Now you faggots have done it

Now you faggots have done it

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is Orangeman all over again

Do these retards self-insert themselves into the story or something?

She is right though, she wasted 10 years of her life.

Let's hope she kills herself over it.

Do women actually believe every piece of fiction should be full of Mary Sue women and comically evil, incompetent men?

>literally crying right now over a tv show
women ultimately can't be trusted, indeed

damn not even Sanders supporters are safe

I've literally never watched GoT.

Can someone explain this shit?

why are western women like this?

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If these people saw a magical mirror in which they could see their true reflection they would die of cringe.

wtf, I love DnD now????

The feminist icon character went insane and killed everyone.

it wasn't the right who started derisively referring to them as "berniebros"

>A decade of my life has been wasted

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She's kind of a racist, sexist, waste of oxygen. How problematic in 2019.

>writers are Trump supporters
>writers are Bernie supporters
Yeah sure that is the same demographic. Feminists are cancer, everything has to be about white women. I like how they often point white men, but they're all white women, all their heroines are white and you don't hear them sak for WOC main heroines


Unironically yes

It was a smear campaign started by Hilary in 2016 to weaken support for him as some secret racist or something.

internalized anger & bitterness from how corporations have used them

they don't even understand it

I think it's more that tthey have so little going on in their lifes that media is all they have. And only a very narrowed view of media.

legbeards utterly seething. she needs a good dicking to understand that men always win

What causes people to break what theyre seeing on a fictional television show into some sort of forced gender politics? If youve been watching the show for 7 seasons you can guess that shes a targeryan and that they are prone to doing something like this; what causes people to no longer take something at face value and blame some puppetmaster for tricking their smoothbrains into liking something? Cant you just be mad/sad that the show sucks because it was delivered poorly and not blame some boogeyman for all your plight on a fictitious universe

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This is only femcels who live their lives on twitter. Actual IRL women I watched it with were excited about where the story went with Dany. My 26 year old big titty girlfriend was more pumped when Cleganebowl started than anything.

how did that work out for her

>Complains that a tv show has a woman be unstable
>Proceed to lose her shit over a tv show

Whenever they say "white men'" they actually mean "jews".

The average Last Jedi fan, everyone

>literally made by white men
should have been her first clue desu

>white when it's beneficial
>not white when it isn't
holy fucking based

>literally crying rn
Motto of the left.

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>big titty
You mean fat

>Most villians of the show are white men
>One of the main characters is a woman and from season 2 on you could see her becoming more and more evil
>She finally turns actually evil in the last episode

Lol imagine being this invested in a show. Fucking pathetic. Im a huge fan, ive read the books but even I understand its not real and shouldnt be taken that seriously.

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Skin changers
Race changers
Oy vey, rules for you but not for me!

>a decade of my life has been wasted on a show
Yeah well that's what happens when you're a dumb city slicker retard woman who self-inserts as characters on a tv show and whose entire nation's popular culture revolves around television and celebrities

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awww the little baby is crying

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sjw are great people...they really are

The witch is so repulsive she lost to Obama and to Trump. She would even lose against Hitler if he came back.

Terrible, since it turned some Bernie supporters into Trump voters out of sheer spite.

There’s been a resurgence of it though. Biden and Kamala are trying to slow him down and keep him down anyway possible.

>80 hours
>a decade

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Has it really been 10 years?

nah it's only been 8

All I have to say, how do we get her to waste another ten?

>a decade of my life has been wasted
>spent 10 years only watching game of thrones

the pedophile?
the terrorist?

unironically this

>Terrible, since it turned some Bernie supporters into Trump voters out of sheer spite.
I don't think so. More like they didn't vote at all. Implying Sanders and Trump can share voters is silly.

Someone should tell her to have sex

Goddamn I checked out her twitter page and holy fuck this woman seems like the most insufferable human being to have ever existed.
How can people have no self-awareness of how much shit they are as a person?

>is a single mom
Gee I wonder why.

calm down, arya is going to win.

shut up, incel vurgin

Yoko ono


His name was seethe rich

I can guarantee you I have less going on in my life than she does. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

I be she liked episode 3 and thought it was well written.

She was Westernized

funny how this whole thing reminds me of TLJ

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You know.

They straight up cheered Stannis's death, and were fine with his total character assassination. This is everything they deserve.
I even unironically like the episode because it managed to convey the message that Night King was supposed to convey: that there are no good conquerors, and the preservation of life is more important than who's in charge.
These people are literally just upset that they had to face the harsh truth that burning an entire city out of rage is an evil fucking thing, no matter who does it.
Even better is that these were the same people screaming "DO IT DANY" for a whole week. They got exactly what they wanted and it told them something deeply unsettling about themselves.

you underestimate their insanity user some bitches like that poo mindy kaling are cheering this shit

what a shame, she's cute.

They aren't. When you compare the number of female protest rallies, even the biggest only maxed at 2 million women.
Literally 0.5% of the female US population.
Enough media coverage and even the smallest minority can look huge.

