Movies about women discovering themselves on foreign soil?
Movies about women discovering themselves on foreign soil?
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like blacked?
wrong board friend.
let's be honest, they just want foreign dick
nice thinly veiled request for the beheading webm
no, that would be dudes
>or literally every asian country
Hostel II
there a couple of vids where they get their heads chopped off if you're looking for something more down to earth.
>"I want to travel the world and see the sights. I want to discover myself and feel free."
>Day 6: kidnapped, raped, beheaded
I really think women need to be genocided
Green inferno
Nah, they're just running away from reality. They think wandering the world will make them forget they haven't built a real life at home.
i dont understand why women idolize foreign countries so much. i have been to france many times and every girl tells me paris seems so awesome and i always make sure to tell them it actually sucks and that i have had better experiences with my family in the south of france. and of course not for nothing, french girls for some reason all want to come to the US, specifically usually california or new york. omg california is so awesome! dude venice beach and santa monica!
WTF is the connection between going international and not measuring your life in years? What an asinine nonsequitur.
Its code for "I'm getting old"
Traveling is the cure to xenophobia. Have holiday.
I will never like a chink as long as I live, sorry.
when you have no useful skills apart from nurturing and have failed to find a spouse and reproduce, you aren't left with a lot of options to delude yourself into believing your life hasn't been wasted
>she gets fucked by lots of people, word gets around she's a whore, no serious man wants to commit to her
>vacation at france/italy/whatever
>she fucks exotic hot dudes any way she pleases, she goes back home, she can present herself as a good girl gf/wife material
Yeah, be scared and stay in your room forever user
That and women are like infants, dangle something new and shiny in front of them and they go nuts. Thats why they like traveling so much. Always has to be NEWNEWNEW. That and the obviously they can brag about going on expensive vacations.
>You in hometown
>Get fucked nowhere
>You abroad
>Get fucked nowhere
I guess the only alternative to staying in your room is going to a rural Islamic shithole alone as a white women
>men and women abide by the same rules when it comes to sex
yeah, fuck off
>You abroad
Yeah you are, dumbass bitch.
Why is this a thing? Why do girls care so much for traveling? I really don't understand, you can't imagine how many stupid bitches I know, who spend all their money going to literal shithole countries. And believe me, I know them. They aren't doing shit in those countries aside from visiting some popular sights and staying at the beach and the hotel. They might like to flirt, but they absolutely hate sex.
My time in Nigeria made me hate niggers though, seriously observing them free from whitey shows how backwards and savage they really are.
>Anonymous 05/13/19(Mon)22:26:03 No.114695648
have sex
put women in cages
>my hobbies are
Everytime. It’s because taking pics at exotic locations is Instagram status and that’s what all these whores literally live for
Actually sweaty the highest increase in the rate of sex tourism is amongst women. And lets not forget the female aid workers in the french migrant camps fucking the migrants.
>finding myself
>discovering who i am
all female phrases for "getting new dick"
why are white women so cringey?
French women are the biggest of whores after all.
You've got my vote.
Whoa you cant just post that on the internet for everyone to read bro
They spend too much time around white """men"""
Too much freedom and now they lack any sense of motivation or reason to live.
The pussy got him, both literally and figuratively
Having been to central Africa I sincerely doubt you know what you're talking about.
*travels to Philippines*
Someone sold me Wild as the ultimate movie in that genre:
All I saw was a privileged self-entitled white bitch that wanted to ride the cock carousel cucking her beta boyfriend.
I suppose it's pretty accurate.
It's not about the thing itself, it's about selling it to other people to look cool. People hear Paris and they know what that is. Someone like me has no idea what South France is like so they'd assume it's not as cool or exciting so going there has less social value.
>Girl in some foreign country facing nature.jpg
Lmao, every single time. Ever noticed how all these "unique" women have a pic exactly like this on dating websites.
>I want to go somewhere new and exciting, discover a new locale
>goes to the same places as the instagram influencer
>always some tropical place or some city in europe
Brokedown Palace. They get a huge red pill about life and the world.
That movie was legit hilarious. She needed help from like half a dozen people hiking in CALIFORNIA'S WILDERNESS. She almost literally dies at one point from being unprepared.
Imagine dying in some random hiking trail in California.
The book was unfilmable. The poor results is what you saw. Not that the book makes her look any better but at least you can understand her motivation. The only way the movies makes a bit of sense is it you read the book but at that point, why bother with the movie?
Google "Cool wine aunt" for the answer.
why do i need to explain or justify myself to you? i like my gauges, girls like my gauges, they were something i wanted and it turned out good
This triggers me to always swipe to the left. I'm very glad to have this very easy and obvious filter. Aside from that I also swipe left on party pics, pics with animals and the obvious piercing, colored hair and too much makeup. Those girls appear as being outgoing and easy to get, but are always needed little spoiler brats. The wall flower looking ones are the ones to get.
Are those girls in the center Vicky and Maddie?
what does /pol/ have against travelling? men travel too you know?
just post the beheading webm, lost mine
It's like men and women with suicide. When a man travels, he just does it and it is done. A woman travels, it's mostly to get attention.
They'd be upset regardless of what the girls were doing.
I despise most men who travel in that way just as much. With men it's usually the guys who can't shut up about how cool AUS is, who fucking trigger me. No problem with people going to countries to actually do something, like fishing or hunting tigers. But I fucking despise backpackers. They are always so full of themselves and think anyone is interested in their boring travel stories. I can have more adventures alone at home in my bed than those stupid fucks will ever have in any shit hole country.
Everything women do is for attention. No incel, I know a lot of females for some reason.
Male sex tourism relies on obtaining female attention
>I can have more adventures alone at home in my bed than those stupid fucks will ever have in any shit hole country.
I like the story of the girl who told her boyfriend "i'm going away for a month and if i meet someone i want to have sex with him i'd like to have sex with him", and the boyfriend said "well it's not like i can stop you" and to try and make it easier for him she said "and you can sleep with other people while i'm gone so it's fair"
she left on the trip, got a message from her neighbor saying her boyfriend is fucking this girl every night
>you will never be able to afford a vacation outside your state let alone outside your country
feels bad. I envy those people who pack a backpack and can just up and leave, somehow surviving not having any money and finding some work in a country you can't speak the language
>tfw anyone asks me what my favorite book is, i say the alchemist because i liked it when i had to read it during school, and because i mostly read nonfiction history/biographies that would bore normies
fugg...didn't know i was a basic white girl...
But everything women do is for attention. It’s literally their biological function as females
Based and nativepilled
>increase in the rate
What a disingenuous way to present data. If I start a cult tonight and get five buddies to join up, I'm probably the fastest growing religion in the world, what other religion increased its flock by 500% in one night lately?
what do you want? a duck face picture in front of a bathroom mirror?
the religion of fucking your mom
This, but they're also just enamored by the idea because they instinctively believe stepping foot on foreign soil = being interesting and wise. They see it as a shortcut to respect, because it's something they can bring up in any conversation they ever have and they think it'll sound impressive
How many of them come back home and brag about it?
No, that's equally a red flag.
The better question is why you think this is women specific.
Maybe they do it because its fun?
Bingo 1000% my god.
Those boots are pretty slick.