Burlington Bar Normies

It's up and one of /our guys/ infiltrated the Burlington Bar



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Other urls found in this thread:


i have serious doubt that is a man

Do they seriously stand up and watch a whole episode whilst sat in a bar.

That's so fucking gay.

Wow, a fat virgin alt-right retard who likes Euron from the book because he does edgy shit like rape his brothers

Color me surprised, where is wiz kalifa?

>he doesn't stand 24 hours a day

isn't that young hodar?

Fucking Bessie

So, like, why were they okay when the Dothraki were doing this?

That is literally young Hodor

that's young hodor, retard

he's cute, would make his ass ripple

Superior alphas can do as they please

Is that the gnome keemstar in the back.


Tag yourself, I’m the gook in the back laughing his ass off while the normies look on in shock.


Imagine you just want to go have a beer before bed, and these things start flooding in. You get that fat shrieking she-porg yelling at you because you've taken HER seat, and how dare you, she needs to watch her QUEEN SLAY

>literally crying
based D&D

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they're brown.
its in their nature.
we dont hold them to the same standard as whites.
because we are white coastal liberals

Kill yourself faggot scum

>flinches during the burning of the civilians scene
As if someone would not expect that.



I lovee D&D now

Absolutely butt blasted these normies!


Go to bed Vicky.

Someone make a webm of the good part, I can't be bothered to give them views.

>people literally yelling "burn them all"
>dani actually does it
It's what they wanted

>isn't that young hodar?

Yeah, that guy played young Hodor.

me in the green hair

Who is this?

I want to stick my brown cock in her

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These people are like young children, they have no understanding of cause and effect or any real comprehension of what they're asking.

please be in london

you're one of them reddit nigger

Holy shit the amount of soiboys in that place

pick your Burlington-fu


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Flatchestca Frech

Isn't this in Seattle? That town is 99% onions

When I was a kid my dream was to be American, now I thank God for not being one.

Vermont. Home of Ben & Jerry's

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Same feeling.

Kys retard

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user I don't think anyone has ever thought the people using the term basedboy on Yea Forums look like Henry Cavill

It’s like the next gen sith academy.

why wasnt that fat cunt in the glasses there

Even the guys on the right look more manly than the fags in that bar. Have you watched the video?

based D&D

>they actually screamed YYYAAAAASSSS when the golden company got BTFO'd of
>5 minutes later, their expectations were subverted



kill yourself

I'm just glad that Danyfags finally understand how I felt about the way Stannis went out.

This girl just needs a good dicking to change her SJW ways

Damn Bessie, you changed

They all look horrible.


Did that video seriously make a crack about the fat guy sitting up front?

is she pure?

Implying what? Maybe these girls are hot in America, but outside they look fat and ugly.

Damaged goods, but maybe one of us could heal her.

Pure shit.

Thats literally the actor from GOT playing young Hodor. LITERALLY

Hahaha, they ain't cheering now!

The amount of s.o.y. and faggots in that bar is off the charts. Group watching a show while being filmed for your over the top reactions is the height of narcissism and these millenials should be ashamed of themselves.


damn is this what a trumps american bar looks like?

look at that crowd...YIKES!

Looks aren't everything, user.

>a twink who takes it up the butt on the reg is calling me a fruit
That stings.


>you will never suck on the green haired girls toes
>might as well just end it here lads

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Soul vs Soulless

kek so stronk & proud & brave

I love how they all started clapping triumphantly until they realized what she was going to do

her smile and optimism, gone

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>I want to go back to before I hated my dad and took it out on myself

What do you think Burlington Bar will do once GoT ends? I mean they have to continue this viewing party shit if they want to stay relevant. What's the next series?


...oh. Wait, no!

Take the schlubby chump on the right over the normalfag tourists and fuckwits who think they're worth something any day of the week user.

This is a group of people who go to this bar specifically to be filmed watching GoT, absolutely all of them calibrate their behavior to how they think other people will perceive them.


she sucks guys off in the toilet

Ideologues are literally almost all like this in the abstract. It's like rubbing a dog's nose in it

They actually have a patreon setup too... what kind of cunt do you have to be?

