Absolutely based

>turbo SJW "breaker of chains"
>turns out to be Stalin "killer of children"
>reaction is mass butthurt including feminist screeching
>"men shouldn't be allowed to write parts for women!"
>the future is not female


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Other urls found in this thread:


Have sex

i want to hug her and tell her i love her and after we conquer kings landing we will build ourselfs a new empire together

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Already fucked your mother in the ass faggot

The look of disgust makes her so cute

Based motherfucker, the rapist of faggots mom

Why was she so hot in that scene bros?

bet she got a high pH pussy

Because she looks like she's about to rape me and that's hot. In a heterosexual way

Yeah and it's like, what is this guy even searching for, amirite?

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Holy based and mompilled

Mad Dany scenes are all hot.

All of that massacre happened, because Cersei was hiding in Red Keep - Dunken & Donuts

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My friend is asking for sauce. And by friend I mean my dick.

sex gifs

Wait a minute, the middle one...

>good girl dany = cringe
>mad queen dany = qt


>>the future is not female
It's funny how stupid they are to see that literally the future is not being portrayed in society as "female" but rather as "castrated male".

But they really are too stupid to even process such things.

The Verge:
>the most powerful part of this episode was
>the meeting of two Queens

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The Citadel are already calling this the Rape of Nanking's Landing

>people are defending this shit writing because they hate women

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holy fucking based

femcels be seething

I hate force is female yass kween slay being shoved down our throats non stop. Nice counterbalance.

Also when you piss people off this much, you must be doing something right.


remember don't fall for the bait

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OK how about this take?
Dany going crazy and burning everything was literally the only GOOD part about the writing for this episode. Everything else sucked. Tyrion risking his neck so that Jamie so that cucktain hook could go have one more blue balled moment with his botox-ravaged sistermommywife, which culminates in them fucking around in the Red Keep for a few minutes before dying and doing basically nothing.
B but what about the Cleganebowl? Nigger it sucked, admit it. Typical bullshit style DnD action scene with 9001x too much shakycam and fast cutting because they can't think of anything genuinely interesting to put in a fight scene. Then the hound runs through a fucking stone wall, since when is that possible in ASOIAF?

Euron teleproting onto the scene to have his ebin duel scene. Which consists of DnD having somebody lose the duel on camera, only to gain a second wind (after being run through) OFF camera, and then instantly killing the opponent sucker punch style. How many times have DnD already done this kind of crap? Too many times to count, by now.

A man in full plate mail attempts to rape a woman in the absolute fever pitch of battle - why is she even there?

I'm fucking forgetting plenty because there's too much abysmal shit like this to remember. Stuff like this wouldn't have even flown in a Vince fucking Gilligan show

Have sex

Holy crap user he already plowed your mother. Jeez do you want him to fuck your father too?

I want to tuck her into bed!

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Mfw brainlets on Yea Forums applaud bad writing to be contrarian

I'm not surprised, just disappointed.

I'll bet Danny is probably one of those girls who brags about her “self-cleaning oven.” I want her to stop using shampoo and body wash for a couple of weeks, though still showering with warm water, so she smells clean but natural. Also, no shaving of the body hair. Then I want her to sit on my face. I want to feel her hairy folds grind over my face until her scent overcomes me as I pass out with a smelly, shiny snail trail from my chin to my forehead. I want her extra, extra smelly but in a clean and natural way. I’ll bet her guts smell terrific.

Danny was always making psychotic decisions and mass murdering people. It's in line with her character.

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show tits

I don’t even care about being contrarian, explain how this was bad writing

>Chad Lannister one-night stands the ogre woman
>Cersei becomes a driveling, sobbing mess after watching her city fall while doing nothing from her ivory tower
>Arya "Tough Gurl Who Don't Need No Man" Stark becomes a spooked NPC
>Dany's period kicks in mid-battle and she 180s into a genocidal cunt


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who gives a shit? the show has been bad since s5, this is the most fun i've had in this show in years.

Is that a ballsack I spy?

Lol epic!!!!

>muh bad writing
Oh fuck off. Yes there were lots of plotholes and shit. This episode on it's own, had very little potential. It was not set up well. But this episode turned into a gem.

Yes it had terrible flaws and required suspension of disbelief and had some pointless scenes. But her turning was absolutely warranted and awesome.

