>lazy zoomer repellent
Lazy zoomer repellent
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Who is this e-celeb?
The only job worth getting is a sweet 200 k Lawyer job you graduating straight of out T14 law school.
anything else, you might as well NEET it up at your parents or live off welfare.
You have 1 chance in life to make it in college.
dont fuck it up
>I pledge to create massive amounts of wealth for Shlomo and pay taxes to Israel
>i believe that I have won the greatest lottery of all time
>I live in America
>I pledge to make my boss more money than he gives me and to encourage the government to spend most of it on niggers and spics
Good goy
1. I'd prefer to be born in Japan. You can actually walk the inner cities without getting mugged and killed.
2. Irrelevant
3. A lie to make you a wagecuck.
4. The wrong belief that passion = money. Contradicts himself #2.
5. (((debt)))
6. Irrelevant
7. Wagecucking
8. Finally something reasonable
9. Ok
10. He's never worked in a competitive field
11. cuck
12. First part is wrong.
>There is no such things as a bad job, only opportunities!
You need to know someone to get those jobs.
>volunteer for every crappy task
That is HORRIBLE advice. You know what happens when you volunteer for every unpleasant, shitty task at work? Your supervisor/manager/boss dumps more unpleasant shitty tasks on you. You “distinguish” yourself alright, you distinguish yourself as a doormat that people can unload their garbage onto whenever convenient.
Question: Has this guy ever actually worked in his life? Like, not for television or anything like that?
1 and 11 contradict number 10
He majored in Communications apparently.
>1. I'd prefer to be born in Japan
He was born into money.
>lottery win
There are so many Americans and it's not even a top 3 country to live in. The real lottery win is Finland or other Nordic countries.
not if you go to a good school
>He actually believes this shit
Then I'll employ him to grind out my alts in shitty Korean MMOs for minimum wage with forced unpaid overtime. He'll be begging for death three days in but I won't let death find him.
>b-but muh depression and current housing market!!!
Why do zoomers refuse to own up to their shortcomings?
Imagine thinking living in Sweden in 2019 is a lottery win
>tfw financial cuck
Finland is a shithole though
13. I solemnly swear to dedicate the money and lives of myself and my family members to the eternal defense of the Holy State of Israel, and to God's chosen people.
Damn wagies.
outside of internet memes, it's still one of the best countries to live in.
That lottery quote is stolen from a British imperialist, cringe
Well, I don't know about you fellas but I for one am very grateful for guys like him.
That kind of work ethic is very appreciated and our current pre-automation society would not function without brave men like him.
We are already living in a post-scarcity society and "money" has become such an abstract concept that it can literally be created out of nothing. It's criminal that people still aren't being paid a livable wage in first world countries.
Exactly. Pick it up, wagie
Has he ever actually worked a blue collar job or does he just talk about them on TV?
>I believe that my safety is my responsibility
What a fucking asshole. Does this prick seriously have a problem with workers' compensation? Let's see kiss corporate ass after he's lost a hand to heavy machinery.
This image creates communists.
You need to know people or be a minority (not Asian) to get into a good law school.
Wagies really are abused and under-appreciated. Glad OP is willing to works his hands to the bone for NEETs like us
he is the boss using you for extra unpaid labor outside your job description
Similar trap to the ole "you're ready for more responsiblities and labor not more pay"
if you're in sweden you can at least move somewhere like denmark, luxembourg, switzerland.
reminder that a GARBAGE COLLECTOR in denmark makes 366337 danebucks a year, which is 55k USD. the american median wage is like 30k
yeah but like taxes n shiet
>privileged faggot who never worked a real job in his life lectures people to be happy they're wageslaving
>65% of millenials live paycheck to paycheck
kek fucking losers.
But the cost of living is also much higher in those countries. Denmark is always in the top ten most expensive places to live no matter how it's measured, whereas the US usually doesn't even make the top twenty.
What is happening in this image?
the cost of living in a mansion is higher than living in a cardboard box, yes.
anyway, it isn't expensive enough to somehow offset the boons of living in a country where a garbage collector is paid more than most americans with college degrees
Mike Rowe has never worked a hard job in his life. All he’s ever done is rake in millions from TV. There is not reason to take his advice seriously since he has never even had a somewhat difficult or labor intensive job.
