I would discribe myself as a golden company man
I would discribe myself as a golden company man
Other urls found in this thread:
>golden company exists just to have a white man act cowardly and be stabbed by grey worm
I would describe you as a golden shower man
Look at this dude...
I just wanted to see them hold off Danny's army for a little bit. Just a small display of their competency before we see they're outmatched. This was the only part of the episode I really hated.
>have one of the greatest armadas the world has ever seen
>burned in an instance
>hire the golden company, 20.000 soldiers
>defeated in an instance
>scorpions did nothing
It was one sided as fuck. Why hype it for two seasons? Just to have my expectations subverted?
Why does he look so damn familiar?
did he even have a single line?
oh god what a subversion im so shocked
based D&D what a roller coaster
Basically this. They flip so much, how useful the dragons are.
all because there were no elephants
Not a single person from Kings Landing killed one of Danys forces.
Bravo Dabid
Dany took care of that. Slaughtered so many of her forces lel
He should've had a vaguely ethnic, fantasy name like D'vorboth Skandrinoor. But with a name like Harry Strickland, he was just too white to live in this show.
By season 8 Jon Snow is such an insane fighter, that he stands on the battlefields, brooding over something mildy related to the battle, thinking, and then when someone foolish enough comes by and actually attacks him, he just slices him instantly, in a manner that shows that he's annoyed by this, like
>i was in the middle of the deep thought here, and then this guy came by and almost cut my train of thought.
I'll accept that they killed one off to save on budget. I also accept that the golden company went out like a bitch against an OP dragon.
>three kings guard (kings fucking guard son) attack sandor
>he palpatines them in three strokes
top kek better be a name character in this shit
he had two lines in episode 1
Not only that, but he casually skewers them straight through their armor.
In all fairness, they did forshadow how useful the Dragons were with Tywin's lines inside the burnt out castle, along the lines of "a million men could have seiged this castle, and a million men would have failed".
Cersi wasn't wrong either; all she needed was one lucky shot from the ships or wall ballistae and she would have won. Her luck, however, ran out.
>How many battles were fought where people were certain they would win... right up until things went horribly wrong and they lost...
>culture warrior over analyses a shit show
>Know that enemy is gonna attack you
>Dont immediately start firing scorpion bolts onto them
>Instead meet them outside and have a staredown.
Dabid does it again!
huh didn't notice it was the same horse
Don't fall for the Iron Bank's lies
hate pol but he might as well be right considering the shitshow
I laughed real fucking hard when she yelled at Arya to look at him and convince her to stop seeking revenge, implying that he would kill Cersei himself. Then that scene happened wherein Cersei just casually walks past Sandor like what?
this, yet another problem to add on the endless list for this show. it's something normies don't even notice but it's insanely different compared to the early seasons. where even a few people fighting had a sense of weight and realism and people didn't just casually die in one swing from the mary sue main characters
yep, the same horse, and I still have no idea why, or what "so deep" farts were the writers trying to express by having Sansa magically get that horse
he didn't imply that he would kill cersei, just that she wasn't going to survive
he says cersei is as good as dead anyway. not that he would kill her.
meant Arya
>Dat time when Jorah used his armor to bait the Dothraki.
>That time too when Bronn dueled that knight from the who-vale
God damn I miss the early seasons
kek. He's a level 99 ranger, bro.
*Look at me*
*Chicken - chicken*
They are westorosi
>wow I'm so excited to be cast in Game of Thrones
>can't wait to read my lines
Didn't it show that it died on the first attack from behind?
..did Cersei even tell him about the dragon?
He seemed a little surprised by it
I agree. The episode would have been so much more epic if the lannister & golden company wasn't such a push over.
More like the Golden Jobbers lmao
fuck off Hannibal
The golden company looked poverty as fuck up close, they just had basic leather armor with some gold around it and it wasn’t even uniform either. God the costumes have gone so downhill
but the horse won't leave the city until arya can stimulate it!
what will she do?
Do you think every infantry man was decked in full plate armor back then? I thought the costumes were great.
>Less than 200 men
>No elephants
>basic grug soldiers (not even any riders)
>were brought over by Euron's fleet (didn't even bring their own ships)
It's obvious the real heads of the Golden Company knew this was going to be a blowout so nothing of value was sent to Cersei.
He said that Meryn Fucking Trant is a worthless fighter.