Shitting even on Bernie. Jesus Christ.

Some, but most are just extremely upset.
Honestly I have more respect for the nigresses who are still cheering Dany on. At least they have the integrity to stick with their previous decision to support Dany's purge.


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You can go to like 3:14 and hear these people say "burn them all"

Then when she is actually burning them all they are crying.

To be fair to them, there are very little stories where women are competent at all. And they're not asking for men to be incompetent. They just want competent women too.

If Cersei was a man, he would have gone out bravely. In fact, the proof of this is Jaime, who is the stable confident one. While Cersei breaks down in tears and needs to be soothed. Why can't Cersei be strong in that situation? Why can't she go out with dignity, instead of whimpering and being cooed to?

And then Arya suddenly gets her story halted, because a man(The Hound) cups her head, and tells her to go home. Again, Arya needs a man to stop her from acting irrationally?

Same with Dany now too. We all know the reason for her burning the entire city was super flimsy. But D&D needed to force the mad queen plot, in order to make way for Jon -Gary Stu- Snow to bring order.

watch sex

For actual socialists, sure, but a lot of people were simply upset with the status quo and failed to identify with the operating political class. Most people are total morons who shouldn't be allowed to vote in elections, so you get people who really just wanted an outsider in office flipping sides. I wouldn't really call it spite voting, but there were people who saw both candidates as means to their ends.

have sex incel

Have children.

Exactly. It reminds me of that scene in 40 Year Old Virgin when Cal talks about the time he went to a mexican show where a girl was gonna get fucked by a horse. Everybody was excited as fuck about it until the horse mounted her. Then they realized what fucking a horse entailed and they regretted their excitement.
They felt bad because they wanted the girl to get fucked by a horse in the first place.
Pair this reaction with these peoples' utter inability to take responsibility for anything at all, and you get the enraged blame game that even professional critics are doing.
Look at this faggot in pic related. Top critic, who can't deny that the episode was well made, but refuses to give it a positive review because he backed the wrong horse.

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>Why can't Cersei be strong in that situation? Why can't she go out with dignity, instead of whimpering and being cooed to?
because it is unironically over for her. the thing she was trying to protect (her unborn baby) is now certainly dead. why wouldn't she be crying? she knows its over for her after how hard she tried to stop it.
jamies not crying because he got what he wanted and that was to be with cersie

its realistic though. in real life 99% of women aren't strong and stoic

Please just TRY sex

Every time I see this thumbnail, I see an aging Superman. James Gandolfini would've been a good older Supes

Dan and Da..vid
thank you

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She looks like she needs a good dicking

>an hour or so a week dedicated to a TV show
>wasted 10 years
Is this /really/ all that normalfags have going for them? I view most live TV as a tertiary or 4th option for me.

The entire Sandor conclusion was fucking great. It was the one thing I was afraid D&D would fuck up hardest and it's one of the only things they did right.

I mean, you're literally on a fucking nerdboard full of fanboys who do that with every single piece of media they consume. Why do you think star wars, star trek, lord of the rings, and the marvel movies attract hordes of cosplay fans? It's self insertion.


>this is how incels thinks

I consider watching a show break time.
Occasionally I set an hour aside. Like three episodes of Mobile Suit Gundam a day or some shit.

Have sex femcel

No see because Bernie interrupted Hilary one time during a debate he and his supporters deserve to be castrated.

>because it is unironically over for her.
ok. But how many times have you seen in fiction where a man runs out of options, yet still goes out with dignity? Maybe even drops a badass line in the end? Cersei is a cold bitch. Just because she is worried for her children, doesn't mean she would react by crumbling into tears.

Even the Hound went out in a fit of rage.

Almost all male characters were fucking ruined so idk what you are complaining about.
Cersai showing no emotion would mean absolutely fucking nothing given that she has the exact same emotionless face since tomnen died.
It was a good ending for her.

women in real life are extremely cowardly when it comes to their physical safety. films should be honest about this

damn, she's having a complete breakdown

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But once you do things become much clearer

>To be fair to them, there are very little stories where women are competent at all
So just like real life.

The white feminist icon liberator of slaves and champion of minorities for 10 years went insane and genocided everyone

> white male viewpoint
Did wahmen ever write any bearable epic in the history of females? Please tell.

>Cersai showing no emotion would mean absolutely fucking nothing
It actually would have shown how far gone she was. That she is utterly incapable of facing reality, or the consequences of her own actions. The single tear was good. But beyond that, she should have remained stoic.

>the Hollywood writers for Game of Thrones on HBO are Trump supporters
loving every laff

Films should display the exceptional, because the exceptional are interesting. Averages are boring.

Tale of Genji apparently. Japanese girl, obviously.

