>main villain lives happily after all his wrongdoings with no punishment
Main villain lives happily after all his wrongdoings with no punishment
Other urls found in this thread:
Still a cuck though
Also gay
fr what's moot doing in Japan? Is he working on Google's jap branch?
He works as a janitor in Hiro's mansion
He was supposed to be the chosen one.
I wonder if he has a lingering regret at the back of his mind after all that happened
how likely is it that he isn't getting any puss even in Japan of all places?
I wouldn't call being a google slave a happy life, but to each his own
He's a good looking guy, would be hard to fuck that up in Japan of all places
sauce on that jacket pls
You could tell he hated /pol/, probably feels some remorse in how his site lead to the recent right wing online movement
Literally who?
He still hangs around that Gawker girl that cucked him and her boyfriend.
you either die an hero
or live long enough to see youself become the villain
yet another queen mad with power
>moot is just like me!
I wonder if he hangs out with hiromoot
>t. post-mootfag
>no consequences
look at the absolute normal STATE of him
Poor little guy
Standard IT worker build
So does Google have him on HRT or what
>Moot going super saiyan when he opens his door
he got cucked by /pol/ in the end, but he never caved in to the leftist fags and outright deleted it. I miss him lads
Based mootykins
>what's a weab doing in Japan?
moot sucked towards the end but Hiro is just a complete retard who doesn't give a shit about the site.
Moot looks kinda hot here
>2016 babby doesnt know what cu.ck means
I thought the “right” had nothing but one trillion IQ people like Joe Rogan.
He literally has panjeets and trannies in some google office teasing him on the daily, and he just takes it. He has to play up being hypocrite, going against common sense, just to not get larked on then. I feel sort of bad for him
Joe isn't even right wing
moot is fucking sexy it makes me uncomfortable
>has alt-right nazis on his show all the time
>he's not right wing though hurr durr
total speculation
>implying that's him
moot is imprisoned in the deepest google dungeon where he gets anal-probed by them all day for our sins
Joe's only right wing if you consider anyone to the right of Bernie right wing
you haven't even seen his final form
He was the reason pol grew in popularity in the first place. If he had cleaned the site up from cuckshit this wouldn't all have happened
Say that to my face fucker
I miss him, and Hiroshima Nagasaki makes me appreciate him that much more.
This, that horrible slut missed out.
He's basically a tranny himself
>never heard moot's Q&A
Hiro:user, it's all right to be angry.
user:Hey, why should I be mad?I'm sayin' at least he said goodbye this time. I just wish I hadn't wasted my money buyin' this stupid, Yea Forums pass.
Hiro:I'm...I'm sorry. You know, if there was something that I could do,...
user:Hey, you know what? You ain't got to do nothing, Hiroshima, you know? It ain't like I'm still 14 years old, you know? Ain't like I'm gonna be sittin' up every night askin' Snacks "When's M00t comin' to post?," you know? Whoneedshim? Hey, he wasn't there to teach me how to make my own shoop, but I learned, didn't I? And I got pretty damn good at it, too, didn't I, Moottwo?
Hiro:Yeah, you did.
user:Got through my first range ban without him, right? I learned how to meme, I learned how to subvert captcha, I learned how to shitpost without him, I made 21great OCs without him! He never even sent me a damn rickroll!THE HELL WITH HIM!!!
(Hiro breathes like he's about to cry)
user:I didn't need him then, and I don't need him now.
Hiro: user? user?
user:No, you know what, Gookmoot? I'm-a gonna make my own chan without him, I'm-a get great mods without him, I'm-a marry me a beautiful 2d waifu and I'm gonna have a whole bunch of little shitposters. I'm-a be a better Admin than heeverwas! And I sure as Hell don't need him forthat, 'CAUSE AIN'T A DAMN THING HE COULD EVER TEACH ME ABOUT HOW TO LOVE MY BOARD!!
(long pause; user tears up)
How come he don't want me, man?
(user and Hiro embrace)
He married his bf
I fucking miss him bros. I feel bad that us /pol/acks bullied him so hard and chased him away from his own site.
