Grey "If He's White He Can't Fight" Worm

>Grey "If He's White He Can't Fight" Worm

Really, D&D?

Attached: greyworm_murders.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

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he runs like a retarded faggot

Why are some of the unsullied fat?

They don't produce testosterone.

wow those unsullied are hauling ass, their shuffle is almost as fast as the dothraki mounted charge

He's white.

that was probably the worst green screen ive seen since the prequels

I dont watch game of thrones but i do play D&D.
whats with all the D&D blaming all of a sudden?

i dont recall this ever happening when the other GoTs seasons were on.

An army of castrates would in reality be awful. Aren't they castrated before puberty too? They wouldn't have any real muscle on them, never mind being able to actually sustain it without continuous testosterone production. Plus they'd probably have shitty morale.

Why isn't he wearing a helmet like everyone else
Did he lose it

hahahaha why is he running like that?

that scene looked so bad

Where did he get all that rage and testosterone if his balls got snipped like dog?

As the plot demands user. Or at least Greyworm has the running capacity of an angry nigger who just saw his favorite nigress die.

Imagine if every single role was a 20 or a 1. No in between.

they are trying to make him a character somehow

This shit looks like a Scifi series now lmao

Why does that scene look so fucking horrible

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Also the dothraki charge as slow as jogging unsullied looks like some bizzare dolly zoom.

so basically, fans are complaining because characters were dying and shit?

isnt that what whole point of game of thrones?

Dothraki riding in.. But never seen inside Kings Landing after that. Wot?

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looks like a shitty green screen. Greyworm runs like an aspie too.

Spend multiple episodes lionizing the Golden Company, then make them look like incompetent fools.

i uironically thought that the "Great 100 million USD battle" of this season would be against the Golden Company

fucking wasted potential, i feel for this guy

Are you retarded?

>giving the most pathetic and funny death to a white male
what did they mean by this?

yes they were seen inside you dumb retard faggot nigger

> Black savage attacks innocent unarmed man trying to flee the scene.

Game of Thrones or Detroit?

why is he running like an idiot with his tongue flapping around?

I haven’t read the books but I heard the Golden Company was supposed to be awesome. Pretty disappointing to see Dabid have them btfo’d so easily and to have their leader humiliate himself. I don’t know what I expected though kek

they did the Night King and his pals worse

You can see them when Arya tries to save that mother and her daughter. One is even chasing them.

That was already clear after the Night King disaster and seeing these two armies standing like 20m away from each other and no Archers and Ballistas shooting.

writing quality dropped significantly since books ran out
smart characters acting like retards
certain subplots or characters getting skipped over to the point of incomprehensibility/rushed to stupid deaths
groundwork for key characters being ignored, delivering no satisfying endings for their arcs
s8 in particular has suffered innumerable travel and power level inconsistencies, badly shot scenes/CGI, poor 'twists' and awful military decisionmaking

it basically feels like D&D have the outline for the key points of the ending, but they have butchered the journey each character takes to get there so nothing feels believable or satisfying

the reason it causes so much butthurt is that a show that began at such a high standard has fallen to its lowest point of all as it wraps up

>close-ups of the soldiers of the Golden Company
>all are white guys with blue/green eyes
I'm not a /pol/tard but this shit i just ridicilous.


Who did he kill or harm in any way?

That mother and daughter randomly taking up time for no reason.

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that cgi is so bad


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>Grey "I see blonde hair I stab a deep spear" Worm


he was partially blown up by a dragon

It was stated in the books that if the Unsullied weren't constantly given orders or kept in military style routines (training, drilling, sparring, fighting, etc...) they would grow complacent and often get fat, like what happened with Strong Belwas.

>if it has blue eyes into the dirt it lies

Someone post a screenshot of the Golden Company from above in front of the walls where you see how copy pasted they were.

that golden company captain (or whatever) was such a wasted character. No development whatsoever and his death is straightout retarded.

this isn't from show. not possible

i can render a better image using 3DSMax default scanline

Yeah, canon should have been just their cocks being chopped off.