Yes. Just as in real Life they cant live with favoured characters that have major flaws.
Men would get bored of a perfect male Character soon, women want the female version.

literally wjho

>decade wasted
How? I watched it too, I stopped liking it half way trough but still watched it once a week for an hour and literally regret nothing. "Wasted my life" is a mild over reaction I think, unless she's one of those psychos that named her daughter Daenerys or/and get Dany's tattoo and attend to weekly GoT club meetings

>tfw one of my favorite under-a-million youtuber blamed yesterdays episode on white dudes
>tfw he's paler than me, and that's fucking saying something
It hurts, guys. Why are so many people who are good at presentation so fucking pozzed?


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>muh pure asian waifu!
if white women find you repulsive, you don't have much hope with gook cunts either, incel

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this is what im talking about, "female representation" and "female pov" in movies simply means penis envy. women got jealous of schwarzenegger, clint eastwood, charles bronson etc. they want to be the cool silent badass type, the borderline-psycho autist killer and so on. i mean in a way i get it, if i had to watch every male character being a cheating spouse/hopeless lover/naive love interest in every movie i'd get jealous of these characters aswell.

>white male viewpoint
she needs to go read harry potter again

And look at me. I stopped taking the show seriously when Stannis burned his kid, and I'm having a blast for an hour a week.

How is this a breakdown? She's just noting how a bunch of petty people are harassing her through direct messages. Honestly, if you need to take a discussion about game of thrones to the DMs, then you're probably about to say something real dumb.

yep, they are so entrenched in identity politics that they cannot enjoy something unless it's some cheesy piece of representation shit where women and pocs are the Do No Wrong characters and they all live happily ever after.

they are children. this piece of crap show just exposed all these fucking idiots for you.


Why did you imply that asian women aren't pure?
>Virginity ratio of unmarried Japanese women

age 18-19 74.5%
age 20-24 64.5%
age 25-29 32.6%
age 30-34 31.3%
age 35-39 33.4%

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>Gotta be white guys that ultimately save the day
Did she forget about Arya saving the world from the night king?
Who sits on the throne is a much less important issue. Honestly they could have left Cersei on the throne and it would have been fine.

A dull Life. Any normal people watch these shows and movies, discuss them with friends or on this Polynesian Squid hunting forum and after that. go on with their Life. But not these people. They simply cant. Its like that one friend every one once had who rants the whole weekend when his favorite football team lost, up to the point where you tell him to shut the fuck up. Even when you have been with him in the Stadium.

Because one asian fucked a nigger and therefore all asians fuck niggers.
It's all so tiresome.

>Well acted
People mostly heaved screamed and grunted

>intelligent cross-cutting between set pieces
He's talking about that shot when Arya is getting trampled it cuts back forth between her and the hound both struggling, which was nice for the first 3 cuts then they did it another 5 times and lost all value. Aside from that, the editing wasn't anything special. Just look at the cluster fuck stairway fight of Cleganes and the Euron Jaime duel.

>Well executed

This guy is just trying to sound composed compared to the braindead twitter shitters. He's right about the narrative though but that shit went out the window last season not this episode

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That's not reddit spacing Reddit spacing is when you space after every sentence.

she thinks there is a targeted campaign against her by bernie bro's who also bribed the got writers to let the men become the rulers

it's a breakdown

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my gf has D cups and weighs 120 total

mexican titcows are like that, user

but my future waifu will be dfc

Or she's making it up, since you can easily fake getting "lots of DMs"

It's weird how women are motivated so strongly by anecdotes, emotions, images, etc. While it's like hard data bounces right off them

liberals are fucking ridiculous, does fucking everything constantly need to be about gender or racial identity politics?

>okay boomer
lol what

Imagine having such a pathetic life


>this is just like that one harry potter chapter ;___;

She's broken. Reminds me of some feminist on twitter who broke down the same way and just kept repeating the same thing over and over when quoting tweets that she considered offensive.

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>They aren't.
The rest is just MORE PASSIVE.

Not A SINGLE ONE OF THEM will actually not use the full power of the divorce court, or run crying to a policeman etc, when they dun-fuked-up.

You need to unfuck yourself quick, time is running out for you white knights.

because men don't cry as much as women simple

Comparing male characters to female characters, is just an easy way to explain the problem. Because often times you may not understand what the problem is, until you imagine it happening to you or your kind.

This smacks of Trump-russia collusion

>Books written by fat white dude in a dumb hat
>Shows written by two white dudes

Expects feminist story.

Women. [eye roll]

>this is considered sexual assault in current year

Liberalism used to be more than that. These millenials just fucking ruined it.

Have sex.

>How can people have no self-awareness of how much shit they are as a person?
Because they live in a Bubble. The only reactions come from like minded Morons or hardcore Trolls but even these spend just a short time on them.
While in reality they shut the fuck up and cant wait to write another power fanatasy about something they witnessed when being outside. Although it never happenend that way:

>today i encountered a white CIS male sexually harassing a helpless women. I stepped up ans fought that scum while the other people around cheered for me.

What inn reality happenend:

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yep. bingo

People are invested in this show for all the wrong reasons. By the way this is completely D&D's fault. People shouldn't be upset by a WoPoC something bad in GoT, even if it was the result of bad writing.

