Reminder that Steven Crowder voiced Brain on Arthur
Reminder that Steven Crowder voiced Brain on Arthur
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>fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
change my mind
Only for a little while and not in any major episodes
he voiced him for like a season. fuck off with this clickbaity shit
Reminder that Steven Crowder is a paid shill too cowardly to debate anyone but random college students
>college students are stupid
Thanks for admitting it I guess
Reminder that Brain is a nigger and Stephen was doing the voice actor equivalent of blackface
is that the jekyll jekyll hyde guy
>Its real
Any clips?
Brain is a nigger??? Bullshit, his IQ is a digit too high to be a shitskin
He's in the second segment of this episode.
He's in the show from 2000-2002
It's not like it's some sort of secret or anything
Just go to any campus and you can't throw a dart without hitting a moron just like in regular society 60-80% are idiots who won't amount to anything and the rest are true achievers who might burn out in the future
haha fr*ckin epic
>checks the end credits
Holy crap, you're right.
Reminder that Harry Shearer voiced Sneed on The Simpsons
he voiced everyone
He didn't voice Farmer #1 or Farmer #2
Yes, young adults fresh out of high school are stupid, what grand point do you think you're making.
Dude was a virgin until his 30s. That says everything you need to know
who did, satan?
im actually curious, sneedposter
Hank Azaria
Karl Wiedergott
goddamn your fast, thanks sneedposter
and nice dubs
Mr Ratburn has been confirmed as gay in the show as of 2019
>literal 19 year olds aren't confident public speakers, that can list off statistics with sources as well as a guy that prepares for days/weeks in advance
It's pretty one sided regardless of intellect
also the show was never subtle about the fact he preferred dudes
>always gets memed for being an obvious pedo
>turns out to be gay
like potwork
Bro why
Arthur always seemed fairly conservative when it came to morals
>season 22
Guess I've missed a lot, how are they not out of comfy small-town plots yet?
>Toddlers aren't strong enough to fight an average sized male
>Thanks for admitting it I guess
This is how dumb you sound lol.
What the fuck
I can't take it anymore. I miss the time when gays were openly mocked but most people were still tolerant of them. Now we have fucking faggots parading the streets sucking dick on TV and shoving dildos up every one of their orifices. I am unironically considering suicide before I turn 50.
Why does he look like a slant here, was it ever revealed what ethnicity he was supposed to be? iirc there weren't any asians in the main group of characters
>was it ever revealed what ethnicity he was supposed to be?
Doesn't "Ratburn" make it obvious?
Showing a humanizing depiction of gays isn't the same as them doing sexual shit in public
is that guy an aardvark?
does mr ratburn secretly want to fuck Arthur?
PBS confirmed that there will be a 10-minute unsimulated gay sex scene in the S22 premiere
God damned you are stupid, FUCK I hate you. They chose to celebrate Kwanzaa that year to scratch an intellectual itch, not because they are necessarily black. Were you evening paying attention, you dopey fuck. Learn the lore.
>it's real
Arthur and his family are aardvarks, Ratburn is a rat.