The true king

the true king

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Am I the only one who absolutely dislike this show?

i hope so

Have sex

You just reveal your own ignorance

What was wrong with it?

The TRUE king

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i reveal my own what?

>Tony's bullets literally turn to shit
what did Chase mean by this

He was assigned "The Stranger" by Camus.

He’s alluding to the fact that Tony had small hands and could never please his Mudder, what are you gonna do though? That’s the flying ointment

The ultimate kino
The ultimate pleb

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"There's no big mystery. There's not alot of mystery to it. I mean it was alot of fun to a certain extent with all these crazy explanations and that guy who wrote 230 pages about.. onion rings and communion wafers, and all this stuff.. It was fun. You know it reminded me of that whole "the walrus is Paul" deal [laughs]. It was insane."

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What is a king to a non-believer?

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Friendly reminder that cut to black = death, deal with it incels

Without tony there would be no madmen

Overrated and boring as fuck

You must have the attention span of a peanut

I know. It's actually pretty cool that mad men started just as sopranos ended. But what took on the torch after madmen?

Marco polo

jesus I hope this is bait

>t. discord tranny

No I hated s1 first couple of times and it took me till I was in my early 20s to finally push through the pilot
The show doesn't start with a bang

Friendly reminder that Adriana did nothing wrong.

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S1 is supposed to be a shiny happier more linear mafia style and as the series descends to goes to a darker physiological series


>what I gotta do to get ya a drink?

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It's a show for women

Soap opera for dumb faggots who think they're mafia dons because they have Italian surnames.

She was second hottest only to annalisa

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go back to /got/

I consider it the weakest season for that reason.
Are you literally a teenager? I was bored first time I watched the pilot and didn't like the show till 5-10 years after it finished airing

the king is still The Wire
but Sopranos is a solid 2nd place

Pic related it's (you)
Fucking gen z

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>Soap opera
Twin Peaks was a soap opera and it's the greatest television show ever made.
Honestly though I don't see what some cringeworthy people self inserting into a show has to do with its quality.

The yellow king.

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Yeah nah it's not as good I only rewatch the first and 2nd season
The oa is better than twin peaks by far except the return which is gr8

She didn't have any sex scenes with the tennis instructor.

She would have been the sub for sure!!!

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Mad Men deserves to be up there with Sopranos. It’s obnoxious that people feel the need to type
>well it wouldn’t exist without Sopranos hur dur
The final season 6 of Sopranos wouldn’t have been as good without Michael Weiner either. He’s the one who pushed for the cryptic Test Dream episode. Both Weiner and Winter made the final season. They are probably the the that fleshed out the “Vicarious Patricide” aspect of the show

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First post worst post

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went to shit after s1. not in a total "blunder of the year" fashion but just nowhere near as good

>Show has drama
>“It’s soap opera!”
It’s drama, with mafia shit as the side dish. You should specify how Sopranos is a drama and give an example of what you consider to be high drama

>wooden doors tone?

Get a load of charcoal briquette ova hea

I tried rewatching it after enjoying an initial viewing, but the absolute selfish criminality of the characters makes everyone unlikable.

that's why it's fun

>covert anti-Semitism

This. I had an epiphany high on edibles during season 4, that I was watching a drama made for woman.

>implying the jews didn't lie out their asses about the holocaust
>implying they aren't plotting to slow-genocide europeans

must suck to be that clueless

I hate the holohoax theory but I still love those memes.

Do you really need someone to root for in every show you watch?

Like another user said, that’s what’s fun about it. They’re all irredeemable pieces of shit and seeing how it plays out is all the fun of it.

The oa is literally a show only woman and trannies like.

>All characters need to be good guys! I need someone to root for!
It’s a show about bad people. And it explores that side of the human psyche, the everyday selfish side, with Tony’s criminal side to help highlight it better. Jesus Christ, how is that not a great concept? You really need a fucking Jon Snow like fucking character? You can’t just watch a show and give a show the chance go develop its characters and themes?
Best thing about Sopranos is how real and authentic the people and the relationship between each other are. Tony and Carmela’s constant butting heads, lying, and deception. Corrado Junior and Livia not being stereotypical “curmudgeon old people with a heart of gold” character. They actually act like selfish old people

but thats not six feet under

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Why are you projecting? :/

I want to fuck tony's sister

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No, I found out to be a boring soap opera with a story that went nowhere after an entire 6 seasons. A well written and thoughtfully crafted series, no doubt, but too dull for my tastes. I prefer more plot driven stuff like breaking bad, although breaking bad's writing and characterisation isn't as good. Guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.

You only came to that epiphany because Season 4 is written mainly by writing duo Robin & Mitch. Season 5 is where they and David Chase are losing steam while Terence Winter and Matthew Weiner breathe new life into it.
If you stopped at season 4 because you got high, fine stay that way.

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fatass mushmouth got wacked

Reverse king Midas

The production quality and writing demarcates it as a soap opera, not its inclusion of "drama". For instance, you're all dramatic manchildren, but I wouldn't call any of you soap operas.