And if someone like him can get into the Kingsguard, it's not far from the realm of reality that these 3 Kinguards were of poor swordsmanship as well.
The whole point of Golden Company is that they have the best shit gold can buy, because they have all the gold. Best armor, horses, weapons, training. They are the Swiss pikemen of ASOIAF.
>Just to have my expectations subverted?
this is the new media
>hardass veteran of a 1000 battles
>oh shit someone is trying to KILL ME! this is not what we agreed to!
>tries to run away
The Golden Company are lead by exiled Westerosi nobles.
Andals come from Essos
Are you saying Andals aren't white?
>Do you think every infantry man was decked in full plate armor back then
like the lannister soldiers?
>let's stand outside the gates for some reason, all 200 of us
>this is how sieges work right?
Damn the unsullied run really fast
>heads of the Golden Company
Would elephant-mounted scorpions have made a difference?
they havem them the old gondor treatment
discount josh brolin
Its true the elephants would have shot water out of their trunks and put out all the fires.
How does a show this popular have CG this bad?
the scale and speed is so fucked here its unreal
i remember ned vs jaime.
even jaime who's one of the better fighters in all of westeros struggles to take down a middle aged rusty northener.
their styles were different as well, although i think this was done unintentionally.
ned was ruthless and lacked technique, while jaime had a lot more finnesse.
Cool shot. I know that guy is a massive pussy in the books, but since when do they care about the books? They could have let him get a pity kill or two on the horseniggers at least.
Well I mean..
They are almost entirely black, and they wear barely any armor, just leather and shields. They're disciplined light infantry.
>golden company
more like 'pyrite company' amirite?
meh, could be real people but they still look like renders, probably because look on a fucking green floor or some shit
Still, the middle group is 26x12= 312 soldiers
All the army was 3x of that, how the fuck do people say they were 20k or some shit?
I wish they used CGI just to inflate the numbers so it wouldn't look so trash
They aren't. Everyone south of The Crossing are mutts.
wait, how are the infantry keeping up with the horses?
Her luck didnt run out, euron forgot the reload hacks he had last episode and the wall ballista weren't even paying attention. They literally just sat around picking their ass until Dany came by with her flying flamethrower
I was sure he was going to 1v1 grey worm and then get killed
This is what pissed me off the most. Dragons go from a friendly fireplace to a fucking MOAB with no justification for it.
They're not called the Golden Company because they're poor savages you fucking muppet.
>golden company leg it at the prospect of fighting an edgelord and some northern shitters for Stannis
>Stand to the last against a dragon and horde of foreigners
>implying that he would kill Cersei himself.
Room temperature IQ
>I thought the costumes were great
how? they're wearing basic ass leather like every motherfucker in the show, with fucking nerd tier belted trousers to add insult to injury
why the fuck do the costume designers hate the idea of giving anyone some proper tabards or banners to add some color to this brownfest?
episode 4
>Scorpions are a real threat to dragons
episode 5
>Scorpions are useless heaps of metal and wood
the golden company man's horse clearly died, it's a different white horse since it's not even saddled
See, right here. He's fucked. Skin that blade and take a couple with you. Would've looked cool anyway.
episode 4
>the dragons forget they can breathe fire
episode 5
>the dragon breathes infinite fire that makes stone structures explode
t. barca
They should’ve brought some elephants with them.
Not that plate armour does much since people just stab straight through that shit like tinfoil on this show.
In the books they wear all their gold in battle. Yeah I know: it's not the books. I don't need to be reminded.
>Do you think every infantry man was decked in full plate armor back then?
professional soldiers (i.e. mercenaries) would generally have pretty good armor, yes. That's their entire fucking job.
>Dothraki established to be cruel, fame seeking glory-hounds in battle.
>Established that they culturally view any man without his mount in a battle as no man at all, fit only to be ridden down.
>Famous enemy commander has lost his mount and is fleeing in fear of them.
>Not a single rider goes for him, so that Grey Worm who's somehow running as fast as their horses can get the kill instead.
Why are there so many Dothraki anyway? Didn't we witness them all charging to their deaths 2 episodes ago?
The costume designers for this show are so shit. It's medieval, that means browns and beiges and blacks and more browns.
GRRM kept things very colourful and mostly historical, with only the odd fantastical addition like Bobby's horned helmet or a spell-crafted sword.
If they spent the budget on putting Lannister sigils and colours on something like pic related, and D&D spent like a fucking half hour playing Total War, this show post S4 could have been the best shit to grace television.
