How come Rogan doesn't stream his interviews live as they are happening anymore? big part of the fun was knowing that it was direct and raw so there was no editing or hiding if shit went down.
What gives?
How come Rogan doesn't stream his interviews live as they are happening anymore? big part of the fun was knowing that it was direct and raw so there was no editing or hiding if shit went down.
What gives?
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Nobody knows but apparently on a recent podcast he said it was YT issues
Probably the usual.
Afraid of what somebody might say that will get them sued.
Afraid of being swatted.
Afraid of a mass shooting event.
Or just wanting to edit out their fuck ups.
>Afraid of what somebody might say that will get them sued.
this + also 'afraid of being deplatformed for what somebody might say
after alex jones youtube dont let him livestream anymore
>editing or hiding if shit went down
some podcast where a stoner talks about hunting and DMT trips and MMA and smoke weed maaaan over and over with every single guest. why are you acting like it's interesting at all anymore and anything worth editing out or hiding will ever even happen. maybe they should edit the fuck out of it whenever Rogan blathers on and on about something he's said a billion times before
SJWs seriously want to get rid of JRE because he is one of the few shows that will let conservatives talk. Also he will question far left dogma (see Adam Conover). They have to make sure it never gets too crazy and if it does they'll edit it out.
his guests might start denying the holocaust or something
I don't know, why does CNN have a delay?
Alex Jones trojan horsed his plataform and youtube now is angry as fuck with Joe.
Wouldn't be surprised if his chanel gets deleted before the year ends.
stop revolving your life around that stuff man, i promise you'll be so much happier
It's all of these.
1. Youtube is deleting videos and suspending huge channels just because of copyright claims, whether they're substantiated at all.
2. Rogan's podcast has been getting more high-profile guests lately, and they're not really comfortable with the live format. He did a live show with the CEO of Twitter, and when they did their follow-up episode the Twitter guy literally brought the company lawyer with him to answer all is questions. When he did his episode with Elon Musk and got him to pretend to smoke weed for 5 seconds, Tesla's stock dropped by 10%. It's a natural consequence of having more famous guests.
dude you ever heard about the concept of tribalism?
i legit think he got a strike on his channel for something so he cant live stream for 3 months but just said fuck it and is never going to do live streams again anyways also if you check out the view count for his videos since the switch they have pretty much remained the same of been a little better
>SJWs seriously want to get rid of JRE because he is one of the few shows that will let conservatives talk
Is that really true? Joe is a Democrat on most issues (drugs, pro-open borders) and in his social life he's pretty progressive (has tons of gay friends and a black stepdaughter). You'd think SJWs would love him for "bluepilling" an otherwise right-leaning audience that gets into his show because they think it's about hunting and MMA.
If you get a copyright strike on your channel you can't livestream for 6 months or something.
>2. Rogan's podcast has been getting more high-profile guests lately, and they're not really comfortable with the live format. He did a live show with the CEO of Twitter, and when they did their follow-up episode the Twitter guy literally brought the company lawyer with him to answer all is questions. When he did his episode with Elon Musk and got him to pretend to smoke weed for 5 seconds, Tesla's stock dropped by 10%. It's a natural consequence of having more famous guests.
yup. those two jack dorsey interviews probably have a lot more to do with it than even alex jones(though dorsey was basically came on to counter alex jones lol)
Why would he get a stike? for having Alex Jones on despite getting banned off youtube?
>though dorsey was basically came on
that's gay
>Is that really true? Joe is a Democrat on most issues (drugs, pro-open borders) and in his social life he's pretty progressive (has tons of gay friends and a black stepdaughter). You'd think SJWs would love him for "bluepilling" an otherwise right-leaning audience that gets into his show because they think it's about hunting and MMA.
brah those people are never satisfied. joe rogan could be a black transgender man but by 'giving a platform' to certain people they see him as 'promoting hate' which they then equate to 'promoting genocide'
How come retards flock to this mind-numbing trash show so hard? It's like two hours of navel gazing about the dumbest shit.
What do you nimrods even get out of it, aside from brain damage?
He got a strike for some video he watched during one of the podcasts.
>>though dorsey was basically came on
>that's gay
ya got me
*cames on you*
Youtube fears The Bravo, this is just the inifital phase to try to silence him.
You sound like you need to chill bro. Have you tried DMT? It'll change your life, a hundred percent.
knowing youtube if could be for literally anything and i know he wouldnt say anything about it to his fans because it would cause a shit storm for youtube and for Joe seeing that he makes millions of dollars from YT he doesnt want to get on their bad side
I almost expect YT to forbid him to have on certain guests. They're not liable to look kindly on Alex Jones being back after some of those social media giant sites forbid even linking to his content.
I bet you don't even do be being to make consumeing the drugs lol pussy.