It's the subtlety of the room ambiance and presence, the soundtrack, the cinematography etc. Serials hadn't been developed as an artform yet. "Lost" was another example of a shitty soap opera from the same era.

Yes, Game of Thrones is far superior, despite being popular. I know everything popular is "reddit" to the cool kids, but the first 4 seasons of GOT were kino. You can keep your shitty forced Sopranos memes. For me, the show is depressing and reminds me of being in a hospital waiting room full of old people.


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Retarded pleb

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Here’s your reply

shame they changed her actress

Batman Vs Superman

Thanks. Here's a picture of shirtless James Gandolfini for you to jerk off to.

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The production quality doesn’t make a show soap opera you retard. The writing especially, if anything it elevates it. With the final season 6 being an absolute masterpiece thanks to Matthew Weiner and Terence Winter’s touch
>Game of Thrones is superior
>show is depressing :(
Get a load of this guy. I guess this is bait

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>probably a zoomer of very late millennial
>reddit spacing
>doesn't make an actual point
back to your containment general.

You sound like a dumb fag who's watched too many video essays on YouTube by the way you keep namedropping these irrelevant dorks.

I watched the whole thing, doesn't change the fact that it was family drama with anime tier violence scenes and interactions.

Well at least you can admit that Breaking Bad is an awfully written show that relies on cheap plot contrivances to get a rise out of simpletons.
By the way, bad writing is what makes soap opera. Breaking Bad’s attempt ar drama is soap opera, not Sopranos

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Watch it Chrissy

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i like the series in reverse order. I like 6 the most, followed by 5, then 4, and so on. It's just satisfying having that much more story for everybody

Just because i'm curious, do you have an opinion on better call saul?

There are zero faggot Youtube analysis videos about them aside from Screenprisms basic videos. I looked up the people who wrote the episodes, found out they were the last writers standing, and watched their interviews while I cleaned up my room or did something else. Go ahead and check yourself you projecting retard

Says the literal cocksucker.

Plebians filtered.

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>I prefer more plot driven stuff like breaking bad
This is only a slightly more sophisticated way of saying you want tits and explosions in your action movies, for example.

Family drama yes, that doesn’t make it soap.
>anime-tier violence and interactions
You’re really reaching now.

What do you want me to say? Do you want me to say "I love schlock"? Most of the show is vacuous because it was written as it went along and the writers continuously ran out of ideas.

Look, now you're telling me about all the video essay channels you know. How the fuck can you even tell if "Matthew Wener" or "Terence Winter" wrote something? Is their style that distinctive? Do you recognize their work from elsewhere? You're full of shit. You just like Sopranos because you know you're supposed to and because that's the "adult" and "guy" thing to do.

Meant to type
>There are zero youtube analysis videos about them and there are barely any about The Sopranos either
Sopranos aired before youtube analysis faggots became a booming economy

I'm just reading that you are a complete pleb, prick.

>He's absolutely fuming

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You might have a semblance of a point if I claimed there were "youtube analysis" videos of the Sopranos. I merely remarked upon your faggoty way of speaking like you're some kind of connoisseur of crap.

There's nothing plebbier than actually watching and enjoying Ray Donovan 1.0


>attacker comes in from offs-screen in a wide open street or dock, with nobody noticing
>drops gun at murder scene for no reason
>forced drama and surface level philosophy

>Ray Donovan
Not a surprise, you're also a fag.

t. Jamal Ginsberg

Why, retard? Because I don't want Tony Soprano to fuck me in the ass?

Ok, you guys. I've really been thinking long and hard about this. About the sopranos, about tony, about chrissy, about paulie and most of all about the vipers. And after a great deal of thought I really just have to say FUCK JANNYS

I did 20 fucking years!

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You can write a show with solid themes for each season while building on top of the previous season’s themes. That’s the M.O of every television show.
And you’re the one who mentioned youtube videos. Don’t pretend I’m the one who instigated that

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>Because I don't want Tony Soprano to fuck me in the ass?
Funny, this is the second time you mention something like that about Tony or James. What a complete fag.

Damn.. He's right you know.

>Everyone get a load of this fanook.

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my favorite aspect of sopranos is how the managed to make Anthony Junior so relatable. Honestly i see alot of myself in AJ and im not even from the USA

Ya know, Quasimodo predicted all of this

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The hits have always been the weakest part for me. But that doesn’t make it
You’re reaching.
>Forced Drama
The show doesn’t rely on plot contrivances like Breaking Bad.
>surface level philosophy
Do you even know why Tony did the horrible things he does in the final season

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Did he transform into a house during his time in prison? And if so, did the inmates live inside him?

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Do you actually believe this or did you watch a video essay that said this?

Video essays work like this
>Pick point of analysis
>Pontificate about it for 10 minutes while triphop instrumental plays in the background

Here's your analytical point: "Good TV shows have sollid themes for each season while building on top of previous season's themes".

I disagree with that entirely. Regardless if it's the "M.O" of every television series, I disagree that building upon themes makes a show good. The quality execution of quality writing is what makes a show, or any other visual plot-driven medium for that matter, good.

