>LOTR: 90% male fans
>GOT: 50% male fans, 50% female fans
What’s the deal with this?
>LOTR: 90% male fans
>GOT: 50% male fans, 50% female fans
What’s the deal with this?
Other urls found in this thread:
One requires taste.
LOTR was just a very standard adventure fantasy, women typically need more meatier stories with better written characters and plot due to their higher intelligence on average compared to males. This is why only men like the Transformers movies.
the fantasy genre actually has a lot of females if you ever go to like a fantasy event youll see around half of the people are girls. So I dont think thats right that only 10 percent of the fans are girls of lotr
>50% female fans
Not anymore bucko.
That one graphic showing the disparity between male and female movie ratings and how only 3 for females are before 2000 and only 3 for males are after 2000.
Women need to know what the Kings tax policies are to be interested
Is it true that only White people can understand this scene?
what's the deal with numbers you made up? dunno lol
LOTR is just bigoted, evil, sexist, just the most misogynistic horrible incel, racist too, white-male, patriarchal, anti-women terrible shit. just anti-vaginal, anti-uterus, phallic, penis, slut-shaming, anti-feminist drivel really. it's just awful, anathema to a progressive society. it's christian. he was an in
LotR is the male hero's journey while GoT is soap opera drama with a light veneer of fantasy.
whats not to understand?
>not a single forced POC in the front
I miss the 2000s
The White Race pushing out invading foreigners.
some /pol/ bullshit about white genocide and orcs being muslims...
very tiresome.
>inb4 the new face of gondor posting
no female protagonists in lotr
>story that has(had) a major female protagonist is more popular with woman than the one with all male protagonists
truly a puzzling mystery for the ages
its actually very liberal when you think about it.
This. The LOTR remake will have a lot of kangz.
Pandering, user.
Women have shit taste, what else is new.
All men are bicurious and live out their fantasies in a safe movie trilogy under the guise of "friendship adventure"
The white race? Lol. You must be an American.
Orlando Bloom pulled in a lot of women, they were more than 10% at every showing I attended.
One is kino, the other is only half kino
the rape, user. it was beautiful...
And you must be swedish or canadian
what is this white race you have just made up?
not him. But don't play dumb. White = European descent
oyyyy vey
no one took the bait, based.
There was no fucking in LotR.
good thing they're not remaking lotr then I guess.
Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races. Source: pritchardlab.stanford.edu
“Human genetic variation is geographically structured” and corresponds with race. Source: nature.com
Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Oral bacteria can be used to determine race. Source: medicalxpress.com
Race can be determined via brain scans. Source: cell.com
Common-sense racial categories have biological meaning. Source: ln.edu.hk
A substantial amount of the human genome has been subjected to natural selection since the races diverged. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
With 160 short gene sequences, race can be determined with 100% accuracy for Whites, Asians, and Africans. Source: cell.com
Principal continent of origin (race) can be determined with 87% accuracy even for highly mixed populations. Source: cell.com
“It is inaccurate to state that race is biologically meaningless.” Source: nature.com
Race is biologically real and represents “genetic clusters” of variation. Source: stx.sagepub.com
Lord of the Rings came out in 2001, it was a different time simple as that. More guys were nerds than girls back then.
Better question is: if Lord of the Rings was released today how would it fair?
don't be a bigot
>inb4 a suicidal leftist tries to deny reality by calling nature and ncbi alt-right websites
Well, not exactly a remake, but Amazon is making a series.
so the turks are good? russians, finns? what if you're brown but have mostly european DNA?
where do you draw the line between the 'races'? how pure does your heritage have to be?
Being repulsed by women is not a virtue, incels
>t.seething mutt
yes it is
True, it's gay
>Principal continent of origin (race) can be determined with 87% accuracy even for highly mixed populations.
Source: cell.com
You could try reading peer reviewed science or you could desperately use semantics to try and obfuscate a point you don't want to admit to.
Why can't they meme? It's honestly sad by now.
