

Attached: Screenshot_20190513-184521.jpg (1440x1283, 562K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>gay character is gay
fucking wow, what next? Smithers?

We exist.

>Hey, Mr. Ratburn what's wrong
>Oh. Nothing children, it's just I wanted a fully erect, throbbing hard cock cake for my wedding to share with all of you, but those bigoted Christian bakers told me they felt uncomfortable doing that, what is wrong with this country? Don't people realize love is love? It's 2019! My wedding os ruined!
>Okay guys, we have to burn down that Trump loving homophobic bakery, and send a message that THIS is not okay. For Mr. Ratburn!

This. So much this.


Fuck twitter

To be fair, he was kinda "queerly" in the earlier seasons


Not for long, infidel. We'll be hanging you from construction cranes in Britain by the end of the next decade.

this is what conservitards actually believe

This is the first time we see characters of different species marrying


You don't deserve to shove your sexual fetish into children programming, you society ruiners, just so you can normalize the wrong.

What's wrong with it? You cannot tell me he was straight the whole time

People don't take kindly to that sort a thing around these here parts. *spits*

why is his name mr ratburn?

We live...in a society...


>You got some nerve comin' to this part of Elwood, Ratlover!

>mr ratburn is a pervert now kids. and that's okay

At our sufferance. Do you realize you sick faggots are 2% of the population but forced into literally every aspect of life? I dont know any faggots personally because your mental illness disgusts me and the vast majority of people feel.the same way. One day soon we will round all of you up and cleanse this nation.

>Mr. Ratburn marries a 30-40 year old Aardvark around the time Arthur would be 30-40 years old

I see.

And then, for no reason at all...

Who cares about that? The important question is: what has this character gotten up to?

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We don't take kindly to those who don't take kindly!

Being gay is fine as long as it stays in the closet but studies prove gays are overwhelmingly child molestors and since they cannot reproduce they have to indoctrinate.
Pic related, the gays shove all sorts of society wrecking evils at kids. This is what people mean by the gay agenda

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I wonder how many male students he abused.

pls make it stop.

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To shove it up your ass!

Having gay sex


A fucking gay rat lmao only gays would be proud of this shit

>Anna Kendrick marries a man
How is this a gay marriage?

Pests exist too. That's why you exterminate them.

This post is so important.

Have you guys never watched Arthur, that busta BEEN gay

have sex


Only if you have a little jesus

Not interested in your Lego cock

Doing it for free

>you were born and raised before homosexuality, feminism, and diversity plagued every aspect of media
dodged a bullet, bros.
imagine being born in the past 18 years and growing up being told that cutting your cock off or licking another man's ass is normal lmfao.

Why do Americans love such childish name-calling?
>president cheetoh

Based literal faggot triggering figurative faggots like there's no tomorrow. A true lad.

>Mr. Ratburn
>not the gayest mainstream cartoon character since Mr. Simmons

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i don't care if niggers and spics exist desu i just don't want them in my country
if we sent them back to africa and mexico i wouldn't give a fuck.
as for jews their existence is a crime against humanity

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But you shouldn't

because he is a jew

Gee, I don’t know. Maybe childish name calling is just exclusive to Americans.

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Sounds based and nazipilled to me

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It's their country aswell. What if their ancestors have been their longer than yours?


Wasnt Hitler gay?

Amazing that your own kind cooked up a worse punishment for you than I could ever have imagined

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No, just European.
All the same though, really.

He was happy, gay didn't mean "dudes sucking other dudes dicks and getting hard to hairy male asshole" until about 40 years ago user

Imagine Mr Ratburn getting fucked in the arse

When will they put out the episode where he gets a load blown up his ass at a bug party and doesn’t of aids?

Time to teach the children

As if anyones reading all of that you culture warrior faggot lol

I hate how these people have defaulted to referring to white men as "straight white dudes" almost as a way to infantilize those who don't agree with them. "I want a black trans women Darth Vader because he's been white forever!"

