What do we think? I keep seeing this brought up and I'm considering giving it a shot.
What do we think? I keep seeing this brought up and I'm considering giving it a shot
It starts off as typical cartoon shenanigans but pretty steadily becomes kino over time. If you can get to the season 1 finale you are golden.
It's a good show to watch while dilating
Calling all Sneedchads
it starts off as a good children's cartoon and later becomes a melodramatic shitshow for 20 somethings
My favorite show to watch high. It's very optimistic and has a lot of surrealist visuals.
it's fucking kino
Back to Yea Forums cretin
The only melodrama is with the townie characters. All of the non-filler stuff has quality dips but is solid throughout.
100% wrong. It turned from a show that captured the imagination of children, to the writers/artist's dramatic masturbation.
It's the best television show in the past decade. Cartoon or otherwise. Give it a shot but just know it takes a bit to truely get a steady pace.
The first half of season 1 might as well be an prologue
The show was always meant to be a drama. Pre-season 1 concept art proves as much. The childrens show angle was just required to make getting to that point as satisfying as it was
Good lore
Good characters
Good plot progression
Great waifus
Bad filler
That's all you need to know. Even the filler isn't that bad though if you watch the episodes weekly or binge them
Just watching the pic gives cancer.
>Good plot progression
this show is for trannies, literally
Doesn't matter. There is a lot more value in a show with new and interesting lessons to teach kids and stoke their imagination than cheap drama. Early Steven Universe was didactic and weird and complex in ways the show never was again.
Go back trannies.
It definitely is. Most of the time anyway. Just look at the transition of season 1 to season 2/3
SU is the definition of a show of lost potential. Season 1 alludes to a lot of interesting concepts while being SOLshit. Season 2 and 3 take those ideas and expands on them. Season 4 meanders around while trying to say stevens mom wasnt jesus incarnate like alluded to. Then season 5 does a huge heel turn and makes steven jesus and throws most of the character development out the window. The last hour has more story than the last hundred episodes because they thought they were getting cancelled.
quads of truth
>made by a bisexual "nonbinary" kike
>portrays itself as a children's show while promoting shit like trannyism and polyamory
ahem, nope.
I half agree with you. Its not like Steven universe doesn't maintain the lessons and imagination. Just watch the series finale. It has all of that WHILE having drama. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
>in ways the show never was again.
Maybe. But only because of our lack of context at that point.
>Great waifus
This is a tough one because you know that shit would stain the fuck out of your bed sheets but hell, if your dick is going to turn blue you might as well invest in new bed sheets right?
This poster is based and I love that he's in every SU thread I see
>tranny/bulldyke horsehit
Yeah Yea Forums loves it
Wont somebody think of the sneedren!
thanks, bro
If you're over the age of 18 and watch shit like this then you really need to take a step back and evaluate how your life is going.
the only decent idea from the first season was the idea the "heroes" were actually the villains and rose bailed and infantailized herself because she was tired of fighting. This was apparently entirely accidental.
There are no transexuals in Steven Universe
Stevenfag here.
Dont. Its ending its terrible.
Hell of a lot better than most shows honestly. The ending is rushed but that's the worst thing you could honestly say about it.
either way it's not even over
uhm, isn't the main character basically a transexual reincarnation of his own mother?
It's for children. If your age is in double-digits, you're too old for it.
The show's schedule fucked up the pacing but on rewatch it flows a lot better.
No. He's his own person who just so happens to share his mother's gem just like you share your mother's genes. Infact the entire finale is about driving that point home.
Can we just ignore these Sneed shitters and try to actually have a comfy Steven Universe thread? Post your favorite characters I'll start. In no particular order:
Earth Beetle
Dr. Maheswaran (formerly PA)
the ending wraps up dozens of plotlines and character arcs with a "no u" because rebecca sugar can't write or sing.
I like the sneedposters. They are harmless and bump the thread.
Having them around is like deliberately not killing a pesky spider because you know they do more good than bad
>With a "no u"
I know that you know it's more complicated than that. I'll be the first to admit though that I hate how many plotlines are wrapped up in a single 10 minutes
Amethyst makes it all worth it
Most based program to ever air
Only /pol/tards or SJWs disagree
Season 1 is one of the best animes of all time
It gets progressively worse after that
1b > 5 > 2 = 4 > 1a > 3
It fucking sucks.
Based "secretly likes it and just wants to bump the thread" poster
No, it literally was not any more complicated than that. The big bad says Steven is silly, Steven says “no u,” and that’s it, all plot lines solved and locked off.
You literally a faggot for even having these thoughts
This show is gayer than sucking cock, it's made to cater to trannies and sjw's
Maybe you are just retarded
maybe you actually have an argument. But so far you haven't indicated anything resembling one.