I see now. Fair enough.

>Bernie followers
I dont get it. Arent they the opposite of Trump voters?


Counter culture individuals who have been exposed to different sets of data.

Then you remember James Gandolfini is a liberal.

This is bullshit. If you watch any real life accounts of horrific situations, men cry and scream when they see they're about to die. The idea of remaining stoic and supportive, is a fantasy for most men. Only the truest of chads ever find that level of courage.

And like I said in another post, stories about the exceptional are interesting. Stories about the average are boring. Why are you satisfied watching Cersei go out as just an average woman with an average reaction?

Yes Please!
And a side-serving or misunderstood brown rapist who learns to love!

>White people

They are rats

are you an actual brainlet?
>Cersei is a cold bitch
who would do anything for her child which has been blatantly beat over your head for the past 5 seasons and literally all her kids have died and she has failed to save her unborn child.
the reason she was a cold bitch was for her children and her children are now dead.
>But how many times have you seen in fiction where a man runs out of options, yet still goes out with dignity?
did you want cersie to go out fighting sword in hand? shes a 40 year old women who has lost the last important thing she has and hasn't been trained to use a sword. the only option she really had was suicide

You mean Khal Drogo?

The most liberal liberals seem okay if you compare them to that cancer in OP's pic.
Girl needs a good dickin'

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I just wish they would kill themselves.

>thinking in one extreme is better than thinking in another extreme
Sure I'm sure plenty are more passive and agree with these retards, but obviously not all of them and I doubt even a majority among them. You have to understand that the internet has a bullhorn effect. It can and does very easily make a hundred people feel like a thousand, a thousand feel like a million, and a million feel like billions. The left hasn't changed in numbers for the past century, it just got much much louder thanks to a combination of the internet and out of touch media outlets that think the internet represents the majority.

everybody itt pls have sex

For a good time call candy
That's 555-VIRGIN

because she is just an average women, shes not special shes not a super hero, she is just a person who wants to save her unborn child, how is she supposed to do an epic final line when shes just about to be crushed to death by rubble with only one person and it's the one she loves, of course she will get emotional

She's a neocon who support regime change of foreign countries. She's probably a kike since she seems to hate white men for some reason.

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It's almost as if culture warriors go wading through twitter looking for the crazies just so they can fear monger on Yea Forums.

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Brie only got really insufferable around the time she was cast as Captain Marvel. Her Craig Ferguson interview showed she was even better at handling banter. Considering this was back when Obama was president it could even be Trump Derangement Syndrome that made her the way she is now.

implying women are capable of any continuous thought beyond momentary impulses.

Good. Let the shallow short-sighted american sjw subhumans burn.

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Saying how things "should" have gone in a fictional work is a brainlet's exercise

Dont forget, this women is not alone in being batshit insane:

>white men ebin

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They kind of have a point though. That girl has taken this shit way too seriously.
>I'm literally crying right now
Gimme a friggin' break.
t. Have sex poster

Damn, such insight

>tumblr "im such a nerd" glasses
Like clockwork.
Also OP is a double nignog faggot, posting literal who twitters. Fuck off.

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She's going to be fucking surprised.

Buddha looks like THAT??

>she doesn't know that Bran's gonna take the throne

You would think they would be sick of the same old shit

>Her reaction when Jons kills Dany
I will be glorious

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Divorce courts only cover women who are willing to divorce at all. What do divorce courts say about women who don't get divorces at all?

Yikes sweaty @found the incel
You don't get holes!!!


Why are women so whiny despite having a free pass at life?

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>show just exposed all these fucking idiots for you.
D&D may have been based all along.

Candice and her pastel haired daughter

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pedestal pusy syndrome

>the reason she was a cold bitch was for her children and her children are now dead.
She was a cold bitch prior to her children. Remember the flashback? Remember The story about how she would tease and buse baby Tyrion? Remember "You always knew who she was" just a couple episodes ago? Remember"She's hateful" just one episode ago? Remember she didn't Mourn Tommen's death?

Cersei loved her children, sure. But as her story continued, as she experienced a continued string of losses, her heart grew colder and harder. Being a cold bitch, is not mutually exclusive with loving your children.

>did you want cersie to go out fighting sword in hand?
How about not breaking into tears and going "muh bay-bee". Remember when she thought they lost King's Landing before? She stayed strong, told Tommen a story, and calmly fed him a poison.(nearly)

delicious tears holy shit

message this bitch spoilers

This is funny. Thank you for posting.

How long before someone presses the reset button?

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she got a degree in thronology

Criminally underchecked trips

Season 2:
>"Let me tell you a story, my son.... Now drink this poison. Everything will be alright."

Season 8:

feminazis do

D&D = /ourjews/

They bait and switched SJWs and made them look like the mindless NPCs they are... in hilarious fashion.