>How come retards flock to this mind-numbing trash show so hard? It's like two hours of navel gazing about the dumbest shit.
sure, 90% of his shit, and most people dont watch 90% of his shit. people pick and choose based off what guests he has on. I've maybe seen
>He was banned for wrongthink!
You guys do know that the biggest youtuber in history takes things way further than Rogan in that regard and is still going strong right? Most likely it was a legit fault like copyright violation instead of a crazy conspiracy.
>I almost expect YT to forbid him to have on certain guests. They're not liable to look kindly on Alex Jones being back after some of those social media giant sites forbid even linking to his content.
yeah, i am wondering when/if alex jones will be a guest on a high profile youtube channel.
>You guys do know that the biggest youtuber in history takes things way further than Rogan in that regard and is still going strong right? Most likely it was a legit fault like copyright violation instead of a crazy conspiracy.
ya, everyone remember that time pewdiepew let alex jones come on and shit all over globalists, liberals, satanits, and censorship for 4 hours, TWICE?
Nail on the head
I'm pretty sure he mentioned it on one of his podcasts, I never watch live and it's the only reason I knew about it.
The current theory is they got hit with copyright strikes so many times for 'Jamie, pull up...", YT took away their ability to live stream. He's been making comments that point towards that. He was blaming the tricaster, but they've had plenty of time to replace it.
Not even remotely true, schizo. He was live streaming fine after that show.
3 months:
All content in live streams must adhere to our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service. If you suggest that you will live stream content that violates our Community Guidelines, we may age-restrict or remove your live stream. YouTube also reserves the right to restrict a creator's ability to live stream at its discretion.
If your live stream is restricted, you may also get a strike on your account, which will prevent you from live streaming for three months. If your account has been restricted from live streaming, you are prohibited from using another channel to live stream on YouTube. This applies for as long as the restriction remains active on your account. Violation of this restriction is considered circumvention under our Terms of Service and may result in termination of your account.
Other streamers have been complaining. The algos changed, people are getting copyright strikes a lot more now, especially guitar channels, and "reacts" channels.
I know someone who's dealing with this. There is no way to pre-emptively claim copyright on YouTube, and if, for instance, you own a copywritten song, there's no way to claim it ahead of time, so someone else can't claim it.
So, for instance, if Joe has a musician on, and they play their own song, which in any other context is 100% legal, their label can copyright strike it, and then it's on Joe to fight it. The algorythm will fire off regardless. There's no way around it.
Youtube needs to fuck off with their copyright shit.
i may not know a thing about brazilian jujitsu but if it came down to it
will it be the death of jre?
>Rogan app
The fuck? is this 2006? Reddit Rogan keeps going on speeches about how the best way to make it in entertainment is to make it free and accesible. He basicaly has a canned spiel he explodes into whenever he talks with another broadcaster.
Why change now?
Jamie is pretty stupid when it comes to what he should/shouldn't be showing on youtube.
How often do you think Joe beats the shit out of Jaime? i'd say at least once a week.
>All these posts and no one has actually provided the real answer
People have it partially right that it's because of copyright. However the issue with it being live in specific is that if you get "blocked." So after the stream ends, when it goes into people's subscription page it will just show up as blocked. So you lose out on the vast majority of the views a video will get because most people watch from that. THE VIDEO AUTOMATICALLY STAYS DOWN FOR TWO WHOLE DAYS while they consider the dispute, so it basically kills the video.
Source: It happened to H3H3
>told by cashapp he has to be more advertiser friendly or lose his funding
>drops politics and just talks to journos, wrestlers, and comedians
As much as I love watching two guys stroke each other off it feels baity now that he refuses political figures
>Source: It happened to H3H3
Stopped reading right there.
It's not Youtube 100%. It's the copyright owners. Most of it is the labels. The labels and the rights organizations like ASCAP and BMI refuse to change.
>Stopped reading right there.
Stopped reading right there.
>Youtube fears The Bravo
>Alex Jones trojan horsed his plataform
Alex is a CIA " Project Mind Wars" shill. He was only taken off platforms because of Hillary butthurt and his comment sections that were redpilling the audience that he was trying to bluepill
He's supposed to have Tulsi Gabbard back on today.
I'd hope he'd confront her over her saying she had no interest in running for pres on her first appearance, and then running out and announcing.
But he won't. He never does.
Joe is just a useful idiot. He might be call himself a progressive but he's just too dumb to realize he's being used by conservatives.
He repeatedly brings on all of these right wing snake oil salesmen who just tell him what he wants to hear and know well enough not talk about their most extreme views. Joe just nods along and never calls them out on anything so they use him as a stepping stone.
There's a reason why most of Joe's fanbase are conservative gamer bros.
stay jealous
You sure you're not from Twitter, buddy?
he's a gateway to the alt right
>guest: dude there's this jewish conspiracy we should kill all Muslims too
How can we destroy these people?
They aren't people at this point, they are perpetualy appointed legacy systems. There is no going back sadly.