It is.

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Yeah but they are still biologically the same as humans in our world, right? So they'd be awful soldiers given that they haven't gone through puberty and don't produce testosterone, regardless of how much you tried to train them.

Pretty much. It's kind of shitty world-building and you don't have to be a biologist to realise it's nonsense.

Holy shit this is so bad yeah

I hadn't watched the ep I've just been shitposting about it, why isn't anyone mentioning this??

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It was necessary to show us a " War is bad mkay ?! " moment. And of course another possibility to shoehorn Arya " Plotarmor " Stark.

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BASED GreyWorm

Jesus. The CGI looks horrible.

The logic was since they were constantly trained from childhood and undergoing severe physical activities, the castration wasn't supposed to influence their physical abilities as soldiers.

Hills don't disappear.

Grey "Stab it harder if it's whiter" Worm

>hills don't disappear
Who said they did? Those images you provided have give no sense of how far back behind the hill the city limit goes before we reach that outter gate where the wall is.

>isnt that what whole point of game of thrones?
If you're a fucking twitter thot or Benioff and Weiss, yes, that would certainly seem to be the point of this show.

>expecting consistency in this shit show

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The unsullied are meant to be terrible warriors and amazing soldiers. They are awful in 1v1 because of that lack of physical strength, but they have amazing discipline and morale because they’re basically robots. They never break, never run, always obey orders. The fight in a pike formation so that their individual strength matters less compared to their collective strength. It’s still a little stupid, but more believable then the show.

That doesnt rhyme dipshit

i mean everyone is gangster till they get shot.same principle, except with dragons

Their less capable as individual fighters thanks to being castrated by the time their five or so years old but their drilled entirely to fight in small units and squads. Their discipline is what makes them so good.

those maps aren't worth a thing and never have. Niether of them show kings landing right on the water front with the Red Keep out on a small peninsula.

This shit looks like the strategy games I used to play as a teenager fifteen fucking years ago.

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>D&D's repeated failures at nailing down topography in maps, actual panoramic shots, and scenery don't matter

It seems to me that the show writers go out of their way to depict white men who are not main characters acting in a consistently cowardly fashion, and especially when confronted with a foreign enemy. I’m not sure why this is the case but this most recent episode emphasized it pretty heavily.

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You better not be ragging on AOE2.

Stop complaining and consume the product.

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But you had snowniggers chopping up the enemy in this same episode you victimized cuck.

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I like how the layout of that city changes dramatically every time you see it. the Sept is especially hilarious about it.

I was kind of disappointed too. they could've at least have them kill half of the unsullied or half of the muslim horsemen. also they just look like lannister soldiers, wtf. they could've made their costumes more distinct or give them long ass pikes or some shit.

they wouldn't have much aggression or competitiveness either.

Grey "if it has blue eyes make its head fly" Worm


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That's what I meant by shitty morale. I know people have stated it's their discipline that makes them good, not their strength, but you still need good physical conditioning to fight in formation and I find it hard to believe they wouldn't be prone to panicking.

This episode killed GoT

>waiting for Medieval 3
>instead getting some shit chinese scenario with King Yi vs King Yu

why the fuck did you put your men outside the walls?

the enemy has no towers or ladders how would they ever breach it

Roman empire vs barbarian invasions.

> writers did same tactic for fighting the undead
> people made excuses saying they couldn't use normal siege tactics against undead so may as well fight them
> writers then use same shitty tactic in a human vs human conflict anyway

Dumb fucks only need to get a decent historical advisor.

The enemy uses a Dragon mod with a model from Warhammer. So OP!

>not realizing that the first ever TW was in Japan
>not realizing how absolute kino ancient Chinese war history is
Do you want another Empire Total War, faggot?

What happened after season 4? Seriously

The quality of this show started dropping massively from then. Was it the screenwriters strike what fucked everything up?