Yes, I know you watch video essays. You are a poseur.

Projecting again huh

Look, now you’re the one telling me about all the video essay channnels you know


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The Sopranos was popular because it capitalized off the large target demographic that existed at the time: middle-aged wops from the East Coast who saw themselves as "tough guys."

>103 replies
>46 posters
Discord trannies that hate Tony can go choke on a big bucket of gabagoole.

You know, Matthew Weiner talks about those guys and how they like the show for the wrong reasons

>Vicarious Patricide

Discord trannies love Tony. They all want to suck his dick. Proof? Every anti-Sopranos post gets brigaded by them.

Good for you, double down!
>Meat Cleaver incident and the talk afterwards
>Tony’s relationship with AJ and not wanting him to follow his footsteps
>Cryptic test dream has nothing to do with Blundetto. The short dialogue between Tony and the Black Gangsta make that clear
>Tony and his relationship with Junior
>Junior almost kills Tony, causing him PTSD and igniting the powder keg
>6B is Tony’s revenge against surrogate fathers and making Bobby do a hit out of jealousy for his relationship with his father
>Tony kills Chrissy upon realization that he is no longer a cute nephew he once sired but a father of a children. A bad role model like Johnny Boy, Junior, Paulie, Dickie, etc

What the fuck is a discord tranny

The Sopranos was popular because Tony was a likable anti-hero who part of our egos aspired to be, with his efforts to affirm traditional moral values and keep his family together yet also tantalizing because he had a ruthless and dominating resolve. Also a lady's man. Then when this great figure goes to a psychiatrist, takes Prozac, gets divorced, much of our modern experience is reflected through him as he becomes our avatar through 21st century mores

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>It's a joke


>meme responses
>no real rebuttals
Damn. Did the Sopranocucks just get BTFO'd by a Zoomer?

nah i think the last season really sucked but i liked the ending

No need to suck yourself off.

Holy shit, look how you're talking about this fictional fat slob. It's like you want to drink ALL his cum.

He's dead, Jim. Get over it.


Projecting again

>You’re reaching
no i'm not, I bring up anime because it's my favorite medium and after watching one of the most highly acclaimed tv shows I noticed the same tropes that are leveled against anime present in the sopranos. Now I realize TV is no higher an artform than anime and may be lesser form of media.

He didn’t like
>Member’s Only
>Join the Club
>Luxury Lounge
>The Ride
>entire 6B
>Phil vs Tony being the best portrayal of passive aggressive business relation
>Mobsters going ape over a homosexual
So what did you like

The whole Gay Vito plotline was worth it for these defensive statements he put out there, plus the ultimate punchline of "Vito risks his life and a happy future with Johnnycakes because he can't put in one honest day's work".

Yeah and I watch anime too, big fucking deal. Can you please be more specific? I still don’t get what you mean by
>forced drama
>anime-tier relationship

He’s delusional get him to the infirmary.

AKA, fanfic some guy wrote.

David Chase is talking about people trying to figure out the ending
>onions rings
The Vicarious Patricide explanation is literally connecting scenes and has been shown before.
>Melfi tells Tony that he needs to own up to his feelings or he will blow up
>Tony leaves the therapy room
>Tony beats the shot out of Georgie with a phone when he sees his inability to work the telephone as Livia
> “you two are like two peas in a pod”
But you’re obviously not going to bother even reading it
All three writers for the final season harl on Tony’s subconsciousness

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>onion rings and communion wafers

I'm not gonna engage you over some retarded opinion you have. You are a waste of everyones time.

Never in all my years have I seen more obvious bait

>>forced drama
>>anime-tier relationship
I mean things like Firio's love, meadows progressive boyfriend (I wouldnt want to take a minorities job), and chris/pauly. I didn't take notes but maybe I will on my rewatch, there were many moments and interactions that struck me as anime tier, fight scenes being the most obvious.

I swear to God that it isn't bait.

The Sopranos was only a step above being a soap opera. A short step. The show really isn't special, it's just the fucking retarded fanbase that pretends it's the greatest serial ever produced. Hill Street Blues was fucking better and that came out decades before Sopranos.

HBO produces a lot of schlock. At any given time, they have a Sopranosesque show in production or broadcasting
compare that intro to the Sopranos intro

listen man I watched interviews of the writers describing their writing process. No where did they suggest that they sat down and discussed deep subtext shit, they mostly just suggested idea after idea until Chase liked one of them and then they went with it. Most of their ideas were inspired by their daily lives. Maybe Chase later decided to add in the subtext, but I doubt that guys like Terence Winter actually had anything to do with it.
It's just high quality + consistent writing. Nothing more to it.

