Women age like mil--

Women age like mil--

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Damn, Michael Caine was a fucking Chad. Also into BLEACHING apparently.


She has great genetics for aging but micheal Caine was one of those people born old

Also money

white women*

only applies to huwite women

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>Women age like milk.
White women, yes. Ironic, isn't it.

It's white women

Look at her smile. She got herself a man with a killer jawline and a full head taller than her. How good must it feel for a woman to catch herself a chad?

It’s just a thing delusional telomerelets on Yea Forums say because they saw a dude with salt and pepper hair and think they’re automatically gonna look great at 60

>Milk is white.
>Ages like shit.
>Caucasians are white.
>Ages like shit.
Dare I say, pottery?


ew brush your teeth

This is your brain on veganism

Michael Caine fought in the Korea War before even getting into acting, that shit would put some years on anyone

It’s because black don’t crack, white women age like shit
Michael Caine is a BASED coloniser

>shit is brown
>smells, tastes, and looks like shit for its entire duration

What Chad isn't?

>72 years old and looks that good

Grandmommy gimme the milkies.

>sexy brown minx smiling because she gets to ride on big bong cock

Exactly some people are just thrown into being a man at a young age another actor that was born old is James gandolfini here’s him at 32, despite being balding and fat the 25-40 year olds at my work in 2000-2007 flooded the workroom talking about him

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>t. Triggered White Boi
Have fun looking 50 when you're in your 30s.

He has fucking great taste. She's of indian descent and played Sean Connery's bride in The Man Would be King. Super hot.

>t. triggered white boi projecting his insecurities because white women turned him down his whole life
literally post more than 5 shitskins that look good over the age of 70.

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>before /pol/
>after /pol/

I want a mommydomme so bad

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it feels good until her brain decides it doesn't and she cheats on him. or she never thinks about cheating on him but does anyway

damn lost respect for him after i found out shes a practicing muslim

It really is a cancer.

lmao he boilin’

Low quality b8

I’m sure he’s upset

the vast majority are white, what gives! its like race is irrelevant to age and its more about a healthy lifestyle which is generally why japanese people age the best because they don't eat like shit.

>not liking the thought of Muslim qts risking disownment and their fathers and brothers honor killing them just to taste some BWC
Pretty onions, mate

Most muslims fathers don’t see it like some weird raceplay they see their daughter getting with a rich handsome actor who is loved and will provide and protect them


christie brinkley still looks pretty fucking good, also barbara crampton. morgan fairchild was hot for a good long while but she finally just recently smacked into a wall

I think it’s less to do with that he’s white and more to do with that she’s defiling herself with an infidel.


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You go on pol too much

Not really unless it’s in Saudi Arabia it won’t be a problem, thought multi religious households don’t work but if the husband is successful and can provide for the wife and the family and support them it’s alright

Id let her pray on my carpet

he's not human, doesn't count

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the way he went after her is kino.

who is the bottom left?

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Catherine zeta jones I believe

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>non white women

try again

Elaborate fren

>I wasn't caught if I chose to be caught!

Black don’t crack but crackers are whack

He saw her in a Brazilian coffee ad and immediately thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He started looking everywhere until finding out she lived in England. He met her and they married.
Apparently she helped him overcome psychological issues too.

why are so many people on Yea Forums roleplaying shitskins lately

W2c glasses

>fuck niggers
there, we dispensed with the bs

>he wanted to colonize her and he did it
absolute madman

brown women were made to be BLEACHED. Caine has the right idea.

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that ass on the left needs some source bro

Hanging out with Commies and Nazis will do that to you.