Instant, INSTANT. Speak English, motherfucker!
>Do you think every infantry man was decked in full plate armor back then
Yes, you fucking idiot. Sure it was expensive but most armies consisted of professional full time mercenaries.
More like lazy production didn't want to bother getting a different horse
i was just thinking the same thing
castration unlocks turbo speed
Some still alive I guess even though we haven't seen them in any episodes inbetween this episode and the last battle.
What the fuck are you smoking.
That horse was fucking the director.
that's because they don't have a cock and balls slapping off of the inside of their legs when they run
How deluded do you have to be? Literally every character in this show is white and I can't even imagine someone whiter than Daenerys.
This is also the same horse that Loras mounted in the first season
Yeah, sure. So what kept Daenerys from destroying the Iron Fleet when she last faced it, right after the lucky shot?
The logic is that they blind side her when she isn't expecting it and kill a wounded (and shittier to begin with) dragon, she flies in panic before taking more losses. Then she goes in prepared and with a plan and it goes much better. Up to you if this is satisfying at all.
Did they only include them because the golden company will be defending the city in the books when Daenerys does the same thing but it’s fAegon on the throne?
There’s absolutely no reason for them to be in the show at all
Unliek your inbred mutt brain some people actually don't get their in formation from parroting and history channel you fucking retard.
If they weren’t there they would be an unresolved plot thread. Instead they’re turned into a joke. Much better.
They needed to pad out Cerseis army after piling all the good characters on Dany's side.
Dont' fucking diss Age of Empires 2, ok? We're talking about my childhood here.
Honestly all they had to do at bare minimum was give everyone surcoats with their house colors.
>"these are the king's colors!"
>gestures at a plain brown leather jerkin
That’s medieval 2 you fucking pleb
Don't insult the director's partner.
Andals (muh aryan blond n shit) are huwhite more than Northerners (dark haired, big heads).
I kind of fancy him...guys is this just a harmless crush or am i actually bi?
Oh, come on, they said last episode that half of everything survived. No idea how, of course.
>Literally every character in this show is white
cool modern drawing bro, you sure proved your point
I haven't been satisfied by Game of Thrones for a long time but this, this is just ridiculous.
It's true, they even made it a point to film their blue and green eyes before they got wrecked
>No elephants
cheap ass jews, fucking dumb and dumber
I didn't talk about the screenshot itself, just my memories of similar games.
died after having one scene
Mercenaries would have them
Are you fucking serious? How many seasons ago did he last show up? How many black people did you see last episode?
*fucks wolf*
*gets throat sliced*
yo, when is Lady Stoneheart showing up
Sure, because Grey Worm looks so great after this episode.
Yea Forums might as well be /pol/. You guys hate Hollywood Jews along with the feminism, diversity and miscegenation that they shoehorn into everything as much as /pol/ does.
/pol/, Yea Forums and /k/ are like the perfect trifecta of nigger and kike hating on Yea Forums.
I would describe myself as quite the trickster
>We will never get a fully book accurate asoiaf series with the costumes of the tabletop game
why even live?
>Do you think every infantry man was decked in full plate armor back then?
It's called munitions plate and was widely available during the Wars of the Roses, which is the chief historical inspiration for ASoIaF.
I more of a Lannister myself
why does that one peasent like him so much
>back then
this isn't a history program
Am I suppose to feel sad or happy that this guy died
contemporary art of the battle of crecy
>shoves my tongue deep down your throat
never babe
what a fucking disgrace
fucking hell, look how much more colorful and interesting this is than the costumes we got in 99% of the show
The Kingsguard of Robert's day were known to be shit compared to the time of Geralt Hightower, prime Barristan, to say nothing of Arthur motherfucking Dayne.
By the time you reach Cersei's lackeys, it's just decayed further.
non-contemporary art of the battle of crécy
I wish I could go back to the good ol days of starks and Lannisters. Not this horrible shit. The show is totally ruined. Everything being talked about is just “how could these scene be more impactful” “how could this necessary plot beat be more plausible” the whole thing has turned into screenwriting hell. There is not story anymore. Just television.
the whole point is that war is hell and dragons (metaphor for nuclear weapons) should be removed from the world
thought so, thanks for the confirmation
Don't normally like anime, but that one looks interesting. What's the sauce?
The golden company is such a bad meme, how often did they get name-dropped in the show only to get destroyed in a split second.