Alex Jones show.

the standing is the embarrassing part? not watching trash normalfaggot garbage in a fucking bar for youtube

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she's a repulsive cunt, stay away young anons

damn then maybe i should go to this cuck ass bar, its in chicago where i live, so maybe i might lose my virginity and stop being an incel

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not only that, they premier the videos on a schedule. they have a little cartoon of all the "watchers in the bar". it's full on.

Do you think they will learn anything from all this?


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They're emotional beings. These people voted for Clinton, think socialism is a good idea, and didn't care that the official DNC platform was fuck whitey yay nuclear war. Cause and effect are meaningless to them.

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It's like they're all a bunch of psychopaths trying to mimic real people's emotions but overexaggerate in the process.

Whore the middle hit the wall the last year
Impressed by the skills of Bessie's gender reassignment surgeon
Bitch at the end up her dosage of blow, Xanax and Adderall and dropped some weight, impressive.

Someone should go there and drop a couple of stink bombs, that would put a DEVILISH touch to their night.

They are glass capsules that you can buy, just pretend to tie your shoes then step on them and get out of there, 1 minute later that room will be smelling like complete shit kek, and the best part? No way to do it other day so probably they will pretend to not smell it.

Please someone do this, I believe in your autism Yea Forums.

go back reddit nigger

>someone in the background shouting "BITCH, YOU WON"

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And where does she live again kind user?

Does she say "its just rude" at 5:23? AHAHAHAHA

Just go in and order a JON KILLS DANY cocktail

What does it mean?

Low standards, every time.

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why the fuck are they clapping? seriously what is wrong with amerilards

Based dragons btfo of SJWs and chimping out over reality.

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Are you trolling or did not watch the show?

Nobody cares.

Which is gayer, people gathering in a bar to watch a tv show and make exaggerated reactions or people watching and enjoying videos of these "events" online?

They know they are being filmed and it will go on the internet, so they want to show as much emotion as they can.

Americans can afford televisions and alcohol unlike the rest of the world that is a barren caliphate hellscape

>No way to do it other day so probably they will pretend to not smell it.
what did he mean by this?

The chimp in the back KEK

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I'm sure you're an expert on the subject.

I had those ones that are in the plastic little bag that you break and it inflates
they were banned from my school after I threw them in trashcans every day for a few months

they never found the culprit (me, hehehehehehe)

t. Tyrone '53%' DeShawn Rodriguez

kill yourself reddit

these ones I think

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A hot girls has to look like this. And that bar there are only whales.

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She's the chick from San Juniper

Oh no nononono

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Just because it's been years since you could support your own weight is no need to be all bitter about other people standing around.

Fuck, are the summerfags here already?

Do you know her?

>perform acts before the internet was even a thing
got me

Nice projection user. But this isn’t tumblr, that’s where you’ll find the real landwhales.

>she's a repulsive cunt, stay away young anons
Yeah people would literally prefer her over an unattractive loyal woman and then complain that women are batshit crazy.

The bright colors are a warning (as others have stated).

The fuck is a summerfag

>watching GOT
How old are you?

>these people are proud to have been part of the Burlington Bar community, tes, THE Burlington Bar community and actively brag about it to anyone who will listen.
It's not even about the show anymore, it's all about them.

Kill yourself faggot

>normal people drinking and enjoying a television show, putting on an act for the viewers at home
>Yea Forums becomes enraged due to prolonged social and sexual isolation
I can guarantee this wouldn't bother you if you weren't all impotent virgins

This is the people who vote for Democrats.

This must be some effect from them being observed, I was drunk LOLing the whole time. Do people actually take this shit seriously these dudes must be acting because they're in public with females.

>Being this new
Summerfag confirmed


that's the whole point of it retard. they're getting drunk and putting on an act and enjoying the fact that thousands of people are watching them. it's no different than he will not divide us.

Lurk moar.