>lol ill take this fedora comic and shoop a maga hat in ALT-RIGHT DESTROYED XD XD XD
I watched one episode of that show
I think it was in season 6 or something
there was a little girl fighting a bulky lesbian and that was enough of that show for me
I notice SJWs compare everything to harry potter while incels compare everything to LOTR
sad incel clinging desperately to his "memes"
>Warhammer: 99% male fans, 1% female(male)
Thank God for this thing called culture and ancestry that you can identify with rather than a massive area of land and skin tone
Not for long, incels.
Normies have run incels out of all their favorite things. Star Wars, Star Trek, Comicbooks, Video Games, D&D, MTG. All have been taken from you.
Anime and Warhammer are next. LOTR will be taken from you with the new amazon series as well. And there's NOTHING you can do about it.
After that, the incel camps will begin.
Thinking you're japanese because you watch anime wouldn't make you japanese
k bro
>reddit in the darkness surrounded by shitskins
>pale white Yea Forums stands alone in the light
Based and dangerously red-pilled image.
warhammer is fucking GAY and that will keep it protected
>Anime and Warhammer are next
Jokes on you. Normalfags got baited in to AoS. It was a genius move. Fantasy Warhammer is free forever.
Too bad about 40K though
>Not for long, incels.
Good, now incels will lift and wear classy Hugo boSS suits.
LOTR doesn’t have any Mary Sues
>culture determines race
*breathes in*
>half kino
Barely 2 seasons
I'm the one you replied to. European Russians and Finns yes, Turks overall no (except that the rapebabies can be assimilated).
>where do you draw the line between the 'races'? how pure does your heritage have to be?
>hmmmm this green apple has yellow spots here and there how can you say it is green?
What a fucking cope. Are you perchance Sargon?
in the real world I end up meeting more female fans of LotR than male fans, because male LotR fans seem to be hikki incels who practically don't exist irl for some reason.
U wot m8? Dany just had an incel revolution on tv last night. Incels are taking over baybay.
>european descent
So you count spaniards and italians has white?
Watch every liberal in this thread avoid this post like the plague.
>omfg u guize fucking consevatives denying the actual science of climate change it makes me so mad grrrrrr
Wrong, reevaluate your life and apparent shit taste
You don't have any so I wouldn't expect you to understand
>normies have run people out of MtG
lol, no. I play competitively and it's still 99% males with about 80% being fat neckbeards. virtually none of the neckbeards ever make it to the top 8 though, strangely.
Anything of sufficient complexity and steep learning curve will never be of interest to normans; dorf fortress, factorio, etc. there's a reason girls play LoL instead of Dota 2, for instance.
>anime is next
anime has been extreme normie tier for over a decade famalam
so roughly said: Race?
Racial consciousness always wins over stupid arbitrary ideas once things get rough, you will find out soon in the US. For now: Cope harder.
Why do female Warhammer players always gravitate towards Skaven and Tyranids?
All the MtG cards have PoC and women on them and you creatures buy them still. At least the neckbeards are being useful as they get driven out.
In fantasy women play Wood Elves usually
LOTR is about a group of little hobbits, an old wizard, a fat dwarf, a gay elf and two caucasic middle age guys walking around the world fighting against ugly orcs and monsters.
GoT shows in its first episode how the main heroine is fucked from the back by a giant muscled brown man, and the main villain is in a incestous forbidden and cheating relationship with the charming prince. Both guys are the paradigm of masculinity.
The rest of reasons that a woman will use to justify her choice are pure lies. All this is about sexual fantsies
I guess what I'm trying to say is just because you and I have the same skin color, we weren't born in the same place, our ancestors didn't speak the same language, yours likely invaded mine and if you run your mouth trying to start shit I'm not going to have your back
Guaranteed to be a whitetoid. No other race backstabs their own because 600 years ago they had a fight.
Like this guy, if I saw him getting stomped out I'd laugh and say good for him
But the whites are foreign invader themselves tho.
Lotr has the theme of honour and camaraderie more prominently shown. There’s a reason it’s “honour among men” as a saying and not “people”.