>Skill and Work Ethic Aren't taboo
A good payment or, in many cases, even a recommendation later is, apparently.
>I have won the greatest lottery of all time, I am alive, I walk the Earth, I live in America.
Unironically had one such retard get BTFO'd by my physics professors. Every commie state can have their people be alive and walk the Earth, if being alive and walk the Earth is the only thing that one should be grateful for, there would be no point in breaking up the USSR or any other dictatorship.
It's one of the most brazen "arguments" by people who don't even consider bringing material wealth/goodies on the table to their electorate/plebs, so they start going full pathos about "freedoms" and try to play on feefees or nag on conscience.
>I believe that I am entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
PURSUIT of happiness. In other words, the goy must be a little bit underfed to be the most obedient.
>I do not "follow my passion", I bring it with me
Read: the goy must not only be forced to do worst tasks for little money, he must be HAPPY about it.
>I deplore debt, and do all I can to avoid it.
One of the good rules, and guess what, richfags don't abide it at all, because plebs are paying those debts and cover up losses, not rich ones.
>I believe that my safety is my responsibility
A good rule to shove the "or else" management out of the fault by blaming the wagie.
Swedish drink
Swedish soldiers forcing g*rmans to drink their piss and shit. With little Finns helping to stir it. We should go back to those days to be quite honestly fämälämäzoid.
Garbage collectors make bank in the US too. Retail and food service is where the slave wages are
Lawcuck wagie cope.
>Lawyers are 3.6 times more likely to suffer from depression than non-lawyers.
>Show up early, stay late, cheerfully volunteer for every crappy task there is.
How to NOT advance on career ladder, get all the bad stuff thrown to you while having no compensation whatsoever to it. If you have friends, family members or you know people who serve in the military or similar environment, ask them, why abiding that rule and being a goody-good, best of the best loyal guy is only going to bring you more hemorrhoids.
They will explain it better than me, since I'm not that familiar with specifics, only can say that "your best day" will be warped by your manager into "the norm for everyone".
>Most annoying sounds in the world are whining and complaining, I will either find a new hob, blabla
Guess, how loud people like him will screech when you answer to their whine about taxes with "find your own damn country, then?
>Learn as much as I can
Another good rule, although I'm sure that there are cuckservatives who would gladly prohibit even library cards.
>I am a product of my choices - not my circumstances.
Funny, because libertarians, ancaps, and cuckservatives fucking LOVE to blame everyone else for their retardation.
Lurk the Galt's Gulch in Chile, for example of lolberts tossing the blame for their failure on each other.
Self-responsibility, my ass.
>I understand the world is not fair, and I'm OK with that.
The "not fair" part works both ways, though, but guess who whines the most when employees actually play the system and start screwing up their employers? Who nags the most about "muh loyalty" and "muh corporate family"? That's right. Because the "world is not fair, deal with it" is for the wagecucks and plebs, not for the "proper people".
>Hurr durr if you have self-interests, you are lazy
I won't even comment on that whine.
a garbage collector in new york makes ~57k. my garbage collector wage for denmark is from copenhagen. if you compare the cost of living in those two cities, there's no comparison
a bit biased, i know. but how's this: mcdonalds employees in denmark make 20-21 usd an hour.
>his job is literally to pretend to do hardwork for 22 minutes and then do some voiceover once its over
i fucking hate this smug cunt
Here are my 8 commandments:
1. Do the work that you love. If you don't love your work, then, at least, make sure it pays off well
2. Don't hesitate to drop the company that fucks you over. "Family" is bullshit. Nagging about "being lazy" is bullshit.
Corporate loyalty became dead the moment company gained possibility to drop you on a whim, so don't hesitate returning the favour.
3. "Reputation" and "suing" are bullshit. Companies don't get THAT harmed from the former, you probably don't have a money to pull off the latter. If you work in company big enough, they will just drag you by the courts (in best case). Therefore, don't rely on the justice to be on your side.
4. Don't expect gratitude for your loyalty. Loyalty is a big talk nowadays, but all employers seem to have adopted the idea that everyone is happy just for the fact of working for them.
