I can say with absolutely no intent of being ironic or anything of the kind that she has legitimately done NOTHING wrong.
I can say with absolutely no intent of being ironic or anything of the kind that she has legitimately done NOTHING...
agree, it was common that a city was given a decision: resist the siege and be sacked or destroyed or give up and be spared
>no gratitude from the northern fags even though she sacrificed a huge portion of her army and a dragon to save the world
>no one in westeros likes her
>Varys and Tyrion conspire against her
>Jorah is dead
>the mullatto girl is dead
>the man she loves rejects her even though she personally flew to end of the world to save him and sacrificed one of her children to do so
>worse, he's in a position to take everything she has fought for
should have done it long ago
"Fuck me Aegon"
yeah because burning down the seat of power you have been trying to reach your whole life is not extremely moronic
I disagree.
Instead of burning the city Daenerys should have made an alliance with the Brotherhood without banners and surviving followers of the High Sparrow. Together they would have been able to abolish feudalism in Westeros for good. "i'm going to break the wheel" message, do you still remember it? Replacing one royal tyrant with another isn't "breaking the wheel".
Daily reminder that only People's Republic of Westeros, led by glorious Chairwoman Comrade Targaryen, can really break The Wheel by destroying the ultimate source of all evil - the capitalist pigs of the Iron Bank.
She could've just let go of the Iron Throne and stayed across the narrow sea ruling over people who liked her
I would agree.
This is medieval times, not fucking 2019 where you have news and social media. Here the victor truly writes history.
In those times, sacking of a city involved exactly what you saw, rape and pillage.
Danny offered them terms, they refused and on top added extra by killing her advisor. They deserved Fire and Blood.
At the end of hte day, it iwll be sung by the bards that the mad incestuous queen Cercei who murdered Robert Baratheon and Rob Stark the red wedding decided to burn down the city with Wildfire before giving up her throne, in a last pathetic attempt at revenge.
Except they did give up with the intention of being spared and didn't put up any resistance at all once Dany's army got through.
The only thing she did wrong was go to Westeros.
So what she barely touched them anyway
She slapped them around a bit to show them who's boss, that's all
You won't even notice the "damage" in a fortnight
She could have conquered all of Essos and revived ancient Valyria, but she had to go to where Targaryens go to wither and die, Kings Landing.
Targs are mentally ill.
King’s landing wasn’t burned , this is a hoax from the iron bankers.
I mean, how could STONES burned?
I had a dream last night I saved someone from drowning and I never have dreams of that sort. I think it was a metaphor for this show.
tbqh the peasants deserve it for being complicit.
cersei destroyed the sept with margery in it, who the smallfolk loved. even hotpie knows she did it yet they don't rebel?
look at that ass, you are never going to have it in your face
why is life so suffering guys
except that a literal dragon flew in the sky and burned thousands of people, if she doesnt catch every living witness including her own advisors and generals word will get out, but it doesnt matter anyways because she will be stabbed next episode and take her place in the long line of shitty rulers of westeros
bush did 9/11 and you didnt rebel
Post webm of the scene