The cockpill

>white bois seething as their cartoon aardvark becomes gay

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That's confined to /pol/ though, whereas my examples are normie terms.

Who next? Mr Rogers?

Still happened even if it had a different name. Hitler lived for the dick I heard.

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you should homo, reading that and knowing what your kind is capable might save your life one day, your kind is vile, heinous, repent you sinner


I highly doubt you actually think this way. You are just trying to get a reaction on the internet

I'm not gay lol, I just don't a problem with gays NARC!

Chopped off his penis and started larping with his discord buddies

I can't believe arthur is still around
I could never understand why it existed in the first place, it's fucking garbage

Not him but you're insane if you don't think the majority of males feel that way. Overall that line of thinking is a minority opinion because of female influence but at least 60% of men would gladly round you fruits up and turn you in to fruit cake

Imagine Mr. Ratburn fucking someone in the ass with his giant nose.

>I'm not gay

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Why do these faggots use this slang now?

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Yeah no shit. I’m a fag too but I don’t want fags in children’s television programs.

>it's their country as well
the United States of America is inherently a white country. it has been majority white for most of it's history, and most of the communities, towns, and cities were built by whites, it was founded by whites.
>inb4 muh natives
last time i checked injuns didn't found Boston or sign the Declaration of Independence.

2% is 1 of 50. If you've been in a room with 50 people, odds are you've been near at least one gay person. How's it feel knowing that you've been near gays, faggot?

>posted from Italy

US has been a melting pot since inception you goofy bitch. You wanted nigs back in they day you suffer the present day consequences.

feels good because they know by looking at me that I won't tolerate that faggot shit so they cut the lisp and straighten their fucking wrists out when I shake their hand and that shit isn't limp eitehr fucking hate faggots so much but they smell it, it smells like masculinity which hte fag fears, it ffears beacuse it wants fuck but als ha=tes because its opposite them

haha isn't it funny how everyone says "racism" in cartoons back in the old days was "vile" and "abhorrent" to show to kids or at the very least will say it was a different times, but will say this is perfectly fine. Just something funny I thought about lol.

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nah most of us aint christfags like you think we are . Take your shit back to /pol/

based xD

You sound like youre itching for a good dicking LOL bet that would mellow you right out, wouldn't it, big boy? ;)

have sex

Epic meme bro LMAO

That's Ireland, based retard.

I have nothing against gays on adult cartoons but this is a children cartoon actually.

not for very much longer

This show died as soon as it changed into flash animation

You watch gay hentai? LMAO


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>melting pot
a predominately white melting pot. Englishmen, Germans, Frenchmen, Irishmen, Italians, Scandinavians. etc.
are you black?
because you sound black.

Seething trannies
They hated Jesus because he told the truth.

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Yeh blacker than the darkest night and I be takin all yo wyt wymon LMAO

Unless my monitor's colours are out of whack, that flag is definitely red, not orange.

I'm dilating as we speak LMAO

larping white guy detected

>Dude racists exist bro. Having a racist in a cartoon won’t make kids racist.

It's orange, bro.

You finna get dabbed on son LMAO

jesus wasnt even real though?

I watched this cartoon when I was young, REALLY it's something I could have never expected to see in my life.
we are living on twisted times.

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Liketrump LMAO


Stay in school kids.


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Sick burn bro LMAO

You never watched Static Shock?

Your face when you literally don’t know colors and try to call someone else out.

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Current year.

>This scares the soi and tranny.

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That's gotta be The Onion

Confirmed for gay.

Niggas kinda yiffy UH LMAO

Is Ratburn also a Kike?

>/tvpol/ bitch about a CARTOON on TELEVISON & FILMS

Not that user but I used eyedropper and it looks like Yea Forums is retarded enough to apply a dark border to their flags, making the insides look darker than they really are. So it is orange, it just looks red.

