
What we left behind edition

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Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

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Just bought my ticket

i have never seen star trek

Well, don't quit while you're ahead.

seeing it tonite l+ds

The night that Bashirfaggot becomes on-topic.

>not funny
>not interesting

Same bro, got my ticket earlier. Only four screenings in my country so lucky it's even playing

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Quit lying faggot. You're not leaving your house.

t. mad cos no screenings near him

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>doesn't know where greentext is appropriate
So you admit that you're mad because there's no screening near you. I rest my case.

>screenshot created in MS Word

wtf was her problem?

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go see movie

She needed a dicking REAL bad

Same as all Romulan women, really.

Threadly reminder that there is nothing truly original about Star Trek. Even the things you think are "original" have actually been done better by prior works.

You're boring and gay

Only one of those is true. Guess which one...

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Both are true
Boring and gay
I however am awesome and about to see ds9 movie

We lost, lads. Pack your bags, go home, it's over.

I just watched the movie and I can confirm that BF has the voice of a girl (female). And she's not even the most degenerate girl in the movie-- that's an honor which belongs to the lady covered in tattoos. Disgusting. I've said my piece.

I just wanna hear my boy ramble about this and that

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He only appears in archival footage, and the other actors and writers make fun of him.

What did you think Trek?
Full HD remaster when?

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Not until AI is advanced enough to remaster for free.


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Replying to my own post to say I thought it was good, funny, and heartwarming. I don’t believe Terry, she left for Becker money. Also the season 8 thing was a waste of time and barely redeemed by the fact of the writers being the original guys. To add insult to injury they mentioned a bunch of other interesting topics that were left on the cutting room floor.
Has Dorn aged in 20 years?

laughed out loud at this (and i just got home from watching it)

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I saw Bashirfriend's movie! The crowd was really great, probably the most friendly movie theater experience I've ever had. DS9 fans are based.

I thought it would just be talking heads, but it was so much more. The time really flew by, they didn't disappoint with this production. It's an entertaining film in its own right.

Someone in my audience said "Ew" when they mentioned William Shatner.

Wow, I'm glad the crowd I was with didn't suck. We had many good laughs and some bantz without disrupting the film. When Andy said that Garak wanted to fuck Bashir, the theater exploded (metaphorically) It was like real life /trek/. Holy shit I'm going to Vegas next chance I get.

They showing this here, what is it and why is it happening? Isn't it just a two parter episode?
Do I need to go to the movies tonight?

It's a documentary and it's already too late for you to go. You'll have to buy the Blu-ray when it comes out, or pirate a download when one's available.

Holy shit, I can't believe that Nog is fucking DEAD.

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reminder this is a discord thread full of reddit niggers, holes and faggots

I really, really, really, really want season 8 now

Pls CBS. I will do literally anything. I will shill every new Star Trek show you produce. Please. Please. Please.

Kill yourself faggot scum

I get more pussy than everyone on this board, I'm a sexual magnet.

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Not gonna happen, keep seething, ugly soul-user

>he wants Nog to die
You're heartless.

It's as good as canon already.

kill yourself faggot scum

God I'm glad that I'm not as hopeless and ragey as this loser. UGH!

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Kill yourself faggot scum

>it's an "M Class" planet that looks just like a Hollywood backdrop or the Mojave desert episode

The official name is Genera Prime

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Apologize to your favorite tripfag.

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Marry me

I apologize for my previous comments. Still hate commies though.

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explain this circlejerk to someone who doesn't know what you are talking about

kill yourself hole

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine had a documentary released in theaters today. In a segment of the documentary, various fans are interviewed for their opinions on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. One of these fans featured in the film is the /trek/ tripfag Bashirfaggot !!cUABfN5xFSR.

I see, thanks.
Were the opinions like the ones in this general or were they able to articulate their love for DS9 without dissing other shows?

No more answers. You're dismissed.

kill yourself

Kind of.

It's pretty hard to talk about DS9 without the context of TNG and Voyager after all.

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All is fair in love and Star Trek. One of the deleted scenes is Jonathan Frakes calling it "Deep Sleep Nine".