We're sorry moot, please come back ;_;
>leftists are so bat shit crazy they think a faggot thats married to a jew, has a black oooga booga step daughter and has pedo, trans rights activists on his show is right wing
Holyshit, Moot is jacked
if i stopped to think for 1 sec i would have known it was that pic before opening
these are the people telling you to have sex btw
I mean youre right but I can't imagine it being any other way
Is this Google?
>working your way up to the top of the tech ladder to work like this
remember when this site was run by someone with an actual brain, opinions, and character and not some soulless bugman?
moot honey no... no....
kek no I don't
You know something is wrong when fucking moot is by far the biggest CHAD in the image.
Like it was yesterday.
Even though I didn't like moot, and he hated Yea Forums and its core userbase, he at least visited the boards occasionally and did a q&a. hiro just pretends to be retarded and not speak english as an excuse to not have any responsibilities on this site
I understand why he sold Yea Forums to gook moot. How could he possibly further his career with his name attached to this fucking shit heap? He couldn't. It'll always be his baby, but he doesn't have to deal with the headaches any longer. I would have done the exact same thing after the fappening. Yea Forums almost killed him.
Still, I hope he's fucking miserable.
A soul is a burden if you try to run a place like this. Moot tried but he couldn't handle it in the end.
>simply speaking with someone who disagrees with you politically automatically means you agree with every single one of their beliefs
Can he speak moon?
>tfw losing bodyfat and weight
Soon I'm gonna have an alpha jaw like Chad Moot and bang all the hot bitches
i think moot understood that staying too long with Yea Forums would stunt his growth; im glad he chose to move ahead
Thats kind of based to be fair
You can write cuck as long as it's not all caps.
>IMPLYING you and other fags were even around during the moot era
"remember when" is the lowest form of conversation
how the fuck do you go from this
I miss him bros...
>and he hated Yea Forums and its core userbase
good this board is trash
to this
Before you finish, the answer is Australians
Is it true that google hired him because they thought he was behind all the memes and then realized he's a boring piece of shit (dude, if you're reading this you KNOW I love you) so now he basically makes coffee for everyone while google waits out his contract?
I actually had some email conversations with him. The guy was amazing. You couldn't wish for a better admin.
>they got to him
joogle is literally skynet
They can't be that retarded. They're a tech company
If moot had stayed stayed, this website wouldnt exist right now
pic related is gookmoot's son
looks just like him
>I actually had some email conversations with him. The guy was amazing. You couldn't wish for a better admin.
I emailed him twice to appeal bans and both times he unbanned me within 30 minutes.
We also had a short conversation about kickstarter threads on /tg/.
moot can get out from this shithole.
why can't you?
That kid's seen some shit, jesus
...and that's a good thing!
he's probably fucking nip whores and will pump out a gross hapa in the next few years
ive been on Yea Forums since 2008 and 4ch overall 2 years before that
so kys
i fukken miss you M00t...japmoot is okay but he's NO M00t
>that tech
>bad cable management
>actual lighting
hackerman curse this image
i haven't been sued by celebs and ben garrsion
>he hated Yea Forums and its core userbase
Am i supposed to know who this is?
moot sold us out so he could virtue signal his love for Anita Sarkeesian
Moot is a fucking fag and all of his friends are tumblr tier feminists.
reviving /r9k/ and /pol/ is the dumbest shit he's ever done
dude I sold your post history and user data to sixteen different world goverments but its fine because I'm pretending I can't speak English very well lmao
Fucking piece of shit
>he doesn't even have his own desk
This is just depressing. I thought he was a high-flier? He gave us up for this?!
So then you remember how he was a twofaced cunt that just said what people wanted to hear??
Faggot fucking got away with everything
have sex
i dont care how much of a fag sjw moot was at least he ARGUED and TALKED and even fucking posted sometimes
hiroshima might as well not exist
>all his wrongdoings with no punishment
This place deserves all he did to it, you all are the living proof of it.
This is what a high flier in Silicon Valley looks like. You can earn 6 or 7 figures but don't dare have any sense of self pride or dignity
No, it's Canv.as, the shitty startup founded by moot that went bankrupt.