The epitome of a woman...
>can't lead without male advisors telling her what to do
>gets rejected for sex, goes crazy
>make freeing king's landing all about her
>overly emotional
>virtue signals to others but inside a heartless cunt
>low IQ and controlled by feelings

Best episode since season 1.

Attached: on her period.jpg (242x254, 8K)

What an ugly kid

there is really only one so called nigger, and it is women

Literally and unironically have the sex an incel

If you establish a character is tall in one chapter, and then claim they can't reach the top shelf of their kitchen cabinet in a later chapter, then it's fair to say that the character "should" have been able to reach.

It's called "fantasy" for a reason.

>Do women actually believe every piece of fiction should be full of Mary Sue women and comically evil, incompetent men?
That's the whole point of modern (((media))), they freak the fuck out when redpills slip through the cracks.

Attached: roasties BTFO.jpg (704x818, 106K)

>you change your life to live in optimally safe position
>tfw they 2000x grid bomb instead, with each bomb equidistant from other bombs, and you get hit anyhow

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I want original version of this image

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I wonder how much of a meltdown she had after Trump won.
This is typical far left libshit behavior. What kind of mental gymnastics was this?
>kissing someone means they're about to have public sex
I could not keep myself from cringing throughout that whole video. wtf?

shocked this didn't have any comments

Well yeah, only white people are smart enough to understand what DemSoc is, even if most of them find it abhorrent and Jewish. Every shitskin who voted for Sanders did it by accident.

These "fans" piss me off so much. They don't actually care about the characters at all, just the political message of it all. Dany is a cool character that achieved great things but eventually went down the same path as her father. It's a nice little tragedy - especially if Jon has to kill her. But because these people only care about the message of women in power, they can't handle her going bad. They never cared about Dany or the show, just some bullshit identity politics that they could force on the story.

If they wanted to exterminate all life and destroy the land permanently with nuclear salts, just one rocket could do the trick. A dozen of them could render the planet a sterile wasteland for hundreds of years, after which point some bacteria might return from spores on the ocean floor.

>The same cold-hearted genius also figured that after a given SLAM had dropped all its H-bombs it could still do damage by leisurely flying a criss-cross pattern over Soviet territory, irradiating the croplands and people with deadly radiation from the totally unshielded reactor (sowing the ground with salt, radioactive-style). This also meant that the SLAM designers didn't have to worry about preventing radioactive fission fragments from escaping out the exhaust, since it would give you bonus enemy fatalities out of each gram of fission fuel. Which means they didn't bother putting any cladding on the nuclear fuel elements, they are in direct contact with the air.

>And if the Soviets managed to shoot down a SLAM, it would auger into the ground at Mach 3, pulverizing the entire reactor and spreading a plume of radioactive fallout rendering the impact region uninhabitable for about the next ten-thousand years. If they fail to shoot it down, it is programmed to crash anyway. Only after it has finished its sterilization criss-cross. The hot reactor elements will mix with the white hot vaporized forward vehicle structure to create a very fine smoke of radioactive uranium oxides. That is, of a fineness to extend the length of the fallout plume. As Scott Lowther puts it: "It'd make Chernobyl look like Three Mile Island."

>I got the same ballpark as Peter. The neutron dose of a fly-over is about 1,700 R (16 Gy and 163 Sv) but the gamma dose is 254,000 R (2,440 Gy and 2,440 Sv). This is a death rocket that kills pretty much everybody within a 3/4 of a mile (1,200 meter) radius of its flight path.

Attached: slam00.jpg (400x251, 24K)

Not American and don't know much about the country, what's in the three areas that have huge clusters of warheads on them in the 2k scenario?

she stays composed so as to not scare her kid, she is trying her best to make sure he is comforted, she is also definitely very scared at that moment but tries her best to be calm for him, after everything that has happened since season 2 I would think she is far more broken then back then, she doesn't have any reason to be calm when she is with jaime so she breaks down and cries

>shocked this didn't have any comments
I think the original video with thousands of comments was taken down.

I had some strange encounters in my Life, also with drunk and aggressive people but i have to admit i wouldnt know how to react in the first moment because it would be so unreal when some crazy bitch goes full retard because i kiss my Wife.

They see the world purely in symbolic terms and have no intimate knowledge of how anything works.
Feelings are everything.

Underestimate their lack of technical understanding at your own peril.

Literally who is this person?

This is a test post, please do not respond

>tfw you live in a piece of shit city nobody cares about
>unless they're looking to nuke something

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>Just because she is worried for her children, doesn't mean she would react by crumbling into tears.

Yes it DOES. That is EXACTLY how normal people fucking react, and especially a woman like Cersei whose entire character is wrapped up around her children.

In this show, in this very show, we have Ygritte, who actually died hardcore. We have the Mormont girl who died like a fearless lunatic. Yara never showed fear, the Sand Snakes 2/3 died like warriors, only one of them died like a bitch, and no shit, it was an incredibly cruel death.

Who else... Missandei? She got her fucking head chopped off with more dignity than Ned did.

Cersei died the right way, if anything, she's the only female character in the series whose death was well acted.