>Compare this intro to the Sopranos intro.
You are fucking brain dead. You are projecting so hard

Vicarious patricide isn’t a theory about the meaning to the black out ending. It’s an explanation as to why Tony doesn’t show any remorse for killing Chris
You don’t think the writers aren’t deliberately telling he audience to pay attention when Tony goes on about how he never felt so relieved after killing someone. He even says he doesn’t know why he feels so good in his dream session with Melfi. David Chase says Tony is always lying. Him plus Weiner and Winter always talk about the “consciousness” and shit like that in the interviews I’ve seen. Far as I know, the patricide theory isn’t a theory.
And Melfi even brings up PTSD to Tony after the shooting. Give another rebuttal as to how it’s fanfic

>it's just the fucking retarded fanbase that pretends it's the greatest serial ever produced.
Really? What about every respectable critic regarding the show as the greatest ever made?
But I'm sure that your completely informed opinion is superior to theirs.


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You literally said GoT was better than the Sopranos, you're going to have to try a lot harder than saying "the intro to the Sopranos is similar to some mediocre other HBO show" to convince me that you are even stating that in earnest

>maybe Chase later decided to add in the subtext
You mean the final season, like I just said, when Weiner came on board?
>they mostly suggested idea after idea until Chase liked it
You mean like Weiner heavily pushing for The Test Dream?
>Yo ain’t that Tony the one you were suppose to cap to prevent ALL THIS from happening
>I don’t know, I guess not
The fuck was that all about

Sopranos is nigger wish fulfillment like Scarface

The point I was trying to make with the comparison of the two intros is that big producers pump out schlock. That's their job. Their job is to create material with mass appeal. In doing so, they often have to appeal to idiots. And that's what Sopranos is.

>Producers need to make money so they have to make sure their product has commercial appeal
So you mean every fucking successful mainstream television show ever made? You do realize what board you are posting on right?

It's a reference to a line Hesh says in the show you fucking brainlet

How is that illustrated by similar intros on shows with completely different subject matter?

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Listen dude the greatest show ever made is no better than an anime, get over it.

The Sopranos' commercial appeal isn't what I was criticizing. Otherwise, I wouldn't have admitted to liking GOT. My point–since my points seem to keep miraculously flying over your head for some reason–is that Sopranos is mediocre schlock. Yes, SCHLOCK. I'll say it again and again. It was fucking boring schlock.

Some other schmuck in this thread mentioned The Wire. Wanna guess what the intro looked like?

The homogeneity of these shows can't simply be dismissed through allusions to "they needed commercial appeal." The Sopranos had no binding identity, which is evidenced by its intro alone. What kind of genre is that? Some jazzy electronica shit? No Italian guy from Jersey would listen to that.

Sopranos was a hodgepodge of gangster cliches set to multi-cam soap opera cinematography. Shame they didn't film at a high framerate, because then you might actually be able to perceive the things I do. Somehow, I think you'd even miss that.

They're both about wish fulfillment. But the subject matter being different is totally irrelevant to my critique, so you're the one reaching here, not me. Grasping at straws, rather. You're so desperate to find something in my post to refute that you pick up on the most minute and irrelevant details of my criticisms.

People who complain about Furio and Carmela just wanted more action, I don’t see anything wrong with it, especially when it led to Whitecaps. The fuck does Jamal Ginsberg comment about minorities job supposed to do with this? You think the writers wrote that line because he’s a virtuous character or something?
Their relationship is exactly what you’d expect from two criminals.
You keep bringing up fucking anime tier when you said its your favorite medium. So is it positive or negative?

>Pseudo intellectual
Get the fuck out of here. You are not smart for being a contrarian. Every point you've made here has just been you ranting about your biases. You haven't posted a single bit of evidence that doesn't fall flat on its face upon thinking about it for 30 seconds. Frankly you are embarrassing yourself at this point.

>Shame they didn't film at a high framerate, because then you might actually be able to perceive the things I do. Somehow, I think you'd even miss that

Truly embarrassing user.

The intros to the shows do not illustrate that they're about wish fulfillment. Don't get heated user, they just simply don't.
So is that the whole criticism then? That you think it's about wish fulfillment and GoT isn't?

Who's the contrarian? You're the tryhard dismissing GOT as "reddit" shit to score brownie points with le epic Yea Forums army.

Listen, you stupid cunty child. I'll tell you this only once. There is no "evidence" for opinions. This is not scientific discourse, this is criticism of a TV show. Grow up. Tell us why you think the criticism is bad or just stop replying. Cunt.

I'm glad I don't take entertainment and internet this seriously. Cringe

Thomas Jane walks down the street and beautiful women rape him with their eyes. Gandolfini likewise walks around all cool-looking.

Both are accompanied by jazz and that mid-2000s bluesy acoustic guitar strumming that was played in a lot of procedural CSI shows. Like I said, you have to be perceptive to notice schlock. You're a fuckwit who watches shit like this for the "omg epic dialogue can you believe this? look how adult i am, i'm just like tony sopraaano"

Wire came out 3 years after Sopranos became a phenomena at the first seasonn. What does intro have to do with it.
>Sopranos had no binding identity
But it did. You not catching on to it or the opening music not being to your taste doesn’t mean it some how doesn’t.
>hodgepodge of gangster cliches
Yeah it’s a gangster show, what’d you expect? It did a great job spinning it and giving it their own personality and having it fit their narrative and theme
>The Baptism of Fire vs Baptism in Stage 5
Is GoT shit for being a hodgepodge of fantasy cliches?