>normal people

Prove it then. Post a timestamped photo of you not being fat.

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a make believe demographic of people that users here pretend exist so they can call people newfags without sounding so cringey

nice bait.

You know this is true because all of these people for sure watched this entire video back to critique their own reaction to a show they were pretending to care about.

my mom told me not to appease bullies

Normal Americans.

First time she has ever looked really attractive
Would raw dog and cum inside, as well as take responsibility

People watching seriously are worse.

I want to be this man's friend

its on like a 32" TV too the bar never even upgraded their screen for these fags lmao


hey this guy just called you a faggot what are you gonna do about it

I'll bet that tree smells great when it's covered in her pussy juice.


Are americans really like those?

bless your heart

>the green haired whore getting wet as fuck when the mountain kills qyburn

Have sex.........

>post like a redditfag
>get called out

green haired girl really hams it up for these videos
She acts like a quirky anime character but it comes off as cringe

I want to fill her vacant NPC head with my cum

>trying to fat shame user
Get a load of these cyber bullies. Get sex incels.

I can't believe they got such a big star to come watch the show with them.

>Dany fans: Yaaaaas QUEEEEEN SLAY
>Queen Dany actually slays the entire population
>Dany fans: shocked Pikachu face
based youtube comments

have sex

That how girls act. Try going outside for once, you might even like it.

She cant hide what a despicable cunt she is.


Why are these people so fucking ugly?

Is this what/tv/ has become? A bunch of normalfags under the delusion they have opinions of worth?


Stannis never actuallu died, you've been in a coma for a couple of years, everything since season 4 is not actuall show, this is all just an absurdist fever dream. This is why the production of the show went downhill, global geopolitics seem like Kafka+Joseph Heller medley satire, and capeshit is popular. None of it would have happened in the real World.
>Wake up, we miss you.

They ham it up.

ummmmm, i've got news for you sweaty
i've been defending women like her from monsters like you on twitter for about 5 years now and i've gotten closer to "having sex" than you will in your miserable incel lives

You aren't worth bullying. I would just flick you with a wet towel while you writhe around in your superking like an unwashed mollusc and cry.

Not even your feeder/enabler/mother will be able to help you or reach you with your mid afternoon bucket of tendies, because I won't let that happen.

t. burlington bar roastie

uh, where are all the POC in this obviously urban liberal area? This does not look like the commercials on my teevee

They're Americans.

Don't we all?

based and truly redpilled

>have sex
OK Danie

you were right about one thing

oh shit that's the same two girls
so what happened to Bessie? did they have a little falling out?
No Bessie no dice, no like, no upvote no tweet no retweet no favourite no subscribe

how dare you assume their gender?

>fart bags are a real thing
someone tell rich evans

I don't think I've laughed so much at sjws before in my life

This is almost as good as Trump

but have you had sex yet? no. so your opinion is literally worthless until you do.

Dude, that's a dude.

new reaction pic

>All the cheering when the bell starts
They all fucking deserved this

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>having this much hate in your heart
Literally similar to the Sith.

What do you expect? She's a millennial.

You’re confused. Fuck off back to fagbook tor tumblr or whatever other shithole you migrated from.

but have you had sex yet? no so your opinion is literally worthless until you do.

Bessie was killed by her nigger boyfriend. Stop speaking about her, it's unrespectful.

>defending women
> i've gotten closer to "having sex"

Okay, virgin whiteknight. Tell us how sex works, it's fascinating.


that doesn't even look like the same girl in the middle

is she an addict?

I used to go to dive bars to get drunk, find girls to fuck and throw game on, and potentially get into fights.

Why do these fags watch sci-fi fantasy in a bar?

Whats wrong with them?

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Only with you're mother. But I don't know if sex with animals counts.

My dick. Come here and suck it.

they're youtubers who go to a bar to watch game of thrones
it's the most normalfag thing possible, normal people are ugly

Damn, the final season is so bad that it turned the middle girl into an Asian.

