So Dany's breaking point was literally just le afro woman side character getting got?

So Dany's breaking point was literally just le afro woman side character getting got?

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No. It was Jon Snow not giving her his manlet cock

>lose 2 of your baby dragons defending people who don't even give you credit
>lose your best friend to an evil queen that nobody even lifts a finger against
>lose your beta orbiter while saving the known world
>all this and you two trusted advisers betray you
>all this and your lover also betrays you for a scheming sister who wants you gone

who wouldn't just go ham and burn all those ingrates


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Can you faggots atleast put some effort in?

> Unrealistically expect people to give up their main form of economy because some random white girl tells them to.
> Burn them to death.

> Unrealistically expect peasants to revolt and start attacking soldiers because some random white girl riding a dragon told them to.
> Burn them to death.

Wow, so sudden.

No. The fact she came such a long way only to lose at least half of her army, two dragons on, her claim to the iron throne, her dear friend (Jorah), her lover (Jon) and respect. Her council betrays her and everybody likes Jon. The fact she lost a close advisor didn’t really do much for her. It triggered Greyworm though..

>Jon Snow
>refused to fuck Melie
>refused to fuck Dany
What a gigantic faggot he is, jesus...

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The moment she leaves the camera frame, her body was instantly teleported to the red keep with the help of Qyburn's voodoo science, which is just a knock off of Varys' teleportation magic.

Missy was the only good looking girl on the show

It worked for the downtrodden, shit stain slaves, why wouldn't it work for the EU?

It's funny how one of her precious dragons dies in the stupidest death ever, but she doesn't really shed a tear for it. But her slave hand maiden dies and she burns down Kings Landing. Just because. She truly is the mad queen.

Reminder that Daenerys didn't speak to Missandei since Spoils of War, which was episode 4 of season 7.

>Rhaegal, one of her dragons that she considers to be her children, was killed on Cersei's orders
>a seditious conspiracy was fomenting right under her up to the point where her closest advisers are trying to convince her lover to betray her
>she knows if she just stands there and does nothing Cersei might escape or might be captured by Jon thus giving him credit
>her closest friend and confidant was just beheaded and her last words were "Drakarys" which I'm sure you're familiar with at this point
>she has been saying since Season 1 that she would "burn cities to the ground" and "take what is mine with fire and blood"
How many fucking ways do you need to understand this?

According to Dunken & Donut's commentary it became "personal for her" after seeing Red Keep & and knowing Cersei was hiding there.
Whatever that is supposed to explain lmao.

H-h-h-h-have sex!

>who wouldn't just go ham and burn all those ingrates
She didn't though. She burned civilians who were completely unrelated.

It's called cumulative grief
Also it's common for people to seemingly handle big things well only to snap at something minor. Do you autists literally not have emotions?

Best thing was seeing that nigger’s afro head fly off

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Yeah, she was mad because her favorite toy got taken away. She lost her black card that she could throw out with her billions of titles to let people know she wasn't a racist.


>doesn't just sly to red keep and kill cersei
Yeah very personal lol

Have kids

>like their lives don't matter
Welcome to GoT, you ugly twat


Dany literally burned a city to the ground for her. Millions of people are dead. What is this nignog on about?

>civilians who let cersei reign

they are as complicit. even slaves in essos had more balls.

Please. Thats such bullshit.

>be Jon
>treated like a bastard all your life
>your dad lies to you about the Night's watch
>spend your formative years miserable in the cold fighting bullies, walkers, wildlings and giants
>kill the woman that deflowered you
>your entire extended family dies (he doesnt know that Sansa, Arya and Bran are alive)
>get stabbed in the chest by your men after all the things you did for them

Yeah boo hoo my servant girl died, Im gonna use the unstoppable flying dragon to genocide an entire city.

Thats the whole point about Danny. Shes not a leader, shes not a strategist, shes not a master seductress, shes not a fighter, shes not a schemer, shes not smart.

Why is she surrounded by yes-men?

Because of her name and her dragons. Thats it. Her power doesnt stem from her skill or personality, it stems from external factors.

I feel with her though. Hundreds of white man like me where killed in various ways like their life didn't matter.

The problem is not the idea, but the deliver. With better acting, pace and most important better dialogues, this whole season would been amazing. But it's rushed and everything looks cheap af

Why does Dany need King's landing anyways. She has a dragon she could just conquer everywhere else and they would surrender because she has a fucking dragon.

>She burned civilians who were completely unrelated.
Where were those civilians from?

she lost a dragon to the night king
she lost half her army against the army of the dead
she lost her most trusted adviser
the commoners of westeros despise her
she lost a dragon to euron
she lost missandei to euron
she lost a person she loves because he's her nephew
she lost the claim to the iron throne because jon has a better claim
she lost varys because he schemed behind her back

but oh yea she totally shouldn't snap, yea it was just the bells

>People continually posting about how the citizens of King's Landing did nothing, while ignoring the fact that Dany's a Targaryen who are fucking known for being batshit insane
showing your iq here Yea Forums tbqh


Every friend she has either died or betrayed her.

That's what we're supposed to get from these fucking TERRIBLE scripts.

duhrnaryes was more upset about losing Afro sidekick than the death of Jorah, arguably someone who saved her life multiple times.

It was that, Sansa being a bitch, Jon Snow not fucking her one time, and people in the North not immediately falling in love with her and picking her up on their shoulders and carrying her around. She was also being betrayed by everyone around her and she lost her best beta orbiter in a traumatic way not that long ago. Plus her Targ genes being triggered.

>citizens of King's Landing did nothing
keep calm user, I did a thread about it (and nobody replied)

and you say women can't have true friendship between them

but they didn't do the flashbacks of their deaths before she went bonkers how in gods name are we supposed to figure that she did it all because of that!

King's Landing. So? They didn't have any correlation to their Queen's actions, they simply lived there. If she wanted to burn everyone she could've just burned the soldiers and Cersei and it would've been much more in line with her character. There still could have been a moral dilemma surrounding the idea of her killing an army that surrendered, which would've transitioned more smoothly into the the mad queen stuff, but obviously the writers had to rush to clean up all the necessary subplots in time for the final episode.

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if Afro interpreter was such an important friend, then kween would not have put her in harms way. she could've traveled along a safer route but instead she went with them on the ships, got captured. everything bad that's happened, including the death of 2 dragons, was durrrrrnaryes fault.

She must’ve licked pussy like a goddamn champ.

She sobbed over Jorah, she just looked frustrated when Missandei died. I'd say she was more upset by his death.

Everyone was sailing on a fleet to KL, she had no way of knowing that Euron was right there.

her real breaking point was not getting the dick

>they simply lived there

Not really. Again, it would've been more in line for her to just kill Cersei and the soldiers. Y'know, the people who actually tried going against her?

Am I the only one that expected Gregor to squash her head in like a grapefruit the moment he began moving?

They should have done this two seasons ago and had her go apeshit on Casterly Rock or something. They could have run two seasons off of the sedition and distrustful ally situation. Too late to bitch about it now. I'd prefer them getting their shit together in a rush than not at all.

Based and Red Pilled

>Have the equivalent of UAVs
>Boats take you by surprise

wow it's like all people are different and react differently in the face of adversity


what, you wanted that she started crying in the middle of the air and meanwhile euron kills the other dragon?

How old is TV show Dany meant to be?
She's probably right at the age where schizophrenia starts to manifest

bet she got a high pH pussy

Based and Andalpilled