>Destroys Thanos big ass ship single handedly
>Makes Thanos kneel
>Wasn't even Binary form
Seriously, Captain Marvel is so overpowered it almost feels like cheating. If she wasn't such a Mommy i would be mad.
Captain Marvel Vs Thanos
none of the marvel superpowers are balanced because there's always a new thing each character can do for narrative purposes. it doesn't matter because marvel isn't blizzard. they're not designing a game .
Comic Thanos would kill her in one hit.
>beats hulk in 30 seconds
>iron man makes him bleed
>people are bothered that capt marvel is marvel's version of superman
I won't argue against that, but so far marvel has been keeping her far away from earth so what's the problem. And when she did come, she didn't really do much honestly. Wanda and based Ant-Man could've nuked the mothership in no time. She didn't do all that much, maybe break his fingers, if even that.
I'd rather have that than that neet superman always being on earth so literally nothing can happen. bleh.
>so what's the problem
They built up Thanos for nearly 6 years and Captain Marvel swooped in out of nowhere to show up most of the characters anybody actually liked. Unearned victory.
>every movie from now on
>"where's captain marvel? she could help"
>"she's in space doing space things, we'll have to deal with this on our own"
I still think she really didn't do anything, but maybe that's just me. What she did do was make me like Rhodey because he called her out on her bullshit while everyone else was sucking her off.
>implying she wouldn't have an abortion
She's a wine aunt who ends up dying alone with cats.
>so what's the problem
Putting her in Avengers movies, that's the problem.
It's the reason that Thor wasn't in Civil War and Infinity. He was too powerful and logically would lead to an unwinnable disadvantage to whomever's side he would have chosen. He comes back at the end of Infinity War and basically wins the battle for everyone.
And that's what Captain Marvel is now already in her very first Avengers movie, BULLSHIT excuse to keep her out of the entire movie except for the very end where she almost wins it for everyone. So why have team when it's just her and what kind of threats does she have to face in her movies to make it seem fitting of her power level and why aren't all those threats deemed worthy of calling in the Avengers.
Funny, Phase II was literally everyone going "Why didn't characters even acknowledge calling for help, dOn'T tHeY kNoW tHeY'rE iN a UnIvErSe" which evolved into every movie including this shit. Was good when Hank called Scott a retard for suggesting that, but eh. They could go back to ignoring this entirely, at least judging from Fury calling Peter a little bitch and to not rely on others.
One of the caveats of shared universes, I guess. People were mad for Tony not calling Cap in IM3, people are mad for everyone asking about Captain now.
Well even if she didn't do much she still saved Tony and Nebula and prevented Thanos from doing the snap. Also destroyed his ship
>What she did do was make me like Rhodey because he called her out on her bullshit while everyone else was sucking her off.
He can be honest with her because they're fucking (at least they were in the comic).
Carol would be the strongest and most caring mommy in the MCU
What's the problem with Captain Marvel?
all the other heroes become irrelevant near her will come useless
this never happens in the comics and when it happens the directions make the character die or lose the powers
But MCU is in the creative hands of Kevin Feige, who did a bad job with the X-Men and now he shows that he alone can not shape a universe
Capitain Marvel is the proof of how he does not know the universe of super heroes
I'll agree they went full Buu saga with her jump in powerlevel, but it's not too late to tone her down, the stones being destroyed yada yada (would have to nerf based Wanda for consistency, fuck). But her being offworld in every movie except for two minutes in team ups, not a big deal for me.
>what kind of threats does she have to face in her movies to make it seem fitting of her power level
Yeah, this one will be tough. I wish Tony didn't snap the Black Order so Corvus could just nerf her with his glaive and call it a day. Maw was criminally underutilized also.
>it’s why Thor wasn’t in civil war
The movie literally has Vision play the mediator/babysitter role despite the very reasons you listed.
Power levels do not need to be consistent among everyone. That would be a crutch for bad writing.
>Expressed apprehension that Captain Marvel would show up and easily overpower Thanos
>She does but he's dead on his feet
>Also predicted that the film would hype her up only to have Thanos subvert it
>In their second fight she seems to overpower him but he lays her out and sends her rocketing into another continent
Zemo had no powers whatsoever and he completely annihilated the Avengers. All it takes is good writing for a villain to be competent against heroes that are way above him. After all, isn't that what also heroes do all the time? Overcoming low probabilities?
Comic Hulk too.
>But her being offworld in every movie except for two minutes in team ups, not a big deal for me.
But SHE is not Thor. And her not being present (MCU's Wonder Woman, NOT BEING PRESENT) will be a huge problem. You know it.
Vision had Wanda romance as a scapegoat or leverage in the battle. Thor didn't have those ties.
>Zemo had no powers whatsoever
If you don't count the brainwashed, bionic armed super soldier he was manipulating.
If you think Thor wouldn’t have bad a preference towards Caps side, you know nothing of his character, not even considering his disdain for Tony.
And it’s not like Vision didn’t have his own disposition for being pro Accords.
The point is him being overpowered compared to everyone else in the movie doesn’t ruin it.
>has 30 seconds of screen time
>gets ko'd by thanos
>still seething about her
You would have thought a gauntlet that could wipe out half the universe would be her top priority? She just seemed to swoop in at random points and just piss over everything because she was so overpowered.
>binary form
WTF? It's 2019. It should be Genderfluid form. NON BINARY.
I don't think any film other than the last one/two (if we go by first 10 years) of the next saga will even have a threat great enough to even MENTION Capt Marvel. Surely people realize the stakes just aren't big enough. Heck, Fury didn't give a fuck until half of the world literally disappeared either and he's the only one who actually knows her.
>minor threat on Earth
>should we call Marvel
>Rhodey tells them to stop being pussies
>movie continues
Truly the best Avenger.
I, for one, can't wait to see Doom btfo her like Thanos did.
who else liked thanos bonking marvel with the power stone? it was mildly clever and moderately satisfying
>If you think Thor wouldn’t have bad a preference towards Caps side, you know nothing of his character, not even considering his disdain for Tony.
>And it’s not like Vision didn’t have his own disposition for being pro Accords.
No that is my point. THOR "logically" has a side you would assume he favors giving caps team a huge if not insurmountable advantage.Vision, while yes just as powerful, at least powerful enough to give Thor a run for his money and even out the team has Wanda as an Achilles heel, as means of being manipulated or tricked or to cause some crucial moment of hesitation. Which is how she was used. Thor had no such counterbalance present.
You'd need the villain to literally kill captain marvel to make him a threat now I'd imagine.
Which would actually make a decent storyline, the remaining avengers trying to win without the big guns like cap and stark
That was great, I wish Thanos made use of the separate stones more though.
That would be very ballsy but it would also cement the villain as a force to be reckoned with in one scene. Can't say I expect it any time soon, but a villain humiliating her like Thanos did Hulk, I can see that happening.
This is thin ice territory now, because if he deals with Marvel how will the others ever win in a somewhat realistic fashion and if he can't, then he's not really all that threatening.
I think that people vastly overestimate how powerful she actually is. Yeah, she hald back Thanos' gauntlet but so did Cap and he's just a guy on steroids. Furthermore, she didn't really do anything impressive in her own film, actually all she did display was having a knack for headbutting through spaceships. Hardly the Exodia against villains.
Power levels don't matter and they'll be whatever the story needs them to be. Tony used the nano-gauntlet for fuck's sake.