Also those ugly costumes, I thought they were supposed to be the most legendary mercenary unit?
He looks more like Eddie Redmayne
>research anti-dragon defenses
>lose to a single dragon anyways because of bad RNG
What a shitty game.
That was gross. What about Stannis? When is he coming back.
The subversion of the expectations is all that matters here
Maria the Witch
it's okay, but iirc there's not a whole lot of medieval battle action besides that scene (the protagonist spends the whole show using her magic to stop the two sides from actually battling)
You mean like Grey Worm?
Yeah, medieval people loved colour and tried to make their clothes are garish and fancy-looking as possible because this denoted wealth and status. Cutting about in dull brown leather and untailored fur would make you look like a hobo, its the medieval equivalent of wearing a poncho made out of tarp.
>Arthur Dayne
Yeah I hear he dual wielded valyrian steel swordz fucken sick, bro. That shit's dope and tight.
Virgin Witch Maria. It's not really very good but has some surprisingly accurate/well choreographed battle scenes, one of the animators must have been a medieval history nerd.
My favorite part of the anti-dragon defenses is that they did absolutely nothing, and didn’t even factor into Danys decision making process. Even though they were shown to actually work literally the episode before. I also like that the golden company did absolutely nothing. I really like these two things.
the person who painted this wasnt present in the battle
The pigments they used to color their clothes were very different back then, moron. You're also looking at paintings, you can't possibly be this stupid.
>My favorite part of the anti-dragon defenses is that they did absolutely nothing, and didn’t even factor into Danys decision making process.
kek this. she literally flew head on at every single ballista. the only difference was this time it was her turn to have plot armor on
how in the FUCK did the dothraki literally respawn when they were shown to all DIE FROM THE FUCKING ZOMBIES
I'm more annoyed by the fact that they seem to just pull new Dothraki and Unsullied RIGHT OUT OF THEIR ASSES.
We watched the Dothraki ALL DIE. That was the fucking point of their gay flaming sword bit. So, what now? We're supposed to believe that there were another 10k or so they just decided not to use for some reason? And what about the Unsullied? They all died holding the shield wall, or okay they didn't but she then loaded them up on board her ships and those all got sunk so she only had a small company left. Now suddenly there's more of them? WHERE FROM?
It especially annoys me because it would have made the plot BETTER if it was just the northmen left. Dany could have been shown as being pissed that she lost her actual army, and the northmen mostly lives. Suspicious that that was a plot by the north to strip her of her power. Suspecting that they weren't going to support her claim and if she lost her last dragon she was done, etc. Paranoid about Jon being a sly fucker on her, etc. Would have fed the narrative of her heel turn better. Instead they just pull a new horde of fucking horsemen out from nowhere.
the golden jobbers
Can we just acknowledge that there's about 20 seconds of ultra-kino violence during the fighting in kings landing in which some guy loses his hands and another get decapitated. I've never seen combat so good looking
>We watched the Dothraki ALL DIE. That was the fucking point of their gay flaming sword bit
Stopped reading there, speedwatcher.
jon will die trying to protect dany from arya
The Heroic Legend of Arslan is based
Not him and not a speedwatcher, but what am I missing? It's implied that the Dothraki were all at that battle, no?
It's later said some survived, but this is never shown on screen.
>I'm more annoyed by the fact that they seem to just pull new Dothraki and Unsullied RIGHT OUT OF THEIR ASSES.
they seemed to have pulled even more out of their asses judging by that shot of dany overlooking her army next episode, it stretches as far as you can see
its nu wars new order tier ass pulling
You are the 'brazilians are actually german and therefor aryan' guy.
It turned out it made no difference at all that Dany choose to go to the North first before Kings Landing. I love television!
There’s no way this is the best writing they could come up with this season. Yeah, the quality has been on a bit of gradual decline throughout the years, but this is a whole other level. I have never seen anything more obviously rushed on screen. There HAS to be something going on with GRRM. Either he has some crazy book ideas or he actually plans on dropping that GoT movie, I dunno, but I refuse to believe that THIS will be the end of the legacy.
the show feels like one of those Chinese projects where they build something bighuge in 24 hours just to flex on the degenerating west
>natural dye can't be bright and colourful
Medieval people did dress in very vibrant clothing, especially the wealthy. Knights would have really decorative armor and scabbards, with very bright opposed to muted/raw colors.
