What are some shows where the good guys lose?

What are some shows where the good guys lose?

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Jussie won t.bh

Great! are you assholes happy now?

I'm never happy, and I have sex.

ahhaha take that, tired of niggers at my work talking about this during break

Well I guess well played!

Why didn't Trump #lockhimup?

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Heroes, I don't think the protags got anything like a victory to their name, they just tried to not lose as much from their lives.

He's a shitty literally Hitler.

Game of Thrones

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Next time baby

What show is that?

He's still not in prison which is the real problem. There's no reason for him to be out in public.

he didn't commit any crime that would justify jail time.

I won't be happy until this guy is in jail. He unironically represents black privilege.

t. retarded nigger

there are no laws about "crying wolf" you retarded mother fucker

Any History Channel program on WW2

Filing a false police report is a crime, coon

Shit show gets cancelled
More at 11
Btw I had sex

>felony count of disorderly conduct
>filing a false police report
>lying to police

>not crimes

goddamn you niggers are fucking dumb, you should know the law better than anyone because you can't stop breaking them.

for which at best; you're liable for community service and a fine lol

>Often, the result of a false report is the obstruction or hindrance of a police investigation. Depending upon the jurisdiction, a false police report may be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. Misdemeanor charges may result in jail terms of one year or less. Typically, the defendant must also pay fines.
Honestly just kill yourself

>4 felony charges for filing a false police report

all minor infractions none of which would lead to jail time but carry on lol

incorrect lol

I thought blacks like yourself knew what felonies are



>16 felony counts for falsely reporting a hate crime. Smollett was charged last month with a felony charge of disorderly conduct for allegedly making up the hate crime.

>Each one of the charges carries a maximum count of four years in prison, meaning he could face 64 years in total.

>Empire cancelled
Absolutely based. All coon TV programs should be shut the fuck DOWN

which just goes to show how laughable cook county is in terms of corruption. i thought he was done with the mail shit because the gubment usually doesn't play games when it comes to the USPS

This dude single handedly ruined the show. Any word from his co stars on their feelings over this matter?

Well, bye!

Has Trump done literally anything since taking the throne? I swear you Amerisharts elected an inept fatty to do what you guys do best: nothing!

Stay mad.

Do you think the Presidency is a dictatorship?

>when asked about the subject terrence howard reportedly stood by jussie and stated "it just doesn't add up. i've done the math and it just doesn't add up."



Lots of things to trigger leftists

huh? didn't they say he was returning?

Wasn't there a tweet or an article that said "Jussie Smollett returning to Empire, Get over it :)" or some shit

>i've done the math and it just doesn't add up.

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>going for the black people can't do math angle when the joke is t. hows is an actual brainlet who cannot into multiplication

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What in the sweet love of fuck

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fuck you FOX Empire is greatest...bring it back

His acting career is finished, forever.

OTOH he can now drift from public restroom to bathhouse to cheap 2nd rate movie plex to suck all the strange cock they wave at him, without any scandal anymore.

Empire was never the "good guys." It was a trashy soap opera with over the top melodramatic acting.

he is right 1 x 1 = 2

dats why I loved watching empire...come back sweet cookie come back baby


hehe, i get that reference. other guy didn't though.,

Aren't the feds investigating Jussie?

You seriously need to fuck off back to reditt, gayboi


My fucking father called this. He's psychic, he knew the damage was done with Smollett. FOX would not renew, before or after Disney, because it's tainted.
Since Disney bought it, they're dropping both Terrance (Iron Man retard, didn't hire him back for IM2, why employ him again?) and Smollett (being a dumbass and shouldn't touch Disney anything anymore for brand purity).

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t. seething newfaggot.

not til he's swinging

he messed with the mail, he's going to get fucked by the feds

Gave 36 billion to Israel

Stop living in the third world and you won't have that problem.

I've been on 4channel since day one, minute one actually.

Except where he committed the crime, the false report was a class 4 felony. Not to mention the fact that him bringing in the bleach makes it a hoax involving chemical weapons, the hate crime of specifically staging it against whites, and the multiple times he was interviewed by police and lied during each.

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