4 different actors

> 4 different actors

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1st one was best by a wide margin too. Real shame.

it's a big role

4 u

Maybe it’s tough to find a really big dude like that for consistent acting work? I wouldn’t think so, though.

for you

the mountain was a title (in the show) not a character

1st one left to go play a role in The Hobbit, tried to get back on the show but dabid and dan said no

It is only 3 different actors. The first guy couldn't continue because of another commitment. The second guy wasn't a good fit. So they landed on Bjornsson third and stuck with him.

and everyone who gets the title becomes hound's brother?

Yes, being Sandor's brother was a title.


>40 different threads

this guy was tall as fuck too

peter jackson was jealous and stole the first mountain for his hobbit movies then completely cgi'd the character.

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I'm just as tall as the first guy, should i focus the next ten years of my live on bodybuilding/steroids, so i can be cast as the mountain in game of thrones: brotherhood?


First guy got other work.

Second got fired.

Third is a giant retard with big muscles and very few other commitments than lifting, bro.

The second one was a shitskin pfhahahha Mountain Mohammed


First got a role in the hobbit
Second was just an emergency replacement he was absolute crap
Hafthor is the last one, he's the guy in yesterday's episode too

He actually looks like he and Sandor are brothers. That worked a lot better.

But still the changes never felt as jarring as this dood

Attached: Daario-Naharis-Actors-in-Game-of-Thrones.jpg (1400x700, 146K)

>Third is a giant retard with big muscles and very few other commitments than lifting, bro.
I like him

First Daario was best Daario

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Second guy didn't get fired. He played Wun Wun the Giant. He just wasn't a good fit for the Mountain.

biggest show on TB

tall men dont know how to live long

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Oops. Hope he fired his agent after that fuck up.

>leaving GOT to be in a b-tier action movie
idk about that one

Look at that fat white milf ass GOT DAMN!

based kid

What the fuck even happened to Maario?

First one was best. The second never felt right. Didn't like his choice and his character was pointless.

Because big people live less years user. The first person who did the Mountain role died when he was 16 years old.

Since when do PAWGS go after asian men? Is she the baby sitter?

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Why do they recast all these men but not any of the women who aged like trash and can't act (Sophie Turner for example)


Because he looks Chad. Which is what all the character was supposed to be. Not some big nose fag that hides his weak jawline with a beard. He's just some 2D guy that fucks the queen and kills for her.

deepest lore

Me on the left

can you even imagine the shitstorm if they recasted arya, sansa, dany or anyone else for someone prettier and age appropiate?

>Which is what all the character was supposed to be
he turned out to be a complete beta though, unless you mean book daario, who looks like a fucking weirdo and isnt chad at all

The mountain was a serial baby murder and rapist, they should have cast Donald Trump

it's a me

Most likely adoption. Lots of Koreans get adopted in in the US. That kid is definitely not mixed

I mean he's supposed to be some Romance Novel wish fulfillment. The first guy was that. The second guy it seemed like they just picked up a guy off the street just like they did with Euron.


my sides

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Why did they hype up keeping sandor alive for some mythical and destined reason?

The mountain had no effect on anything

me and my gf

irl? he went to be in deadpool
in the show? nothing. he just stayed in essos and kept all the winnings to himself like a bamf

>ditched Game of Thrones to be in a fucking retarded Statham movie
oh no no no

second guy was tall but lanky

I hereby dub thee Gregor Clegane.

This. It's just like James Bond is actually a codename.

Big steroid guys die from heart failure pretty young

I know what to fap to now

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The fact that they didn't even try to make the actors look similar is the most bullshit.

Did GoT really need another dark haired slightly bearded yet well-groomed douche man? I actually appreciated how slimy the first Daario looked.

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>That kid is definitely not mixed
Implying hapas don't look 100% asian

Reminder that this absolute Chad kills the mountain in the books

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I'm hapa and I basically look white just dark hair and eyes

The first dude looks like he should play Conan

It basically ruined Danys entire time there when he was around I couldn’t stop thinking about it

>I'm basically white


where do you autists come up with this shit, my sides thank you



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Is this from the books?

this is fucking gold. i want to send this to grr martin so he can get mad since he hates fan fiction!!!

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>9001 threads


you just gotta believe in yourself buddy

why would there be Final Fantasy spells in Westeros

>why do they shit bad writing

maario naharis

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>why would this nerd shit be in this other nerd shit

Why not?

>he's lazy
>he doesn't listen
>he doesn't want to do anything
>he doesn't care about school
>i just don't understand how this happened

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It's extra weird because they kept exactly the same costume.

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Because rhllor, duh


Yeah I bet he missed not being in two scenes per season shot once per year.

The name's Bond.
Mountain Bond.

>is supposed to be Hound's older brother
>cast actor half his age

What did they mean by this?

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4 (of) THEM


based pajeet

And you post on r Asian masculinity.

And have a small dong

Bjornson is 6'9.

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