Employer acts as if he is entitled to your loyalty and won't reward it, the only loyalty you can rely on is only loyalty to yourself. Your boss will drop you, Your colleagues will probably snitch on you, and in the America, you will be replaced by some scab on a whim.
5. Don't scab. Scabbing doesn't make you less expendable to a boss, and every normal being doesn't like a bootlicking smartass making life harder for everyone, especially if all you get in return is pat on the back from boss.
6. Learn, learn, and learn. I won't explain that one.
7. Don't be a bootlicker. Being a "Yes man" isn't going to bring you favours or improve your career. At least, not anymore. Most employers see through this bullshit and all of them won't respect you more for being a doormat anyways.
8. Never do the work for free. Never agree to do shitty work without proper compensation. Your 150% output today will become 100% output REQUIRED from anyone tomorrow. I hope you are smart enough to draw the consequences from this by yourself. "Give them a finger, they bite off the hand" applies to your employer as well.
>Question: Has this guy ever actually worked in his life? Like, not for television or anything like that?
Of course he isn't. Like most ancaps, lolberts. I am not saying that one must be full commie, but everyone with a real job should be, at least, redpilled to some degree.
I will definitely read all of that.
Communists, not the trannies and SJWs, were aware of this for long time.
Why, you think, people become unironically left or, at least, left-libertarian? Why, you thing, ruskies support Stalin the most in the recent years?
It's because of that smug faggots and their cocksucking whores doing just that,
mike rowe is a hack and boomers fell for it.
Nothing can really be done, we just have to hope automation is not a meme
Being a wagecuck made me one.
Wasn't this dude born rich and majored in theatre at some ivy league and then went straight onto TV? It's so easy telling others to work shitty soul-sucking jobs when you've never had to actually endure one. What a hypocritical fucking tool for his media Jew overlords.
>look mom, i posted it again
dumb ass OP still triggering me tho
Try it. Reading activates your almonds. Part of why US is so cucked is that they are watching shitty Mike Rowe shows instead of reading or observing things critically.
>1. I'd prefer to be born in Japan. You can actually walk the inner cities without getting mugged and killed.
lol you moron
>dumb ass OP still triggering me tho
It's a good think, though. That means that you are not indoctrinated and think for yourself.
Don't assume everyone on the internet is an American. I read everyday but I admit that sometimes I choose to skip some Yea Forums posts.
Based & proletarianpilled
I've never actually read this shit so here we go.
1. I want to punch his faggot face already for believing such a lie.
2. More faggot shit.
3. *me shitting in your mouth* "NO SUCH THING AS A BAD JOB HUH MIKE"
4. absolute cuck mentality
5. cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
6. >i believe my employer doesn't have to comply with OSHA
eat shit mike
8. whining? sure. complaining? that's how things get done you stupid liberal arts school faggot, .5 validity
9. a combined total of 1 valid thing since this is still a roundabout way of this faggot defending bloated college fees
10. >get shot
>spouse stabs me
>boss rapes my sister and blames me, go to jail and get raped
>"These are my choices."
Absolute cuck
11. It's not enough that I should succeed. Other's must fail.
12. I believe you're as dumb as you look mike. Hope your wife gets raped by a pack of nigs
fuck bosses and FUCK loyalty
What a load of fucking garbage
But i'm sure that if i was a business owner i'd do my best to convince my employees of it too.
Keep in mind only boomers watch his shit so they get pandered to
Work =/= a good life
What is this obsession with work work work?
"Work your butt off"
That's not life.
We are meant for a spiritual existence, why do we let people tell us that we are nothing more than talking farm animals.
And what is more is that work, that is meaningful work, is not making money for billionaires.
Real work is building your own house, farming your own crops, mending things, helping your neighbors, etc. Sitting at a cubicle making spreadsheets or selling things or making a marketing campaign all so millionaires can get another yacht and cocaine is not "work" to be proud of.
I think this shit is retarded but I also love that this stuff gets taken serious by some mouthbreather wagecucks so I can keep hiring Trump-loving Republishits and paying them low and mistreating them but they still take it all with a smile and thank me for their jobs because they think its the right thing to do. haha thanks Mike