (read the manga)
Mushishi (incredibly comfy)
Tatami Galaxy (it's good)
Neon Genesis Evangelion (how do you not know this? go watch it right now you shit)
Welcome to the NHK (the NEET life is bad, watch it if you don't cringe easily)
still can't find a link with a decent german dub for this
what a shame
Oh, there is a tribe that can turn into titans alright.
And they must all be exterminated for the good of the world and to ensure the future of true humans.
It really goes without saying, but
>pic related
This is the absolute pinacle of animated content that will never be toppled.
>german dub
But why?
>Serial Experiments Lain (don't watch it)
>Texhnolyze (don't watch it)
>FLCL (don't watch it)
>Berserk (read the manga)
>it was just a take on nazis all along
Ah, I see.
Berthold actually placed third in combat their group, right after Mikasa and Reiner.
when it was revealed that eldians are basically jews and isayama was going for a pseudo holocaust story between them and marley snk lost most of its hype for me
That fight was absolutley fantastic.
Attack on titan is mediocre
thats what you get for not reading the manga spergo
Its an okay theory, but i guess you were mostly watching the show casually as you could nitpick the theory to death (like the whole "titans prey on shifters" thing that we later see also happens to bert and reiner, so unless there was a way to ward them off, this village would be fucked without some walls)
> I probably put too much stock into the wording with my initial plot hypothesis
Yeah, most people did it, the duo mention the hometown they are from so there were many theories similar to yours.
Fuck you Marley scum, rumbling soon.
Erwins decision next episode.
Kino is back on the menu boys.
>moments women will never understand
Yes, if Nazis were trying to exterminate a species capable of transforming into cannibalistic giants that once tried to take over the world and oppress all actual humans.
So yes, just Nazis actually.
He's in a basement in the building right behind a major event with diplomats from numerous nations.
Absolute pleb taste
You are reddit incarnate
But you really do need to read the manga, there's no good anime.
SnK got good with the Marley reveal. Reminder that Eldia isn't a victim and that the rest of the world is just reacting to their evil.
Funny because people keep diverging wether Eldians are an allegory for Jews or Aryans all the fucking time, and both work fine, meaning it can stand as its own thing.
Then I suppose Dragon Ball is the most kino anime ever since it had threads on Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums and possibly more.
Serial Experiments Lain and Texhnolyze are literally Rick & Morty -tier plebbit shows that dumb people watch to pretend they're smart.
chapter 100
>mc is called eren jäger
>all I hear is ching chong
it's just so wrong
ganz besonders wenn sie mit ihren quietschenstimme autistisch alles überemotionalisieren hört sich das so behindert an
you could've just ignored the bait
*Blocks your path*
Space Dandy actually had a ton of kino moments for a show about a tit-and-ass obsessed loser
To be fair I have no idea why someone would like FLCL, there's nothing good about it.
Lots of great stories are about tit-and-ass obsessed losers, just look at Onizuka.
Azula v Zuko is better
Cool soundtrack and some interesting visuals