Why was the night king a skinny incel looking motherfucker?

why was the night king a skinny incel looking motherfucker?

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>you are never going to experience wotlk for the first time ever again

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>muh Arthas

>Still young and had all the time in the world
>Life was good, had friends and parents had money to do lots of thing


because he wasn't developed at all
his gimmick was muh evil muh menacing

D&D fucked it up

Who needs muscle when you can directly animate bone through magic?

why not tho, bitches would look at you dirty

arthas was an OG villain with clout. fucking hell, there'll never be another lich king. fuck bolvar btw

He is beyond basic bitches.


Nothing gets me as aroused as this

ah, a man of taste

I freaking hating Warcraft armor and weapon design. This looks so impractical and retarded.

Why do people shill this shit?
Arthas died like a bitch.
His WoW arc was so utterly terrible compared to his WC3 arc.
Such a ridiculous disappointment.

Arthas was a whiny bitch who fucked up and had his soul merge with an evil, undead orc demon and then was enslaved to the will of some half assed H.P. Lovecraft rip offs.

arthas was warcraft and they killed in their second exp, way to go blizz, he deserved much more

it looks cool

i swear to god blizzard should make Warcraft cgi series

The Arthas story was unironically one of the most kino stories in recent history

>not wc3 frozen throne

Attached: 1537963861803.png (469x452, 277K)

>rts is good!!

Attached: 1543457772949.jpg (228x257, 24K)

Illidan is a better character than Arthas, ever since his Legion storyline.

No he really isn't. Legion fucked up his character royally and what he did in W3 makes no sense anymore.



>liking wotlk more than wc3 tft
Wrathbaby and shit taste

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nah but they are ripoffs

>wotlk babby
Lemme guess, youre 25

He's an 11ft tall undead zombie fused with the soul of an orc warlock. Why do you care if of all things, the armor isn't realistic?


>tfw 25 bc babby
still excited for classic though