Around 14mins in youtu.be
I think it’s plausible from what I know about the background of the books that this is broadly the ending he has envisioned for GoT. I haven’t heard about him interfering much with the show direction though. And the way people talk about the show is totally different than how they used to talk about it during early seasons— it’s focused on how believable certain elements feel because there is a strong sense that thing are happening because the plot demands them. D&D just trying and failing to get the story to the conclusion
They're making prequel series after this. Not that it would help.
>the camera that rides
This image looks so off. Everything is too clean. They all need to roll around in the dirt for a while to weather their clothes.
>I have a huge city surrounded by a powerful wall and huge ballistas
Holy fuck this shit is beyond retarded
They were defeated in an instance of shitry writing to be fair.
some of them rode back from the charge with flaming swords
Where are the elephants?
there was some shit going around about them being forced to cut plots so they can be saved for prequel shows, and that this fucked their shit up. i dunno idea crayons
It's not like inside the city walls it was any safer.
>people rolled around in the dirt to 'weather their clothes' in the middle ages
Do you go out in your good clothes and roll around on the ground? No? Then why would anyone else? Working clothes might be shabbier but they didn't dress like shit for every occasion.
And they wore bright colours in battle a) so that their achievements would be recognised, and b) so that their own side wouldn't mistake them for the enemy and kill them (like what would have happened at the battle of the bastards with both sides in identical brown leathers).
It was a bit until Dany decided to Dresden the entire place. They were on an open beach Ned! An open Beach!!!
Andals are basically Proto-Indo-Europeans, the only whites in Essos after the Andals invaded thousands of years ago are whatever Persian expy there is in Essos/the books.
Their clothes should be dirty, faded, torn, and patched. Only the richest people could afford to keep their clothes clean or replace damaged clothing. Everyone else just did patch jobs.
The problem with that image is that all their costumes are clearly brand new and unweathered which is silly.
Rolling around in the dirt was my joke suggestion for making their clothes a bit less new looking.
happy that he died since he was a waste of screentime.
sad that he was a waste of screentime because he died.
But you have plenty of white male characters in the show that act brave.
Haha you sound super insecure man. Jon freaking Snow is a white male.
that's retarded, people were entirely capable of taking care and making their own clothes, we're not niggers
your understanding of the world has been twisted by too much fictional audiovisual media
nah, fabric back then was coarse and incredibly resilient, wool does not fade and doesn't really get dirty, and they were making their own clothing from homespun cloth, not exactly expensive
Yes dragons are useful because they can melt stone and roast everyone inside alive. Notice how harrenhall still stands despite being burnt.
Meanwhile drogon explodes buildings instantly. d&d are retarded.
Iron Jorah is the purest Andal in the Seven Kingdoms.
get fucked in the ass like them too?
No, your understanding is what has been twisted by modern living.
All cloth in those days was hand made on a loom. Making it much more expensive than today. And all the women learned how to sew so they could repair clothes that were damaged by a life spent outdoors doing manual labor. Throwing away damaged clothes would have been wasteful. An extravagance only the wealthy could afford. They didn't bathe or wash their clothes anywhere near as well or as often as we did.
The style of white wedding dresses was invented because in the old days only the rich could afford clean white clothing. It was impossible to keep white clothing clean. So a pure white wedding dress became a status symbol.
He's not actually an andal though. Dothraki are literally retarded.
>"I've never known bells to mean surrender." - Davos Seaworth, Battle of Blackwater, S2E9
The True Hero of Westeros
Rest in peace
wait what? but what about all the white guys stabbing other white guys, you fucking hypocritical identitarian faggot?
>Dothraki are literally retarded.
But Meryl trent had full plate armour and a big fucking sword
this song needs to play in the background while thats on a loop
Same episode depicts literally every black and arab going apeshit and rape and murder civilians for no reason.
having disciplined spear+shield soldiers defending tight chokepoints in the city streets would have been a lot better than the rag-tag bands of lannisters they had on the streets to be killed before the blob of cuddle-puddle soldiers that surrendered. A majority of the city wasn't safe, but if Dany tried to burn them out she'd also torch her own army.
this was actually closer to canon than any of the shit they pulled, homeless harry is a coward
me on the center right
>the whole point is that war is hell and dragons (metaphor for nuclear weapons) should be removed from the world
Have sex incel
The thing that got me about the damn horse,
why wasn't it Stranger. If you're gonna do this, give her fucking Stranger.
