Why did they stop cheering?

Why did they stop cheering?

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Being forced to re-examine their self-image in a way that was probably too cognitively taxing for them to do in the span of time that the scene occurred in.


>Drinking tinnies
>In a bar
Do Americans actually do this?

Nowhere I hang out in

>Using the word "tinnies"

Do faggots in other countries really talk like children?

low pH

>his bar doesn't have selections of locally brewed craft beer

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I fully expect a class action lawsuit led by an opportunistic scumbag lawyer for all the retards that named their baby dany or got a dany tattoo. don't doubt me

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what's a tinny?

Cope. Try drinking draught, gimp.

ITT: Yea Forums incels get mad at normal people drinking and enjoying themselves

Their yass queen actually slayed and they didn't like it when it was actually implemented, much like all the far left ideas I'm sure they support until they're actual policy.

>prepared to watch yaass kween slay dany killing le bad guys
>instead its half an hour of civilians getting raped and burned alive by their shitty self insert
bravo d&d

Beer cans
The bar I work in only does draught beer

they literally short circuited

>mommy, why did you name me after a murderous mad queen from a tv show

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Operation BurliBRAP.

All Yea Forums operators shall follow these instructions, simply put we will ruin their night.

1.Go in early and order a drink
2.Act completely normal
3.Wait until the place is packed
4.Take a couple of stink bombs with you
5.pretend to tie your shoe
6.drop stink bombs then brake them
7.calmly walk towards the door and exit

If all goes well the bar will smell like complete shit for HOURS.

Best part of the plan? They will have to endure the smell if they want to watch their precious show.

Spread the word Yea Forums, autism is coming...

It does and it's all on tap because our bars are actually bars not just some fucking shopfront you can sit in and and pay double for cans from their lukewarm fridge. Imagine if a local brewery worth their salt would can their ale instead of providing kegs.

Cope harder, i don't drink beer and I don't talk like a child.

I would have been more worried if they kept cheering

Why isn't Arya getting hate for practically killing that mother and girl?

uhhhh, my local brews do bottles, cans and kegs. try again sweetie, sounds like your breweries suck ass

You can't just get in there. It's got a patreon and stuff, they sell tickets to the bar, you have to pay to watch it.


not in the bars in my town lol


I see only one respectable looking person there. What happened to normal people watching tv?

>What happened to normal people watching tv?
They still watch TV at home, like normal people.

What, you think watching shitty TV shows in bars is normal?

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sure, except you wouldn't be fucking stupid enough to put all your men outside during a siege

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