>tfw it was absolutely the right call to burn kings landing to the ground
>in Mereen she was extremely lenient and in turn she was rewarded with a wave of sedition and political murder that made her make stupid concessions
>in Westeros she received nothing but betrayal (from tyrells and dorne), fear and shunning (from the norf)
>like her ancestors, she understood that a brutal show of force is the only opportunity to get everyone in line


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if it makes the trannies seeth, i’m ok with it.

>when you realize all of this would have be avoided if Dany had just nuked the Red Keep in S7, but noooo, we need to keep Lena Headey alive, so Tyrion gets to go full retard for it




This. It was her entire story arc, her chapters in the 3rd and 5th book were her dealing with bureaucratic bullshit while everyone she showed mercy to stabbed her in the back


how tyrell and dorne betrayed her?

also agree with burn them all!

Is that what femcel rage looks like?

In order for her to "go crazy" and ultimately make the choice to destroy the only thing that she ever fought for, which in itself is out of character in spite of how hard D&D tried to build it up, everyone around her had to go full retard for two seasons. Every advisor, every collaborator had to literally become retarded. These are supposed to be the smartest people in westeros, and they couldn't strategise rock paper scissors all of a sudden. What people are applauding here is essentially the destruction of the arcs of just about every main character on the show in a way that makes no narrative sense.

I can see why a retard board like Yea Forums would be into that to be edgy though, so it doesn't come as a shock.


i agree with everything you're saying but still enjoy the pain these yass queens are feeling

well, maybe not the tyrels, but the tarlys and other highgarden lords turned cloak and dorne didn't do shit when the war started

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>What people are applauding here is essentially the destruction of the arcs of just about every main character on the show in a way that makes no narrative sense.

you're conveniently forgetting about 70% of the retarded audience that saw nothing wrong with the direction this show was going after season 5. it was shit stacked on top of shit. and they praised and applauded it constantly. they didn't notice the severe quality drop in season 5, they just kept clapping along like retards.
we all like it because it pissed on the face of every retard that didnt notice this show has been shit for years. the show was destroyed a long time ago.

I think everyone was willing to forgive if the ending was worth it, but now they're realising that D&D were taking the piss all along

Sauce on the middle one

Don’t get mad because he porked your pig of a mother

Have sex

most people were totally fine with this show up until the long night episode. book readers realized a while ago that the show was turning into a disaster. i think it's safe to say that book readers enjoyed this episode more the show watchers. i read the books and thought it was great seeing everything go to shit and pissing off the audience.

Because that was the only part written by Martin. The rest was all DnD faggotry

>all these reddit morons missing the point of celebration of this episode
I'll lay it out for you

>game of thrones starts
>great show, good writing
>D&D run out of book material
>the show starts sucking
>normies celebrate its 'excellent writing' any way
>last night's episode happens
>roastie butthurt galore

Nobody here thinks the episode was well written or the show has been saved, its just funny, and that's what makes it 'good'

Yeah as a fellow book fag I agree, I haven’t enjoyed it as much since season 5, and it was nice to see evil dany because it’s what the books have been leading to
Show’s writing still sucks total dick though

I'm not confused about why you're celebrating. I'm saying that in spite of what you're telling yourself, there's nothing to celebrate if you've actually been watching the show.

Also, unironically this

>D&D run out of book material
That’s an oversimplification
They didn’t just run out of book material
They squandered the material they had and rushed through three books worth of material in season 5
They also made the Dorne subplot really fucking lame, Ellaria sand does not fucking matter in the books after Oberyn dies
Not only does she not matter, she’s scared that the vengeful path of her daughters is dangerous
Doran is a based and redpilled chad in the books who btfos the naive scheming young girls
The show doesn’t even have fAegon and show ironborn are pointless,

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>What people are applauding here is essentially the destruction of the arcs of just about every main character on the show in a way that makes no narrative sense.
Do you think I came to this board just to read this thread you shitheap? I can see very well that people are praising it because it makes trannies mad. They're just as retarded as the queer bar NPCs

>They squandered the material they had and rushed through three books worth of material in season 5
The books are supposedly loaded with inconsequential stuff that doesn't go anywhere, so there's that.

I don't blame Based D&D for rushing through AFFC and ADwD.