You critique of the show is clearly flawed as has been shown throughout the entirety of this thread. Not much more to say here.

have sex


Yeah this is definitely bait
You probably actually enjoy the show or better yet, haven't ever even seen a second of it

Autism personified right here

The fact that you're trying to establish The Wire's precedence over The Sopranos shows me you have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about.

>Yeah it’s a gangster show, what’d you expect?
Actual characters instead of archetypes. Whenever a character did something unexpected it was always goofy, which showed how uncomfortable the writers were with writing non-schlock. But the writing is the least egregiously bad thing about the Sopranos.

GOT wields archetypes like an art form and draws from both history and fiction to establish complex characters with their own subtextual reasons for action. The 2 dimensional police procedural characters from the Sopranos act according to whatever would score good ratings with dago scum from New York.

>wanted more action
no the whole falling in love with Carmela is contrived.
>You think the writers wrote that line because he’s a virtuous character or something?
no they were hacks who shoved in inhuman lines into their characters.
anime is used as some sort of slur with western audiences for it's characteristics, I only bring it up because the highly acclaimed tv series shows the same characteristics,

Pick the best anime series ever, let’s see how high it can get as an art form and how much contrivances it has

Can you please give a specific example of a character in the show doing something unexpected which came across as goofy?

This is why you're a retard. You pick words like "contrivances" and points of criticism like "how did it build upon its themes" and pretend they're some kind of objective metrics by which to judge the quality of a fictional work. They're not.

Avoiding contrivances does not necessarily make a show good, just like building on 2 dimensional themes does not make a show good.

To elevate something out of "schlock" it needs to be conceived of an executed with aplomb. Conceptual failures (EYY I'M A MAFIA GUY) or failures in execution (here's a shot we tinted orange to add emotion–WOOPS we tinted the whole show orange) can completely ruin a show more than a few plot contrivances.

The guy who turned out to be gay. The entire character of Furio.

I'll ask again. Give me instances of a specific character interaction that you found to be goofy rather than just listing the name of two characters.

I’m talking to the anime guy, not the same baiter who’s been posting about how GoT is the best show ever

The scene where they find out he's gay? IDK what you want me to say. The entire show has only a few memorable moments. It's mostly schlock.

It's not the best ever but it's certainly better than Sopranos.

In Sopranos, there's no subtext to the characters' interactions with one another. Yeah, one guy might have more power than the other guy, but there isn't an entire lore behind their interaction that makes engaging for the viewer. Engagement in the Sopranos happens entirely in the reptilian brain that lusts for power, where as in GOT you go from tragedy to comedy to greed in matters of seconds. In general, there is a broader range of emotion in GOT.

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There was literally nothing wrong with Vito Spatafore. He was a minor character who didn’t get screen time until they decided to make him the focus in a way that stayed true to the writing, theme, and setting while also being a point of conflict. I don’t see a problem with that. Just because we don’t have a scene all the way back in season 1 during the Corrado/Livia war of him sucking cock doesn’t make it contrived

And you've finally broken. This last post is the most obvious bait of the entire thread. If it wasn't obvious already, you've blown your cover completely

LOTGH for political themes, Maquia for family, NHK for introspection, samurai champloo for aimless adventure and action, kaiji for gambling, chihayafuru for card game, redline for animation, darker than black (first season) for noir, toradora for romance, and naodame cantible (first season) for music.

Yeah? Maybe you're a flambe.

He wasn't prepared.

I was using him as an example to illustrate the point you requested I back up. Remember? You asked me, "What characters behaved in silly ways?" I tell you and then you shift the goalposts, "What scenes?" The gay nightclub scene where he's dressed in a gimp outfit. Now you're defending the character by saying he was a minor character. Listen, it doesn't fucking matter. If the show wasn't totally orthodox and boring and cliche, it was goofy. Wasn't there Russian gangsters too? It went from novelty to novelty when it couldn't extract more juicy drama out of the same hodgepodge of gangster cliches.

Of course it's contrived. It's all contrived. The writers admitted to making this shit up as they went along with no plans for the future. That's why there's no subtext to the characters' interactions. That's why there's no poetry.

Give me a comparable scene to the Red Wedding.
Show me something from the Sopranos that evoked that much emotion. That was the culmination of multiple seasons of excellent writing and character development. It was "This, this, this but this so this that." Sopranos is "this then this then this then this then this."

You have no defense for the schlock so you just accuse me of baiting. Fuck off, retard

I’ve read the manga and the anime. I think I prefer Kokou no Hito or Oyssumi punpun honestly
I’ve read the anime, how you think this is the pinnacle is beyond me.
Are these really the anime you choose that you think is leagues ahead of Sopranos? Don’t tell me you picked Kaiji because you think it has a deeper message about gambling because you think Sopranos was trying to do the same thing as Kaiji with the gambling in Kennedy and Heidi or Chasing it episode

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He was a minor character at first and then developed further enough for me to care about him. Vito’s arc was fine

You have to go through the order while theyre still here

>there will never be a crossover of the Shield and the Sopranos
All that potential for early 2000s ultra-kino...lost like tears in rain

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>Give me a scene comparable to the Red Wedding
user there are so many fucking episodes to pick

But there is subtext and poetry to Sopranos user

>Show me something from the Sopranos that evoked that much emotion.