Can any asshole move to japan and live decently? I can't imagine Moot learning to speak Japanese in his free time
luggage lad
Money goes a long way
What could we miss out if Moot closed Yea Forums down back in Jan 2015? I guess most fags just flock to i n f i n i t e, but what else? is Yea Forums that replaceable anyway?
lel stupid faggot
so what... man throughout the history of time have sold their soul for the love of a woman...I FORGIVE YOU M00t just come back
not a word
I miss him.
I still kinda wanna fuck Moot
if your reddit approved meme was around back before he left, he would have added it to the filter by this point and then during his Q&A he would have said it was a great meme
>I thought he was a high-flier?
Why exactly should he be one?
japmoot wants revenge for the bombing on his country...
inb4 deletion
yeah if you have a decent job
moot is a Google employee and probably does most of his work on a computer at home
literally living the dream
If you read his interviews after he quits, he mentions travelling and taking weird classes after his that canvas thing failed, trying to distance from internet for a while.
I guess he just cant mention those things since its a way for anons to doxx him
lol there was a time when you couldn't post this pic on Yea Forums, it would always return as an error
see this is the type of gay shit that will keep him away...HE WAS ONLY JOKING
He sacrificed himself for our sins
lads I swear to god I'll purchase 4channel from hiro and make Yea Forums the board we deserve. I have the money, I just need to wait until he sells the site. you'll all see
Nothing of value would have been lost. The current userbase isn't worth engaging with 99% of the time.
What would you change?
getting lawyered by half of (((hollywood))) and partyvans doesnt sound like a virtue signal to me.
He did it to 2ch users first.
Probably LARP but we need something like this
never seen that actor
Yea Forums bullied him until he crumbled. It wasn’t supposed to end like this, luggage lad
I'd turn every board into a Yea Forums colony
at least he gets to sit next to joji
I'm still not sure why google hired him in the first place. All he did was copy website code to make Yea Forums, when he tried to do something on his own like canvas it was a complete failure.
Moot is gay though
On the off-chance that this isn't a Larp, please clean this site from the trannies
So ware we user, it's all just a big game of pretend
So they could treat him like a pet and laugh at us.
be happy moot
I'm not sure if that's him or his wife
This site didn't lead shit anons came together out of mutual hatred for how society is going down the shitter
not LARPing lads, I can afford it if it's only a couple of million. I swear to god if hiro just suddenly announces he sold it to some random faggot (like moot did) and doesn't hold a public bidding, I might shoot myself
>Reddit's creator married Serena Williams
>Yea Forums's creator is still a virgin loser
>Pretends to be retarded and doesn't speak English
user I'm sorry to say but Hiroshimoot isn't playing 5d chess with us or something, he really is that retarded.
come back you homo
There used to be an informal morality code (distinct but closely related to the formal one, which has a name I forget atm) in Hollywood against telling a story of this kind.
The other central feature of this morality code: gay characters had to be killed or implied dead by the end of the film. A classic example of this is The Children's hour, with Audrey Hepburn and Shirley Maclaine.
Of course, all this went by the wayside with the cultural degeneration of the 1960s.
hey, i know this guy! it's the creator of 9gag!!!
google is the most evil corp on the face of the earth, i'm sure the reason they hired him were nefarious
I miss him so much lads
I still hope he will come back, eventually
>Serena Williams
I'd rather be a virgin.
>riding the subway
>living in a shit hole that has a subway
90% chance hes miserable
like it or not, moot make a name for himself with this site. its probably more like a gamble thing, whether or not he can catch another lightning in a bottle in google plus.
>>Reddit's creator married Serena Williams
poor bastard
Just contact Hiro directly and make him an offer, I don't think moot even sold it for that much
if you love and miss him, you wish him to stay away from this shithole.
if you love yourself, you stay away too.
You're fucking high if you don't think he hated them after the luggage lad incident
I can't help it, he has such a nice jawline
I tried to get a hold of him recently, he works in Tokyo Google HQ, was head of the Viral marketing division in Google.
uh you do know moot was fucking underage /cgl/ girls back in the late 2000s rightg
he mentioned in the Q&A it was only 5 figures
>not wanting death by SnuSnu
>only shitholes have public transportation
you wanna know how I know you're american
Moot is the most influential person in the 21st century. The only way that could be rescinded is if ww3 broke out in Africa
Hating Yea Forums and /pol/ because you refused to mod it well should be the person's own fault user. If Poole only liked Yea Forums he should've just left Yea Forums as Yea Forums but if he had it wouldn't be around today as is. You either take the infamy or not try to be famous in the first place.