Pretty sure she did torch her own army.
yeah, nah, it all operated on the same logic that the battle at Winterfell did (being overrun - nope, perfectly fine)
Wish we could have seen his sword up close. It looks cool.
Well they are steppe niggers.
what happened to all their horses
what happened to all of their elephants
what about the white man who goes crazy and tries to rape a white woman
you mean the sweaty unwashed norfman who probably has slurred speech?
The nobles, who were knights, were able to and actually had plate armor. But that shit was expensive.
Most of the armies had their share of knights, but everyone else in the army just wore what they could like chain mail (which was still expensive as shit) or lots of leather and armor here and there. And paintings, even contemporary ones, always exaggerate. Of course they aren't going to paint the random ass peasant in his dull armor.
That's one of the few medieval paintings of a battle that looks 'real.' Very cool.
>an elite force of swiss pikemen during the 1500s is the same as a force of slave soldiers in the 1200s
can you teach me how to be smart like you?
I will shit myself silly if they have Arya's ass shoot up to storm's end and Gendry tells her to fuck off
Who will pay the surviving golden company members?
What about their pensions and combat pay?
Never seen daenerys enact a employee protection laws/policy to prevent exploitation of workers under contract
All they had to do was show the ballistas turning ominously, then have Drogon appear behind them and burn them both before lighting up the army. Same overall effect, addresses the issue of the ballistas, and doesn't make dragonfire look like fucking plastic explosive going off.
Does not look like they all have plate
armor to me friendo
GM: Roll for for intelligence
Jaime: Why? I already had a plan
GM: But rubble fell on the way
Jaime: This seems cheesy and forced
GM: Ok then, bricks fall, everyone dies
Jaime: Flips table
I could probably run faster if my big balls weren't in the way.
The main characters obviously reached max level so now that they are returning to low lvl zones everything is trivial.
why is the upper part of their armor cool but the Unsullied have to wear cardboard BDSM jackets? to show off their brown arms?
Because in the retarded tv series, armor is seem as useless 99% of the time.
why was this guy named like a ca 1920s detective who's trying to figure out why all the mulatto actresses are getting poisoned in hollywood?
>Now suddenly there's more of them? WHERE FROM?
There was a garrison on Dragonstone you actual autist
>curly hair
>participates in incest and red witch blood magic
>rose on the third day
Pretty sure he's jewish
No, it wasn't. In fact, it was a lot cheaper and easier to produce than chainmail and other armors that came before it. Nobles had fancier versions of it, but it was affordable to the grand majority of the soldiers of the time, which were either mercenaries or landowners who were specifically under contract to buy their own armor and weapons and train for war.
>It especially annoys me because it would have made the plot BETTER if it was just the northmen left. Dany could have been shown as being pissed that she lost her actual army, and the northmen mostly lives. Suspicious that that was a plot by the north to strip her of her power. Suspecting that they weren't going to support her claim and if she lost her last dragon she was done, etc. Paranoid about Jon being a sly fucker on her, etc. Would have fed the narrative of her heel turn better. Instead they just pull a new horde of fucking horsemen out from nowhere.
this unironically 2bh
No, he's just an eternal anglo.
there looked like there was hardly 1000 of them on the battlefield, too
show designers purposefully avoided making Westeros too much like Medieval Europe in terms of costumes, saying it was Eurocentric and fantasy didn't have to conform to it
not /pol/ and not making this up it was in one of those production videos before the series even aired back in 2011 or whenever
always thought it was stupid as I really never liked the armor and outfits in the show and thought just more generic medieval stuff would suit better
though funnily enough while I hated it when the show first came out the Lannister armor sort of grew on me even those stupid helmets though I think it's absolutely ridiculous that a man-at-arms would wear such expensive and ornate equipment regardless of how wealthy the House is
>it was Eurocentric and fantasy didn't have to conform to it
>It's almost entirely based on western european medieval culture and events, down to the plots
What the actual fuck is wrong with americans
they tried to include more exotic influences
that's why the lannister equipment looks like samurai armor
When jon and davos are walking into the city theres a guy to jons left. A lannister soldier comes from the right and everyone turns. Then one comes from the left and hits that guy to jons left in the throat. Then jon kills the lannister soldier
DAS RITE white boi.
its probably not supposed to be but they only had the one horse on set and wanted to get their moneys worth
I liked seeing the completely still, unmanned scorpions getting burned in the background while Jon did his best 'Nam shellshocked impression
lmao he looked like he was running faster than the horses for some of it
Was anyone else disapointed this guy didn't even speak?