>no, they were like in those generals acting like kids and spouting hateful comments.
I see, thanks for the answer.

it's time for space battle

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If you can't handle me at my Frakes then you don't deserve me at my cakes.

>they were about to kill off obrien in the pretend pilot reboot
I was about to be pretend angry

>the other actors and writers make fun of him

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>mom likes Outlander, written by Ron Moore and Ira Steven Behr
>take her with me to see a documentary starring Ira Steven Behr and Ron Moore
>they don't mention Outlander even once
>instead they talk about how the degenerate lizardman was lusting for human boipuccy, how he wanted to slide his forked reptile tongue all over that glistening arabian body, dig his haram claws deep into halal flesh, thrust his shiny scaly cock hard into every orifice again and again and again
>mom won't talk to me now

>He only appears in archival footage
They had some new interview scenes with him.
>and the other actors and writers make fun of him.
Wait are you talking about Marc? Because everyone made fun of Marc constantly.

Jazz musician? Jazz musician! He doesn't even speak in full sentences, like a jazz musician! He's always high and talking in nonsense, like a jazz musician! Did I mention yet that he's a jazz musician?

That was just a tiny part of their commentary on him.

>Vee's sperging in the dickwad


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There are stories about him, and they're all true.

Especially the lies.

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Veef is a better poster than you

did jessie fuck ira steven bere for the 10 second spot?

No, she just donated money to get some scenes remastered in HD.

Kill yourself nigger lover

>Because everyone made fun of Marc constantly.
Nana Visitor was insistent that Kira should never fugg Dukat, but I wanted her to admit that Kira should have fugged Damar.

Kill yourself faggot scum

>angry user is east coast
not really surprised

Did Bashirfaggot rage or something?
What did I miss?

No, it's more rage from

Kill yourself faggot scum

He got his ass beat by a half-prophet nigger. Eternally wrong in the Fire Caves.


>when Chakotay slugs his crewman for insubordination
Is he gonna stay this based forever?

Anyone got the big tit Seven edits?

if you want to talk about the other inferior trek shows you'll have to come back another day, next month will be about DS9 and tripfaggots

>Kira x Damar
The ship DS9 needed, but not the one it deserved. That was the Sao Paulo.
>feeding anti-VOY delusion
There's probably a DS9 subreddit that's more up your alley, sugar. Here on Maquischannel, we discuss what we want, when we want, and damn the consequences.

Commander Ezri

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Just watched the DS9 doc and it was almost entirely leftist propaganda. Ira Behr is a kike hack. Let's start, it had like 5 minutes dedicated to feminism, 5 minutes dedicated to muh racist drumpf supporters, 5 minutes about LGBT faggotry, 5 minutes about poverty and how we need socialism to pay for homeless people, almost all the fans interviewed for the doc were blue haired feminist looking dykes, Ira behr dedicates a whole scene to how the show didn't do enough for gender identity propaganda, and than they all go out of the way to confirm garak as a homo. Fucking garbage movie and I wasted money to pay for this propaganda. Dont make the same mistake and just pirate this shit if you really wanna watch it. Also dear lord the fuck is with bashirfags face get those warts zapped off your face andfucking visit a dentist for the love of God
>muh female heros
Neck yourself, tranny

kys faggot

>and than they all go out of the way to confirm garak as a homo
Garak is based but I could totally see him being a homo.

faggots should be executed

Are you okay?

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I thought you were dead.

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>kill yourself hole

If 'she' doesn't dilate then the hole will.

>a homo
He had a canon GF.

Any hole is a goal for Garak, he's bi.

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>it's a Riker episode

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[Inquiry about sexual organs intensifies.]

Kill yourself faggot scum

After rewatching TNG this is by far my least favorite thing about the show. Literally every fucking bitch with a wet cunt is obsessed with Riker. It's fucking obnoxious.

Gimme the tl;dr on what Marc said in the DS9 doc. Was he seething with rage over Ira?