Highest population points of the low population areas. Since there's so many warheads, you gotta target somewhere...

Those are the places the American nuclear missile silos are stored. They put them in the barren midwest intentionally, so that if they are nuked it won't hit anything else.

pls respond

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It’s always the single moms. Swear to god. Her child is somewhere drowning probably

Hardened nuclear bases. NORAD could unironically survive a direct hit from a Titan. Maybe two direct hits, and you can't guarantee that any one is going to hit, so you saturate the area with warheads to destroy it, the surrounding infrastructure, all of the support bases, and redundancy in case some get shot down.

imagine watching a fictional fantasy TV show solely to project your political beliefs into it

>Now you faggots have done it

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Since we are at it we are taking this one too...

Only women who were diddled by their fathers.

Damn straight.

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This is just pure gold.

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>watching 50 minutes of game of thrones once a week during 10 weeks once a year during 10 years was a waste of my life guise

Whether it was for her child or not, she still held her composure. The years only made her more fierce.
>she doesn't have any reason to be calm when she is with jaime so she breaks down and cries
Why do you take this for granted? Like, ok, a man is here, so it's expected for her to start blubbering?

Big brain

Wondering why she is an abortion activist? she wish she never had that kid.

If Hitler came back he'd run the country in six weeks just by explaining ZOG to people.

>I make a lot of money because of my brain

and they say men think with their genitals...

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I can easily see the same answer here. Is she our girl?

On social media they pretend to believe that because it gets them social media attention. In real life they probably don't believe any of it. People say a lot of things on social media that they don't really believe.

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>white male viewpoint

Did she miss the early days when Danny was getting pumped in the ass by Based Drogo?

She's giving real "have sex" anti-incel posters like me a bad name.
Fuck this demented bitch to hell.

Drogo is white though?

Dunno, lads. Feel like raiding someone.

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They are no different than the sheltered white bois on here. Both of them live in a delusional fantasy where a boogie man is out to get them. Boogie man changes sides depending on whose delusion it is

No. But the ones that do are so much louder than the rest it’s all you hear. Social media will be the collapse of western civilization

Hillary couldn't beat a reality tv star in an election. Proven loser. Bernie maybe could have won.

No, i'm saying this show was developed for a mature mainly male audience, even the books are.

I find amusing the shock to the system these leftist leeches seems to have with how it turned out lmao

When will we see physical riots and murders caused by television shows?

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>Yes it DOES. That is EXACTLY how normal people fucking react
Cersei isn't normal. Average people make boring stories. Cersei is exceptional, that's why she's interesting.
>and especially a woman like Cersei whose entire character is wrapped up around her children.
Loving your children, is not mutually exclusive with strength and courage. I could just as easily argue that having a child to worry about would make Cersei even more courageous. It would motivate her to never give up, to never lose her cool, because her child needs that from her more than anything else in that moment.

>Cersei died the right way
Cersei has just as much, if not more pretense to die with dignity than any of the characters you listed.
> she's the only female character in the series whose death was well acted.
Yeah, Lena Headey is great. It's the writing that's retarded. Lena could have acted any far better alternative.

Two futures are possible now:
>Hollywood sees the backlash GoT created and realizes they should never pander to feminists or SJW in general because they are entitled spoiled little pieces of shit that will whine about everything that doesn't go their way.
>Hollywood sees the backlash GoT created and decides it should never hurt or question female characters again to avoid any more bad publicity the twitter landwhales may create.
Pick your future.

OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO laughing my ass off desu makes this train wreck ep worth it

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>pick your future

Its option 2, basically the MCU way

Do women on twitter dissolving into hysteria over a TV show prove that women are untrustworthy and incapable of leadership?

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>Do women on twitter dissolving into hysteria over a TV show prove that women are untrustworthy and incapable of leadership?

>she doesn't have children
as a woman, she's wasted her entire life

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all 3 people in that video are retards who should be gassed.

If breaking down on social media is all it takes to disqualify an entire gender from leadership, the Yea Forums has doomed all men.

Is that a boy? Poor kid.

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Based femcel

Holy fucking based

Who is this person?

Jon is super mediocre. We kind of forgot that, due to all the prophecy bullshit. But Jon is a pretty average guy. It honestly makes little sense why people look up to him.

Wait until she finds out her entire life and everything she's ever wanted or thought about was guided by white guys too.

oh the irony

>I wonder how much of a meltdown she had after Trump won.

She was telling the brown girl to go back to her foreign shithole and how she herself is murrica fuck yeah, so not at all likely.

>crazy ass fat bicth goes full REEE aat you and your girlfriend because you kiss
>calls her a whore and a slut
>some incel on a tanzanian bettle collector website says the guy and his girlfriend need to be gassed too

What does he mean by this?

Jon should have never become Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, he's that average of a guy

Bruh they're already elbows deep in option 2.


>Hillary voters cant be racist because reason
Liberals are the biggest fucking bigots. They tell everyone how they love foreigners. But please not anywhere around them.