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Japan is based.. This chinese shit is only because they want to sell this on the chinese market, nobody outside cares about retarded hero units.
And i said i want another TotalWar: Medieval you Mongrel.

>no dudes on the battlements looking backwards just to see if the dragon is gonna strike from behind
200 IQ

Wouldn't matter. Apparently all those guys with the aim to nail a dragon a couple miles away while on rocking boats were all on sick call that day.

Chinese ancient warfare and political strife makes GoT look like a kids show, it's literally the perfect setting for a strategy game.

Chinese history stuff is extremely popular and chinese historical epics are known all throughout asia and have been adapted many times in Japan. It's literally epic tier.

>Dumb fucks only need to get a decent historical advisor.
You don't even have to be an army/history expert to know it's retarded to do this.


They literally have no reason to fear death as death would be release.

like you're saying this now but once you play it you are going to feel very strongly about lu bu and guan yu or whatever they are adapting.


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CA sucks ass these days. They wouldnt do Medieval 3 right.

That shot was meme kino.

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>that cinematography
jesus christ, my eyes

I’d rather get a total war mongol. Superior to Chinese. Will never happen because muh China. Despite modern “Han” being nothing but mongol rape babies.

They should finally get rid of that damn warscape engine

dude almost made it to the gates

D&D stopped following the books and fucked with pacing bc they’re absolute retards. “Themes are for 8th grade bookreports”

Um, sweetie, winter is here.

They're trying to be like Hollywood shit blockbuster movies. Same tired old formulas so the normies clap their flippers together.


>An army of castrates would in reality be awful.
The Janissaries worked out very well for the Ottoman Empire. I don't know anything about GoT, but I'd bet money the unsullied are based on the Janissaries.

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janissaries weren't castrated, dummy


Grayworm´s actor really needs to stop trying to make "tough" faces, he looks goofy as fuck when he does.

did Cersei get her money BACK because the Golden Company got destroyed in 5 minutes of the battle starting!!!

Someone, or multiple someones, that are hidden behind the curtain but are responsible for much of the magic, were replaced with talentless diversity hires.

He's white.

Am I the only one who thinks he got fat in the belly area?

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Imagine some fully armoured knights and men at arms in plate armour butchering the lightly armoured Dothraki and Unsullied.
That would be kino.

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That doesn't rhyme you dumb fuck.

Maybe he's from New Zealand.

>I see blonde heer I stab a deep speer

If they really wanted to subvert our expectations they should have had a professional, high class army of mercs just completely crush Daenerys and Jon's armies.

the writers just made them plow through everything, it's so retarded.

the only moment similar to the one you described was when jorah friendzone killed that one dothraki because he had better armor and made a comment about it.

They should have hired Swiss mercenaries.

>dothrakis and unsullied getting fucked
>at a crucial point the dragon comes and helps them
>they start winning
Fucking D&D shits, it's not so hard.

Jawohl. Good taste.

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if they wanted to really subvert my expectations they should have had men fighting in actual formations with officers shouting out orders and playing instruments as they march into battle

Imagine Bobby B wearing an antlered version of this. Warhammer tearing his foes asunder.

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here's your white man bro

Fat everywhere. His turkey neck is so distracting. It's disgusting and shows how out of shape he really is.

Dude's head becomes detached before the sword makes contact.

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the beheaded guy extra out-acts emilia clark by a mile. he deserves an oscar.

Some one mentioned a few days, maybe weeks, ago about HBO being willing to throw all the money needed to finish the last season off properly at D&D and it was clear because of the writing and episode number that they just wanted to rush the last season to work on some Star Wars project.

DAMN IF THAT GUY WASN'T RIGHT. They couldn't even pretend to be trying.

In American movies and series plate armours are made of butter.

Yeah it would have been much more climactic, the writting is complete garbage in this series, with all the potential it has and it is completely wasted.

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If the n*gger had a cock he'd start raping like the northern """men""".

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This cg is awful, people like this?