>I didn't feel appreciated because no one told me I was doing a great job
>Dukat should have had a romance with Kira because I wanted to fuck Nana
That's all I remember

Unfortunately, TNG seems to be adhere to it's archetypes quite rigidly. While this isn't as appealing to serious fans, it helps ease casual viewers into the series more easily during serial broadcasting. Probably TNG's biggest flaw IMO, and yet another reason DS9 is so good (though DS9 has more problems on an episode-by-episode basis.)

>first officer of the flagship
>killing machine
>can cook
>can play the most sexual instrument known to man
>pinnacle of humanity
It just makes sense.

why the fuck is he seething so badly?

fair enough
i know youre being ironic but
>aliens all over the galaxy are all attracted to the same things

are you a tranny?

i wish

>>aliens all over the galaxy are all attracted to the same things
Why wouldn't they? They are just humans with some different appendages.

fuck off voyager fag

kill yourself faggot scum

>incel angry that people like The One With The Female Captain
Have pon farr.

im a bi crossdresser not a faggot, idiot

i actually like voyager its just not canon

>it's a "Trekkie has no friends so he shitposts to pass the lonely hours" episode
Skipped. ;)

Kill yourself faggot scum

>ugh I hate how people found Riker attractive but I am ok with other characters being the same trope tho

>bis are faggots
nice projection, homosexual

Bashirfag has a cute voice

queers should be executed

i agree death the homos and heteros, bis will reign supreme

kill yourself voyagerfag

Bi are queer scum

Gib vocaroo pl0x

thats what LGT wants you to think.

>when you fell for the "Bashirfag is actually a man" meme
fuck you guys

You faggots sure are a self-loathing bunch.

“He got me,” Eddington said of Sisko's dunk over him. "That fucking Sisko boomed me."
Eddington added, “He’s so good,” repeating it four times.

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How can Maquisbois even compete?

I wish Kenneth Marshall would have been featured in the documentary. They showed his photograph and I was so happy for that brief moment.

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It's Star Trek you fool, it's always been leftist. I know you want to equate it to modern SJW shit but Christ you never went through the 90s if you think this of Deep Space Nine of all ST series.

Kill yourself faggot scum

/voy/agerms UNITE!

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U think if the Picard show is a success that they'll pull Sisko out of the wormhole and give him some closure.

b-b-b-but people kept saying that DS9 was redpilled and alt-right material!

Janeway should destroy this board, yikes.

I like Star Trek
I like TNG
I like DS9
I like Voyager
I like Enterprise
I like The Orville

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>wtf was her problem

Daddy issues.

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No! You can't do that!

DS9 was surprisingly balanced, as far as I'm concerned, at least until authoritarianism is thrown under the bus during the Dominion War.

man she is so hot, what i wouldnt give

>the post was deleted
I bet 2 strips of latinum he ban evades to continue shitposting. Losers like him have the time and desperation.

based and trekpilled

what about discovery tho :^)

Mah Emissary.

I dont get it. why do women get to wear such basic outfits and still look sexy as hell?? I wish I could do that.

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>post about sexy women
>image of Crusher
Poor form, Cadet. 40 laps around the cargo bay.

How many of you trekkies play STO?

I play a Federation aligned Romulan

i know she's not sexy herself but that outfit on any other woman would be hot

Kill yourself faggot scum

kill yourself tranny

Computer, create a character replica of Julian Bashir in this dress.
Disengage safety protocols.

Computer, increase the replica's lust levels by 500%

Based. Is STO still a thing? I've been curious about playing since finishing DS9.
Could I roll a Bajoran worker toon?

computer kill this faggot scum

Behold! The Prophets have spoken!

Yeah people still play it. I was thinking about getting back into it. I think you could be a bajoran let me check real quick.

Any Riker fatfic?

>developed by Cryptic
>published by Perfect World
Ohhhh noooo, this is gonna be proto-Neverwinter, isn't it? Good. I love stupid, shitty Neverwinter.

No, but I have Riker fatfact

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I never played Neverwinter, but I do enjoy this game.

I got work in the morning. See ya later nerds.

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>that episode of enterprise where the ferengi get hot n bothered over gold

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Kill yourself faggot scum

I can dig a Jonathan Fats, but those eyes make me melancholic, for some raisin.