I can picture it...

> Jon kills Grey Worm
> But Jon... you didn´t want the throne...
> Jon walks towards her
> Dragon spits fire
> Jon emerges from fire
> I still don´t Daeny. I just don´t want you to have it!
> Sticks her with the pointy end of the sword (a phallic object)
> Jon fucks up back to the North
> Bran looks at the throne but he can´t take it because stairs...
> Ends with Throne empty because they don´t give it to Sansa because she is a girl

>white women
every time

Yeah something tells me these guys didn't vote for Drumpf. Hating Bush was a much simpler time.

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The point of "representation" is that these people cannot separate reality from fantasy and see them as one in the same. That's why they cram their toxic politics into EVERYTHING.

Next week is gonna be glorious
>Jon kills dany
>bran on the throne
>all white male small council made up of muh soggy knees
I can’t fucking wait bros

Nigga, women are nuts, and men need to keep them wrangled in control emotionally, if not physically, which would be barbaric. Its just biology, and you can't go against it. Get over it.

Someday you'll learn this ultimate red pill.

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I forget what happens in the show. But in the book, it's implied that Sam rigged the election. They never discuss it outright, but the idea is hinted at well enough that it's a strong possibility.

Honestly what did Dany ever do other than commit suicide with some dragon eggs and then luck out instead of dying? She made a few bold decisions but she didn't have to actually help carry them out, other people just followed her orders. Jon fought time and time again based on the decisions he made and he even died for doing the right thing, then when he came back he continued to fight and never stopped fighting. Dany hasn't so much as lifted a fucking sword in the entire series, she uses the overwhelming power of her dragons and even then she fucked that up. Well yes, Jon IS mediocre because he didn't conjure dragons out of a suicidal action but Dany isn't much better. All the men who fought and died in the series are more special than her because they fought for what they believe in and didn't sit on a giant monster's back while it did everything for them. Even the stupid little Mormont girl is more special than her.

>While Cersei breaks down in tears and needs to be soothed. Why can't Cersei be strong in that situation? Why can't she go out with dignity, instead of whimpering and being cooed to?
She literally caused the destruction in the first place and is highly delusional, yet you want a LOTR score and her waving a sword in the air with a defiant roar like some hero when that doesn't fit her character in the slightest.

Not how it works, sweaty.

>magapedes can't be irrational loonies, only hilldawgs are like that

The guy who filmed it is a faggot redditor of all things and the thread is full of hilldawg supporters crying about racism.

And Men execute deserters of an ancient watch, meant to stand guard atop a giant magical ice wall. It's just in men's DNA.

>all white male small council made up of muh soggy knees

Shit i didnt realized that. Oh boy it will be hillarious

>She literally caused the destruction in the first place and is highly delusional
All the more reason why she wouldn't break down. I don't understand how this fact hurts my argument.

Have sex femcel

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The witch is teaching her daughter to be a fraid and hating on men. She'll grew up lesbian, full of tattoos and piercings.

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bran gonna warg back into himself at the end of the episode and not climb up the castle walls

Why are you visiting that shit anyway up to the point where read it all ?

Throughout history there's always been these kind of dumb women who spout absolute nonsense. But recently some genius came in and convinced the general populace that they're opinions actually matter and gave them their own college degree programs to spread their idealogy and now we're here. Thanks.

It's in men's DNA to keep women and children safe. At least the non-psychotic ones to safely make sure their seed grows up.

A literal woman saved the world from death incarnate

that woman is based, fuck retards sucking face in public like they own the room and fuck reddit

>cries over a show
>is allowed to vote
Does anyone have a guess as to which Amendment led to society's problems?

>Jon Snow
after all the battles he's been in?
after dying for innocent people?
He's medicore?

But the woman who had her servants do her dirty work, she's not?

>some faggot redditor eggs on a mentally ill person and publishes it on the internet
>incel-poster get's butthurt when some user thinks he is garbage.

Back to plebbit, nigger.

Yeah excuse me for not thinking he isn't a piece of shit too

That is insanity on another level. But there are just two possibilities: the daughter will either be as batshit crazy as her. Or go full rebel and try to fuck every guy being around.

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I had to google froyo...

not the first time a kids life is ruined by their parents and certainly not the last, reality sucks

Fucking kek

So then it's unrealistic that the man deserted the night's watch. His male DNA should have known that his duty is important to protect women and children.
>But he saw ice zombies!
all the more reason for him to act as protector. His male DNA should have giving him the resolve to thwart such a threat.

Have sex.

>Doesn't mention race
Guarantee it was a black

based and digitpilled

>Twitch reaction image

>or bernie supporters


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I wanted to know if the cops came.

Her Twitter is almost scary...she is 'all white men must die...yes even the gay ones!'

>man tells them not to blindly step out into traffic
>they run screaming to tell the mom they were just raped

>Books written by fat white dude in a dumb hat
>Shows written by two white dudes
>Expects feminist story.