What do you think the sex is like
Moot answered my question about the double down once. It was p cool.
Rent free
Sweaty and violent
>in yen
I understand that he wanted to leave his teenage years behind and move on with his life and career. But I wish he didn't fall off the face of the fucking earth like he did. A monthly tweet or something would be nice.
The only e-celeb I like refuses to be an e-celeb.
Like sex between a human male and a female gorilla
>male nip whores can get pregnant
Pelvis crushing, and cocoa butter scented.
Nirvana - Smells Like Tranny Discord
Ask /fa/ ... I mean ... fuck off to /fa/ you faget
>implying Zun didn't take his virginity after a couple of beers
Imagine her choking you as she rides you
>tfw you create a meme monster and just walk away as it burns the world
>implying gay men don't start fucking mannish looking asian women to hide their homosexuality
Can't say that I'm attracted to her face, but the sex would surely be animalistic and wild
>anons came together out of mutual hatred for how society is going down the shitter and made /pol/ the cesspool it is today
Why would tumblr feminists be friends with a fucking creator of Yea Forums?
>all his wrongdoings with no punishment
Don't you just hate when that happens? No matter how great the flick was, an ending like that fucks the whole movie up for me. Every fucking time.
By George, The Hottentot Queen herself!
I hope this is true lad, I can only afford like $2 million max before it cuts too deeply into my trust fund boomer money
Where are you, bud? Please come say hi to us. Please
i think they only do anal as her pussy is loose as fuck
Is he living in a cage below some Google exec's bed?
I want him back bros ;__________________________________;
Nigga I almost got laid in Japan I bet you his cuck ass could too.
Go for it dude, I honestly doubt Yea Forums is even worth that much
He's probably got a pretty messed up cornhole.
moot = cute!
Remember he created /mlp/ and /lgbt/
Fire all the current admins. Especially the fat fuck on Yea Forums
Most of us I guess would've migrated to hatechun or spend more time on whatever 3edit I guess.
I miss Boxxy
I'm so jelly
whats your excuse?
Yea Forums created ponies, moot quarantined them.
Nightcrawler and usual suspects. Maybe Marlo from the wire depending on your definition of “winning”
>Why would tumblr feminists be friends with a man with tumblr-tier feminist beliefs
I see that you are a post-2008 newfag.
>saved Yea Forums
>saved /fit/
Don't forget /fur/.
I do, Bernie is the only centrist politician in America, all the others are varying degrees of right wing corporate shills/puppets.
quarantining is never a good idea, you need to crush the cancer in its roots
if I get the site you bet your ass I'm gonna fire the jannies and mods
>moot was a fat kid
explains a lot
True, but still quiet unsatisfying ending to such a deceptive and backstabbing character.
What ever for?
We've always been here faggot post gg zoomer
why are liberals so gay?
I'd pick that over Tennis Orc any day.
He's so handsome.
/cgl/ girls (male)
japan is a really fun place as long as you dont have to work
anyway listening to him he seems to have left just because the constant annoying us legal trouble he was getting into and what a joke he thought it was. he should have just moved to some non faggot country and set up the severs there
moot was the good guy
hiro is the true villain
after moot is done making his fortune with google he'll buy us back from the gook
Probably is. Despite the huge userbase nobody wants to advertise here and its constantly in legal trouble.
Ah man this. It's really getting old now.
>saved /fit/
But it worked. Ponies exist only in /mlp/ and /trash/.
Best of luck user.
Taxi driver?
>/fit/ bullied moot into not deleting it
Nice effort I hope this isn't pasta
Furries exist nowhere. Maybe on trash, I never go there
>creates anime imageboard
>accidentally shapes future world history
It had regular gay threads for years.
If anything, his only real mistake was /r9k/. It was supposed to be a creative writing board or whatever, but turned into whinging and tfwnogf.