Is she like, the star of the show? Why does she get all these reaction shots? Is she fucking the guy who owns the channel or something? She's highlighted like Ramona in the crowd scenes in Scott Pilgrim, but she isn't a lead character in a movie, so I don't get why.

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Hey, fuck off. This episode was a pure 10/10. I don't think a television show will ever pull this much emotion of a group like this ever again. It's just extremely tasty it's negative ones that I can feed off. It's their own fault for loving a power mad despot. Now they know how the people of those third world places with dictators feel after the dictator seizes power and realize their mistake. It's a hard feeling to capture, D&D are geniuses and pulled it off.

>Yea Forums bitches about people who come together and have fun as usual
I kinda feel bad for you incel faggots.


She is highlighted for the same reasons as Ramona: because both have an unnatural hair color that stands out. You fucking utter complete imbecile. Have sex.

Shakespeare said it best. These violent delights have violent ends. Fucking hell 400 years later and he's still the best to ever do this entertainment shit.

Imaging going out with the mindset to fight someone


>These violent delights have violent ends.
Westworld said that you absolute retard

>did the best drama, the best romance, and even the best dick jokes, all told in a style that is still unsurpassed
he truly was the GOAT

Wow when you listen on headphones you can really hear their screams and anguish. I mean the people in the episode and the people in the bar.

I love this episode so much. Maybe it will people will be less quick to support obvious power hungry dictators.

green hair has been peak qt for years

while you retards were lusting over the tit cow, i only had eyes for the best

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jesus christ. when will the ayys come and obliterate us? we deserve it

You don't go out looking to fight, but I used to hang with Army guys who were on leave and they got rowdy. And other guys were rowdy. But you're probably not a man so you don't understand.


>Maybe it will people will be less quick to support obvious power hungry dictators.
This. Hopefully it means a Trump defeat in 2020.

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What the fuck is Westworld. His name is Shakespeare. Say it with me Shakespeare.

As driven snow falling on landfill

>What was the most popular HBO show after Game of Thrones
Yeah, okay buddy. Keep pretending.

>SJeW normalfaggot doesnt recognize young Hodor actor

>that look of complete confusion on green qt's face when dany starts genociding
cute but betrays here as a plebe sorry

okay I will ^_^

lol funny to see the video of them shouting and cheering burn them all and then watch the next one when they are all sad and shit. You were cheering for this carnage. You shouted burn them all not two minutes ago.

>knowing westworld remake but not shakespeare

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It's not all crowd shots, Dude. At one point they even cut between two different cameras both filming her.

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you should kill yourself

What's really satisfying is how little they enjoy the carnage of the dragon tearing KL a new fire anus and then you think about how this is just a little 6 minute clip covering the whole episode, think about how much time that episode actually spent on gruesome hellish destruction porn

Kek they're so fucking uncomfortable, like you can see they don't wanna be watching it anymore because of SUBVERSION.

we need a gif of the ONIONS HOP from 0:35 to 0:37


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why do that when we share the world with an actual princess life is great user

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>zoomers were a mistake

Drinking game: take a shot anytime this goofy cunt makes an exaggerated face or gesture

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The best part is when the screams of shock just turned into that resigned and crushing silence. Panning over their faces when they have to see violence and slaughter up close and personal. IT's awful right. Enjoy your queen.

>cute but betrays here as a plebe sorry
You deserve the horrible life you're going to have

har har. So funny.
>le boomer/zoomer me-mes!!

Normalfags are literally arguing:

>But she can't be evil! She's a strong feminist wamen and wants to help the brown people! She SAID she cares about the commoners! No one who says things like that could possibly commit war crimes!

The current sociopolitical climate makes them literally unable to process this. Dany being the villain lays bare everything that's evil about neoliberalism.

God is it delicious.

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>muh khaleesi

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she's part of the crew of the channel

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gen z was a mistake

These people are considered "Normies" in the US? They are fucking freaks.

get a load of this guy

this is what real people look like, user :/

fucking repulsive

based bar fleecing these fagGOTs

kill yourself

>using women to boost views
uh oh, we got some objectification here

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>stand up whilst sat

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>their reaction when the bells start ringing and they think any won
>their reaction when she goes apeshit and starts genociding the entire city

And you fags watch them

no u

saved xD

I'm a simple man. I like cute girls. What's the harm?

