Now that the show is almost over, what do you think of the man Yea Forums?
Was his arc good, if not what did he lack?
Ser Jorah Mormont
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he and his dad were both based
>if not what did he lack?
I think the scene of him being cured of greyscale was fucking horrible, but it's relatively easy to erase from your memory compared to other shit.
He could have prevented what happened to the city
He was the arch incel from whom dany learned the ways of inceldom
If he hadn't saved Danaerys from the assassination attempt thousands of King's Landingians wouldn't have burnt to death, it's basically all his fault
he lacked fucking balls, like what the fuck man, why are you following around this blonde barbie girl after she tells you she wont bang you anyway as she proceeds to bang other guys
dont be a cuck bro
Beta soi orbiter. He got the death he wanted dying for a dumb tumblrina on a power trip. Pottery
I'm just glad he wasn't around to see Dany's massive fall from grace.
It would have broke his heart.
>This is what oneitis does to you
So did he convert to the 7 for his roastie wife or something? Doesn't the North not have Knights?
He should have lived to kill Madnerys in the end
The problem with Jorah now was that his arc was tied to daenerys. And now that she has gone full mad queen, whether you like or not this direction, its like he died for nothing, since he died believing she was going to be loved by her people.
what part of the arc?
he loves daenerys and serves her unconditionally?
or he loves daenerys and serves her unconditionally?
the word "cuck" gets thrown about these days, but honestly watch him stand there and go
>my khaleesi
while she fucks other men was too pathetic for me to respect the character.
Ironic or not, your logic is fucking awful.
>If the first organic lifeform on earth hadn't sprung into life it would have prevented all the atrocities in Human history
He was knighted by his bravery during the greyjoy rebellion following Robert´s rebellion.
After Season 2 Jorah never truly believed he would fuck her, he just wanted to help her get the Iron Throne because he thought she would be a good queen
By your logic everybody who ever voted for Thatcher or Merkel wants to fuck them
implying his story arc matters. the only real point of death of Jorah and Missandei is to give reasons for Daenerys turning mad.
But user, Arya hasn't done enough in the series don't you think?
To be fair if he hadnt saved her the entire world would be zombies
it made logical story sense given his character throughout the series, so could have been much worse as we've seen with other characters
>Daenerys exiles Jorah in season 4
>almost gets overthrown during season 5, literally saved in the arena by jorah, has to be saved by the dothraki by Jorah
>Jorah returns to daenrys on season 7
>dies on season 8
>Daenerys goes mad and eventually will be killed
Really gets the old noggin joggin
that was not my logic. that logic of YOURS leads to implication that I believe Barristan Selmy wanted to fuck Daenerys. I do not believe that therefore you are wrong. Q.E.D.
What are you even trying to argue? It's well established many times in the show that he is in love with Daenerys
Without her the Night King wouldn't have had a dragon to take down the wall with
they greyscale part was a waste, otherwise bretti gud
>If the first organic lifeform on earth hadn't sprung into life it would have prevented all the atrocities in Human history
absolutely spot-on, faggot
?Missing the point this much
Holy fuck turn your brain on.
I am arguing that his prime motivation to be on Daenerys side was believing she would be a good ruler, not wanting to fuck her
>implying we WOULDN'T be better off without all this crap
kys, brainlet
The Night King would never make it past the wall without Viserion and Arya would have just teleported behind Cersei and killed her anyway.
Im glad he died before seeing Dany at her worst
How come they never adapted this moment to the show? It would’ve been kino and give Jorah some character, instead everyone just sees him as some beta orbiter despite all the suffering he experienced due to his wife
Did he even do anything really after Barristan was introduced? He just sort of orbits until he dies. Same way as Jaime barely does anything of note after taking a bath with Brienne.
Nothing negative in this world even affects you, faggot. The fact that you're here, now, posting in this thread means you're living life on easy mode.
Reminder he was a widower when he met Lyneese
He constantly gives dany the only counsel that improved her standing. Everything he said was correct. With him, she would have been queen. Without him, she’s nothing. That’s why she is now the mad queen. “The ally’s we need are in Westeros” “do not rule by fear, rule by love”. It’s sad that things turned out the way they did. Jorah should have been her hand. Making Tyrion her hand was so fucking stupid. Tyrion is an absolute joke compared to Jorah.
Reminder that in the books, Daenerys affectionately kisses him on the cheek from time to time and Jorah saw her naked and kissed her
Book Jorah is a literal Pedobear and Daenerys is even more of a whore
Book Daenerys would have fucked Show Jorah in the desert in Season 2
And in Danaerys final scene she is longing for him and his hallucination spurs her on and gives her advice. Jorah is very substantial in the books. She’s clearly beginning to lust for him because without him she’s suffering failure after failure in Mareen.
You’re retarded. Dany is 14 by the end of book one and 16 or 17 by the end of the final book. In medieval times this was perfect age because nobody lived past 40
He was the last one who could've kept Daenarys under control.
He's probably weeping from the seven heavens as we speak.
this tbqh
He is actually happy with his first wife now ;)
>nobody lived past 40
get a load of this retard
Even kings barely lived to Middle Ages back then. Retard
He should have been the one to kill Dany after she goes mad, not Jon. Would be kino arc.
wew lad
sign in for an evening school or something
american education
why did he even call her a "Khaleesi" so long? She was larping as the legitimate queen, so if even your main guy doesn't refer to you using your claimed title, it's just retarded.
Always thought he was overacting, and that it was becoming more painful in the later seasons..
I don't get it, Dany was raped by Drogo, willingly whored around with a mercenary, yet couldn't spare some snatch for the only person who was there for her NQA?
If you think Iain Glen was overacting and it was painful then you must have hated everybody else