Attached: eyedropper.png (52x78, 545)

Erm 2019 i think LMAO

You the viewer are gay.

Homosexuals have hyper-sexualized identities and generally are more easily manipulated emascualted morons, promotion of faggotry among children is the aims of a ruling body intent on keeping the male populace as weak as possible.

He's a cartoon dummy LMAO

Lol if you started shit with a gay person in most places you're more likely to have the straights in the room help them kick your teeth back your throat.

Most people being straight doesn't matter if they mostly think you're the actual faggot.

The uncomfortable truth is that we white men grew up well because we had real-life white role models, not fictitious white role models.

Of course, copying that for niggers is impossible since they're all worthless peasants. So they try to pretend they're giving their children role models by running our movies instead.

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They sound fun LMAO

Since he is a rat I bet his balls are huge 0w0

>iphone cuck + wojak poster trying to call anyone retarded
Why even bother posting? This is poland's flag. What colors do they have baby brains?

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Everysingleone LMAO

Great. Guess I finally have to drop Arthur. I can't believe Jews invaded another show.

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>Having gays in a cartoon won't make kids gay
>And that's okay!

>drop Arthur
You never even started it if you didn't notice this. Ratburn is one of the most flaming cartoon characters ever made.

this sounds so very jewish

No. He was never gay.

and you sound effeminate as fuck with a focus only on sexual pleasure, thank you for proving my point in one post.

Uh, LOVE IS LOVE. Why are you acting like such a fucking bigot? So what if I use bullfrogs as pocket pussies. You got a problem with that, snowflake?

Attached: honkle.jpg (828x651, 68K)

they are gay but you are a faggot

>at least 60% of men would gladly round you fruits up and turn you in to fruit cake

Yeah I bet they would ;)


You wanna fuck LMAO

Yea Forums is pol. A conservative, christian based website

Men tend to call each other retarded as low intellect is viewed unfavourably by men. Women tend to use sex based insults as being undesirable is the worst thing to them. Even posting this meme ironically shows you're a bit feminine

If I had a sort of infinity dildo that would somehow turn half of all characters in television gay overnight I'd do it in a heartbeat just to see this mewling dipshit board go nuclear.


Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.

youtube.com/watch?v=7dGJDJoeAok [Open]

youtube.com/watch?v=T6ToRD1ng5o [Open]



youtube.com/watch?v=tYleadaZ8vM [Open]
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video




>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Psyops by jews work to flood social media with jew agenda propaganda. They range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Yea Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

youtube.com/watch?v=Vqhi16iikxk [Open]
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"

youtube.com/watch?v=ceCOhdgRBoc [Open]
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"

youtube.com/watch?v=7dGJDJoeAok [Open]
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"

youtube.com/watch?v=2zbcEcSYcS8 [Open]
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video

youtube.com/watch?v=D2cNvncfCtk [Open]
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"

youtube.com/watch?v=G6m_1bstc3E [Open]
>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA

youtube.com/watch?v=XNWF9CeoZdE [Open]
>How acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

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Hey if you like warts on your dick, be my guest Frogposter.

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all of these incels, /pol/tards and frogposters in this thread

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Immeasurably based and bravepilled


Regular gay einstein over here LMAO

formerly Smithers was black

In your fucking dreams.



This video is now more relevant than ever.

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It's real. The kid was traumatized and afraid to see his teacher again.

Stop talking about guys' cakes you fag

U mad, bro?

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I fucked some femboy twink when i was in LA after taking 2 E pills and it was the worst experience ever.

The fucking smell of shit was constantly in the air while I was splitting this faggot's asshole. I don't know how queers do it, it's fucking disgusting.

>super surprising controversial thing to stay relevant
why is this news? any show that is well past it's prime will inevitably lead to shit like this. give SpongeBob a few more seasons and SpongeBob will start ass fucking Patrick under his rock

mahshallah brother

Take your meds, schizoposter.