This is what I don't get.. Like you're going into a franchise built by males to cater to the male fantasy and then somehow decide they owe your gender anything?

If it is anyone's fault whatsoever it's their own.. They saw something that had nothing to do with them and decided to make it all about them.. And when they found out (not shocking) it WASNT about them, they piss and moan and talk about their entitlement.

Crazy fucks.

>That is insanity on another level. But there are just two possibilities: the daughter will either be as batshit crazy as her. Or go full rebel and try to fuck every guy being around.
She's lost anyway. The witch is doing a podcast with her daughter. i don't have the courage to listen to it

>her ass mint
she doesn't even realize how sexist her word choice is

They are female incels


woman r stupid and bad tho

come on, this can't be a real person... can it?

her crying was more realizing that jamie and her baby were dying
she's too cold to cry out of fear; she was crying out of loss

female incels don't exist because half the incels itt would fuck that shebeast if she asked

lmao dumb GoTHOTs btfo
Based D&D crashing this shit

There is nothing about this that's wrong.
Except perhaps the part where she tried to find the mean to have a word with him. That part was weird. But everything else is completely normal.

It would be terrible if someone brown killed that dumb cunt. Terrible.

What are the chances she dressed them up like whores because she got them the clothes they wanted instead of picking them out for them or setting some kind of fucking limit.
They probably didn't even look 12 from a distance.



Strong female characters are immersion breaking because they very rarely exist in real life. The only realistic female character on GoT is Sansa, who is content to wear pretty clothes and talk bad about people. This idea that every woman in every show/film must be ninja flipping perfect assassin badasses with 10/10 looks who are smart, capable, and able to resolve every situation with perfect precision and a smirk, is an extremely tired trope because it's shoveled into virtually everything these days and is not in any way representative of real life.

Meanwhile, I could very easily see someone like Bronn existing. Why? Because a lot of fucking men are like Bronn.

Yes, they are literally too stupid to understand nuance or shades of grey, so every female character has to be a bland self-insert that is always right at all times

So? She was still crying like a bitch. She still needed Jaime to wipe away her tears, and speak soothing words.

based dfc bro

>My depression is a patriarchal, oppressive abuser. It taunts me with how I don’t live up to the standards that my culture has set for me—standards that are fucking bullshit, impossible to achieve, and have nothing to do with what I want in life.
>My best friend in all of this is anger, the anger that makes me unlikable and unfuckable, the anger that I’m not supposed to have. The last time depression visited me, it slowly pushed me underwater and knocked me against the rocks and I didn’t resist. I felt ashamed and deserving of it. I gave up and let the depression swallow me until friends forced me to get help. But this time that depression has decided to visit me, I am angry that it’s here. I know I don’t deserve to have it here. I deserve to have help cleaning this house and paying these bills, and not at the expense of my autonomy and self-determination. I deserve to exercise because it feels good and I deserve to look in the mirror and love who I see no matter what I look like. So I’m pissed. And being pissed is powerful.
She's a nutcase probably hooked on antidepressant

This is truth. No one wants to believe this at first, but wise men always come around to this truth.

Sociopaths always break down like this when their smug sense of superiority is destroyed and the consequences are nigh. Take a criminology class.

>Strong female characters are immersion breaking
No they're not.
>This idea that every woman in every show/film must be ninja flipping perfect assassin badasses with 10/10 looks who are smart, capable, and able to resolve every situation with perfect precision and a smirk
No one is asking for every character to embody all these things.

>Meanwhile, I could very easily see someone like Bronn existing.
Oh ok, I see you're just goofing around. Missed it at first. I gotcha.

These people actually make up stories like this to justify their toxic worldview.

>he doesn't realize they both are the same

>There is nothing about this that's wrong.
>now they're talking how disgusting men are
Yeah they probably think like that because that's what mom is saying 24/7

>Why are you satisfied watching Cersei go out as just an average woman with an average reaction?
because the evil queen finally showed she was, in fact, human

hey everyone gangbang over at (you)'s house

>No they're not.
Your opinion.

>No one is asking for every character to embody all these things.
You wanted "exceptional", which is code for schlock. Cersei acted human and you hated it.

I'm glad this thread is about to die so I don't have to pretend you're serious anymore.

She wasn't a sociopath. She was just straight tyrannical. She didn't try to keep up appearances or anything. She ruled through fear.

maximum toasy

>female incels don't exist
They do user, they just are so big of cunts that they push away guys and uptight they won't settle for fucking anything at a bar

>I deserve to have help cleaning this house and paying these bills, and not at the expense of my autonomy and self-determination.
Translation: "I need a man to give me money while I fuck other men"

>She wasn't a sociopath.
The absolute state of delusional roasties.

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what the fuck did i just see

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>Yeah they probably think like that because that's what mom is saying 24/7
Or maybe it's all the lewd looks they get, the catcalls. And the fact that men are the perpetrators of almost all rape and violent crime. Even boys their age are more likely to play rough, and be less hygienic.