I wonder what it must feel like to create something that greatly chances the course of culture, completely accidentally. Not many men get to experience that feeling. Probably makes one wonder how much a creator or parent is ever truly in control of their creations.
moot sold us out so he doesn't have his life ruined when some guy blows up a senator and saying that he did it for Yea Forums
Holy shit I haven't thought about boxy since my days on Yea Forums
>fuck a black girl that looks like a guy or fuck multiple boy that look like qt girls
That's a conundrum for Yea Forums
>implying moot isn't full 2/3/4/5 underneath those size 15 shirts.
>Serena Williams
Why the fuck why? Even if he's a fucking Jewish faggot the bragging rights alone isn't big enough for nuptials with that ape
I didn't throw loyal anons who loved me under the bus, sell off their site to the highest bidder, and fuck off to work for google.
Only because the show fell off in popularity and the fanbase died.
like sex between a man and a woman
>Moot, we want you to make google+ cool
Can we have traps and nazis and piracy?
>No of course not
....okay well ill try
Let's be honest, Moot abandoned us and went to Japan to find a Jap gf because he's a yellow fever faggot.
No, it's not entirely true. However he was hired by google because they thought that he some sort of social media savant entirely responsible for Yea Forums's success.
>being proud of being an oldcunt on a Nepalese fishing community forum
Just as soon as that Nigerian prince sends that cheque he promised you, huh?
And he couldn't
What the fuck is Burrito's dad thinking letting this fuck run around?
>moot never became an urban planner like he wanted
>it’s simple, we eat the Batman
Do you think he still lurks?
Just think if Yea Forums, YouTube or Justin Bieber hadn't been invented we'd never know these chicks at all.
is there some copypasta about hiromoot's exploits with what he did to 2chan? I'd be interested to know what those nips think of him
You just know
How do we deal with the gay incel moot problem, Yea Forums?
He's the one that makes these threads.
Know what?
Jap girls are huge whores for beta white guys. He's swimming in yellow pussy.
Why's he dressed like a burglar
Why would he feel remorse for advocating free speech? You can disagree with people or ignore them if they aren’t making any sense
>All he did was copy website code to make Yea Forums
That's basically what google+ is user, maybe that's why they hire him...
make him an offer he can't refuse, get rid of all the trannies, have the janitors on /k/ ban anyone that's remotely chinese
Trips for a based novel. You are a man of taste.
>this is what autistic incels believe
>H-hahaha sorry about killing tens of thousands of people , performing inhumane experiments on children where I have potentially murdered hundreds of children in the moat gruesome ways possible, and murdering the 3rd hokage
>You'll raise my son though, right Naruto Kun?
How the fuck did he get away with it?
>Reddit's creator married Serena Williams
That's not something to brag about.
That kid is how I imagine every user to be: short, balding, fat, looks like a mongoloid tard.
>knowing their names and posting on the same madagascan orangutang farming website means we know them
Not at all. When /pol/ first re-appeared, and a while later when the whole alt-right shit was taking off here, a lot of people (including me) would go complain to him about the endless spamming of nazi bullshit in every board and he'd just brush it off and mock us, I even remember him checking people's posting history and making snarky comments like the faggot he is. I don't know what his political views are now, but back when he could do something about it he was definitely in agreement with /pol/.
Literally create an average white guy profile in tinder and set location to an Asian country. You will get hundred of replies.
Then why did he add a board specifically for trannies?
Christ, moot used to look like that as a kid?
AFAIK they hate his ass.
>implying his story is over
who's that handsome lad?
What are containment boards?
Does Jim still run 2ch/5ch?
Does that sexpat in the Philippines still run cripplechan?
I didn't know it was possible to survive from the fat kid curse. I'm filled with motivation now!
It's MA'AM
>probably feels some remorse in how his site lead to the recent right wing online movement
every online platform (live chats, imageboards, vidya) with light moderation appears to 'turn' right wing to outsiders, its through a trial by fucking combat where virtually anything can be challenged.
without tight boundaries for debate, every piece of bullshit in a story/opinion can be debunked to the point that all thats usually left is race, women or jews. theres threads every day from people who say something along the lines of 'i came here to debate you guys after reading article XXX but id never seen X about Y before and the article was wrong'.