The suffering of your lessers is a wholesome part of any balanced diet.

Why are SJWs so ugly?

>someone unironically posted this
you actually believe they're "your lessers" don't you?

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>>someone unironically posted this
>someone unironically posted this
you actually take everything you see on the internet at face value don't you?

that one girl next to the green haired lady over emoting to every single thing is super fucking annoying. we get it you want attention.

lol when the bells start turning into PTSD bells for some reason like she's getting insanely triggered by the bells and nobody understands why.

>I like cute girls.
obviously you're a homo in denial

go back to facebook

>the one with the gigantic fucking bow in her head so large that it's even visible transdimensionally when not actually "there"
>she can't hide her evil smirk

>american intelligence at its best

No wonder you fags need a presidential system. You're all too dumb to understand a Parliamentary Monarchy system.

No one wants a shit colored pencil cock inside them

fuck yourself

Her name is Blumpkin

that fag in the tanktop has an infinitely punchable face

kill yourself reddit nigger

Yes, the fact our head of state is the head of government too totally makes our congress way less complicated than your parliament.

Jesus fuck, bongs are retarded.

Sucked them off in the bathroom to get those guaranteed center seating positions

Jesus... Americans need to be gassed and then nuked,,, and gassed again just for good measure.

>dyed hair

The distance and disparity between the Executive and the Legislative is the real issue. Parliamentary systems guarantees that a government can only be form when these two at aligned, sparing the people of years of intrigue and power wars. Also, not a Bong. I'm from one of the non-rebellious former colonies of HM who do know how to preserve honor and culture, unlike your degenerate sjw-spreading nation.

>clapping and hollering when harry strickland gets shit on by the brainlet show military "tactics"
he literally did nothing wrong

can you imagine watching your favorite dramatic show/movie and having a bunch of faggots screaming and clapping the whole time?

I want to make babby with green grill

oh sorry LEL I didn't say the sektrit password lel

kill yourself


>can afford alcohol
>empty hands with no booze in them
Sounds like they cant, squire.

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People commenting on them on an anonymous Chinese cartoon forum would probably take the cake 2bh

holy shit, lol

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Wouldn't be surprised since that one big titted chick wasn't present.

non based pussy poster

lmao I used to be like this when I was around 18. You mean you've never felt the urge to dominate 'cause your ego's massive? What kind of teenage years did you live through? I'm sorry, man, you deserve better.

Most likely facetious shitposter pretending to never have heard of Shakespeare, but small chance they are an idiot zoomer who doesn't even know Westworld is a remake of a movie, or an HBO shill.

I want to fuck the green haired one so bad, she’s the ultimate cutie

So that's where they're coming from.

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>not just going in there and farting the place out manually like a man
The state of you cucks


disgusting chicagoans

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I want to fuck that bitch with the green hair

>when I was around 18.

Kill yourselves desperate zoomer faggots.

Fuck you boonie nigger

Suck on an exhaust pipe boomer, this is our world now

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Is the little faggot with the cap a ftm tranny?

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just trying to save you from yourself kiddo

did u paint ur nails black dude lmao

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This. I refuse to believe those are normal people. Actually, I know they're not because you can't be both normal and go to a bar to watch a TV show.

>all these people without a drink in their hand
what's the point of going to a bar if you're not gonna buy a drink
looks pretty rude

which one?

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if you think any of those aberrations are normal you're fucked

uhh isnt that hodor

based boomer bro

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The one behind neon hair

the cancer of the state, literally


They're talking about burning the enemy's army you Incels. Stop grasping at straws when there's so much other bullshit you could point out.

can you imagine having this shit be your favorite show/movie? you'd have to be an ultimate faggot, which these people are, so it's a non-issue

what's ur favortie show? inb4 the sop..