Don’t make me hurt you

they were clearly missing plenty of characters and butchered others who they did use

>they were clearly missing plenty of characters and butchered others who they did use
When you get near the end, it's time to pay things off. You don't introduce new plotlines and bloat the budget halfway through a series.

This shit was like 9/11 for zoomers lol

Liberal memes are like if somebody with down syndrome tried to make a cake with play-doh and served it to their very supportive, but clearly disappointed parents. You fuckers are becoming like the Christian right. You can't be funny because your cultist doctrine prevents it.

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Women are awful. You will learn. Then forget. Then learn again.

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Morally gray (or just straight up evil) leading men have been the forefront of some of the best television. The Sopranos, Mad Men, Dexter, Breaking Bad...but when a leading woman acts immoral it's misogynous? Proof these women don't actually care about equality.

Why didnt she burn down kings landing as soon as she got to westeros? She spent a season on that castle doing nothing, she had three (3) dragons and she barely needed only 1. Her armies did literally nothing


don't worry, kid. there will always be an annoying meme people use. Its up to you if you let it bothers you, because if you dont, every meme is going to have you cringe replying into infiniti

>imma patronize this guy
>that's the big opener
Hah no fuck off.

They miss out shit loads of stuff that would make evil Daenerys be even more satisfying
imagine if it was fAegon, who would likely be a beloved and just ruler, instead of Cersei (a tyrant who blew up parts of her own city with basically no consequences, everyone was cool with it because D&D are bad writers) who Daenerys wanted to take the throne from
I bet D&D only have the based evil daenerys ending because it’s how the books will end, they still have multiple seasons of Cersei Daenerys and Sansa magically having their problems solved because womyn stronk
I’m glad that evil Daenerys is the ending but I don’t think D&D are based and redpilled, they just did it because based and redpilled GRRM told them to

have sex
have sex

I'm talking like 4 characters at most


Have sex.

Aegon IV Blackfyre, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the Last Men

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It's one of the best written episodes this season, it's Pleb Filter, deal with it Pleb

the middle one is emilia clarke

The episode and this entire season have overall been horrible. Only a handful of good scenes. The writing has been so bad, it really shows that it was only successful because it was being adapted from the books.
That said, Dany going mad queen has been hinted at before and as early as season 2. It makes sense, however the writing to get her past the breaking point this season was horrible. Why did the bells trigger her? Why would Jon immediately tell people he had a rightful claim to the throne if his whole point is that he doesn't want it? Also her just deliberately murdering innocent civilians was very unlike anything that had been hinted at. Maybe if there were scenes of the people in the north jeering her as she walked by or something that would allude to her being afraid of the general people never being able to love her.
All in all, Mad Queen was the only good thing about this episode. Jaime's character and story were butchered, cleganebowl was fucking trash, and Arya has super plot armor.

>halfway through
It’s only halfway through because they rushed the story, winds of winter and dream of spring are both meant to be very long, what would’ve been enough material for 3-4 seasons on top of 2-3 for affc and adwd, instead they decided to condense what should’ve been at least five seasons worth of story (more realistically 6 or 7) into what is effectively 2 seasons and two half seasons
>you don’t introduce new plotlines
But they did introduce new plot lines they kept euron and they kept the dornish plots from the books, they just did them badly
They could’ve lost the Cornish story and probably euron too but fAegon is an extremely significant thing to cut, not just plot wise but thematically
D&D basically forgot about the whole “ruling should be done by those who see it as a duty not as a right” theme through seasons 5-7, then suddenly they had to force it in season 8 so we can have the correct ending

Have another abortion

me in the middle

Incredibly based

>D&D basically forgot about the whole “ruling should be done by those who see it as a duty not as a right” theme through seasons 5-7, then suddenly they had to force it in season 8 so we can have the correct ending
I think it's because they're going to develop a democracy, so that theme doesn't matter.
>After all, Bran is King.

Isn’t that kind of a part of the reason a democratic system in theory is good though
In theory people aren’t born to rule, it’s meant to be meritocratic
Ending with being somewhat democratic is a natural conclusion to a story about how being born as an heir to a throne doesn’t make you fit to rule

not to mention her advisors betrayed her and coincidentally lost 40 IQ points in the span of a year or two. It must have been frustrating.

That was her initial plan, but her advisors convinced her otherwise. Like, many times. When they betrayed her she did exactly as she pleased.

fucking betacuck faggot coming in as expected

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poor writing is the answer

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