>I had sex with a man
wtf bro

Enemas is how. When done properly, you shouldn't smell anything. You might have an STD now.

Sounds like he didn't do a good cleaning.

Unironically an animation error.

This was a mistake too.


i'm going to join isis just so i can behead degenerate western pigs.

To sound relatable or friendly. Fake it to make others believe that.


>duplicate file exists here
Dammit user beat me to it

We don't know the normie terms you use for your politicians because no other country matters and america has all the best websites, that's why you're here.

>Arthur was still on air all this time

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>I have a Special Honk for this Clown World

I'm no fucking queer.
I was on vacation and the little twink fag was practically begging to suck my cock.

You would have done the same thing.

>Oh, fuck maybe I am retarded.
>"Uh, Uh, u mad. yeah That'll show em!"

Attached: aid579274-v4-728px-Fake-Laugh-Step-1.jpg (728x546, 70K)

You just rreplied to a 45 min old post lol

We know.

You probably set off his gaydar lmao

That character was fucking gay the whole time though why is everyone acting like this is some fucking travesty?

he cut off his penis and became a women. Dropped the janitor job because it takes her 8 hours to dilate her artificial vagina.

Not for long.


Because these assholes have to cry about SOMETHING.

arthur is still on?

>I had sex with a noob therefore all gay sex is disgusting
That's like saying all blowjobs are awful because someone bit your dick by accident

Highly based and planpilled

Can't wait for the episode where Mr. Ratburn takes his class on a field trip to Ram Ranch

He was pure faggot, there's no way he was a "noob".

We're in a war, friend. We don't fight at sea nor land. The shores of reddit are our battle grounds,twitter is were we lock horns. Yea Forums, you ask? These are our barracks were we train up. This war? A culture war. We are soldiers keeping the enemy at bay, the fearsome sjw tranny libcuck. Our forefathers fought for what they believed, as do we. They'll be smiling down on us, happy to see we are fighting the greatest war of the 21st century.

He's right, I really look up to Mario.


Wrong. Kids of all ethnic groups idolized movie characters like Luke Skywalker.

>come to this site just to bitch and moan about what the actual users are talking about
Ok snowflake

That isn't even long

Hello janny

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Bit like your dick lol

I always knew ratburn was a faggot but I didn't know he was gay.

>Look mom I'm being a nigger on the Internet


Hitler wasn't voted into power, he was appointed

You just rreplied to an over an hour old post lol

Not after you cross my path.

>Blacks: bitch.
>Latinos: bitch.
>Gays: bitch.
>Women: bitch.
>Jews: REALLY bitch.
>People who aren't on your side: bitch.
You idiots are the bitchest bitches who ever moaned & bitched.

U wan sum gay fuk?

I even had the red cap and overalls, I thought I was Mario.

Anything that makes alt-right /pol/ christ cucks squirm is a good thing

Ok snowflake. So where are you from? Reddit? Tumblr? Resetera?


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Show us your boipussy user.

yikes sweaty let's unpack this

Straight people do anal too. It shouldn't smell.

From your your mother's bedroom!

It was just 90s quirky attitudes

you better make damn sure you keep your word or i'll fuck your corpse


Probably a finger in the bum

Gonna need to see your license to post here, eurocuck

And how many gay cereal brands do you need until we're done with this shitshow? It's getting boring you know

It's a meme you dip


>”quotation marks in green text”
Summer time lovin’. Lovin’ in the summer time!

>we need more representation in media
>Because how can I understand new perspectives if nobody is like me

This forced insertion shit isn't cool

unless said insertion is my cock in your mom's ass

Until it's profitable

But you don't reproduce. Ergo, you are an aberration.

You faggots make yourselves obvious with all the got threads

This, but unironically and toss in SEAmonkeys for good measure.