He's a FAGGOT MOBSTER. It's GOOFY, dipshit.

I looked up the ending scene on YouTube. Looks like generic slob vs. snob subterfuge. The Red Wedding came completely out of left field and shocked everyone who watched it. Not on any level equal. Also, the cinematography and lighting are flat and boring. You can tell this is a mid-2000s show.

Might as well tell me why you think Scrubs was kino.

>I’ve read the manga and the anime
>I’ve read the anime
you are unraveling, but nevermind that.
> how you think this is the pinnacle is beyond me.
Post your own "pinnacles" besides The Sopranos, if it's so aburd to you that I would choose those. I made the decisions off the cuff based on the best representatives of their theme, I couldn't think of a mob focused ones. Maybe 91 days.

This guy is a fraud, stop responding to him

I’m not unraveling I’m phone posting because of reasons I cannot go into.
>post your pinnacles besides The Sopranos
I’m not rooting for live action you fucking idiot. I just said I watched anime, I prefer the medium as well but no anime is leagues ahead of Sopranos or Mad Men. Maybe close/side-by-side because of differing themes and intention. But nothing that made me go
>heh anime is definitely the single greatest art form

You little mouthbreathing turd. Is it really so fucking inconceivable to you that someone should not like your gay gabagool schlock?

>no anime is leagues ahead of Sopranos or Mad Men
There ought to be a stereotype for people like you. There's the dudebro who thinks Quentin Tarantino and Fight Club are like totally cool, and then there's the fuckwitted moron who worships at the altar of every badass hero protagonist presented to him in a cheap suit.

you've been exposed to capeshit for too long and you're clearly delusional, someone take him to the infirmary

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holy fucking shit i dont have anything to really add besides after reading this thread im ready to clinically diagnose you with retardation its the only way someone can be this much of a plebian

No your rooting for Sopranos and Mad men as a pinnacle of entertainment. I'm saying it's riddled with sloppy flaws that anime get the same shit for. Not saying anime is leagues ahead. But please do post your favorites or is it only Sopranos and Mad Men?

The penultimate GoT episode came out and it was shit. The guy is just a little upset

the sopranos didn't even have an ending lol

yeah i mean i would say that the first two season of got were sopranos-tier, most of s3 and a couple spots afterwards but its been almost straight shit for four years now

it did have an ending. the perfect ending to a narration. tonys life ended. the story ended. in an ironic manner, as well, the victim in the 'michael killing Sollozzo' scenario that was his favorite scene from on screen. that was it. tonys story ended, so the story ended.

They are the pinnacle of the television medium, not entertainment.
Sopranos and Mad Men are the ones, yes. Does it matter? Why do you want me to post beyond those two? I just said I liked anime and even prefer it over most live action shows.
I get that you’re upset because people close to you think you’re an autistic nerd for watching anime but you’re speaking to the choir here
And yes, no anime you watched beats Sopranos and Mad Mens themes

But it didn't end. It just faded to black in the middle of a 30 year-old boomer song.

You don't actually think that was kino, right, user?

>first two season of got were sopranos-tier
>They are the pinnacle of the television medium
>Sopranos and Mad Men are the ones, yes

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Why does everyone say fade to black? It was a cut

>They are the pinnacle of the television medium
And I'm saying your pinnacle is no better than cartoons storywise and thematically, while they share the same flaws. I want you to post your favorites so I have an opportunity to judge your taste like you did mine. By the way your hollow attacks on me are pointless, I've seen anime on par and better than Sopranos due to its thematic freedom.

The same reason people say "The Ukraine," Mr. Tism.

it didn't "fade" to black. it "cut" to black. tony was shot in the back of the head. there was no glitz or tragedy added to the scene. you get cut short the same way tony did. the end.

i cant tell if this is laughing at calling S1 and S2 of GOT laughable, in which case id say the later material disturbed your memory of the perfection of scenes like this or if it was laughing at the sopranos being the pinnacle of television, in which case you are clearly a plebian and deserve the reward of your dany faggotry

If you want to be a pedantic little shit, it's "plebeian," not "plebian."

You clearly "like" understated scenes. I say "like" because the medium of fiction is not pleasurable for you directly but serves the ultimate purpose of allowing you to signal to everyone how tasteful you are. Therefore, the more scenes of fat guys sitting around talking, the more you can show off by claiming to have loved it.

Boxing fans do the same thing when they pretend two equally matched fighters inching eachother out for points is entertaining. "What a war!" You don't actually enjoy visual mediums. If you did, it would be because you enjoy books. But your type don't read books. You are a numbskull.

