Muh car

>muh car
>muh doge
Surely Yea Forums doesn't succumb to this absolute facebook tier of a franchise, far removed from anything kino

Attached: jw2.jpg (1589x894, 149K)

>caring about his motivations and not just enjoying the spectacle

Attached: dickhead.jpg (242x520, 50K)

>just tuwn yo bwain off
The absolute state of nu-Yea Forums

People dont watcch John Wick for the story you dolt.

Why not:
>muh ridiculous kill count that never deters the bad guys. ever.

I don't care what people watch it for. That doesn't make it correct. All aspects of kino should be present, you don't ignore 99% and say but muh action was good so good moobie

He’s a psychopath, the first movie established this pretty well. Every movie after the first wasnt needed as the first told a wonderful story of fucking with crazy

Have sex

This movie is like the Expendable series, the story doesn't really matter, the filming and action are the substance here. Plus Keanu Reeves is based as fuck.

what part in any of the movies/trailers made you think it would have any kind of depth?

I would kill scores if they killed my doge.


You're a faggot if you wouldn't

I don't think it's a fair comparison because the action in John Wick blows the Expendable series by a country wide margin.

people who elevate pets to human worth are weirdos.

Very true

It was the last time I take my recommendations from Yea Forums. I watched the original John Wick with my cousin expecting it was going to be some campy fun like The Transporter but I felt embarrassed as fuck. She probably thinks I'm a psychopath now.

Thank you autists.

Why would you expect John Wick to be kino? Or is it that you don't understand why people like it if it isn't kino? Are you this retarded?

I elevate my dog's life above human worth, if I could save my dog over some random I would save the dog

Action is the purest form of cinematic experience.

It's telling that John Wick 2 starts with a Buster Keaton scene. Now that's kino.

and the story too

>it's a "John Wick has a larger bounty on his head" episode

>Or is it that you don't understand why people like it if it isn't kino?
People are dumb and like garbage all the time