Naruto's morality is like a weird mix between Christianity and Buddhism. The whole point of his "age of peace" is to forgive and forget the entire cycle of violence so letting the great snake tranny live is kind of required
>Martydom and forgiving everyone for everything if they truly repent like Jesus
>Suffering is part of endless cycle of rebirth like what Buddha says
How can you fire them if they do it for free?
nigger please. Million voted for Brexit & Trump & the new brazilan President what's his name. Compare that to the tiny userbase of Yea Forums.
Every board that isn't Yea Forums
Fat? Yes, he did.
I wonder if being moot has hurt his love life? Other than that time a Gawker slut used him for influence.
Yea Forums is the worst it's ever been. It's one small step from being Yea Forums.
I'm gonna be straight up honest here, I don't quite understand what you said.
I'm sure that's true, but that wasn't my point.
He’s got all the potential to be a slayer of puss if he starts hitting the gym
He was just one of those centrists believing in total free speech. A place for nazies and a place for trannies. Every freak of nature deserves to have their voice heard.
>fuck multiple boy that look like qt girl, like that boy in the gif
>I kept autistically complaining about there not being enough censorship on an anonymous forum that has 0 ability to permaban long term users and he kept making fun of me
Yeah, because it's clear you're a newfag who had no idea that Moot tried to delete /pol/ and failed to stop off topic threeads from becoming political
>He was in agreement with /pol/
/pol/ was never a monolithic board, you're just such a delirious faggot that any kind of politics which ventures outside of your own overton window is the same thing.
You deserved to be made fun of
well anime itself is in a shity state right now and it reflects in Yea Forums.
How can you trust a man that acts like this?
Holy shit he's wearing a wig
>There are delusional morons who think that Yea Forums is bad
Fuck off to 8ch*n or Tumblr. It's mildly more fast paced, otherwise it's probably the best board we have
You say that like it's a bad thing.
naruto is incredible based desu
Imagine being this delusional.
Yea Forums is full of children
Makes sense. Never saw an episode of it (just in case it WOULD turn me into a bronie) but unless you subscribed to that Hasbro channel there wasn't a chance you'd see it otherwise so you'd have to be a hardcore degenerate to either subscription in your cable or regularly torrent episodes.
I wanna yank that bad rug off his head
go back
In what way? Yea Forums still gatekeeps and self-moderates, which it should.
>the chosen one.
If it makes you feel any better he fucked over a plethora of different races just like the actual Chosen Ones.
What is a rhetorical question?
oof... yikes...
No it doesn't. Are you blind or just new as fuck?
>It's one small step from being the best board there ever was and ever will be
doesn't sound so bad
maybe it'll join as at the top one day
Yea Forums is literally resetera light
Yea Forums is ebaums 2.0
That's because it's bullshit
Are you some fag who got btfo because he wanted to talk about some shonenshit or something? So know you come here and cry about Yea Forums like everyone else does?
It's always been a newfag college board and it was worse when rage comics cancer was a thing. It's been the same amount of autism for over a decade now , so unless you're a pre 2007 fag shut the hell up.
>so unless you're a pre 2007 fag shut the hell up
I guess that means I'm free to continually remind you how shitty it is, Yea Forumsedditor.
Ok but that doesn't mean its not bad. It was the goto boogeyman board where all shitposters were told to go back to for years until /pol/ took the spot.
Its got surprisingly good writing at times. It's been going on for such a long time that it has extreme low and highs at different points.
I don't think any tv show has made me hate a character in quite the same way as Danzo. That Machiavellian faggot
I've been here since 1902, homo.
I thought these were the people who are payed well to telling everyone with an opinion they don't share to go have sex.
Yea Forums is quickly gaining that spot again.
>He says while posting on Yea Forums
No, that was Yea Forums. I like how many newfags have this romantic view of Yea Forums when a good chunk of people spent their time accusing of Yea Forums for being responsible of every single shitpost they came across
Then Yea Forums was destroyed , and it became /pol/. Now /pol/ is being destroyed and is the evil boogeyman behind every off topic shitpost despite the fact that a lot of /pol/tards have been here since before /pol/ was even made
Based and truthpilled
Yea Forums has been irrelevant for ages now. Most of the retards that used Yea Forums were too stupid to go to other boards unlike Yea Forumsermin which is why Yea Forums was blamed for all shitposting.
>Tfw your master plan is to be cucked by your next generation by giving your daughter away to fuck your god emperor into existence