See you in the Fire Caves of Bajor, nigga.

Kill yourself faggot scum

kys faggot

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blacks use voodoo Potion . intrigue WHITES!

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>USS Emmett Till
'What We Left Behind' was a garbage dumpster fire of smug kikery. Even my gf was like "this is corny" and she watches Outlander.

>BF's disgusting gap toof
>Alaimo got the biggest laugh for saying he wanted to bone Nana
>Behr constantly reasserting his love for faggotry and niggers
>Behr complaining about some CNN documentary about the 90s
>weird out of place montage of Trump and Robert Spencer
>the fact that Avery Brooks doesn't give a fuck despite Behr kissing his ass
>implied based Berman telling Terry that her tits belong at K-mart
>DS9 writers seems to have a hardon fo Vic Fontaine.

Fuck this shit. Even Okada admitted DS9 is a space mall. Where is my blu ray release you fucking kike shit CBS niggers?

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>"One of the little known changes Blackman made to the Theiss designed uniforms of seasons 1 and 2 was the addition of pockets to some of the costumes in season 3. Frakes used to sneak pieces of deli meat from the craft service table and when the cameras weren't rolling he'd slip his hand in his pocket and then sniff his fingers. I once found a rotting pork chop in one of costumes that had been put into permanent storage. The smell was unbelievable." (Cinefantastique, Vol. 38, No. 4, February 2003.)

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I love lettuce, guac, and tomato sandwiches.

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Dont forget that huge sequence about muh slavery and muh black struggles

>5 minutes dedicated to feminism
Culminating in our resident fag hag namefag being an annoying cunt. I seriously want her to get raped by pittsburgh n*ggers .

It's funny because 'Past Tense' is probably the worst two parter in the history of the franchise but they spent an inordinate amount of time jacking themselves off to it, coming in an arc of gentleman's relish all over the face of Star Trek.

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I can't wait for the Voyager documentary where it is revealed ex post facto, like Dumbledore and Garak before him that Harry Kim is indeed a huge faggot.

The trump bullshit was the last straw. I walked out of the theater at that scene but I knew it was going to be a dumpster fire almost from the start with that gay feminism segment.

Can we seriously not enjoy star trek without the libkike bullshit? Did they seriously have to make it about a bunch of SJW shit? Just talk about star trek you fucking self important pieces of garbage. All those fags were talking like they were saving the world with their progressive propaganda.

Holy shit so the DS9 documentary was that had huh? You know I can accept that it's a pretty left leaning show but did leftists really have to keep raping the series long after it died?

>I walked out of the theater at that scene
Let's be honest, no you didn't. That shit was $13. No one walks out of movies anymore. The whole documentary was Ira Jerking his kike cum into his blue beard, but $13 is $13.

The whole doc was basically Ira Behr retroactively lamenting that DS9 was either "too progressive for its time" or not "progressive enough" and him either patting himself on the back or cursing some nebulous foe that would not allow him to air Garak buttfucking dudes on what was essentially a family show.

>USS Emmett Till
Literally a /pol/ meme.

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>Let's be honest, no you didn't. That shit was $13
poorfag detected

If they started airing people fucking labradors I probably would have stayed.

Kill yourself faggot scum

>the fact that Avery Brooks doesn't give a fuck despite Behr kissing his ass

Here's a fun answer from Avery about how full of shit he thinks progressive pandering is.


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Brooks seems like one of those hilarious Farrakhan we wuz types that hates jews and thinks white people are descended from yakub or some other big brained negro sheeeet.

>diversity hire complaining about SJWs

Eat my shitty asshole, richfag.

Dear DS9 writers, no one outside of baby boomer Star Trek writers who grew up with the rat pack enjoys, appreciates, or even understands Vic Fontaine.
-the fans.

He's definitely an eccentric guy; but I don't think he's into anything as nuts as Yakub.

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Kill yourself faggot scum


why does kira wear her belt so high, it squishes her jacket weird and makes it look like she's fat

nigger faggot enabler