Did you see the sentence I typed
>close/side-by-side because of differing themes and intention
I just typed my fucking favorites you moron, Mad Men and Sopranos, those are the fucking two you idiot. I’m done responding to you. You think the anime you’ve seen are on par with Sopranos because you have shit taste. The anime you posted as examples are fucking laughable. You watch Sopranos one time and thats it so you can go on about justifying your love undying love for anime

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>I just typed my fucking favorites you moron, Mad Men and Sopranos

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>The anime you posted as examples are fucking laughable
Stop being a cowardly little bitch and post what anime you think is better, since you love it so much.
>You watch Sopranos one time and thats it so you can go on about justifying your love undying love for anime
What is your point with this comment? next time I watch the show I will take notes on the anime-tier parts so I can shut you up with your dick sucking this show.

OAH!!! The fuck is this finook sayin Tone?

ahhhhhh after long enough of being a retard you've been exposed for your capeshit taste. the sopranos isnt even my favorite show, i just recognize it as the best. you not being able to understand it is your own failing, not the accomplishment of those around you.

in regards to books though i finally got around to reading dune recently, which felt surprisingly modern given that it was written half a century ago now. herbert's commitment to not the "science" of fiction but to the manner in which people live and construct cultures really gives the novel its reputation and legacy of influence. villeneuve's adaptation might be the only movie im really looking forward to right now.

which is to say you're a retard when it comes to screen and personality diagnosis

There's no deny on that but The Sopranos is the reason Don and Mad Men were a thing.

Why would I post my favorite anime now that you telegraphed you intend on shitting on it kek

I thought it was chocolate.

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>the sopranos isnt even my favorite show, i just recognize it as the best

>in regards to books though i finally got around to reading dune recently, which felt surprisingly modern given that it was written half a century ago now. herbert's commitment to not the "science" of fiction but to the manner in which people live and construct cultures really gives the novel its reputation and legacy of influence. villeneuve's adaptation might be the only movie im really looking forward to right now.
Holy shit. The sloppy retard syntax really completes the whole pseudo intellectual facade maintained by the reading of popular books most kids read by the time they finish 12th grade. Keep it up, champ.

I'm gonna get some sleep. But you keep replying. Gotta show those finooks who's boss.

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I want to shit on The Sopranos not anime.

>kaiji for gambling
Motherfucker, not even the best Fukumoto work. That would be Akagi, and his message about life and death would be more on tone with The Sopranos and the message about life and death itself, especially if you also consider the manga of Ten. You damn cocksucker.

Well let me give you a tip. You comparing the overarching theme of gambling in Kaiji to the gambling in Sopranos isn’t how to you “shit” on a series. Kaiji is all about gambling and the repercussions of doing so. Tony gambling in Chasing It and Kennedy and Heidi was about going against his father’s lesson and the overarching theme of the final season being about his disillusionment with the mob life and spite at his father and mentors that brought him into the life.
Comparing a lasting bond between two characters in Maquia has nothing to do with Sopranos having a family built on lies, dishonesty and crime

Your tip is revoked, I gave you a list and you did not reciprocate.Sopranos is anime tier and there is nothing wrong with that.

I await your youtube video on how Sopranos is not as good as your favorite animes then. I hope to see some good animes that match the scale as Sopranos

>I hope to see some good animes that match the scale as Sopranos
What causes you to uphold this show as the pinnacle of television? This is an illness.

>This is an illness.
Ironic coming from same guy that can't stop himself from trashing the show. Arrogant and foolish.

Television is by in large shitty and fucking awful medium. Film and literature is better and less time consuming. Sopranos and Mad Men are the only shows I’ve watched that used its time wisely. And before you go off on me again, no I don’t lump in anime with that critique, I enjoy the cute moving pictures

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>What causes you to uphold this show as the pinnacle of television?
give me a reason you sniffling little schlepper, I'm getting sick of your schtick of shitting on my opinions while giving none yourself.

based, redpilled, and high IQ

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You can go

And I'm tired of hearing your stupid yiddish while you trash the opinion of others because they don't fit your own rules.

I mean I guess I do because 90% of everything is shit. But I know you are going to sperg out about anime so I gave you a little consolation sentence

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These moving Jap they fuckin get you eh...hard?

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Get the fuck outta here and go back to fuckin reddit

No but my fucking shun is always in his room beating off to hentai. Makes me want to smash hish fucking face in

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>Yea Forums is so infested with newfriends and contrarians it hates Sopranos now

Maybe the Jannies were the real based ones all along.

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>read that in Sil’s voice
I will never get tired of Sopranos/Anime crossovers

No, you go back with your faggie yiddish "opinions". Because unless we play by your rules it doesn't count.

spineless retard, those same 'rules' are why you praise this overrated show.
>being this passive aggressive
explain why it's good.

Nah, you're someone with the head so stuck up your own ass that you started to believe it smells nice in there.

Tell me more about your son’s masturbation habits.

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Too afraid to describe why Sopranos is the best show?

Both of you are making cringeworthy posts tbqh, return to reddit until you learn your lesson

Doing what the rest of the thread already did and you ignored them for more (you)s? Nah, fuck off. I'm just going to tell you you're a pretentious douchebag with a fascination with using yiddish, which I doubt you're even jewish.