As soon as I saw him I realised D&D had fucked up by not giving him some solo scenes. GOT has always been about every major player getting a character, no real heroes and villians.It made the battle less tense, but I guess it was more about the massacre.
If the euron ambush that killed one dragon was handled by the it'd tie it all together better, have Dany be surprised at the volume of ballistae fire, narrowly escaping the valley on dragon, and the other dragon only be taken down by "one lucky shot". This would mitigate the one eighty that we got, where one dragon gets nuked by three seemingly precise shots, only for the other to later Dodge a hundred or more. I can buy that dragon could avoid and destroy all the scorpions but only if they barely managed to take out (viscerion or rheagal I can't remember)
>thousands of brown men landing in the west is somehow unrealistic
You don't watch the news much, do you?
Even dumber when he can't pierce the Mountain's armor easily, which is the same armor but bigger.
In fact, the mountain was the only person whose armor actually worked effectively in like the last 3 seasons.
so jewish.
>No, it wasn't. In fact, it was a lot cheaper and easier to produce than chainmail and other armors that came before it. Nobles had fancier versions of it, but it was affordable to the grand majority of the soldiers of the time, which were either mercenaries or landowners who were specifically under contract to buy their own armor and weapons and train for war.
It depends where and when. The Middle Ages covered a continent and 1000 years.
>It especially annoys me because it would have made the plot BETTER if it was just the northmen left. Dany could have been shown as being pissed that she lost her actual army, and the northmen mostly lives.
If they did it right, Dany would fly to Deepwood Motte and scare the Glovers into swearing fealty to her. The Glovers still have men because they sat out the Battle of Winterfell. Also, Jon Snow should have been made the lord of the Dreadfort, and he'd rename it. Sansa would betroth to Robert Arryn, explaining what she was plotting with Lord Royce. So now Sansa is effectively in control of the soldiers from the Vale. This makes Danaerys' Northern opposition stronger and isolates her even more. On the way south, you'd have a viewpoint from Jon, who marches the army through The Neck. Howland Reed shows up with more troops and tells Jon the truth firsthand about what happened at the Tower of Joy. Then the Riverlands would surrender to this growing army of Jon, Edmure Tully would be released and installed as the lord of the Riverlands.
This would make Danaerys' apprehensions about people liking Jon much more apparent and real.
It's the pale horse of death metaphor.
Because, like, so many people died. So to remind you audience, there was a lot of death. This episode was about death.
White men are over
>Golden Jobbers fight outside the walls
Why do d&d keep doing this
Also represents the fact that Arya is going to go bring death to Daenerys because green eyes are on the list and Arya has totally seen how evil she is now. Pottery.
I don't get it, ware they elite in the books ? The moment shit went down I thought they would regroup and be like right lads, man the formation and go forward, for some reason I genuinely thought there's no way its all for fucking show with gilded runic plate armors
>They didn't bathe or wash their clothes anywhere near as well or as often as we did.
Yeah. Only when they got dirty.
digits witnessed
The best mercenary company money could buy, never failed a contract, lavishly equipped with the best gear up to and including elephants.
Or dragon fodder.
As terrible as it was, at least greyworm fans can still say that maybe he did what he did because he didint know better, and wasas supposed to follow the queen no matter what. Dany fans on the other hand will be hiding under rocks for the next 6 months.
>that many dothraki after battle of winterfell and the suicide charge
>having your men OUTSIDE the wall, not to mention they have a dragon
fuck you
holy shit, thats the same exact thing I thought. only time to ever send people out the front gate when defending a city is to destroy siege weapons
>Screenshot showing Lithuanian Troops
>Has the Teutonic Flag
>I'll accept that they killed one off to save on budget
For little bits of this single episode? How often would they have needed to be on-screen together?
This is how you do it better:
>Last episode, scorpions scare off the 2 dragons, maybe injuring one. Some of the fleet gets toasted.
>This episode, just as the Lannister army is about to surrender, injured dragon is finished off by one of the last scorpions, adding to Dany's anger and pushing her over the edge into burning everything
I noticed at one point one armoured guy got almost cut in half by a sword slash and thought 'How fucking strong would you have to be to manage that?'.
There are a few bad shots but generally the episode looked amazing. I think your expectations are really high for a television show.