Hey homo next time don't pussy out by deleting your micro pee pee, either way internet doesn't forget. Btw
>20190501 filename
Wew you managed to not expose yourself for two whole weeks? This is buzzfeed-tier news, shoot them a PM


if japs can have homoshit in their kids cartoons, why can't the mutts?

Barely related but does anyone remember "the ass was fat" and the subsequent discovery of the adult Arthur fandom?

>there are gay rats posting on Yea Forums right now
What the fuck?

sharia can't come soon enough

what was that forum called? Elwood Slums?
That was a really frightening thing to find out about.

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user, we're all anonymous here. You don't have to keep defending your retardation.

im more surprised that arthur is still airing, let alone being on season 22

>all these assmad replies

You're doing God's work user


Good to know it's still going strong

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Yeah, that's the problem.

What the absolute fuck am I reading

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unironic dubs of truth.
>tfw euro libs think mohammedans are just going to give up their beliefs
>tfw euro libs sacrificed all the societal progression made for women, minorities and lgbt on the alter of diversity
>tfw euro libs are going to be outbred by immigrants within a century, possibly in their lifetimes, and become an abused minority without political or social agency
>tfw in a single generation peoples who in their history have resisted an endless litany of invasions opened up the gates and handed over their civilizations on a silver platter to savages because some phony levites tricked them into feeling guilty over their ancestors being flat out better at the game of conquer and consolidate that all of history has been up until recently

it'd almost be funny if it wasn't so horrifying, a lot of people will be facing a cruel reality in their twilight years and their children will spit on their graves while singing nasheeds. truly honk honk.

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Jesus. This is insane. It goes beyond normal fan fiction shit. It's actually autistic enough to use the concept from the show where babies/animals have their own language and can communicate with each other.

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>these niccas don't know Travis 2017
Strap in


Does everyone on this website have schizophrenia? This is fucking hilarious

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please just stop existing

I don't feel like I have a right to have an opinion on this because I honestly thought this show stopped airing after the 90s were over so this is all mindblowing to me.

>11 pages of comments for "When Arthur and Fern was babies"

Really? How did you not get that a guy who plays with puppets and orders boys heads over the phone is gay

Also, did any of you notice how Brain's mom used to be black but then they made her white?

The Western Roman Empire didn't fall for this.

>first gay marriage in the Arthur universe is also the first interspecies marriage (rat and aardvark)

Despite being 2% of the population they are 80% of the people who has std

Fucking creased, this makes /r9k/ look like schizoposting amateurs

I noticed that too and then realized its because they won't be able to reproduce anyway

>rats are posting on Yea Forums as we speak
Jesus Christ.

I want even that user.

>The Gay bathhouse
>The Gay bathhouse 2
>The Gay bathhouse 3
Guess I know what I'm doing for the rest of the night, cheers user

Exactly. Ratburn has been gay on that show for like 20+ years. I don't see the big deal

((((ratburn)))) was to on the nose.

mr ratburn gets aids

a male teacher's a pedophile? damn stop the presses

Did you all just instantly forget about this episode?

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No... it actually is pretty funny.

Isn't it kind of discriminatory of kids who CANNOT look up to or relate to characters who share the same race/orientation as them?

What's this got to do with anything?

what bothers me about shit like this is that it's always characters that have been established for years that just end up getting the gay tagged on them. Make your own characters and make them gay fags.

>Them babies
>In fact of course

So called "liberals" think big government needs to send in jack booted troops to force people at gunpoint to go bake a cake against their religious convictions.

Is it that difficult to just some dumb homophobic baker turn down making a cake they are uncomfortable with? Never heard of a fucking boycott? Why the fuck does government need to be the solution to everything? They make a fucking federal case of everything.

>gay rats exist

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So called "conservatives" think big government needs to send in jack booted troops to force people at gunpoint to go permit posts against their moral convictions.

Is it that difficult to just some dumb administrator turn down profiles they are uncomfortable with? Never heard of a fucking boycott? Why the fuck does government need to be the solution to everything? They make a fucking federal case of everything.