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

Give up the tough guy act, pal

Why don't you go there, if you like it so much?

Get a load of this goy

Take it easy I’m just breakin your balls, no need to act fuckin fresh

>Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

Can’t break redditors balls no more, you’ve been on other boards for a long time, maybe you haven’t heard

>Take it easy I’m just breakin your balls, no need to act fuckin fresh
Nah, you insulted him a little.

I didn’t insult nobody, give us a drink!

>Sopranos thread gets derailed by obvious bait

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Chris has had enough fucking punishment ;_;

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>say new york slang
>stormnigger focuses on that single word
>loves The Sapronos
the irony is palpable

Ok, that genuinely make me laugh, yiddish boy.

His coach was using the reality stone. Hes possibly the most OP character in the Sopranos universe.

I never thought about it like that.
Is Coach Molinaro in the S-tier in the power ranking list?


Have the drinks with me

You were too young to get it

The sopranos used to be very popular with plebs, too. Huge ratings and water cooler effect. Why can't we get a big pleb crowd pleaser that's also legit kino anymore?

You're a wormy cocksucka

The plebs that love Sopranos are so shameful. Just look at the people that hate this scene in the comments
>Life is absurd
One of the best delivery

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This, currently the most kino show

Is it better than BrBa? I hate that show

If you talk shit about the Sopranos, you only reveal your brainlet status
I feel bad for you son

But they had to have an establishing season, to go from there into everything that they did. First episode says that it's the beginning of the end, and the good times are gone. It was the tail end of that

I'm a Sopranosfag through and through, but I will say this: True Detective has the best first season of any show ever, and perhaps the best 8 episodes of any show ever. It was lightning in a bottle. It's a shame it wasn't nearly as good in season 2 and even less so in 3.

It's different. Slower paced, less capeshitty and focuses more on character development. That being said I loved BrBa, fuck the haters, but BCS more of a drama and less of a thriller, though it does have thrilling moments. It has gotten better with each season, the writing and cinematography are superb.

No. It had potential, but turned out to be poorly written with crazy amount of backtracking.

Examples? I think the show is well written so far

>X was shocking therefore it was good.

Kill yourself faggot. I bet you're one of those fags who freak out at Burlington Bar every time a new GOT episode comes out.


Season 1 was the most experimental and based on a +90 minute movie concept David Chase though up of, so he had to stick in as much B-plots.
Season 1 is definitely my least favorite and least rewatchable season but I don’t get how people have such a hard time getting past it considering the dialogue and the scenes that were about Uncle Junior, Livia and Tony were all great

This. My roommate is a GoTfag and he defended the Danycaust solely because it was surprising and unexpected. I tried to explain to him that that alone didn't make it good writing, but nothing doing

Sopranos=SFU desu

Also, Tony and Carmela scenes were fantastic too.
>I swear, sometimes i think you skeeve me.
>I skeeve you? You're the mother of my children. How the fuck did I skeeve you?
>You see what i'm talkin' about? Right there.
>You're the mother of my children. I feel like i'm just someone you've chosen to procreate with.
>You knew this might happen with the prozac.
>Ginny torrelli's been on it for years and she'd hump a fire hydrant if it could make a pass at her.
>Dr. Melfi told me it affects different people different ways.
>Oh. She told you that?
An episode after she lures Tony into an argument by mentioning Father Phil has been over while Tony was gone, only for her to reveal to Tony that she is aware his therapist is not a man. That’s some stellar dialogue, way better than Anna Gunn’s Skylar White or the women in GoT
>Stick em with the pointy end gov’uhna xD

I have an autistic friend that thinks The Long Night was great because it’s unexpected and that prophecies are boring. I wonder what he thinks of the recent episode now that even normies hate it

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This weaboo contrarian already made the admission that he's a zoomer, his favorite medium is anime, and that GoT is his favorite show (even after saying the Sopranos is a hodgepodge of mafia tropes while ironically lauding GoT as a trailblazer in fantasy storytelling). Ignore the braindead cretin

I came in to open up one morning and found you wit your head half in the toilet. Your hair was in the toilet watah. Disgusting.

Taking it up the ass, I see

They were two different people, and then then the troll (GoT-fag) started butting into my conversation with the anime fag

>trying to bring anime into this shitstorm of an argument

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>projecting yet again

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fucking NIGGERS

What's badly written about it? The plot makes sense and has exciting moments.

Big Pussy’s death

Look at Kirk Douglas's fuckin hair

Ebin scene and music

They and Stannis are a true kings of course

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Dropping the gun at the scene is actually pretty standard. You don't want to use a murder weapon anymore. It's kinda like burner phones.

>Fucking moron doesn’t know about hitmen dropping their weapon after a kill
>Thinks it’s an anime-tier thing
Fucking Christ what an idiot

>tfw soprabros giving yous to some faggot trying to be contrarian
Give him a break, huh? Guy spent twenty fucking years on reddit, taking upvotes up the ass. Xer looks like Discordo-tranian whooa.

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>I've seen anime on par and better than Sopranos

it's cause americans have a wog fetish, they are obsessed with mafia shit