It's not that far fetched to think that the kingsgaurd only contains useful idiots that are on it for political reason instead of combat prowess.
If he knew he wouldn't have agreed to the contract.
doesn't the golden company choose contracts that favors the winners? why didn't they immediately reject the contract the moment they heard they were facing off against dragons
very well equipped but had a reputation for only choosing contracts where their client was very likely to win
you gonna tell me this nigger rolls into KL looking the spitting image of s01 jaime and cersei doesnt fuck him?
nu-kings guard were full of shitters and literal whos aside from the mountain
>Dany loses half the unsullied, 95% of the Dothraki and Rhaegal
>northern forces depleted from battle of Winterfell
>Cersei has the entire iron fleet, fresh rested Lannister army and Entire Golden company, who are supposed to be the best of the best
>had time to fortify Kings landing with hundreds of 360 no scope scorpions
And after all that talk of Dany losing so much of her force that the battle for Kings landing would be close, she utterly wrecks them in minutes. The army didn’t even have to be there and she would have won easily. It makes the decision to not attack kings landing immediately after reaching Westeros seem even more retarded, seeing as she could have wrecked Cersei with 1 dragon and 10% of her force while the rest goes north to fight the white walkers.
And what the fuck was the point of those absolute faggots in the Golden company? Cersei really became retarded in the last few seasons. She thought the Golden company and their elephants, along with the iron fleet, would be enough to take Danaerys full 100,000 strong Dothraki horde and 3 dragons? Absolutely laughable
That's how it is in all my animes
They got shot in the back by a fucking dragon. Dude regains consciousness just in time to see a category 5 chimp out descending on him.
Pretty sure he handled it better than Yea Forums crackas could
History, dipshit. In the era of plate armor armies were small and composed almost exclusively of professionals. When regular commoners did go to fight it was usually as part of territorial or urban militias that pooled cash to afford weapons and armor.
Wait, I never realized Jaime was played by Kevin Bacon in S1.
>force of slave soldiers in the 1200s
No such thing in Europe.
Medieval amor doesn't really protect against stabs that well. It is mainly useful against slashing attacks.
Those scorpions were fucked loaded too, just that everyone decided to abandon their post or just forgot about them.
There’s no way all the Dothraki died in that charge, there were supposedly 100,000 of them. Even if a few hundred survived its enough to make a difference. Not that it mattered since Drogon singlehandedly BTFO the iron fleet and Kings landing
That's not chainmail, retard, those are brigandines and plate. The drawing is clearly from the mid 1400s.
As contemporary to them as WW2 is to you
As contemporary to them as the Napoleonic wars
Plate armor was ubiquitous on the late 15th century battlefield, but stop posting pictures of battles decades or centuries earlier.
Judging by the gear it looks like it was drawn 1440-1460
I never realized GoT was set in precisely 1465.
Stop going on tangents, retard. You claim that everybody having plate armor is unrealistic even though there was almost a century long period where this was the case.
All you're doing by continuing is proving your own retardation.
>let me self insert myself into everything
unironically have sex
That was my first post in this thread, I just don't want him to stop posting pictures like you clearly do.
>*Record Scratch*
>*Freeze Frame*
Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how i ended up in this situation.
>I wasn't wrong you just didn't read my mind
He has a magical great sword made or a meteorite in the books
>EP 4
>The scorpions fire off like they're medieval gatling guns
>EP 5
>They don't even bother reloading
Tbf, all those peasants who made up the bulk of the early and high medieval armies were serfs. So basically slaves.
>pre-Cersei king's guard
>actual armor made of plates, scale, and mail
>new king's guard
>leather shit made to look like painted plate with some metal bits on the arms and helmet
No shit he could tear through them.
The scorpions being able to reliably take down the dragons in the first place was retardation. what happened in ep5 made way more sense. The whole point of he dragons is that they’re virtually unstoppable WMDs but beyond that they have no practical use.
>golden company?
I don't mind seeing the greatest mercenary group getting one-shotted by a dragon to show how a dragon is practically a nuke, the greatest warriors in the world doesn't mean a damn.
But the Golden Company weren't even hyped up that much, that could just as well have been Lannister men getting burned. Their inclusion felt pretty wasted and pointless.
Wtf those 2 faggots are doing on the right?
Anime makes me puke
>golden company
>Iron Bank
Only whites are white walkers and they died long ago.
he just loves horse armor
he thinks it's the coolest shit
Bran warged the horse