The shitskins in LOTR are capable of bravery and honor as well. Only Orcs are without honor.
Haha really now?
Not him, but yes..really.
You guys are soooo creative.
Everything north of the med sea and west of the urals is white, and if the person inside Europe obviously looks like a mudslime, nigger or gook or whatever non-european then they are immigrants without european descent.
There you go, now you only have to make a gene test for 0.5% of the european population, which might be blurry cases.
it never ceases to amaze me how much you can nitpick because you have no proper counterargument.
Race is more than just skin color retard. Yea Forums intellectuals everybody....
Tell the *nglish to give me my reparations and a castle with land and it'll be right as rain
40k has almost only male protags with a lot of them being sterile and asexual.
its also full of over the top violence.
its about as normie and female proof as possible.
I would be more concerned about the endless waves of migration, but ok.
You're an Irish ?
Rings domestic have a lot of female characters.
Though I do have female friends that like it
karma I guess
>blocks your patch
Literally just proved his point.
>muh raycis tho
Men believe in good vs evil, honor, loyalty, dignity, human struggle and perseverance. This is what LOTR is about.
Women like drama and sexual relations. GoT.
Don't think, consume!
So orcs where the fathers of civization while elves/humans/gnomes where ravaging stepniggers
I never implied I was a white nationalist calling for a white federation anywhere. That is just your assumption, I'm just a racially conscious white dude.
My hierarchy goes like this: family>community>nation>region>europe/white colonies>North east asians>"Humanity">jews
Is Sauron stronger than gandalf AND the blue wizards?
If anything, fantasy is heavily favored by women because of shit like magic powers and witches. It’s a power fantasy for them because they aren’t physically strong. They feel like they can achieve anything if they self-insert.
>I'm just a racially conscious white dude.
Racially conscious European= Neo-nazi white supremacist who wants to kill everybody who doesn't look like him.
looks like it worked since you got so buttblasted
aka the good guys
MtG has had "poc" and women since the very first sets, back when you were still a toddler, you delusional zoomercel.
More like you got blasted up your gay butt hole. In the words of triple H, SUCK IT
not him, but you're conflating disdain with butthurt to be honest.
One is in the zeitgeist
You don't understand the difference between criticism and anger. Go outside for a bit the internet is melting your brain.
ding-dong diddily BASED
yeah no he was buttblasted and seething af
You can probably find over a million on Leddit and Dumblr who think just that lel.
>LOTR:popular two decades ago
>GOT: popular now
girls usually only care about popular stuff
>n-no i-im right
The left can't meme.
it was a different time
ya seethe lil guy? ya bootyhole just got plundered now SUCK IT
>the eternal negro of skill and balance
LOTR is actually good
LOTR doesn’t have this babe !!! (笑´・艸・) Kek
yea he clearly wasn't frustrated at all with his all caps and XD's. Look at him boil:
LotR has active female characters. And no sex. Women like sex.
I currently have a Commander deck with one of the Teferis, and the entire deck is full of steal effects and cards with black people on them. it's not good at all, but it's fun to play.
ya seething lil guy? why don't you take ya ass over here to the pie eating, ass beating, dick raising, boipucci blazing champ get down on ya goddamn knees amd SUCK IT
>no source
Fuck off with this bullshit. LOTR has 50% like GOT.
11/10 basef shoot promo
Out of his depth jobber getting memed on
One is kino, one is dogshit.
take me daddy
naked pussy video real
Absolutely and undeniably good to know. Very interesting links, user.
Is GoTs finished already? I'm fucking sick of this show being spammed everyday. However, I really do enjoy watching the show crash and burn due to D&D jumping ship to work on star wars, how does it feel knowing you wasted 8 years of your lives obsessed with a show that literally has a rushed ending?
Finally you faggots can fuck off now as your favorite show goes out on a whimper.
Why do you incels have such an inferiority complex with GoT? I never hear about GoT fans screaming about LOTR like this