Have less bias

The worst part is the horrible southern accent it's written in.



kek. Most of the replies in the review sections are his sock accounts talking to himself

Make your own fucking kids' show and air it on your own fucking channel.

he sounded pretty gay when he was first introduced

>rats eat shit
>Mr. Ratburn is LGBT
Checks out

if you're surprised by this then you're a newfag who hasn't seen the funniest dub in history:

Yeah, anytime I read them babies or kids, I imagine my grandma saying this shit.

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>Arthur, does this mean we have to stop calling Mr. Ratburn a faggot?

>No, Buster. Quite the opposite.

>Ratburn is out of the closet

Damn, and it only took 22 years

So now men can't be pleasant without being gay.

I can't stand this shit. I've had to deal with gay accusations my whole life just because I'm young, friendly, and don't shout when I speak.

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Practice what you preach, faggot. Are you implying Arthur was made by homos?

>People are surprised that the gayest motherfucker in the show is actually gay.
Either you are dumb as a fucking rock or retarded.

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honestly if their is anything about I hate about THE GAYS it's this.

and the whole Rainbow thing. Rainbows are awesome and beautiful. I don't want it associated with fudge packing.

Jesus Christ...

fucking gay


Honk honk I use pictures of frogs to try to be cool honk honk fucking loser

>let me make a badly animated cartoon
>also lets tall about mundane life ahit
>where are all the kids?
watchin anime and porn. fuck arthur

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>I think pictures of frogs are cool
Who's the real loser?

4 0 %

>mundane life ahit
So SOL shit?

>haha I'm so intelligent now allow me to make some cultural critique and show my observational skills
>my observational skills and intelligence are so great that I can't identify a simple troll post

this is why /pol/ will forever be a joke. 90% are literal brainlets.

What the fuck did I just watch?

That's the funny thing about this new wave of gay. It embraces and reinforces the stereotypes as identifying and integral. Similarly the trannies who define being a woman as liking to act effeminate.


>caring about childrens cartoons

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So does cancer.

Italians, Irishmen, and Slavs were as low as niggers according to the Anglo back then. They hated those immigrants too. Enough trying to lump all "white" people together like the left lumps all brown people together.

>you're now aware arthur did a 9/11 episode

About time children were aware of what a cartoon characters sexual preferences are and this case it happens to be pounding out a young mans ass hole that's half your age.

You wont in the future when history repeats.

>watching cartoons

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Obviously it's currently run by fags and/or fag enablers. Why are they hijacking other shows when they can just make their own if they're so popular?

>be in HS
>talking to friend about church, minding our own business
>happy to finally find another christian in the whole school
>gayboy gets triggered
>starts making fun of us like WE were the pieces of shit or something

Does anyone have a link to the animation where George goes Columbine and shoots everyone?

The music was kino.

Fuck my mistake. I meant to reply to the we exist faggot.

Is Janitor Morris gay?

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And the female to males who think being a man is acting like an asshole.

They're even worse than the male to females, IMO.
They are mostly Autistic losers want to become part of the most protected class in society, while female to males run around LARPing as men despite never facing the challenges a man has and never being able to understand what being a man really means.
They will NEVER be men and I'm honestly insulted by them pretending they are.
Also almost every MtF and bull dyke I've met was immediately antagonistic to me, as if they're jealous I was born a man and they weren't, or as if I'm the reason why they turned gay.
I also wanted to bring up how now it's also gay to have a close best friend because Bert and Ernie just had to be a gay couple decades after they were created (as best friends)

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and I say HEY
The rat is fuckin' GAY

Do you do an enema every single day?

keep it to yourself

Hot pockets

Damn it I laughed

>not caring about the messages the media are not so covertly passing on to children through brainwashing disguised as entertainment

Just like Prime Ministers aren't voted in. NSDAP gained largest number of seats.

There is another interspecies couple.

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