The only competent game from release to the last update was Shogun 2, so they unfortunately thought where the playtime is, the interest is.
I want GSlite in the Europe, NAfrica, MEast format but they fuck it up every time.

As your pic implies, CGI became cheaper and easier than real effects and cinematography.

Euron obviously cut down all the trees around King's Landing to make his fleet.


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muh sundae is a cute

it's epic you soiboi

against dragon no one could win,.
only way is to surprise the dragons like Euron did. When Agon the Conqueror tried to invade Dorne the Dornish had scorpions all over and one of them got lucky and hit the eye of one of his sisters dragons and killed it

*Record scratch*

*Freeze Frame*

Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation...

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Stopped following the books and GRRM stopped writing any of the episodes too.

"Fuck white people and FUCK ESSOS"

probably runs like shit

>that hairline

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It does change drastically, since S1, and I don't get how they think this is acceptable.

Literally who?
Put em on blast don’t be cryptic and have one word answers you cunt.

Jon Snow should have killed Grey Worm when he broke the peace

That's literally racism.

Gyno tits and soft bellies from having their balls cut off

>character is established as a minor plot element
>gets killed off in the most pointless manner
classic D&D


Why? Her supreme commander is the queen. If she sacks then everyone does.

D&D refers to the show's writers not your nerdvirgin game

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>big army and narrow streets
>no pike or spear formations holding off the savages

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>that webm
Stop this fucking madness.

i would be happy for that game if not for the anime-tier champion units. it's completely cringe

> look mommy, its another armchair general

Have sex

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I get the feeling that this was supposed to be some clever callback to the Battle of the Bastards, when Jon stares down a cavalry charge.

I still don't get why they held the camera on this guy for so long. I have no idea who the fuck he is and I don't even think he had a speaking part.

>not wearing a helmet on a battlefield

Mate, you don't wear helmets because otherwise the average show watcher wouldn't know who he is. Watch the reviews on Chernobyl. All the """critics""" hate it because people are wearing hazmat suits and they don't know who's who. And he did get speaking lines.

peak male performance

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That weak jawline and chin

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best jorah costume too, top aesthetics

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why the fuck did the gate explode outward like it was pressurized?


Actually fits with the fact that they’re supposed to be castrated.

Is Jon gonna have to fight Grey Worm to get to Dany? That white boi Jon Snow might get his fucking ass whopped.

that webm is so satisfying, fuck

>no evidence the assumption

Obviously what went wrong was the writers outpacing the books, you're just a retard

It's called the spear chuck game and white people are gonna get tired of playing it.

equal if not better than lord of the rings. kek

Every single characters' ethnicity has an in-universe explanation and wouldn't have been decided by D&D anyway.
God, /pol/shits are fucking retarded.

he is running as fast as galloping horses lmao

Fuck I love that gif. Imagine how many takes they did and this was the best one hahaha. Couldn't they get some Chinese stuntmen or something?


Discord tranny.

dragon fire is a mixture of liquid plot and Deus ex Machina

Dumb fuck

see this as can be seen here the Lannister boys' armor does literally nothing, it may as well be body paint

>get hit by arrow/ javelin thing
>both hands literally explode at the wrist as if you were holding a grenade
you'd think they wouldn't be wearing all that armor if it had no effect

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how is it bad


sombody shoop antlers onto the warboner holder

and i bet you get paid shit to do it, millennial faggot. meanwhile boomer 3d artists are still commanding 60 an hour minimum. anyone can press the render button with GOT presets. It takes a boomer to be an artist.

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>And the Elephants?
>Uh, no elephants, Your Grace.
>That's disappointing. I was told the Golden Company had elephants.
>They are excellent beasts, Your Grace. But the entire Golden Company will be destroyed before even one of us gets to swing his weapon. It just doesn't make budgetary sense to animate them.

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The Golden Company had a bigger role in the trailers than they did in the show.

You're thinking of Jannies, and it doesn't work out for them.